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Turning Wolf

Page 6

by Kyrii Rayne

  "Hello, hello, hello!" Eddie sang into the cabin as he stepped over the threshold. He had them where he wanted them. "You have one choice for how you want to get out of this Garrett," said Eddie. "Do the job and kill the wolf, or join her."

  Garrett grunted and held his bleeding shoulder. His lips curled into a grimace as he tried to remember where the weapons were.

  The main room.


  "Check that nightstand. Top drawer. Is there a gun in there?" he whispered.

  She crawled over to the nightstand to look.

  No gun.

  "Wait, just wait. Garrett, you didn't answer me. Can I turn on you? If I turn, will I know what's happening? Will I know you?"

  "That's not how it works, doll," Eddie sneered.

  Allyson pinched her eyes shut, wishing Eddie hadn't heard her question. She pressed both hands against Garrett's bleeding shoulder. Blood spurted between her fingers. Soon he would lose too much. She had to get Eddie out of here. Give Garrett a chance to reach the first aid kit sitting in the bathroom.

  Eddie continued yelling in from the other room.

  "The wolf takes over. Turns you into a beast. A monster. You won't be Allyson, ER nurse. You'll be Cujo. Killer."

  Phrases from Allyson's research swam through her head. The caged beast within a human heart. All at once, she understood everything Garrett had gone through to try to keep her safe.

  "All right," Allyson said as she stood up. She edged herself toward the door, ignoring Garrett's protests. "Let Garrett go. It's me you want, right? I'm the monster? Let him go, promise not to hurt him and don't let me hurt him and I'll let you take me. Please."

  "Allyson, what the fuck are you doing?" Garrett said as he grabbed at the ends of her shirt, trying to pull her back away from the door. "Get back here, this isn't the way."

  She glared back down at Garrett. "You don't know that."


  More gunshots echoed through the cabin as Garrett argued.

  "Oh no," Eddie chuckled. "Not that easy doll. You see, if I let him go, I finish the job and kill you, he won't forgive me. He'll come back after me wanting revenge."

  Allyson stared into Garrett's eyes as Eddie talked.

  "I'll spend the rest of my days with him on my tail until one of us is dead. Does that sound like a good life to you? Always being hunted? No way. I know better than that. I plan on ending this right here and now. No room for revenge. No future plots."

  "Allyson, please," Garrett used the wall as support to stand up. "You can't do this. There is no deal to be made here. I won't let you just hand yourself over to him to be killed."

  She lunged in for a hug and pressed her cheek against his.

  "I have to try. Please let me try. You heard him. Spending the rest of my life being hunted. That's no life. Keeping you alive to keep him from doing this to anyone else?" She backed up and gazed into his eyes. "If this is going to be the last good thing I do before the virus takes over, then you have to let me do this."


  Allyson pushed away from Garrett and turned the corner back to the main room.

  Eddie's gun pointed straight at her.

  "No, Eddie. You're right. Being hunted is no way to live. But you will take my deal." Eddie squinted his eyes, studying Allyson as she spoke. "You'll take the deal because you aren't going to kill Garrett here. I mean come on. You already had your chance. You had the advantage. You jumped him, stabbed him, shot him. And he's still alive. So without the deal, you'll have to murder me. I'll be dead, but he'll escape. He'll escape and he will hunt you. But with the deal? With the deal, he can't blame you for my death. He can only blame me. He won't come after you for a choice I made."

  Garrett glanced around the room. Not much time before he shoots. He's baiting her. He crawled over to the window and slipped through.

  With Allyson and Eddie staring at each other, Garrett's trek around the cabin was fast and undetected. He grabbed the shovel leaning against the wall and smiled.

  Inside, Eddie grew bored with his stare down with Allyson.

  "You're in over your head, girl. This isn't a negotiation here. Garrett! Garrett, you coward piece of shit, get out here!" he yelled.

  Allyson shook her head and stepped forward.

