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Turning Wolf

Page 2

by Kyrii Rayne

  "Well, maybe she pays for the other place."

  "Uh-uh, believe me... if she's paying to house and support him, she's watching every penny he spends. If he's spending it on another apartment, she'd be up here with her hair all up in curlers and wearing pajamas and flip flops and asking you if you've ever seen her husband with another woman. And you would be all scared and thinking she was gonna kick your ass but you'd tell her the truth anyway because you're a little stupid."

  Allyson laughed until her stomach clenched into knots at the image painted across her thoughts.

  "Holy shit, could you imagine that?"

  "The sad part is you know it's true." Theresa snorted between laughs, causing more hilarity.

  Allyson patted her sore cheeks.

  "Every once in a while, he disappears."


  "Yeah. Just takes off in the middle of the night."

  "He could just be going home, you know. It's not like he lives with you or anything. He does have things to do at his place I'm sure. Maybe he has a cat to take care of."

  "Oh, God. What if he does have a cat? I don't even know if he has a cat!"

  "Relax, girl. I'm sure it's fine. It's probably nothing. Look, if you're really worried, then the next time he sneaks off, follow him. See where he goes. If he goes somewhere other than his apartment, then you can worry about it."

  Chapter Three

  The uneaten half of Allyson's lunch sat in the front seat of her car. The rest of her lunch flipped in her gut. Allyson's stomach churned as she walked into the hospital. The rotten, semi-sweet smell of infection smothered the air. Cracking knuckles, sniffles, and cries echoed throughout the waiting room.

  She couldn't remember the last time she’d walked into the hospital and regretted her career choice to work as a nurse. Most days, her job filled her with pride. But today, regret rode in like a chip on her shoulder. Sirens bellowed in from behind her. Followed by a sharp ambulance horn.

  Allyson reached for an apron and a pair of gloves and followed Claire outside to greet the ambulance.

  "Allyson. You still look like hell. Should you be here?"

  "I'm fine," said Allyson. "At least, I was fine. Just a little nauseous but it'll pass."

  "You're sure?"

  "Yeah I'm sure. The same thing happened yesterday. Just, boy it really smells in there. Maybe the ventilation system is down again or something?"

  "Could be. Who knows when the last time was that maintenance checked on it. I'll talk to the chief about it."


  Of all times for nausea to rear its ugly head, trying to get an IV started in the emergency room was not the best place.

  "Maybe there's another nurse who can do this? I mean, no offense, but you look like you're ready to puke."

  The patient's eyes fixed on Allyson's hand as it covered her mouth. Again.

  "Allyson, go home," Claire said through gobs of lipstick. "You look wretched."

  "I'm fine. Really. It'll pass. Oh"

  One look in the mirror and she knew exactly what Claire was talking about. Her fair skin flickered under a layer of sweat. The normal pink hues decorating her lips and cheeks disappeared, leaving only a slight yellow tint.

  Her nausea, personified.

  "Maybe you're right," said Allyson. ""Thanks, Claire, I don't know what happened. I felt fine this morning. I mean, I was a little tired because I didn't get much sleep last night but otherwise fine. Now my ears are ringing, I'm nauseous and light headed."

  "Maybe you ate something at lunch?"

  "No. Nothing that would cause this."

  "Hm," Claire's lips curled into a concerned frown. "Well, you should still go home. You won't do any good here. You're freaking the patients out. I got plenty of people on right now. Go."

  "Okay, point taken. I'm going home."

  Allyson made her way over to the office to fill out her paperwork and leave.

  For the first time in a long time, Allyson was glad she lived so close to the hospital. At least this time she didn't have to worry about being called right back in. At home, she curled up under her comforter and stared at the ceiling. Hoping the focus would help stave off the dizziness. Hey, focal points worked for ballet dancers, why not nauseous nurses?

  Her phone rang.


  "Hey, babe. I tried to go surprise you at work. And I wanted to check on you. Claire said you left sick. Are you okay?"

