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Paper Stars Rewritten: Fallen Brook Series: Book 2

Page 12

by Jennilynn Wyer

  I’m off the stool and kneeling at the bench before she can annunciate another syllable. My hands go to her hips and she uncrosses her legs and slides down to straddle my lap. Pure, unadulterated lust crashes through me. I curl my fingers across the back of her neck as she grabs hold of mine, and we both pull at the same time until our mouths crash against one another. There’s no time for waiting as our mouths open, my tongue seeking hers out, hers tangling with mine. I am rock hard in an instant and Elizabeth doesn’t help matters when she grinds down on me, a whimper of a mewl escaping past our ravenous kiss.

  She grabs and pulls the hair on the back of my head and I return the favor, the slight jerk I give hers causing her to gasp and attack my mouth with greater fervor. I’ll have to remember to file that bit of knowledge away to use at a later time. We break for air, both gasping before we come back together again. It’ll never be enough, I think. I’ll never get enough of her kisses. The way she nibbles and bites down lightly on my bottom lip. The way she presses her soft curves flat against my hard body. The way her sighs of pleasure turn me on like no other sound has.

  Elizabeth’s stroking hands begin to move. She pushes my shirt up at the waist and delves inside, her fingers touching and kneading every dip, every muscle of my chest. When she feels the hair on my chest, her fingers curl in and hold. I keep a strong grasp on her neck so I can guide and angle her head as I lay siege to her mouth. I allow my other hand to roam up until it’s cupping and lifting her breast, my thumb slowly tracing across her erect nipple through her tank top. I know I shouldn’t be doing this here where anyone can walk in and discover us, but I decide not to care. My need to feel her come undone in my arms is overtaking my common sense.

  “Ryder. Oh,” she pants and grinds down even harder on me. I ease my grip as she throws her head back. With her mouth out of reach, my lips go to her exposed throat. I lick a path up the smooth column of skin until I get to the pressure point where her shoulder meets her neck, and bite down lightly with my teeth. Elizabeth’s body jerks and shudders and she lets out the sexiest moan. That’s another thing I’ll catalog for later. I lathe the patch of her delicate skin with my tongue and give that patch of skin a more few kisses. I continue my lips’ caress up to her ear where I spend a few minutes softly nibbling. By the time I pull back, Elizabeth is a writhing, moaning, quaking mess on my lap.

  She tips her head back down to look at me, her eyes completely glazed over and dilated, her breath coming in jagged pants. I smile and peck a tender kiss to the tip of her nose. “Hey, beautiful.”

  Elizabeth exhales a shaky, shuddering breath and re-grips her arms and legs around me. “Jesus, Ryder.” Her eyes refocus and dilate again as she stares at my grinning mouth. I’m about to lift her up and press her against the nearest wall when the door to the music room opens.

  A thin, tall guy holding a trumpet case steps inside and halts when he sees us, eyes bugging out of his head when he notices Elizabeth wrapped around me, her hand up my shirt, and my hand cupped over her breast.

  “Oh, man, I’m so sorry. I, um…this room. Booked it for the next hour, I mean. I’ll just step outside.”

  We both burst out laughing after he closes the door. Elizabeth drops her head down on my shoulder.

  “I think he meant to say he has this room booked,” she tries to get out between giggles. I place both my hands under her delicious ass and lift myself up while still holding her in my arms.

  “How the hell do you guys do that?!”

  “Do what?” I kiss her neck one last time before releasing her.

  “Never mind. It must be a guy thing.”

  She straightens her top then smooths my shirt back into place as I adjust myself in my shorts, my desire for her clearly visible. It’s going to take a minute or two for me to calm down.

  “Thank you for the song,” she says.

  “Thank you for the kiss.”

  “It was an amazing kiss.”

  “So amazing, we’ll need to do it again.”

  “Hell, yes,” she replies. “I can’t wait until Friday.”

  We open the door to see trumpet guy waiting outside, looking at the floor because he’s not able to look at us when we come out.

  “Sorry if we wasted any of your practice time,” Elizabeth apologizes to him.

  Still not looking at us, he squeezes past and into the room with a “not a problem” before shutting the door.

