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Feed the Beast

Page 2

by Gary Hawkes


  ‘Cause then you’ll have your soul to hide

  Although there will be plenty of good times to ride

  He’s well versed in the ways of rock

  With him you’ll certainly go to the top

  His greed and lust though never stop

  Let there be Rock once more

  Before the Devil runs up the score, and you succumb to the demands of pop


  Early in the second half of the new phase of light

  The Joker’s glow was dimming but still felling bright

  Arms are pointed to attack; scene turning black

  Wolf is eager to end the debate

  Quick precession; no need to agitate

  And the Joker Grins Again

  The obvious choice is somewhat clear

  Clouds still looming with Dark Fear

  Evan as the Joker gets near

  The story twists and characters steer

  The boat into; a new port

  Damaged goods; knowing life’s too short

  And the Joker laughs again

  Vague references are clear to me

  It seems to you impossibly

  Others leave uncertainty

  Which causes hostility

  If you ask me

  And it was a question of free

  Then I’d be me

  And you would see

  That there is a fee

  For the plea

  And the Joker smiles again

  Strange revelations in the midnight

  The Jokers revels some new incite

  It was a consummated deal he shivered

  There is no need for the news to be delivered

  But, alas; there is hope

  This one seems to like the dope

  And the joker wins again

  The joker looked on with lusty greed

  Was everything as it seems?

  This sure is an interesting place

  Will she ever give a chase?

  Hopefully she won’t replace

  The beauty in her face

  And the joker wins again…

  …But the joker never wins

  Jail Me Up Quick

  Jail me up quick

  I’m smoking a joint

  Soon there’s someone that’s going to point

  And though I’m alone, no one by my side

  That poor soul has got hide

  His contempt for me, I can plainly see

  It bothers him when others are free

  I’m not hurting you; so just let me be

  Space Monkey

  This Space Monkey is ready to try

  A new form of aviation to fly

  Ride the lightening across the sky

  Starting the new wave

  Give this generation a try

  Time is limited; and already low

  It’s urgent to make love grow

  Less focus on power and greed

  Emphasis on peace, being free

  Red Headed Step-Child Blues

  Had to leave my woman

  Couldn’t take it anymore

  Even though our boys; are a combined; age 4

  This life comes just once

  I’m not letting others decide

  There is no longer any reason to hide

  I’ve got the…Red headed step child blues

  I’ve got the…Red headed step child blues

  Weather I can sing or not

  Doesn’t really matter

  It’s the words I compose

  That’ll fill the platter

  I’m not a character

  Like the Mad Hatter

  But Family seems against me

  No resolve to what’s the matter

  I’ve got the…Red headed step child blues

  That’s right the…Red headed step child blues

  There ain’t nothing wrong

  Oh can’t you see

  Feeling good is okay; to just be free

  You live your life

  And I’ll live mine

  The boys and everyone else; will be just fine

  I’ve got the…Red headed step child blues

  That’s right the…Red headed step child blues


  The handshake confirmed Ray was okay

  The phoenix starts his journey today

  With a never ending collection

  Of memories to display

  He was indeed knowing, always showing,

  The all telling Magic man of the 4th moon; and he arrived today

  The absurdity is looming in jumbled questions

  That can’t be known right away

  I’m too lazy to find another rhyme for away on this day,

  So just let the song play and worry about the meaning some other day


  Can’t be afraid to perform

  Worrying about the right zone

  It’s the only way to get paid

  Let the ladies know you wanna get lai…HEY!

  It’s just music

  Maybe just a little bit

  Will be the right fit

  Make you feel like top tit

  Puttin’ your whole soul into it…

  Can’t be afraid to perform

  Knowing where the dangers roam

  My mind works in bits

  Eyes wonder to those lovely bouncing t…HEY!

  It’s just music

  Maybe just a little bit

  Will be the right fit

  Make you feel like top tit

  Puttin’ your whole soul into it…

  Can’t be afraid to perform

  Wanting to get that woman to moan

  You can’t leave it all up to luck

  I think this girl here is down to f…HEY!

  It’s just music

  Maybe just a little bit

  Will be the right fit

  Make you feel like top tit

  Puttin’ your whole soul into it…

  New Song

  Working on a new song

  Not worrying about righting a wrong

  The tale seems familiar

  It’s been told before

  I may be here to even the score

  Who the audience is; it’s plainly clear

  Although there may be; a need to veer

  To a new form of consciousness

  That gets this next half right

  It apparently feels good to not be uptight

  I got my new song, written just for you today

  Hopefully this will be enough to make our way

  In this world together hand in hand

  Knowing I’m your man


  I don’t need a robot to tell me how to think

  The machines took over and we didn’t even blink

  The dub whatever gives off a stink

  I want to put my soul into it, inspired by many, including Pink

  A little electro is all right,

  But Rock & Blues is what’s really tight

  Felling the music live; the best way to jive

  Machine Go Away

  Let the Music Play

  I’ll find use for you some other Day

  My Country

  Big Man tells the little man what to do

  Do as your told; I know what is best for you

  You shouldn’t do that; you’ll get locked in

  Even if there is little sin

  Men in suits 3000 miles away

  Telling me what is the proper way

  What do you know of the North West?