  "I mean it, doll. I would really rather take care of both of you at the same time, and get it all over and done with. But don't think for a second that this means I won't update my plans as needed. Garrett!"

  Allyson held her breath and reached her arms out and took another step closer.

  "Eddie, I'm offering a good deal. Take the deal."

  Garrett clenched his eyes and pushed against his burning shoulder. He took in a deep breath and tightened his grip around the handle of the shovel. Get out of there, Allyson, he thought as if she could hear him. You think you've got him distracted, but he's baiting you out toward him.

  He leaned around the open door and peered into the cabin. Eddie and Allyson were still locked in opposing glares. Neither wanting to relent on his or her demands. Garrett took in a couple of fast, deep breaths and lunged at Eddie, swinging the shovel with all his might and cracking it against the back of Eddie's neck.

  The force of Garrett's hit knocked Eddie forward. Allyson sidestepped him as he reached out to catch her.

  Garrett didn't let up. He jumped forward after Eddie, swinging the shovel in front of him. The shovel slammed against Eddie's face. Then his shoulder. A third blow landed flat against his chest. Eddie rolled over and held his gun toward Garrett. The shovel caught Eddie's arm and knocked the gun out of his hand.

  Eddie screamed and swept his feet under Garrett. He knocked Garrett off his feet. Garrett landed with a hard grunt on the floor. Eddie leapt forward and grabbed the shovel. He tried to force it free from Garrett's grasp. In a tangled game of tug of war, the shovel crawled from one man to the other.

  Allyson screamed from the corner for Garrett to stop. She couldn't tell if he was ignoring her or unable to hear her.

  Minutes later, Eddie slammed his elbow down into Garrett's shoulder. Shooting new pains rippled through the nerves down Garrett's arm and forcing him to drop the shovel. Eddie crawled behind Garrett and pulled the shovel around his throat, applying pressure from behind. Garrett waved his good arm behind him, catching Eddie's ear in his grasp and pulling until Eddie screamed. He lifted his good shoulder up into Eddie's rib cage and pulled forward. Eddie tumbled over onto his back, releasing the shovel as the wind got knocked from his lungs.

  Garrett clambered over to the wall to grab Eddie's gun. Eddie jumped over and knocked the gun out of Garrett's reach. He picked up a side table and slammed it down over Garrett's head, followed by another blow. Then Eddie stood up and kicked Garrett in the ribs, tearing the makeshift stitches Allyson had finished sewing a short while ago.

  Allyson continued to scream as Eddie grabbed the gun and wrapped his free hand around Garrett's throat. He pulled the hammer back on the gun and took aim for Garrett's temple.


  Allyson screamed.

  No. Worse than that. So much worse. The sounds escaping her lungs were shrill, shrieking and whistling as she snarled.

  "Let him go," the words snarled and twisted into a growl in her throat.

  Her bones cracked. Each one releasing it's own shrill cry that reminded her of the sound lobsters made while being cooked. Her skin stretched until she thought it might tear. Thin mucus oozed from her pores as her cells broke down and rearranged themselves. Fangs forced their way through her sore gums. Blood trickled from her fingertips as the nail-beds retracted to make room for claws. Her whines climbed higher through her sinuses.

  She struggled to wipe the mucus from her skin. Each wipe created more fear. The hair on her arms thickened until it covered her skin. Her knees jerked behind her, knocking her off balance.

  "Garr--!" Her screams sank into her gut. Releasing the last syllable of his name as a growl.

  Finally, the screaming stopped. Allyson
blinked. Her eyes darting around the room. Everything was clearer. Crisp. And devoid of color.

  Her sinuses filled with a new smell. Sweat. Fear.

  She whipped her head around the room.

  Eddie still had Garrett by the throat. All eyes were on her. Garrett's breathing pounded against the air, light whistles escaping with each breath. Eddie trembled.

  Allyson's eyes focused on Eddie. His heart thumped in her ears. Faster. She leaned back, sizing him up. Her eyes darting from one vein to another. One blood vessel to another.