  Carrying our bags in one hand, I lead Elizabeth outside. She takes our joined hands and pulls them behind her so that she can press up against my side. “I think we scandalized that guy for life,” she snickers.

  “He’ll live. Let’s get you to your next class. I’m racing tonight so will be leaving for the track once I get out of my next class. Are we doing breakfast tomorrow morning?”

  “That’s the plan. Well, if I survive Julien’s grueling ten-mile torture run.”

  “I’ll call you tonight if I’m not too late. Otherwise, I’ll text you. And send me your MRI appointment info.”

  “You really don’t have to do that,” Elizabeth protests.

  “But I’m going to, so no more arguing. I want to be there with you.”

  We arrive at the building for her next class. We look around to make sure the coast is clear and she rises up on tiptoe to place a soft kiss on my lips. I’m still in disbelief that I get to kiss her like this. If this is a dream, I hope to never wake up.

  “Okay. Talk to you later.”

  I watch as she walks into the building. Before she disappears among the crowd of students, she turns and graces me with such a brilliant smile, it takes my breath away.

  When I turn around to walk away, I notice that guy, Trevor, Elizabeth introduced me to earlier. He’s standing with another guy I don’t recognize. Trevor’s eyes are fixated where Elizabeth just entered the building. I wonder if Elizabeth would mind if I crashed her study group on Wednesday evening.

  Chapter 14


  I fucked up. I can’t believe how badly I am fucking things up with Liz. The more I try to reconnect with her, the further I drive her away from me, from us. I’m about to lose my damn mind. And I’m afraid. Afraid from the past year thinking I was never going to see her again; terrified that she might have died and I would never know; angry at having her back and not being able to touch her or hold her, kiss her or wake up to her wrapped in my arms. I don’t know how much more I’m going to be able to take.

  A year ago our lives were so beautifully put together, our futures were bright and full of promise. I was going to ask her to marry me, we were going to live together and attend college together. Create a life together and raise a family. Children who would be the best of her and me. A little girl of our own I dreamed would have Liz’s stunning green eyes and blond hair. A rambunctious boy with my silver eyes and her smile. So many dreams of us, and now those dreams are mine alone. Liz’s mind has wiped them all away, has stolen the love of my life.

  I’ve been wracking my brain while waiting for her to come out of class. Julien’s in there with her. He told me they had the same organic chem class. So for the last half hour, I’ve been sitting out here under the blazing summer sun, thinking up ways to get my girl back. She fell in love with me before. I need to go back to that time and figure out what I did then so I can use it now.

  While planning out my next move, I see Julien and Liz walk out. She’s laughing at something he’s saying. My brother wraps his arm around her shoulder and places a kiss on the side of her head. That’s something I’ve noticed more and more the past few weeks. Julien never used to touch Liz like that before. I’ll need to bring it up with him later. Right now, I have to start to win my girl back – and I’ll begin with an apology.

  Julien sees me first when I walk toward them. “Hey, Jay. We were about to head to the store. I promised Liz a spaghetti dinner. Want to come with?”

  Liz considers me warily. I hate that my recent actions have caused her to react that way. Just another
thing I’m going to have to fix. “Count me in.” I look at Liz, her face so utterly gorgeous even when she scowls like she’s doing now. “First, I would like to speak with you for a minute, if you don’t mind.”

  Liz’s eyes flare and it takes her a moment before she accepts. Julien holds her bag as I wait for her to join me. I decide a little walk around the center quad will be appropriate for the talk I want to have.

  We stroll side by side at a lazy pace, my arm occasionally brushing up against hers. The temptation to reach out and hold her hand is so strong that I’m forced to shove my hands in my pockets to keep them from touching her.

  “First, I want to apologize for this morning. I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.”

  Her slender shoulders shrug up. “It’s fine.”

  “No, it’s not fine. I want you to know I heard you loud and clear. I get it now. I’ve been placing a lot of pressure on you to be the girl you were. I can’t begin to fathom how hard things are for you and I need to be more appreciative of the life you’re trying to build now. I hope that one day you’ll remember us, remember all the love we shared.” I stop and turn her to face me. “Because we did love each other, Liz. So fucking much. And when I lost you” — I swallow — “when I thought I lost you, I ceased to exist. I didn’t know how to live if not with you by my side. The past year has felt like death.”

