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Midnight Gender Swap

Page 3

by Gal Horne

  I took a step forward and stumbled. I felt so weak! It was like the muscles I’d had in my legs had shriveled up. I gripped each of my thighs with a hand and was shocked to feel that my legs were thinner than normal. They still felt toned and lean, but their girth had significantly reduced. What was going on? Was I sick? I took a couple more steps forward, putting a huge amount of effort into each step, urging myself onward to the kitchen. I just had to get something to eat.

  Huh, that was weird: my door was closed. I had my own apartment, and I never slept with the door closed. What would be the point? It tended to get hot in my bedroom, and it was nice to have a breeze blow through. I put my hand down to the door handle and pushed it, then stopped for a moment. I lifted my hand up to my face. What had happened to me?

  All the hair from the back of my hand was gone - it was smooth as a child’s, or a woman’s. The fingers had become longer and more shapely. I’d always been a little ashamed of my hands and wrists. No matter how much you work out, you can’t really lose so much girth from your hands. So I was kinda thrilled to see such a change. Never would I ever have expected to wake up to different hands, and yet here I was. Even the shape of my fingernails was different. They were smooth, shiny and round-ended. It was like I’d had a manicure or something.

  I pushed the door open and to my surprise, I saw Jared, lying on the sofa. He was too tall to really fit his whole body stretched out, so his legs were bent at the knee, and he was tucked under himself. A blanket was over him to keep warm. He looked so peaceful it was cute.

  At least I knew how I’d managed to get home. Obviously Jared had brought me back. But did I walk? Had he picked me up and carried me? The thought of Jared picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder kinda made me feel a little funny. Like I kinda wanted it to happen. Those big hands, on my soft skin…

  That’s when I remembered my vision from the night below. Jared, behind my bent over body, impaling me with his organ…

  God damn it had been a weird night. I crept through the living room, being careful not to trip over anything on my way to the kitchen. I felt sluggish — like I hadn’t drunk any coffee for around a month, so the first thing I did was to brew up a cup. The smell was incredible. I used a little French press, and when I pushed the plunger down, an unbelievable aroma was released. I couldn’t wait to get it down my throat. I cut myself a couple slices of bread and rammed them in the toaster. I was impatient to get some food down me, so I slathered them in butter before they were actually ready. But that didn’t stop the toast from tasting AMAZING. Every bite was packed with flavor, and when I washed them down with a big slug of hot black coffee, my tastebuds went berserk. It was like a fireworks display in there.

  I looked out the window above my sink. I lived on the second floor of a shared house, and I looked out over the river. It was a bright day, and I felt an overwhelming sense of well-being. It felt as though I had been through a strangely life-changing event last night. I couldn’t say why exactly, but things felt different today. They really felt different.

  ‘Wow!’ I couldn’t help but say.

  ‘That good huh?’ Jared’s voice was closer than I thought it might be. In fact, it sounded like he was just behind me.

  ‘You watching me eat?’ As I spun round to face him, I wondered what had happened to my voice. It sounded slightly strange and high-pitched. A little strained, I guess.

  ‘Not exactly,’ he replied, with a note of caution in his voice. But I am watching you. How are you feeling?’

  ‘Fine,’ I lied.

  ‘Do you know how long you’ve been out?’

  What did he mean, how long I’d been out?

  ‘No — a night, I guess?’

  His eyes widened. ‘Buddy, you’ve been lying in that bed for three straight days and nights.’

  Three days?

  ‘Don’t you remember?’ He continued. ‘I found you slumped over in that room, covered in sweat, smelling awful. I had to rush you out, I grabbed you, and that weird gypsy woman, Vadoma, she went absolutely nuts. Like crazy. She was pulling her hair, tugging at her clothes, just looking totally wretched. She was screaming that you shouldn’t have gone into the moon room — that she couldn’t be held responsible for what was going to happen to you. It was fucked up. Then she started to gurgle in this language I’d never heard before - like she was cursing you or something. She explained to me after that it was the opposite, that she was trying to get rid of a curse. But she said that it didn’t work.’

  ‘And what was I doing at the time?’

