Dangerous Secrets (The Kingpin Book 2)

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Dangerous Secrets (The Kingpin Book 2) Page 12

by Brooke Summers

  I grab her hand after exiting the car and together we walk towards the vacated bar. “Whatever's about to go down here you cannot stop it. You are going to see me as the boss, therefore you have to treat me as such. You cannot publicly disobey me or challenge me, to do so is seen as an act of disrespect. Do you understand?” I try to keep my voice as soft as I can but also let her know what she has to do to be a part of this world.

  “Hudson, I would never disrespect you, that's just not me. If I have a problem with something, I wouldn't say it publicly. I'd wait until we were alone to talk to you about it,” she replies instantly.

  “Good, but what I do is my choice as the boss, you may not like that and that's fine. You can vent to me about it but you will not change the way I am.”

  She tuts. “I don't want to change who you are, Hudson. I fell in love with you. That includes the parts of you that are sweet, loving, and caring, but also the parts of you that aren’t. I fell in love with the Boss and I understand these things. I've had so much time to think about this. You are what I want and that means taking you as you are. Just as you're taking me as I am.” Fuck she’s amazing.

  “How the fuck do you get to be so wise?” Dad asks, eavesdropping on our conversation.

  Heat rises up her cheeks and she glances away down at floor. “I didn't realize everyone was listening,” she confesses quietly.

  “Ignore them. Both Dad and Jagger love you, they're teasing you because they do care about you,” I inform her and am rewarded with a bright smile.

  “He's right, just as Jagger and Hudson have said they would lay their lives down for you, I will too. Mia, you have made my son the happiest I have ever seen him. Not only that, but hearing you tell him that you are not going to change him just proves what a truly special young lady you really are. I’m going to protect you, Mia, not because you are my wife's daughter or my son's future wife, but because of the special unique young lady you truly are.” Damn Dad. That’s the most meaningful thing I’ve ever heard him say to anyone.

  Mia’s eyes fill with tears. I smile, she cries when people are nice to her but steels herself when they’re not. She's one of a kind, that’s for sure.



  This bar Hudson brought me to, it looks like it should be condemned. Looking up, I see there are slates missing, the windows are boarded up, and the walls look black with dirt. I'm scared to enter it in case it falls all around me, trapping us inside and killing us all in the process, but I know that Hudson wouldn’t bring me anywhere that’s unsafe. Hearing Harrison tell me that this is the happiest he’s ever seen Hudson and it’s because of me, meant everything. I was gobsmacked when he told me that he’d protect me not because of the people he loves love me, but because of me. I’ve never felt as much love as I have since I met Hudson, his family and friends have done nothing but show me love and respect.

  As soon as I walk into the bar I know we're not alone, groaning from the left makes me turn to see what is making the noise. My eyes widen as I see three people tied to chairs, I’m horrified as I watch as blood trickles down one of the men’s faces. He’s got a cut to his eyebrow, a part of me wants to rush over and stop the bleeding but I know that I can’t, it’ll go against what Hudson just told me. He is the boss and he obviously wants whatever is happening to happen. So I fight the urge and keep my head held high. Never show fear. It’s something my dad used to tell me and it’s something that has kind of come to the forefront of my brain in the past couple of days.

  Glancing around this bar, I notice it’s completely empty. There’s no tables or chairs, no fixtures or fittings at all, hell there’s a concrete floor beneath my feet. It’s a shell, so much could be done with this place, so much potential. I’m curious as to why Hudson has it empty.

  Hudson doesn’t say a word to the men that are tied up, he walks past them and towards the door that I presume leads to the back. I didn’t see the man that kept me prisoner tied to the chair, so I’m guessing he’s in a room behind the door that Hudson’s leading us through. When he pushes the door open, I hold my breath, ready to come face to face with the man that was part of the reason why Lacey died. I’m standing behind Hudson, his body keeping mine hidden as I walk in behind him.