  "Yes, Garrett. I'm fine. It's nothing serious. I'm just feeling nauseous."

  "Nauseous doesn't sound fine. In fact, it sounds like the opposite of fine. Did you eat something bad?"

  "No. I don't think so."

  "Okay, well. I'm going to take the rest of the day off and I'll be right over. I know exactly what will make you feel better."

  "You don't have to do that."

  "I know I don't have to, but I want to."

  Allyson smiled into her pillow. Knight in shining armor indeed.

  "All right," she said. "I'll leave the front door unlocked for you."

  "No, no," said Garrett. "There's no difference between you getting up now or you getting up when I get there, right? Just stay in bed and I will text you when I show up, okay?"

  "You know, you're even more paranoid than I am? Leaving the door unlocked for a few minutes won't immediately invite every psychopath in to rob me."

  Garrett's breath hit the phone like static as he let out a laugh.

  "I know. But when I'm not there, I just -- I just feel better when I know the door is locked. I can't explain it."

  "All right. I'll keep the door locked. Don't forget to text me."


  Garrett hung up the phone and tapped his steering wheel. Waiting at a red light always seemed annoyingly mundane. But the news that Allyson was sick and waiting for him made this light seem to take even longer. He started putting together a mental list of the things he would need to pick up before he could head over to Allyson's apartment. Then he glanced down at his dashboard.

  He turned into the parking lot at the gas station and pulled a notebook from his glove compartment.

  After scribbling some notes down, he trotted inside.

  "Hi Garrett," said Amber.

  Garrett smiled at the cashier. Other than her short stature, which topped out at about four foot nine even when wearing heels, Amber reminded Garrett of his younger sister. There was something sweet about her. As if her large green eyes always appeared ready to cry. And all she ever needed was a hug. Most days, Garrett enjoyed the small talk with Amber. But today he felt more urgency to return home to Allyson.

  "Hi, Amber. How are you doing today?"

  "Oh, you know. The usual."

  "How's your boyfriend?"

  He immediately regretted this question. It never led to a quick conversation.

  Amber took a deep breath and bit her lip.

  "Uh-oh. Sore subject?"

  Damn. Now he had to stick around for the story. He couldn't very well leave her sad after bringing up a breakup.

  "No. Not really. I don't know what happened. Everything was going great. At least, I thought it was. But then all of a sudden, he said he needed space."

  "That doesn't sound good."

  She sighed.

  "Yeah, well. What are you going to do. Right?"

  He forced a smile and nodded.

  "Sounds like he didn't know how good he had it."

  He swiped his card through the reader and prepared for his receipt.

  "Well, I'm keeping up hope. There's got to be a reason behind all those stories with love at first sight. Right? Some man to waltz in here and sweep me off my feet? Like you and Allyson?"

  "Allyson and I are a little different," Garrett nodded. "But it can happen. Keep up that hope."

  He waved and ran outside, not giving Amber a chance to say anything more. With any luck, he could get to the grocery store and get back out before hitting any heavy traffic and Allyson wouldn't have to wait too long.<
br />

  Allyson answered the door wrapped in her comforter. Her copper curls fell limp with sweat.

  "Oh man," Garrett whispered as he walked into the apartment. "You look awful. Are you sure it's just nausea?"

  "Yeah, mostly. I'm a little bit shaky, though, too."

  "Like you feel weak?"

  "Yeah, kind of."

  "You have a fever or something? Why are you wrapped up in this thing?"

  "A little. It's not too high. 99.3."

  "No, that's not bad. We should still watch it, though."

  Garrett put his bags down and leaned in for a hug. He pressed his lips against her overheated forehead. Taking in a deep breath as she moaned against his chest. The salty musk of sweat tickled his nose.

  "What if you get sick?" Allyson asked.

  "Don't worry about me. My immune system is almost impenetrable." He chuckled. "All right, come on. Back to bed. You need to lie down."

  He turned around and locked the door behind him.

  Allyson moaned in protest.