  Liz tears up and she places her hand on my arm, her warmth seeping deep inside of me. “Jayson. I’m so sorry. I so very, very sorry. I’m sorry for what you and Julien and Ryder have had to go through. I’m sorry I don’t remember you. I’m sorry that I’m not the girlfriend you once had.”

  “I know, Liz. I just have to hope that one day you’ll remember us. I know I haven’t done a good job of it lately, but I promise I do better and not push. I promise I can be here for you in whatever way you need me to be. Whatever role you’ll allow. We were always best friends before we were anything else. I hope we can always keep that part of us. Most importantly, I hope that you’ll be able to forgive me for the stupid shit I’ve done.”

  “You’ve done a lot of stupid shit.” I catch the smile she’s trying to stop from forming and my heart soars.

  “Friends then? Whatever you need, I’ll be there. I want to be there. The fact you’re here and alive and more beautiful than ever, makes me happier than you could possibly imagine.”

  “Thank you, Jayson. That really means a lot.”

  “So, can I have a second, third, maybe fourth chance at being your friend?”

  Her laughter is like opening a treasure chest filled with precious jewels. “I don’t see why not. I would very much like for us to be friends.”

  “Before I forget, this belongs to you.” I hold out the rose quartz heart necklace I gave to her on our first date, the one made from a stone I found in the creek near our two houses many years ago.

  Liz toys with the stone in my hand. “It’s beautiful. This was mine?”

  “Yes. I found it and kept it for you.” I don’t tell her where I found it. I was never able to find her promise ring.

  She takes it from my hand and opens the clasp. I had a new one put in since the old one was broken. I wait anxiously as she places the chain around her neck and closes the clasp. Her fingers smooth the polished stone gently against her throat. “Thank you for keeping it safe for me.”

  “Anything for you, princess.”

  For the first time, she doesn’t complain when I call her that. We walk back to where Julien’s waiting for us and I grin ear to ear on the inside. She’s wearing my heart again, she let me call her princess, and she’s forgiven me. Now I get to spend the evening with her and my brother like old times. Spaghetti has never sounded so good.

  Liz has been humming the entire time she’s been in the kitchen helping prepare dinner with Julien and Elijah. I was relegated to staying out of the way. I don’t mind one bit, because it’s allowed me to watch Liz. She’s so goddamn gorgeous in her short shorts, tank top, and blond hair pulled up in a messy bun. This is how it should have been with us. Me and her in our space, cooking dinner, relaxed and happy. The only things missing are my hands around her waist and my lips devouring hers.

  “When’s Ryder coming home?” Julien asks me as he stirs the spaghetti sauce. We bought chickpea pasta as Liz likes to eat gluten-free even though she’s not allergic to wheat like she is dairy.

  I’m a little surprised when Liz answers the question. “He’s racing tonight and won’t be back until late,” she says casually, then stops. Her head snaps up and she looks at me. “He, um, texted me earlier.” I raise my eyebrows and Liz turns back around and attacks the cucumber for the Greek salad she’s making with a fervor, cutting it into tiny square pieces.

  Elijah’s at the sink draining the pasta. “This is really nice. Like old times.”

  Julien stops stirring the sauce and points his wooden spoon at him, dripping sauce on the floor. “Not like old times, E. We are making new memories, remember?”

  “It’s fine Julien. I don’t mind if we talk about before.” Liz finishes dicing the cucumber and walks over to where I’m sitting at the counter island, a slice of cucumber between her fingers. “Open.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I let her pop the cucumber in my mouth and she licks her fingers. Yep, we’re definitely making progress, I tell myself. Liz walks over to the sink and hip-bumps Elijah out of the way so she can wash her hands.

  “Salad’s done,” she says. “I made a bowl for Ryder for when he comes home. Got any plastic wrap so I can cover it and put it in the fridge?”

  I pop off my stool and go to the pantry to grab it for her.

  Elijah places the drained pasta in the pot with the sauce. Julien mixes everything together. “All right everyone. Dinner’s ready.”