  He looked at me with cold intensity. ‘You had passed out. You were just lying there on the ground. It looked worse than sleep. It looked like you were dead. Every minute or so, I had to keep checking you were breathing, because you just looked so still.’

  I started to have this strange, swirling feeling. It was as though my body was thankful for the fuel I’d put into it, and was starting to click back into action. Like I’d been re-starting. The swirling started around my heart, a warm, prickling sensation. It spread outward from my core to my groin, to the thighs and biceps, and finally outward to my finger and toe tips.

  ‘Have you been here the whole time?’ I asked.

  Jared looked slightly ashamed. His cheeks reddened. ‘I had to make sure that you were gonna be OK. And she told me that I shouldn’t take you to a hospital under any circumstances. She said that doctors wouldn’t help. So, here I am.’

  I couldn’t believe that he had just been sleeping in my house for three days. I had to remind myself to never take Jared’s friendship for granted. As I thought about him looking after me, an unusual tenderness came over me. I found myself thinking back to the vision I’d seen in the mirror last night, of the love and lust that I’d felt as I stared at the image.

  ‘Thank you for looking after me,’ I said as sincerely as I could.

  ‘No problem,’ he said, looking away. Then, he looked back at me - ‘Can I ask you one question? What did you see in the mirror?’

  ‘Just…me and you,’ I said, as normally as possible.

  ‘That’s what I saw,’ he said. ‘I mean, I only looked for a second. Like, maybe less than a second. But. Anyway. How are you feeling?’ He seemed seriously awkward. He looked so cute to me. Those big muscles and that coy, innocent face. If he knew what I’d seen, I wonder what he’d think.

  ‘I feel great now,’ I said. ‘You know, now that I’ve got some food down me. I was really fucking hungry.’

  ‘Well, I’m glad that you feel good, because honestly, you look fucking weird.’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Have you looked in a mirror this morning?’

  I hadn’t. A sudden chill came over me. What was wrong with the way I looked? I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. I had a full length mirror in there. How else was I gonna check out the guns every couple days? What I saw in the mirror today though, did more damage than my guns ever had.

  The first thing I thought was that I’d transformed into the woman from the Moon Mirror. But I hadn’t. Not quite. My chest was still flat. My face still had a vague masculinity to it. But there was something about my facial structure and my body shape that had fundamentally changed. There were curves were before there had been solid muscle and straight lines. There was softness where there had been hardness. My t-shirt was loose on me — like I’d lost weight — but with none of the sagging skin and weakness that such a drastic weight loss would normally incur. I could see my left clavicle where the t-shirt was dropping down, and I was kind of mesmerized by it. I took my hand and ran it over the impossibly smooth skin of the little scooped out indent at the base of my neck. I turned my head to the right and watched as the flesh shifted beautifully under my skin. The feel of my body was so different now. It was like running my hand over warm, shining silk.

  Suddenly, a rush of panic entered my mind. I didn’t want to look fuckin’ feminine. I was a man. I fucked women. I lusted afte
r them. I didn’t want to become one of them.

  Did the mirror have actual magic powers? I mean, obviously it had done something to me — the mirror and the moon together had fucked me over — knocked me out, and had started to warp my body. And I knew that it was gonna keep going, keep changing, until I was totally different.

  ‘No, no, no,’ I whispered to myself, ‘I don’t want to change, I don’t want to be a woman.’ It wasn’t right. But if it was so wrong, why did everything feel so amazing?

  I had been absentmindedly stroking my skin and I kept exploring, letting my hands move by their own volition over the sweeping, subtle curves of my upper body. I started to feel a thrill. Like, a real, adrenaline thrill move throughout my body. I felt hot. I felt wet - like damp all over my body. I suddenly felt as though I was gonna struggle to keep standing up. I grabbed the sink, and then let out a moan. But it wasn’t a moan of pain. It was a moan of pure, unadulterated pleasure. It felt like my chest had had an orgasm. It was so powerful, I felt my legs trembling, and I moaned again, before I felt my legs buckle out below me and I fell to the floor like a stone.

  Jared came running in, having heard the crazy sounds I was letting out.

  ‘Are you OK?’ he said. His breathing was hard and heavy — he sounded like he was worried.

