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Wedding The Greek Billionaire (Holiday With A Billionaire Book 3)

Page 11

by Rebecca Winters

  “Could you tell me how long the Norville Realty company has been vacated?” he asked in French.

  She acted surprised. “It has? I had no idea.”

  Was she telling the truth? “Did you know the owner?”

  “No. I met the manager once maybe two months ago.”

  “Do you remember his name?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  So was Andreas. He’d come to a dead end. “Thank you.”

  He left the agency and walked out to the street. To his surprise the limo driver came along in another minute. He walked around to tell him to go to the next address on the Rue Lamartine.

  Zoe sat forward when he climbed in the back. Her face mirrored her anxiety. “That didn’t take long.”

  Andreas caressed the side of her cheek as the limo merged with the traffic. “There was a sign in the window that said Closed. The travel agent next door didn’t know it had been vacated.”

  “I can’t believe it. After all this, I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m not foiled yet. Gus gave me the address of his cousin Philippe Norville. He runs a car dealership here in Nice. I told the driver to take us there now.”

  She moistened her lips nervously. “If he’s at his office, what will you say to him?”

  “That I’m trying to find Guion.”

  “This Philippe might associate you with your sea salt company.”

  “I’ll use my mother’s middle name.”

  She blinked. “What was her last name?”

  “Calista Valieri.”

  “That’s lovely. So you’ll be Kyrie Valieri. What will be your reason for looking for him?”

  “I’ll say that I was thinking of buying some investment property in Nice. I heard that Monsieur Guion Norville might be able to help me. But I couldn’t reach him on the phone and discovered he’d moved his place of business. That’s when I found the name Philippe Norville in the directory.

  “Since the Norville name was prominent, I wondered if he was a relative who knew where I could find Monsieur Norville’s new place of business. I thought I’d make inquiries before seeking out another Realtor.” He cocked his head. “How does that sound to you?”

  “I think it could work, but it’s still taking a risk because you’re trying to spare Norville and yourself any hint of scandal. Andreas...what if I made the inquiry while you stayed in the limo?

  “I’d say what you would have said, but I’d explain that I was looking for a time-share for me and some friends from California when we come on vacation to the Riviera. I’d tell him someone at the hotel told me Monsieur Norville handled that sort of business. Was there a number where I could reach him?”

  Zoe was phenomenal, but he shook his head. “I can’t allow you to get any more involved in my problem.”

  “I’ve come this far. He would never associate me with you. It’s worth a try and you won’t have to lie.”

  The light in her eyes had him mesmerized. “I’ll never be able to repay you.”

  “You know that’s not what I’m after. I’m pretending that I’m in search of finding my own father. Since I can’t do that, let me help you. It will mean a lot to me.”

  Those particular words got to him like nothing else could have done. Andreas pulled her into his arms and clung to her until the limo slowed to a stop in the parking lot of the dealership. He kissed her thoroughly, holding her tight. “I still can’t let you do this.”

  “Don’t you know I want to? We have to do whatever it takes. If he’s there, this should go quickly.” With another kiss, she slid over to the door and got out.


  “It’s going to be all right. Trust me.”

  He realized he had to. “I’ll be right here,” he assured her.

  With a pounding heart, Andreas, along with the men milling around the dealership, watched the stunning dark blonde woman disappear inside the main doors. Though Zoe was a modern-day woman, she was a warrior and he was in awe of her.


  THE SECOND ZOE walked inside, an attractive salesman dressed in a light blue suit with brown hair and eyes came right up to her. “Puis-je vous aider, mademoiselle?”

  “Do you speak English?”

  “Ah. Americaine.” He smiled. “I’ll do my best.”

  He had that French charm, reminding her a little of Raoul Decorvet. His best English was pretty good, too. “Would it be possible to see Monsieur Philippe Norwood, the owner?”

  The man acted surprised. “You know him?”

  “No, but I’m hoping he can help me.”