  "Can't I just stay out here with you?"

  He smiled and brushed his fingers through her hair.

  "Of course you can stay out here. But the same principle applies. Lie down."

  He ushered her over to the sofa and helped make sure she was comfortable.

  "Are you okay?"

  "Mm, yes. Thank you." She smiled into her comforter. "What's in the bag?" Her eyebrow cocked upward as she gazed over.

  "That is everything you need to feel better," he said with a chuckle.

  "Well, what is it?"

  "Uh-uh, can't tell you yet. But I can give you these." He crossed the room and grabbed a small bouquet of flowers out to hand to her.

  "Aww. That's so sweet. But why can't you tell me about the rest of it?"

  "Because you'll think it's weird. And you tend to turn your nose at weird."

  "I do not--."

  "Are you forgetting that I know you? How about when we went out to eat a couple weeks ago. After you finished eating and you asked me what was in the food you got all weirded out by it and didn't want to take the leftovers home all of a sudden even though you thought it was delicious."

  "Well, pickled cabbage and pork intestines is weird."

  "But it was also good. If you know what it is first you'll reject it and then that'll be the end of it. So I'm going to go get it going for you and then you'll see."

  "Ugh," Allyson growled as she curled back up on the sofa. "Okay fine. But can you hand me the clicker before you go?"

  Minutes later, Garrett hovered over the stove in the kitchen, listening to the familiar theme song of Allyson's favorite cooking show drifting in from the other room. The steaks sizzled and popped as he laid them down across the grill. Seconds later, the sweet, earthy smell of cooking meat filled the air. Garrett took in a deep breath and smiled.

  By the time the supper was ready, Allyson's cheeks were already pinker.

  "Steak? That's what you think cures nausea?"

  Garrett laughed. "I told you you would think it was crazy. But just try it."

  She smirked and rolled her eyes. Unwilling to admit that her nausea had already calmed down. She didn't have to admit it for him to know. Allyson shook her head and smiled as she readied her fork and knife.

  "Thank you, Garrett. For being so wonderful and doing all this."

  Garrett's lips curved into a smile.


  Later that night, Allyson lay across Garrett's lap on the sofa staring at the news on the television. Three more women missing in Seattle in the last two months. She shivered.

  "That's so sad," she whispered.

  Garrett balanced his notepad on the arm of the sofa, scribbling away with the pencil.

  "What's that?"

  "The missing women."


  "Garrett. More women have gone missing in Seattle," said Allyson. Her voice finally pulled Garrett's thoughts away from his notes. He turned his attention to the news and increased the volume.

  "For those of you joining us, Carrie Attleboro, age 24, is still missing after seven weeks of investigation have turned up no leads. Police are reluctant to say whether or not they believe Carrie's disappearance is related to the Erika Roberts or Lindsey Lavine cases, who disappeared just weeks before Carrie...."

  His heart sank at the news.

  "Oh my God."

  "I know. That's what I was saying. It's so sad."

  She sat up and tucked herself in under his arm. Her heart ached for those women. Even more than usual. Tears stung at her eyes. A lump formed in her throat and she knew it wouldn't be much longer before she would lose the battle for control over her emotions.

  "Hey, Allyson, are you okay?"

  He wiped tears from her eyes. That's new, he thought. She almost never cries.

  "Yeah. I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me today." Tears flowed uninhibited. "This is silly, getting all worked up and crying over people I’ve never even met. You'd think I’d never heard of any missing people before."

  "Aww, I don't think anything's wrong with you. Your heart is just bigger than most."

  "Whatever," Allyson muttered as she walked over to grab some tissues. "That's one of the lamest patronizing lines ever."

  "Yeah, I'm surprised I got that one out with a straight face," Garrett backtracked.

  He studied her, waiting for her smile to reassure him that she understood his intent.

  She walked back to the sofa and lifted her leg over his lap. His deep breath escaped as a light moan as she leaned in to kiss him.