  I turned round to look up at him and saw that he was looking down at me with utter incredulity.

  ‘Ryder,’ he whispered, scarcely able to believe what he was seeing, ‘you’ve got tits.’


  When I looked down at my body, I felt my eyes widen in sheer disbelief. The ripples of pleasure continued and I watched my flesh twist and distort. I did have tits. They were small but with every beat of my heart, with every ounce of blood that flowed through them, they were growing. Not quickly, but it was incredible to see them pulsing out gently, and with each inflation and deflation, there was a net growth in their size.

  They weren’t just getting bigger, they were getting rounder, perter, more perky. They were making the kind of shape that any woman would have been proud to have — jealous even. Now, they were quickly filling up my t-shirt. It had been so loose on me just a few minutes ago, and now it was getting tight across my chest. It felt as though there were two huge balloons growing in there. It almost felt as though my shirt was going to rip.

  ‘What’s happening, Jared?’ I asked, my feminine voice trembling slightly.

  ‘I don’t know,’ he replied. ‘Could it be something to do with the mirror? Is that even possible? Is it something Vadoma did?’

  ‘I’m scared,’ I said, and I lifted my hand to the top of my head. My hair felt different. It was like, silkier, had more body to it, more volume.

  ‘It’s going blond,’ he said.

  I stood up on shaky legs and looked into the mirror. It was true. My previously dark hair was shimmering, as though there were little eddy currents of gold swirling through it, and it was growing longer, too, inch by inch, slowly becoming at first wavy, then full-bodied,then finally it reached down easily to my shoulders. I was amazed by how it looked against my skin. It almost looked as though my skin was getting marginally darker, like I was developing a light tan.

  ‘What the fuck is going on?’ I said.

  I remembered that the female version of me in the mirror had a tan, blond hair and a rich, tropical tan. A great rack. A tight, pink pussy. Was that all in store for me? I had a sudden impulse to check that my cock was still there. Maybe it had already disappeared. My dick had been basically my favorite part of my body. Not that it was, you know, massive or anything (certainly nothing like the mammoth dick that I’d seen on Jared in the mirror), but it had been the part of me that had given me the most pleasure, that’s for sure.

  ‘Do you feel OK?’ asked Jared. ‘Do you think that we should go to the hospital? Maybe just a doctor?’

  How did I feel? Honestly, not even light-headed any more. In fact, I felt good. No, not just good — incredible. Like, better than I’d ever felt before in my life. You know that feeling you get a couple hours after a really phenomenal sleep? Not the feeling you get when you first wake up, not that drowsy sensation, I’m talking after breakfast, after a strong coffee and a cold drink, that sweet moment during which you feel as though you could take on the world. Well, I felt twice as good as that; clear-headed, happy and full of hope for the day.

  ‘You know,’ I said, ‘I’m actually feeling fine. I’m not even feeling anxious.’ I held out a slim-wristed hand. ‘Let’s not call the hospital just yet. I’m sure this is just some weird, temporary reaction to the mirror. Or something. I don’t know. But I really don’t feel bad. In fact, I’m feeling wonderful.’

  I stood up from the floor, and pulled myself together. Jared was looking very, very nice. I wondered if it would be weird to have him examine my body? Maybe it would be a good idea, just to have him have a quick look.

  ‘Jared,’ I said, using my new, womanly voice in a flirty way, ‘do you think you could just take a quick look at me. Make sure there’s nothing wrong with me?’ He shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot.

  ‘I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Ryder.’ He said.

  ‘How come?’ I said. I took hold of the lower edge of my t-shirt, playing with the fabric between my fingers.

  ‘It doesn’t seem appropriate or something,’ he said. He was breathing heavier though. He had to be as fascinated as I was by what was going on, didn’t he? Neither of us had ever seen anything like this before.

  ‘I think you should have a look,’ I said. I felt my eyes dilating as I looked at him. I was hungry for him now. Hungry for my best friend. This was so wrong. So fucking wrong. But I felt something going on between my legs now — something warm and wet, something tight and slick. I knew that my dick was gone. I knew that I had something new and much more interesting down there.