  “He went to lunch, but should return any minute. Maybe there’s something I can do for you while you’re waiting. I’ll be happy to show you our latest models.”

  “Thank you, but I’d prefer to speak to him.”

  “Bien sur. I’ll walk back to his office. He might be here already. May I give him your name?”

  “Yes. It’s Zoe Perkins.”

  “Please take a seat over here.” He handed her a brochure. “I’ll be right back.”

  She sat down, knowing Andreas had to be in his own private agony while he waited for her. Zoe looked around. Other salesmen were helping customers. This dealership obviously did well. She was impressed with the man who’d greeted her. He had a professionalism and wasn’t pushy. If she’d wanted to buy a car, she wouldn’t have minded his help.

  “Mademoiselle Perkins?” She lifted her head. “Please come with me. Monsieur Norville has returned and will see you now.”

  Her pulse sped up. Maybe now she’d get an answer for Andreas. “Thank you.” Zoe put the brochure on the chair next to her and followed the salesman around a corner and down a hall to the owner’s office. The substantial older man standing behind the desk invited her to sit down.

  “What can I do for you?”

  “I’ve taken a chance coming to you and am probably wasting your time. I’m looking for a Monsieur Guion Norville who owns a realty company here in Nice. Someone at the hotel where I’m staying recommended him. I was hoping he would help me to invest in a time-share for me and my friend who is waiting for me in the parking lot.

  “But when I went there this morning, it had a closed sign in the window. If he moved his business to a different location, I’d like to know where. The travel agency next door couldn’t help me. Then I saw your name in the directory. Before I go to another Realtor, I thought I would ask you if you’ve heard of him since you have the same last name.”

  He sat forward and put his hands flat on the desk. “You just met him.” Zoe almost had a heart attack. “He happens to be my cousin. I’ll go find him and ask him to come back in.”

  The moment he left his office, Zoe phoned Andreas, who answered after the first ring. “Zoe? What’s happening?”

  “Guion is here,” she whispered. “He greeted me at the door and is obviously working for Philippe.”

  “I can’t believe it.” Andreas had to be in shock. So was she.

  “Gus gave you a perfect lead. I met his cousin, who has gone to find Guion and bring him back to his office. Whatever happens, don’t be surprised.” She hung up because she heard footsteps coming down the hall.

  Guion walked in and shut the door so they were alone. His eyes played over her with a hint of suspicion. “This is a surprise. No one has come looking for me since I got out of the realty business. Why are you really looking for me? I know we’ve never met or I would have remembered you.”

  The game was up. Zoe got to her feet. “You’re right. I’m not the person who wants to talk to you. But since you’re working, I’ll tell him to come another time.”


  “My friend. He’s waiting for me in the parking lot.”

  “In that case I’ll accompany you since you’ve aroused my curiosity.”

  Uh-oh. Th
is was it. Her heart pounded so hard, it was unhealthy. With fingers crossed, she left the office with him and they walked out of the building to the waiting limo.

  Andreas had been lounging against the rear door with his arms crossed. When he saw them coming, he straightened. In a silky tan sport shirt and white pants, and his raven-black hair disheveled by a slight Mediterranean breeze, Andreas took her breath. His fiery black eyes met hers, sending an unspoken message of amazement.

  Zoe loved him so intensely, she had to get hold of her emotions before turning to the other man. “Monsieur Norwood, I’d like you to meet Andreas Gavras.”

  Guion’s hands came out of his pockets, and his brows lifted. “The Andreas Gavras who’s not only CEO of Gavras House Hotels, but the Gavras Sea Salt Company?” Andreas nodded. “Your name is well-known. Why would you want to talk to me? I haven’t worked in my family’s shipping business for many years.”

  From his reaction, she saw no indication of alarm. Zoe could almost believe Guion truly didn’t know Lia had been engaged to Andreas when they’d made love, or that there’d been consequences.

