The Naughtiest Unicorn on a School Trip

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The Naughtiest Unicorn on a School Trip Page 1

by Pip Bird

  For Madeleine and Theo – RLO

  For Eliza – LB

  For Chloe – David O’Connell

  Cover and interior illustrations by David O’Connell

  Special thanks to Rebecca Lewis-Oakes and Liz Bankes

  Text first published in Great Britain in 2020

  by Egmont UK Limited

  2 Minster Court, London EC3R 7BB

  Text copyright © 2020 Egmont UK Ltd

  Illustrations copyright © 2020 David O’Connell

  First e-book edition 2020

  ISBN 978 1 4052 9716 5

  Ebook ISBN 9781 4052 9717 2

  A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library

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  Dedication And Copyright

  Title Page

  Chapter One: Tick Tock, Tick Tock

  Chapter Two: All Aboard the Rainbow Bus!

  Chapter Three: Are We Nearly There Yet?

  Chapter Four: Tap Tap Tap – Crack!

  Chapter Five: Picnic Time

  Chapter Six: Quests, Chicks and Kitticorns

  Chapter Seven: Rescue Mission!

  Chapter Eight: Gift-tastic

  Which Animal-Icorn Are You?

  Unicorn Jokes

  Back series promotional page

  Tick tock, tick tock, BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

  ‘Good morning, Rani!’ said Mira as her big sister opened her eyes.

  ‘GGAAAARRRRRGH!!!’ Rani screamed. ‘Why are you in my face?!’

  Mira threw down the alarm clock and started jumping up and down on her sister’s bed. ‘We’ve got to get to Unicorn School! It’s MY SCHOOL TRIP TODAY!’ Mira yelled. She was waving her signed permission slip in the air. ‘I’m almost ready! I just need to make my packed lunch.’

  ‘Get OFF !’ Rani shoved Mira off the bed and stuck her head under the pillow.

  Mira jumped on to the floor, hopping from foot to foot. ‘What do you think I should have in my sandwiches, tuna or cheese?’

  ‘GO AWAY!’ Rani flung a pillow at her little sister.

  ‘Okay, bye! See you downstairs!’ Mira dodged the pillow and scooped up their cat Pickles for a cuddle on the way.

  Soon, she’d be cuddling Dave, her UBFF (unicorn best friend forever). He was the best unicorn in the world. Sure, he could be pretty grumpy. And he ALWAYS wanted to eat snacks or have a nap and this often got them both into trouble. And he certainly wasn’t as glittery as some of the other unicorns (he was much more farty). BUT Dave was Mira’s UBFF and they always ended up having the most brilliant adventures and LOADS of fun.

  Unicorn School was Mira’s favourite place in the whole world. They went on quests around the Fearsome Forest, hung out with Darcy and Raheem and their unicorns AND earned medals. She couldn’t wait to go back!

  After Mira had made her sandwiches (she’d decided on cheese) and had some breakfast, it was time to get dressed.

  ‘I wish I could wear my kitticorn pyjamas to school, Pickles,’ Mira said, stroking the picture of the adorable kitticorn on her PJs. A kitticorn was a super cute baby cat that had a horn just like a unicorn. She’d found a book about them in the Unicorn School library and ever since then she’d been OBSESSED – drawing tons of pictures of them, keeping a list of her Top Ten Kitticorn Facts and making her very own kitticorn toy out of cotton wool and a loo roll (even though Rani said it looked more like a weird pig).

  Mira was longing to meet a kitticorn in real life, but they were VERY rare. She was planning to ask the Unicorn School teachers if they’d ever seen one. But first she had to get to Unicorn School!

  As soon as Mira and Rani were dressed, it was time to leave. Rani was still grumbling about having to get up so early, but Mira was so excited about her very first Unicorn School trip that she chatted non-stop in the car on the way to the Magic Portal, and all the way round the supermarket.

  Most people brought their unicorns treats like hay or carrots. But Dave liked doughnuts best of all. Unfortunately the shop didn’t have any doughnuts, so Mira brought some custard cream biscuits instead. She’d read that custard creams were a kitticorn’s favourite food, and so she was sure Dave would like them, too! They were on offer so she got five packets.