  ‘No - I think maybe we should go to the doctors…’ and as he tried to change my mind, I lifted my t-shirt up and felt two huge breasts bounce as I released them from my clothes.

  ‘Holy shit, look at them,’ I said. They were perfect, just perfect. I lifted my hands up to each breast and gave them an experimental squeeze. ‘They feel good,’ I said, ‘go on, give them a squeeze.’

  Jared was staring at my chest with a look of utter disbelief on his face. I moved my hands down and around my breasts. Each tiny, delicate touch set off a little electric shock of pleasure around my body. I felt so sensitive and tender. It was like someone had taken all the nerve endings from my body, and concentrated them in the tiny tip of each nipple. It was hard not to just shout out in surprise when I touched them. ‘Jared honestly, you’ve got to touch them, I don’t know how to describe it, it’s just incredible.’

  He stepped forward and held out a hand. Just as his fingertips were about to touch the lower surface of my breast, just an inch or so below the nipple, he hesitated. I couldn’t wait. I moved my chest forward, lightly brushing my skin with the absolute tips of his fingers. I shuddered, and he sighed with surprise.

  ‘Don’t they feel good?’ I whisper.

  ‘This is wrong,’ he said, trembling. But his fingers moved lightly over my breast, making the skin pucker, making the strange feeling between my legs intensify. ‘It feels so real,’ he said. He touched with a second finger, then he lightly squeezed the flesh of my brand new breast between his fingers. ‘Do they hurt?’ he asked, those big eyes widening with concern.

  ‘No,’ I said, dreamily, ‘it feels wonderful — just incredible. Touch the nipple. It feels silky.’

  Without thinking, he moved his finger over his nipple.

  ‘Holy fuck,’ he said, ‘You feel just like a woman.’

  ‘I’ve got a confession to make,’ I said, batting my eyelids at Jared. I couldn’t believe that I’d never noticed how soft and big his lips looked. How kissable and red they were. He was just my friend, wasn’t he? You weren’t meant to feel this way about your friends, were you? I mean,
I never thought I’d be fantasizing about kissing those lips with my own. ‘When you touch my nipple, it’s making me tingle down below. Like a nice tingle.’ I’d never seen Jared turned on before, obviously, but now I felt as though I was seeing him as turned on as a guy could be. I thought about the vision in the mirror again, and I wondered just how anatomically accurate it had been. I glanced down at his crotch - just a peek, and then I moved my eyes away as quickly as I could.

  Even though I only looked directly at his groin for a moment, the image I saw was burned into my memory; a thick, strong bulge, up and out - something huge, straining, desperate to get out.

  ‘You’re tingling?’ He said. His voice came in a quiet, strangled whisper, almost like he’d forgotten how to speak.

  ‘Mmmmhmm,’ I said. ‘Could you please keep stroking my breast while I examine myself…down below? Just as an experiment. I’m desperate to see if I’ve changed down there.’

  ‘Are you sure we should be doing this?’ he asked.

  ‘What do you think?’ I replied.

  He didn’t say anything. I moved my hand onto his and squeezed it, making him squeeze my breast even harder. I slid my other hand down my body, over my ribs, then down over my toned, flat stomach. Each part of my body was a revelation, so smooth and warm and soft. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on me anywhere, I was as lean and toned as you could imagine — I could even feel some small, well-formed abs under my skin. It was a thrill. I tucked my fingers slowly under the loose band of my boxer shorts. They barely fit me any more - they were loose and large on me now. I felt the smooth plane of my hip bone underneath - it felt wonderful, smaller than it had been before, and yet slightly more prominent, most likely because my muscles were not as tough and strong anymore. Next I felt my thigh. It felt longer somehow, than it had before, although I most certainly was not any taller than I had been before.

  ‘What does it feel like?’ he asked.

  ‘It feels like a woman’s body. I feel smooth and warm,’ I said. As I spoke, I moved my hand over my pubic hair. Even that felt different than it had done before. Where it used to feel wiry and almost sharp, my hair was now soft and springy - it was still curly, but it was almost like a kinda downy, felt-like almost. A cute layer of soft fuzz about my genitals.


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