  How hard this had to be for Andreas, and in another minute for both men who were actually the same height. Guion was probably thirty-five. Now that she’d had a chance to meet him in person, she could see he’d bequeathed his rangier build to Ari. Genes didn’t lie.

  She was sure Andreas was noticing all this and much more when he said, “I’ve come for one reason only. To let you know you have a sixteen-and-a-half-month-old son named Ari. It’s your God-given right to know you have a child with Lia Pappas, as she was before we married, but what you choose to do with this information is your business alone.”

  Even in the partial sunlight Zoe thought Guion lost some color.

  Zoe touched Andreas’s arm. “It’s getting busy out here,” she said in an aside. “Someone could hear us.”

  Andreas eyed the other man, who’d gone quite still. “Shall we talk in the limo?”

  Guion nodded and climbed inside. He sat opposite her and Andreas. “Why did Lia send you to tell me?”

  “She didn’t. This was all my idea. She never wanted you to know and hoped neither you nor I would ever find out the truth. What she hadn’t counted on was Ari having to undergo an operation from a ruptured intestine earlier this year. He needed blood. That’s when I found out I wasn’t his father, so I filed for divorce.”

  A pain-filled epithet escaped Guion’s lips.

  “I confronted Lia with her lie. Apparently she spent the night with you without telling you we were engaged.”

  “She didn’t say a word. Neither did her friend. I didn’t know she was engaged to you, I swear it.”

  “I believe you,” Andreas stated. “But she’s terrified that this will cause a devastating scandal for all families concerned if it comes out. No one wants that.”

  Guion moaned.

  “I’ve come to you for one reason. Do you want to be a father to Ari and share in visitation? If you do, Lia lives with her parents in Athens. You would have to travel there. It’s what I have to do so I can be with Ari. He’s the light of my life.”

  His love for his boy caused Zoe’s eyelids to smart.

  The man’s hands went to his face. “My first wife has remarried, but we have a daughter together named Cecile. I send child support and try to see her. At present I’m separated from my second wife, but it’s not what I want.

  “I’ve lost family money trying to start other businesses. My cousin Philippe is helping me out right now so I can get back together with Vivige and my son Dominic. But if I tell her the truth, that I was drunk that weekend in Athens with friends who talked me into going to a party on the Palaskas yacht, she’ll never take me back. It didn’t mean anything. That night was a complete blur and I’ve despised myself for what I did, but it’s too late.”

  “If you love her, then you need to convince her.” Zoe loved Andreas for saying that.

  “I do, but she’ll never accept my having been unfaithful and producing another child that isn’t ours.”

  Zoe’s eyes fused with Andreas’s. They could both see the man had to be overwhelmed with guilt and problems.

  Guion’s lined face lifted. “Are you saying no one knows about this?”

  Andreas shook his head. “Eliana Palaskas is Lia’s best friend and has probably figured it out by now. My grandparents know, and Zoe knows, plus my attorney and Lia’s.”

  “But not Lia’s parents?”

  “No. You have my word no one else from my world will ever know if you decide not to claim him. It’s entirely up to you.”

  “I can’t think right now.”

  “I understand,” Andreas said with compassion. “I have pictures of Ari from two days ago on my cell phone. Would you like to see him?”

  He shook his head. “You’ve been his father all this time. It would be best if I never see him and he never finds out.”

  “I can’t promise that, Guion. One day Ari might find out by accident, the way I did because of the wrong blood type. I intend to tell him when he’s ready. If you decide you want no contact ever, then he’ll be told. I’d advise you to talk this over with an attorney and get back to mine. Is there anyone you can confide in about this? Someone you trust?”

  “Philippe always has my back.”

  Andreas nodded. “That’s good. Tell you what. We’re going to fly back to Patras tonight. I’ll give you my attorney’s card. When or if you want to get in touch with me, call him and he’ll arrange it. I won’t be coming to Nice again or bothering you in any way.”

  “You’re an amazing man, Gavras.”