  This cellar is in complete darkness except for a tiny light above the man that’s sitting there. He’s not bleeding like I thought he would be, especially after seeing the man on the way in. He doesn’t look in pain, and a part of me is disappointed at seeing him sitting there with a smug smile on his face. I’m grateful that he can’t see me. I observe him, the cockiness he’s got. It doesn’t make sense, he should be scared, he could die and yet he doesn’t look like a man on the edge of life.

  “You made it through the night,” Hudson’s voice is deep, anger pouring out with every word he says. I’ve never heard him like this before and I automatically take a step back.

  “Mia, it’s still him,” Jagger whispers, as his hands grab my shoulders effectively stopping me from taking another step backward.

  I watch as Hudson’s body tenses, his head turning and he pins me with a dark look. He’s angry, and I bite my lip hating that I’m the reason that he’s mad. “You haven’t told us who hired you yet. That is going to change.” Hudson’s tone sends shivers through my spine, I understand now what the difference is between the boss and my Hudson. They’re so opposite, right now, I don’t see the Hudson I know and love.

  The man spits at Hudson and it misses barely, just landing inches from his polished shoes. “Go to hell.”

  “Been there. You took what is mine,” Hudson growls, as he takes a step closer to him. “You are the reason that an innocent woman died.”

  A knock at the door, makes me jump, I didn’t think anyone else was coming here. Jagger releases me and goes to find out who’s at the door. Hudson walks over to me. “Mia?” he questions, his eyes darker than I’d ever witnessed.

  I can’t lie to him, there’s no way I’d do that to him. I love him too much to do it. “I didn’t expect you to be so different. Your voice was hard and it scared me.”

  He shows no emotion at my words. “You can leave if you wish.” His voice tight, it’s the boss that’s talking to me now, not Hudson.

  I stare at him, looking deep into those gorgeous brown eyes of his. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Mia, things have just started, they’re going to get a hell of a lot worse. If you can’t deal with how I am now, you won’t be able to cope with what’s yet to come.”

  “I know that, I’m prepared for that.”

  A dark laugh escapes him. “Oh Mia, you think you are but you’re not. What’s about to come is going to scare the hell out of you. You are about to witness me and Jagger at our worst.”

  Those words make me shiver and he doesn’t miss it at all, I’m loving this dark side of him. “Bring it on.” I think he’s testing me, seeing if I’m able to be by his side through it all.

  He smirks and I know that he’s going to push me to my limits but I won’t break. “Okay, Princess, let’s see.”

  I raise my brow at him, I’m not going to fall, I’ve been through hell and I’m slowly starting to crawl my way back. I lower my voice so that no one can overhear what I’m about to say, I move forward so that we’re only inches apart. “You haven’t heard what I’ve said. You are it for me Hudson, you are my safe place. No matter if you’re Hudson or the boss. I’m taking you every way I can.”

  His hand reaches up, cupping my chin. “You’re a mystery aren’t you?”

  I shake my head, “No. I’m not. I love you Hudson.”

  His eyes fill with lust. “Love you too, Princess, but you don’t have to prove anything to me, to anyone.”

  I kiss his lips, even as the boss he’s putting me first. “I’m not, I’m here because I need to be here for me. Having you here with me means that I’m stronger but I’m not proving anything. Now go find out who hired him.”

  His lips twist. “Yes Ma’am.”
He winks at me before he turns back to face the asshole. His eyes darken with rage yet again. “Do you know who I am?”

  The laughter from Hudson’s captive chills my bones. “No, but you don’t know who I am either.”

  The door opens and I turn to see the outline of Jagger walking in, he’s not alone, I can see four more outlines walking in behind him. Who are they? “Boss?” Jagger says quietly, he doesn’t seem angry so he must know whoever these people are.

  Hudson takes a step backward, he doesn’t turn to look at Jagger, his eyes fixated on his opponent. “Jag?”

  “Boss, his name is Kevin Lesser, he’s a thug who works for anyone who pays him. He has no wife or partner nor does he have any children. His parents are dead and his sister Hayley has disowned him.” Jagger informs him, loud enough for only Hudson and I to hear him.

  Hudson nods. “Mr Lesser, you’re a pitiful fool. No one in your life to care that you’re not going to make it through another day.”