  The nerves on the back of his neck lit up. His hair stood on end, riding waves of goosebumps up and down his skin. Her breathing quickened, grazing against his lips. Driving his heartbeat into overtime.

  "Your stomach feels better?" he asked in a whisper.

  She smiled and pressed her lips against his.

  "What do you think?" she asked as she rocked her hips against his.

  Garrett stood, hoisting her small frame up into his arms and heading back toward the bedroom. Her tongue remained buried between his lips as he walked.

  She fell back onto the plush mattress. Garrett made quick work of his clothes and crawled into the bed with her. Resting his body gently on hers as her fingertips dug into his back. Echoes of moans and the wet sounds of kissing filled the room. He pressed himself into her gently. Inexorably. His eyes never left her gaze.


  Allyson took a deep breath and smiled as she watched Garrett breathe. One hand resting on his bare chest while the other wrapped around her. He seemed happy. Content. Staring into the back of his closed eyelids.

  "Hey, can I ask you a question?" she whispered.

  "Mm hm."

  "Where do you go in the middle of the night?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean on the nights that you sneak out of here, where do you go?"

  Damn. He rolled over onto his side so he could gaze at her.

  "I didn't know you knew about that. I always thought you were sleeping."

  "Yes, well... you have a tendency to shake the bed when you get up."

  Garrett laughed.

  "Do I really?"


  "How about some tea? I brought you some of that purple chameleon tea you like." He changed the subject.

  "You mean lavender and chamomile?"

  "That's the one. Would you like me to make you some?"

  "Sure. But don't think that means you don't have to answer my question."

  "Which question?"

  "Where do you go when you disappear in the middle of the night?"

  Allyson chuckled as she spoke, but her tone still carried annoyance. She couldn't tell if he was trying to be funny or if he was trying to avoid her question.

  He sat up and tugged his boxers up over his legs.

  "Nowhere special. I just check on a few things and try to get some research done. That's all. Boring really."

  Allyson sat up and contemplated waiting for his return. But she knew Garrett. He would come in with a steaming cup of tea and a smile. The subject would be changed. No. She had to keep pressing. Couldn't give him the chance to forget. Just get it over and done with now. Allyson slipped into one of Garrett's tee shirts and followed him out to the kitchen.

  "What kind of research?"

  "Just, research. Various things. Mostly biology. Life cycles. Metamorphosis. Things like that."

  Garrett spoke without taking his eyes off the tasks in front of him.

  "Metamor--you mean like caterpillars turning into butterflies?"

  "Yeah. Something like that." He leaned in and planted a kiss on her forehead. "See. Boring."

  Bugs? Allyson took in a deep breath. She wasn't sure what to think. I thought it'd be something bigger. Somehow.

  "Really? You just research bugs?"

  "No. Not bugs. Life cycles and metamorphosis. Caterpillars are just one type of creature that fall under that category. There are plenty of others."

  "Like what?"

  "Well, bees, flies...."

  "So... bugs?"

  Garrett laughed. "Yes. Bugs. Are you really interested in this?"

  Allyson shrugged. He was sharing. For once he was sharing his life with her. And she was so caught up with this notion she was at a loss. She hated bugs. All bugs. They creeped her out. With their slimy exoskeletons and ability to find her anywhere.

  "I mean, that's great, but come on, Allyson. The other night a cricket was outside chirping and you were in here with a can of raid in one hand and one of my boots in the other hand claiming it was laughing at you."

  "It was."

  Garrett smiled and handed her the cup of tea. He kissed her on the forehead.

  "Come on," he whispered. "I know you don't really want to hear about bugs and larvae."

  She cringed.

  "Yeah, that's gross. You need a new job."

  He laughed and tucked her in under his arm as he turned down the hall back to the bedroom.

  Chapter Four

  She couldn't help it. The curiosity poked at her. Allyson pretended to sleep while Garrett sat up on his side of the bed staring into his laptop and scribbling on his notepad. Every once in a while, he shook the bed and waited for a reaction.


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