  Mira checked and double-checked her bag for her packed lunch and permission slip. She didn’t want anything to get in the way of her first school trip. She didn’t even know where they were going yet! It was all so exciting.

  When they arrived at the Magic Portal, it wasn’t as busy as usual. It was only Mira’s class, Class Red, who had a school trip and had to arrive super early. There was something extra special about being at the portal before most other people had got there, and before the sun was even properly up. It felt like going on holiday!

  ‘Have a lovely school trip, Mira!’ said Mum, giving her a big hug, while Rani yawned loudly in her ear.

  ‘Thanks, Mum. Oh look, there’s Raheem!’ Mira ran towards Raheem, waving back at her mum. ‘See you sooooooon!’

  Raheem was one of Mira’s best friends at Unicorn School. Along with Darcy, the three of them always had brilliant adventures. Raheem was clutching his briefcase and looking a bit bleary-eyed. Mira sprinted over and knocked him off balance with a huge hug.

  ‘Woohoo! Are you ready for this?!’ she yelled in his ear.

  ‘Um, yes, hello!’ Raheem mumbled through a yawn.

  ‘Then LET’S GO!’ Mira dragged Raheem over to the portal, which was in some bushes behind the bins. On the way she listed her top five favourite kitticorn colours to wake him up a bit. When they reached the bushes, Mira reached out for the sparkles and –

  Twinkly lights exploded around them as they zoomed upwards, as if they were being sucked up a helter-skelter by a rainbow vacuum cleaner. As quickly as they whooshed upwards, they were suddenly hurtling back down again. Soft pink and gold rays of the rising sun shone in their eyes as they tumbled on to the landing haystack and rolled out into the Grand Paddock.

  Mira took a deep breath and looked around. Right away she spotted something new. Next to the landing haystack was a big rainbow-coloured BUS!

  ‘Do you think that’s for the school trip? I can’t wait to find out where we’re going!’ Mira squealed, squeezing Raheem in excitement.

  Just then, they heard a –

  ‘TA-DAAA!’ It was Darcy, spinning over to them with a wheelie. She gave Mira and Raheem a high five. ‘Hi team. Missed you! Shall we find our –’

  Before Darcy had a chance to finish, two unicorns came cantering over. Star and Brave were Darcy and Raheem’s unicorns, and today they were wearing the presents that Darcy and Raheem had made them on an earlier visit to Unicorn School. Brave was wearing Raheem’s special homemade superhero cape, while Star was in a wig that Darcy had made her so they would have matching hair.

  Star and Brave gave their humans a nuzzle. But where was Dave?

  Mira looked around for her
Unicorn Best Friend Forever. Down the hill, the school turrets and clocktower gleamed in the rising sun. Beyond the school, Mira could see the Fearsome Forest, and beyond that the sparkly Crystal Mountains. It was all so magical, but there was still no sign of Dave.

  Miss Glitterhorn, the Class Red teacher, appeared by the side of the bus, drinking from a very big mug of tea and yawning. She put the tea down and clapped her hands.

  ‘Good morning, Class Red!’ she called.

  ‘Gooooood mooooorrrning, Miss Glitterhorrrrn,’ called the children, sounding a bit more tired than usual.

  ‘Hi, Mum!’ shouted Flo, who’d fallen asleep and woken up with a start.

  ‘Please line up with your unicorns for the school trip,’ said Miss Glitterhorn. ‘We are leaving shortly. Have your permission slips ready!’

  Mira quickly checked – yes, she still had her permission slip. But where was her unicorn? She didn’t want him to miss the school trip!

  ‘Dave? Da-ave!’ Mira called quietly, ducking behind the bus to see if she could spot him.

  Colin the Caretaker was filling up the bus with rainbow-berry juice. The pump was attached to a long line of tubes all coming from different rainbow-berry trees at the edge of the forest.

  Colin suddenly looked confused. He took the pump out of the bus and shook it. It looked like the juice had dried up.

  There was a sudden slurp sound behind her. Mira looked around and saw a plump unicorn bottom poking out of the rainbow-berry trees.  There was her unicorn!

  ‘Dave!’ she whispered.