  I finally have a name to put to the face of a monster. Keven Lesser.

  Kevin’s face drains of all color, the cockiness it once held is long gone and finally the fear is shining through. “How do you know who I am?”

  “I know everything, including the fact that your sister Hayley disowned you.” The mocking in Hudson’s voice makes me feel uncomfortable

  There’s movement to my left, I know instantly that Harrison is moving closer to me. It’s sweet that he’s worried but he doesn’t need to be, I’m doing okay… for now.

  “What do you want from me?” he asks but he already knows the answer to that.

  “You’re testing my patience, who hired you?” Hudson asks him yet again, although I think he’s calmer than he was before he found out who he was.

  “I don’t understand,” Kevin shouts as Jagger advances on him. “Hired me for what?”

  “Hired to kidnap two women and keep them in a basement,” Jagger tells him and that southern drawl he has is deadly. Both he and Hudson are able to add so much menace to their voices that they take away the men that I know them to be.

  Kevin’s eyes go wide, he finally connects the dots as to why he’s here. “Why?”

  I shake my head, that wasn’t the right thing to say.

  “Why?” Hudson’s anger vibrating with every syllable he says. “You kidnapped my woman and you’re asking me why I want to know who hired you?”

  “What? Your woman?”

  Hudson sighs. “Yes, my woman. The gorgeous brunette.”

  I bite my lip to hide my smile.

  “I wasn’t told who they were.”

  My hand reaches out and I connect with Harrison, I squeeze it slightly. “Mia?” He questions, his voice barely above a whisper.

  “He’s lying, the very first night he told us that the boss would inform us why we were there. Not only that, he said that the boss would be happy that they got two of their girls,” I tell him, my voice loud enough for him to hear.

  “You’re a liar, Kevin, you know exactly who I am. You said that your boss would be happy that you had two of our girls, so how about we try this one last time? Who hired you?” Hudson says through clenched teeth. Christ, Hudson’s got impeccable hearing.

  Kevin glances around the room. “How did you know that? Where’s that bitch?”

  The room fills with the sound of bones crunching.

  “You do not call my woman a bitch,” Hudson yells and it’s fucked up but I like this side to him, I find it really sexy.

  “I didn’t mean your woman, the blonde. She was the only person who could have heard.” He’s such a weasel, he’s trying his best to come across as a badass but in all honesty he’s nothing but an asshole.

  “That blonde? Her name was Lacey. And because of you she’s dead.” Jagger’s voice calm.

  “Dead? No...No, you have it wrong. She’s not dead,” Kevin mumbles.

  “Yes she is. Your boss put two bullets into her and she bled out while my girl held her.” Hudson’s breathing is getting heavier, he’s keeping his distance from Kevin, but I can tell that he wants nothing more than to beat him until all the anger escapes him.

  “Liar,” he screams.

  I step forward unable to listen to anymore of the lies he somehow has made himself believe. “He has hurt people. He hurt Lacey when he pulled that trigger, twice.”

  Kevin’s eyes widen. “You?”

  “Yes, me.”

  “I never hurt you. I looked after you,” he tells me and I don’t really care if he did or didn’t. He fed me, yes, but he took my dignity and every ounce of belief I had. “I looked after you,” he repeats as if he’s hoping that I’m going to get him out of this.

  “Were you the one to render her unconscious when she entered her house?” Hudson grounds out and Kevin’s silence is telling.

  “So you did hurt her,” Jagger says slapping the back of his head.

  “I’m sorry,” he tells me, he’s not sincere and his apology means nothing to me. “But, you’re wrong about my boss, he wouldn’t have hurt you or your friend.”

  “He did, he killed Lacey and he didn’t even give a shit. Who is he?” I demand, my voice stronger than I thought it would be.

  “You’re wrong. Why are you lying?” he screams at me, his body lunging forward as if he’s trying to reach for me. Jagger’s hand clamps down on his shoulder and pulls him back.