  “Living room?” I suggest.

  We all take a seat on the floor around the coffee table. I make sure to sit across from Liz for two reasons. The most important one being so I can look at her while we eat. The second is to show her that I’m capable of not being too pushy and am able to stay out of her personal space, something I failed to do this morning.

  As soon as we start eating, Liz’s phone rings. She placed it on the coffee table when she sat down. “I need to take this. Sorry.”

  She raises the phone up in front of her face and smiles brightly. “Hey, Daniel.”

  We all hear, “Hey, sweetheart. Is it a bad time?”

  “We just sat down for dinner. Hold on.” Liz stands up and comes around the table so she’s behind me. She motions for Julien and Elijah to come closer so we’re all in the video shot.

  “Is Drew there with you?”

  “He sure is. Hold on.” Daniel’s camera shifts and we see a man. His face is gaunt with black circles under his eyes and he’s wearing a beanie over his head. His voice, when he speaks, sounds tired.

  “There she is.” Drew smiles. “Looks like you have some company.”

  “Daniel, Drew, this is Jayson” — she pats me on to the top of head to indicate who I am — “Julien, and Elijah.”

  “Ah, yes. The childhood friends. We’ve heard so much about you. Where’s the one named Ryder?”

  “He’ll be home later,” she tells them.

  “Well, it’s good to officially meet you boys and put faces to names. I apologize that we haven’t met you all in person yet. That’s why we’re calling, actually.”

  Liz squeals, “You’re coming?”

  “I am,” Daniel tells her. “Drew will stay here.”

  She frowns but tells them, “I understand. But I’ll be there for Christmas break, Drew. I can come Thanksgiving too if you want.”

  Drew shakes his head. “No changing your plans to accommodate me. I’m doing well. I promise. I assume she’s told you boys about my health issues.”

  “Yes sir,” I reply. “If there’s anything we can do for either of you or Liz, let us know.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate that. You boys seem to care about Elizabeth very mu
ch. I can’t tell you how happy we are that she has some friends there with her.”

  “We would do anything for Liz,” Julien tells him.

  Daniel aims the camera at his face. He looks enough like Liz’s dad for me to have no question that they were distant cousins. “I know you boys must have so many questions. I hope that when I come visit next week, we can all sit down and talk. I sincerely apologize regarding how things went after we moved Elizabeth here. If we knew about you boys then, we would have made sure to contact all of you to let you know where she was and how she was doing.”

  “You took care of Liz and kept her safe. We will never be able to thank you enough for that,” I say. Liz places her hand on my shoulder, and it doesn’t escape my notice that she’s been acting more comfortable around me after we had our talk.

  “How was the first day of classes?” Drew asks her. Liz stands up and walks away to step out onto the balcony to finish their conversation.

  “They seem nice,” Elijah voices.

  “We’re going to have a lot to talk about when Daniel gets here. Do you think we should invite the families as well? We can only hold off Mom and Dad for so long. I’m surprised they haven’t already shown up at our doorstep demanding to see her.” Julien twirls his fork in the pasta but doesn’t eat it.

  “We can ask, but it may be too much for Liz. Perhaps Thanksgiving? It sounded like she was staying here and not going back to Seattle. Might be a good time to take her back home with us.”

  “You know I would love for that to happen,” my brother replies.

  “Then we’ll make it happen,” I promise him.

  “How was the run this morning?” Elijah inquires, leaning over to steal a cherry tomato from Julien’s salad.

  “Liz did it, all ten miles.”

  “You’re shitting me,” Elijah says shocked, and very much impressed.

  My girl was never athletic, but I can see the changes in her body, changes that can only happen when someone exercises regularly. How different would her body feel now compared to a year ago? Before, she was soft, lithe, and slender. I should know. My hands have mapped, touched, and caressed every inch of her naked, smooth, pale skin. Now her body is more curvy and filled out with lean muscles that can only develop from hours of exercise and weight training. Just thinking about her pinned underneath me, those green eyes boring into mine as I push inside her tight, wet warmth has me harder than steel. Thankfully, I’m sitting down on the floor at the coffee table which hides the predicament I’m in.


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