  The little unicorn turned and gave her a wave with his front hoof. He had one of the pipes in his mouth and was guzzling up the rainbow-berry juice!

  ‘There you are!’ Mira said with a giggle and ran over to give him a big hug.

  By distracting Dave with a slightly sticky toffee she found in her pocket, Mira managed to get the pipe off him and reconnect it to the pump. Colin started whistling happily as the juice began flowing into the bus again. Dave gave a series of cheerful burps.

  ‘Dave, we have to line up with the others. We’re going on a trip today!’ Mira tried to wipe off the rainbow-berry stains from around Dave’s mouth with the end of her sleeve, but she just ended up covered in the berry juice too. ‘That’s a bit better. Come on!’

  Usually Mira had to drag Dave everywhere because he was either asleep or he would sit down and refuse to move. But right now Dave seemed very over-excited. Mira wondered if it was because of all the super-sweet rainbow-berry juice and the toffee. Instead of just trotting back to the bus, Dave zoomed backwards and forwards across the grass, knocking into trees and still burping loudly. Then he started doing all his best prancing moves. Eventually Mira managed to push the little prancing unicorn around to the bus just as Miss Glitterhorn was ticking the last of her classmates off the register.

  ‘And, good! That’s everyone. Oh!’ said Miss Glitterhorn. ‘Dave – you look . . . rather unusual this morning?’

  Mira looked properly at her unicorn. His mane had turned rainbow-coloured. It must have been the rainbow-berry juice!

  ‘Um, Dave just wanted to . . . look nice for the school trip?’ Mira said. She hoped her teacher wouldn’t ask any more questions.

  ‘How lovely,’ said Miss Glitterhorn vaguely.

  Phew, thought Mira. Surely soon they would find out where they were going and then the school trip could begin!

  The Unicorn School head teacher, Madame Shetland, joined Miss Glitterhorn at the bus.

  ‘Welcome back to Unicorn School, Class Red,’ yawned Madame Shetland. ‘Are you ready for your first school trip?’

  They all cheered and Darcy started a Mexican wave.

  ‘Yes, it is jolly exciting,’ agreed Madame Shetland sleepily. ‘Especially as this school trip will also involve a special quest.’

  A ripple of excitement ran through Class Red. Mira wondered if there’d be an opportunity to win a medal!

  Madame Shetland shushed the class. ‘So, today you will be going to BARCC. Miss Glitterhorn will tell you all you need to know on the way there.’

  Raheem nudged Mira. ‘We have to . . . bark? Like a dog? I’m a bit scared of dogs.’

  ‘WOOF !’ barked Flo.

  Mira was almost too excited to speak. ‘No, no!’ she said, hopping from one foot to the other. ‘BARCC stands for Baby Animal Rainbow Care Centre. It’s where they look after lots of animals and their babies. And they sometimes have . . . they sometimes have . . .’

  Mira could feel her cheeks flushing and her tummy was fluttering with excitement.

  ‘What?’ asked Darcy. ‘You look weird.’

  ‘KITTICORNS!’ exploded Mira. ‘They’re like the cutest things EVER!’

  ‘Kitticorns are great,’ agreed Flo. ‘They’re my fourth favourite animals after sloths, llamas and goblins.’

  ‘Meh,’ said Darcy. ‘I’m a dog person. Kittens stare at you with those creepy eyes that are too big for their faces, you know? Like, what are they thinking?’

  Mira frowned at her friend. ‘Darcy, they are the cutest things EVER. Did you know, kitticorns can be all colours of the rainbow, but the official cutest ones are gold? They’re very rare and super special.’

  Dave snorted loudly and shook his rainbow mane.

  ‘Oh, you’re super-special too, Dave,’ said Mira quickly, giving him a comforting pat. ‘But kitticorns are THE most special super-cute special things in the ENTIRE WORLD.’

  Dave looked cross and farted.

  ‘If you say so, Mira,’ said Darcy with a shrug. ‘There’d better be a gift shop at this place.’

  Miss Glitterhorn clapped her hands. ‘Now, have you all got your packed lunches?’