  How many times had Zoe said the same thing about Andreas? “Monsieur Norville? I hope you won’t mind if I say something here. I never knew my parents or their names or their backgrounds. Nothing. I was raised in two foster families until I turned eighteen. I’d give anything on earth to know even the slightest detail about either of my real parents.

  “Your birth son Ari is so lucky because you are alive and could be reached if it’s what he wants one day. Should you decide not to acknowledge him ever, would you at least consider leaving the situation open legally in case he’d just like to see you one time? Talk to you? Write to you? Get a sense of his genetic makeup? Anything?”

  He looked at her for a minute. “I’m sorry you never knew your parents.”

  “If that’s true, then please consider it for his sake.”

  “I’ll think about what you said.” He turned to Andreas. “I need to get back to work.”

  Andreas put out his hand. After a slight hesitation, Guion shook it and climbed out of the limo. Before he walked away, he looked at Zoe. “You’re amazing, too.”

  After he walked back in the building, Andreas clutched her in his arms, burying his face in her hair. “You’re beyond awesome, Zoe. Because of you, I was able to talk to him without raising suspicions. You’re an angel who made all this possible and I’m in your debt forever.”

  She clung to him, knowing what all this meant to him. “I feel for him, Andreas. I admire you so much for showing him the compassion you did. There’s no one to match you.” Zoe kissed the side of his neck, loving this man and his humanity.

  He pulled out his phone. “I’m going to call Yorgos right now and tell him what’s happening. I’ll put it on speaker. Then I want to devote the rest of this day to you. I thought we’d drive over to the old town.

  “There’s a restaurant in a basement with walls of stone and brick. They restored some cellars and serve delicious cheese fondue. After that we’ll walk around and visit some Impressionist museums if you’d like.”

  “I’d love to see the Matisse.”

  “We’ll do it.” He kissed her thoroughly before calling his attorney.

  “Yorgos? I have news! I caught up with Norville and the truth is out.” Zoe noticed how his eyes
gleamed in relief.

  “Congratulations. This should change things with Lia. I’ll call her attorney the second we’re off the phone,” Yorgos replied.

  “When Lia hears this, I have to hope she reconsiders how she’s handling visitation. Norville isn’t sure what he wants to do yet. I gave him your card to give to his attorney. I told him I won’t be in contact with him again. This was it. Just so you know, I’ll be back in Patras tonight.”

  “Excellent. We’ll stay in close touch.”

  Andreas hung up and clasped her to him again. Zoe knew an almost unbearable weight had been lifted from him and she hugged him back. Her heart was lighter, too. She could only hope that if Guion didn’t want anything to do with Ari, he would at least allow his son to see him one day or talk to him.

  The chauffeur drove them across Nice to the old town past French and Italian architecture that made the city so charming. Two hours later they’d eaten fondue and he’d introduced her to tentura, a citrus wine made in Patras since the 1500s that was divine.

  Later they wandered through the narrow streets and alleys before the limo drove them to the seventeenth-century villa where the Matisse collection was housed.

  She clung to Andreas’s arm. “If I had to be locked up in one place for days on end, I’d choose to be here. The way Matisse painted flowers, or a woman lying on a bed, or a scene out of a window, his use of color, it all delights me. Do you have a favorite Impressionist painter?”

  “Van Gogh speaks to me.”

  “I love a lot of his paintings, too. I also love the sculptures of Rodin, especially The Kiss and Eternal Springtime.”

  His eyes danced. “Those are two of my favorites, as you can imagine.”

  She blushed. “Of course I’ve only seen those in pictures. One day I’ll get to Paris and see the real thing. What Greek artists do you like?” It was time to change the subject.

  “There’s a sculpture of Hermes carrying the infant Dionysus done by Praxiteles in the archaeological museum in Olympia. My parents took me there when I was ten or eleven. My mother said the baby reminded her of me. I didn’t think about it again until Ari’s operation. Oddly enough the infant reminded me of him. Mother bought a postcard I still have.”


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