  Eddie's fear was stronger. Muskier. His eyes trembled in their sockets. He pushed Garrett back away from him. Garrett fell back against the wall. Holding his neck and gasping to catch his breath. Allyson's eyes stayed fixed on Eddie. Her memories faded and twisted into needs. Hunger. Hatred.

  Saliva dripped from her fangs as she snarled at Eddie.

  He turned his gun toward her, his hand shaking. Sweat trickled down along his temple. The trembling of his knees vibrated in her ears.

  She leapt toward him. The gun released its bullet as he reacted in panic. It went whizzing by her ears. Her legs faltered, still getting used to their new build. She roared and leapt again. This time catching Eddie in the chest with her claws.

  Eddie ran. He tore out of the cabin and straight into the woods. Allyson growled and snapped her jaws. She gave chase. Urging her sore muscles to run him down. The musky odor of his fear filled her sinuses, making it easy to follow his trail.


  Garrett clambered to his feet and stumbled out the door. The hole in his shoulder burned.

  "Allyson!" he cried out after her.

  She was gone.

  He chased out after them, stopping to hold his breath. All he needed was a noise. A scream. Just one scream. A--.


  The crack of gunfire rang out deeper in the woods followed by the yelps of a hurt animal.


  Garrett ran out toward the sounds, dodging trees and ducking beneath branches. There she was. Her front leg was caught in a bear trap. Her yellow eyes found Garrett's. More footsteps sounded nearby. He held his hand out to her and ducked behind a tree, glancing around to find Eddie.

  He found him too late. Eddie stood just out of reach, a gun pointed at Allyson's chest. Garrett clenched his eyes shut as Eddie pulled the trigger.


  Eddie checked his gun again. Garrett opened his eyes and looked across the trees to see Eddie trying to reload the gun, so he took advantage of the delay and charged at Eddie, tackling him low and driving him back against the tree with his good shoulder. He pulled his fist back and landed it on Eddie's cheek, again and again. Yet somehow Eddie still managed to push Garrett off him. He pointed the gun again at Garrett as Garrett rushed him.

  This time when a shot rang out, Eddie laughed. He sank to his knees and stared at Garrett through swollen eyes.

  "They'll come after you," he said with a chuckle. "They all will. I won't be the last."

  Garrett fired again.

  He turned back to Allyson. Her high-pitched whines grew weaker. He slid over to her on his knees as he reached out to comfort her.

  "Shh," he whispered. "I'm going to get you out of here."

  Her eyes watered and she rubbed her head along the grass beneath her.

  Garrett reached over to the bear trap and studied the mechanism. He cried every time his touch made her wince. Finally, he managed to force the trap open, releasing its metal jaws from her leg. She sat up and licked her sore leg, low growls emanating from her throat as she eyed Garrett.

  He stood slowly and backed away, both hands extended before him. Garrett hadn't expected Allyson's wolf to be as big as she was. Almost double the size of a natural wolf.

  And deadlier.

  "I know you don't know what's happening right now," he whispered to the ground. "I know you're scared. And you're hurt. And the wolf wants to kill. Right now, you don't know me. Okay. I know that. But I'm not going to hurt you. Allyson. I promise."

  She stood up, favoring her hurt leg, and glaring at Garrett. He fell to his knees, eyes turned low to the ground as she walked over and sniffed at him. He held his breath. Her nose brushed against his cheek and down his neck. Finally, she left. Hobbling away from him and deeper into the woods.

  Garrett took in a deep breath and stared at the puddles of blood in front of him.


  Despite little sleep, Garrett awoke before sunrise the next morning. He jumped from the bed and ran outside, carrying the afghan with him. The forest seemed calmer than ever, birds chirped as if nothing had happened the night before. He held his breath and listened. It didn't take long for him to hear it.

  Intense growling. Canine-like howling and whining. Pain. He ran toward the sound as it morphed into Allyson's sweet voice. Still crying.

  "Allyson," he cried out.