  ‘I HAVE!’ Mira shouted, waving her lunchbox in the air. It was newly covered in kitticorn stickers. Inside were the cheese sandwiches she’d made earlier, plus an apple, a satsuma and a box of raisins. Plus, her mum had let her have a packet of crisps AND a chocolate biscuit. And she had all the custard creams for Dave.

  ‘We’ve all got lunchboxes, Mira,’ scoffed Jake, rolling his eyes. ‘My dad put FOUR chocolate biscuits in mine.’

  Mira stuck her tongue out at Jake. He always had to boast about something.

  The teacher clapped her hands. ‘Okay, time to get on the bus! On you g— yes, Darcy?’

  Darcy put her hand up. ‘Miss, I need a wee,’ she said.

  ‘Does anyone else need to use the toilet?’ asked Miss Glitterhorn.

  Everyone except Flo put their hands up.

  ‘Right, everyone quickly go to the stableyard to use the outdoor loos,’ Miss Glitterhorn instructed. ‘Please make sure your unicorns have had a chance to go as well.’

  Mira lined up with the rest of her class for the toilets, then took Dave over to the unicorn loo to do his business. Unicorn poos were usually small and glittery, but not Dave’s. He did giant sloppy poos which took Mira quite a long time to clean up. Mira was worried they might miss the bus, so she snuck Dave a biscuit from her lunchbox to hurry him up. She was pleased to see that he DID like custard creams.

  ‘Dave, you and kitticorns have something in common – you BOTH love the same biscuits!’ she told him happily.

  Dave frowned and spat the custard cream out on the floor. They both looked at it, and Dave ate it again. And then he did a giant poo. Mira sighed. She whipped out the foldable poo shovel she now always carried in her pocket and got to work.

  Miss Glitterhorn was looking at her watch and tapping her foot when the class returned to the bus. ‘Good, right, children. We really must be going now. Yes, Flo?’

  Flo put her hand down. ‘I need a wee.’

  Miss Glitterhorn sighed loudly. ‘Why didn’t you go when everyone else did?’

  ‘I was busy plaiting Sparkles’ hair,’ Flo explained. ‘She wanted to look nice for the trip.’ Flo’s unicorn, Sparkles, flicked her fishtail plait over one shoulder.

  ‘Okay! Fine,’ said Miss Glitterhorn. ‘Quickly, please, go and use the toilets. Everyon
e else, please put on a high-visibility vest. We need to be able to spot you around the farm.’

  Colin the Caretaker brought out a box of neon yellow vests. Jake got to it first and spent ages rummaging through the box.

  ‘Jake, hurry up, please,’ said Miss Glitterhorn. She was starting to sound exasperated.

  ‘I just want to make sure I get the best one,’ said Jake.

  ‘They’re all identical, Jake,’ said Darcy, wheeling over and grabbing the top one off the pile. ‘It’s how you wear them that matters.’

  Everyone put one on, including the unicorns.

  Finally Class Red and their unicorns all filed on to the bus.

  Jake was pushing past everyone, trying to get to the back seat. ‘Everyone knows that the cool people sit at the back,’ he said.

  Mira had wanted to get the back seats for her, Raheem and Darcy, but Jake was too quick. He scrambled on board, dragging his unicorn Pegasus with him, and jumped onto the back seat, next to Tamsin and her unicorn, Moondance.

  ‘YES!’ yelled Jake. ‘Me and Pegasus are the BEST at buses!’

  ‘Get comfortable, everyone,’ called Miss Glitterhorn from the front. ‘It’s a long journey.’

  ‘Once we were going on holiday and the car journey was eight hours,’ said Jake smugly.

  ‘Once I got so carsick I threw up all over my mum’s head,’ said Tamsin, next to him.

  Jake stood up in alarm.

  ‘No switching seats! Sit down please, Jake,’ said Miss Glitterhorn.

  Mira, Raheem and Darcy all found seats, one behind the other. Mira leaned over to do up Dave’s seatbelt and accidentally tickled his tummy. Dave started to do his Dave laugh, which was a loud HAW HAW sound that Raheem found a bit frightening, but Mira thought was one of the best sounds in the world. She tickled his belly again and Dave laughed loudly.

  Once the whole class was in their seats, the doors closed. And finally, they set off up the Unicorn School drive, into the Fearsome Forest!


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