  I lose it, the bullshit he’s spewing out, it’s making me so mad. I’m in a red haze of anger. “I’m not lying and your boss isn’t a good man. Good men don’t hold people hostage. Good men don’t shoot people and good men certainly don’t rape people,” I yell, each word reverberating off the walls.

  “No,” He whispers.

  “Yes,” I reply, my chest heaving as I try and regain my breath.

  “Who?” he asks trying to wriggle out of Jagger’s hold.

  “Me.” I’m not afraid anymore, I’m ashamed but not afraid. I hear the deep intakes of breath from the men around the room at my confession. I stand up taller, I’m not letting them see that I’m affected. “Who is it?”

  He shakes his head. “I can’t.”

  “Why can’t you?” I don’t understand, if he said he’d never tell that would be one thing but to say he can’t, that just pisses me off.

  “Because I can’t.” He sounds defeated, lost almost.

  It’s in that moment that I realize why he won’t. “You love him, that’s why you can’t.”

  He nods, “I’m sorry.”

  I shake my head. “Don’t apologize to me, I don’t want nor need your apology. Can you live with yourself knowing that the man you love killed someone? That he raped someone?”

  Tears well in his eyes. “I have to believe that he’s a good man, that he didn’t do those things.”

  My anger boils once again, this is what I never wanted to happen. Someone to believe that I lied. I take a step closer to him, Hudson’s hand reaches out and clamps around my wrist. I’m not to take another step. I grab a hold of his hand and squeeze it like a lifeline. “He did, he grabbed a hold of my leg and pulled me down the mattress. He took my clothes off and no matter how hard I kicked, how hard I begged he wouldn’t listen.”

  “Stop,” he begs.

  “Yes, that’s what I said and he wouldn’t stop, he didn’t care what I said, what I wanted. He took from me. He hurt me. He pushed inside of me, violating me and he didn’t care that he was hurting me, that he took something from me, something I’m never going to get back.” I can’t stop talking, everything is spilling out of me.

  “Stop it.”

  “Why should I? He never stopped, not until he climaxed, why should I stop to make you feel better? You’re hiding a rapist and a killer. Why can’t you tell us who it is?”

  “I can’t,” he reiterates.

  “Tell me!” I scream at him as Hudson pulls me against his chest.

  “Martin,” he cries. “His name’s Martin Jackson.”

  Hudson’s arms around me convulses. “M
artin Jackson?”

  I turn in his arms and bury my head against his chest. His arms tightens around me, and I love that he’s not pushing me away.

  “Yes,” Kevin replies. “Do you know him?”

  “So you and Martin are a thing?” Jagger asks, disgust in his voice.

  “Yes, have been for years. How do you know Martin? Why are you so disgusted? Welcome to the twenty first century.” Kevin sounds as though he’s in shock.

  I’m a bit confused at Jagger, love is love and he shouldn’t be disgusted that Martin and Kevin are together.

  “You’re still protecting the animal, I don’t give a fuck if he likes pussy or dick. What I give a fuck about is that he violated a woman that I care about and he shot another.”

  That’s why he’s so disgusted, because Martin hurt me, and because Martin has betrayed Hudson.

  “What’s Martin’s plan?” Hudson asks, he’s regained his composure. I pull away but he doesn’t let me go, he pulls me back against his body.

  “I don’t know, I haven’t spoken to him in a few days.” Kevin’s lost all the fight he had. He’s just a man that’s in love and has been used.

  “Fine,” Hudson growls. “Jagger, take our guest out and bring one of the others in.”

  Jagger lifts Kevin from the chair and drags him out of the room, as he does he hits the switch and the room’s instantly illuminated. I blink harshly as I adjust to the light.

  “Leave us,” Hudson says and as one the rest of the men leave the room.

  “Are you okay?” I ask as soon as we have the room to ourselves.

  He laughs. “That’s what I was going to ask you. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  My hands slide up to his face, I frame his head with my fingers. “You just found out that a man you trusted betrayed you. That has to hurt.”

  He presses a soft kiss against my nose, I tug his head down so that his lips are touching mine. “Princess, I’m done with him, I’m pissed that an innocent man was killed because of the lies he told.”


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