  He found her as her last bone broke and settled into its original place. She tried to sit up from the brush, her eyes darting between the trees surrounding her.

  "Garrett?" she asked.

  "I'm here," he said with a smile as he ran up behind her. He threw the afghan over her shoulders and rubbed her arms. "Are you okay?"

  "I don't know," said Allyson. Tears moistened her eyes. "I feel like I've been hit by a semi."

  Garrett smiled. "Come on, let's get you inside."

  She wrapped her arms around his neck as he scooped her up and walked back to the cabin with her in his arms. No words passed between them.

  The Autumn air crystallized their breath into a dance of mist.

  "I'm sorry I didn't believe you," she whispered as Garrett lowered her into the bath.

  "Don't be. How could I expect you to believe a story like that? Hey, Allyson, you're a werewolf. Sounds like something you hear in the movies."

  "But why don't I remember most of it?"

  "What do you remember?"

  Allyson stared at the water and shook her head.

  "I remember pain. Like every bone in my body broke. Oh my God, Garrett it was awful."

  He brushed her hair away from her face and nodded.

  "Is it always going to be like that?"

  "I don't know."

  "Do you have to kill me now?"

  "No. I'm not going to kill you, Allyson."

  "So then... what happens now?"

  Chapter Eleven

  Three weeks later, Garrett sat alone in his pickup truck outside of a megamart near the other end of the city. His eyes stayed fixed on the radio as news of another missing person took over the air waves.

  "Damn," he whispered.

  "Hey, check. It. Out." Allyson sang as she jumped into the passenger seat of Garrett's truck. "I got all sorts of stuff. Look. I got a bottle of your cologne. I read that if you have a dog and you bring home a new person, like a boyfriend or a baby or someone? If you bring things over that smell like that person first, it will help the dog feel familiar and comfortable with the person. So I thought it might be worth a try. When I turn, if the cabin smells like you, then maybe my wolf will start feeling more comfortable around you. And I got all sorts of meat. Look. I got steaks. Roasts. Pork chops."

  She pulled several items out of the bag to show Garrett.

  "What are those for?"

  "I figure there might be a chance that these will feed me at the cabin. Maybe if I eat enough there, I won't kill anyone? I mean, the cabin's far away and everything. But what if some poor soul is out hunting or fishing and I turn? Maybe if I was already full, then I wouldn't..."

  "No. I get it. It's good thinking."

  "And finally, I got this."

  Allyson pulled out a large collar with a bell attached to it.

  "What the hell is that for?"


  "Excuse me?"

  Allyson laughed.

  "Not really you. Have you ever read the book, um. Crap I can't remember the name of it. But anyway, there was a boy who wanted to tame the wild fox. So every day
he sat outside with some meat and the fox would get closer and closer and then one day the kid was able to put the bell around the fox?"

  "No idea what you're talking about."

  "Well, it was a book. And anyway, I thought we could try it. I want my wolf to know you. So no matter what, I know I won't hurt you. And I thought this would be a good test. Once you're able to get this around my neck, the next morning, you can listen for it to find me."

  "We can try it."

  "Are you okay? You sound sad?"

  "I just -- there's another missing woman in Seattle. I thought with Eddie taken care of we wouldn't hear or see things like that happening. At least not for a while."

  "Well, Seattle is a big city. And it's pretty low key, but it's not always safe. It may not be related."

  "I know," Garrett lied. "So, are you sure you want to do this? You can always change your mind, you know."

  "I definitely want to do this. So, let's go get the cabin set up."

  The End…. (for now...)

  Find out more in Book 2

  ‘Captive Wolf’

  You’ll find a preview just after the ‘About the Author’ section of this book.

  About the Author

  Kyrii Rayne has always been fascinated by the paranormal – by the possibilities hidden in the world around us. She enjoys writing stories that explore those possibilities – and the challenges they bring to the lives of her characters, especially when it comes to finding love.

  She lives in Australia, and travels a lot – and always listens to the old folk tales everywhere she goes – there are story ideas everywhere!

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