  Where the environment is the best

  The State of Washington is My Country

  Learn to run your own country

  Joker Revisited

  With a wide array of tangerines

  Joker also sold magazines

  To cover the cost of being obscene

  In this world of unforeseen

  Although he’s keen

  To what he’
s seen

  There ain’t any need

  To give out speed

  So, go forth chaos

  Represent us

  And glory to the righteous bus

  The Golden Ship sails above us

  It’s time for him to meet his maker

  Also known as the undertaker

  The Joker often mistook her

  For someone he knew in a past life;

  When he was a baker

  The Joker seems stronger now;

  He’ll be less apt to be a partaker

  So, go forth chaos

  Represent us

  And glory to the righteous bus

  The Golden Ship sails above us

  Let There Be Rock Again

  Listened to “Brown Sugar”

  It does still taste good

  Thousands of times it could

  Hearing the song, like I always would

  Yeah, I’m borrowing their words

  United between the two worlds

  The New Age of Rock has begun

  Who is Rock’s chosen son?

  Let there be Rock again

  And Bon will be Flyin’

  All the greats are too soon dyin’

  We must keep rock alive and tryin’


  Feeling tipsy

  Or is it the epilepsy?

  Higher possibility

  Without booze in me

  Still have to partake

  To avoid the mistake

  Of not living to the fullest

  Unlimited potential in myself and country

  What a country is depends on who’s hungry

  Some have it

  Most don’t

  I’m not believing that I won’t

  The ones before are just people

  Don’t need constant praise in the steeple

  Puget Sound

  Out in the open, breathing fresh air

  I know this is real

  I’m in my home lair

  The Puget Sound

  I have found

  Is the best place to lose cares

  Of the pounds and surreal

  Allowing me to heal

  And do this for real


  Eating some Chinese

  After enjoying the ocean breeze

  Where the road goes next

  Is anybody’s guess

  Starting to feel the next quest

  The money will soon be out

  Then learn what loneliness is really about

  Camping gear on the bike

  Or maybe just take a hike

  Don’t matter, just living

  Confident in God’s giving

  Toby’s Tavern

  Toby’s Tavern

  Best mussels in town

  This my only third time

  But feels like a lifetime

  I’m back where I need to be

  Spreading good vibes

  Great energy

  I don’t want to flow

  Hopefully I can sing

  Make just a little money ring

  Hey Willie

  Hey Willie, before you go

  Let me show you some songs

  See if they grow

  Don’t care if I make it

  I just gotta show

  So, Willie before you go

  Let’s go smoke a bowl

  Let me learn what you know

  Get together and make some songs grow

  Reflection on good times ahead

  Thankful we’re not yet dead


  Waiting for the gas can

  To fill up the car so I can

  Go on the road without a damn

  Elevation is the master plan

  Maybe even form a band

  But with death all around

  Bringing me down

  I just want to feel good, even be a clown

  Next stop is anywhere

  You coming with me; just meet me over there

  Fun and adventure; the name of the game

  Avoiding booze just the same

  But tokin’ up when time is right

  Which in my case, is always tonight


  Chaos is looming

  And it’s glooming

  Showing a bright new day

  Starting over right away

  But, leaving evil at the bay

  Doubt is still present

  That never goes away

  And although spent, I’m ready to play

  Federal Men

  Federal men gather in

  All the men in their bin

  The righteous herb that’s without sin

  (Although okay in Washington)

  They’ll jail you quick with a grin

  So let’s make sure our side wins

  ‘Cause they’ll do anything to deny freedom

  Good Sound

  Most sounds today I can’t stand

  It’s what makes me think I can

  Do better than them; and spread good vibes

  Help out others who have been great times

  I’m not doing this alone; other have inspired me

  I plan to pay back the loan; that was given to me

  Blood Line

  Be born with the right blood line

  Or else you might be at the end of the bread line

  The self-anointed few get to decide what we use

  They have the power to make sure we lose

  Possible certainty is still buried within

  Defying the upcoming prosecution

  Gather together until we see the son

  We have ignored the old proclamation

  Ending will come painfully quick

  If we continue on with the same shtick

  Many years still left to go

  We still need to get into the flow


  Pacification sets in during the fall of autumn

  Fear of persecution and being made to feel dumb

  Error unlimited by the ones in charge

  With none, the forgotten can only get so far

  Causing an embellishment on what it means to be a star

  Soon activity will surge with hope and excitement

  Those forgottens no longer wanting contentment

  Unreasonable Demands

  Have tied our hands

  Everything benefits The Man

  Time for us to take a stand

  The Show

  Certain vibrations raising hell in the late summer

  Awkward past crazies get screened through mind’s filter

  Pointed fingers jab their abuses, upset with what is reality

  Doomsday predictions put on hold, until enough things have been sold

  Following in footsteps that were left long ago

  Aching indifference toward those who say

  “That is not the way to the show”

  Prosper Now

  First proper meal in far too long

  Money will soon run out if I don’t find a job

  But have some dough now to get me through

  Enjoy while it last; it will be gone too soon

  Breakthroughs are getting harder to come by

  New approach needed; to be able to fly

  Soon things will brighten; won’t have to worry about wasting time

  Prosper now while things are good

  Soon things will be as they should

  No more top ramen as my main food

  Put to use what I learned in school

  Rise up and infiltrate the machine

  Stay focused, keep your mind keen

  Put on a good face, personality unseen

  Make sure money goes to those in need



  I do need it

  Yes need it

  Helps me stay on top of it

  Otherwise I’m eating, drinking coffee and smoking tobacco till I start to spit<
br />
  Minds feels stale, anything to let it out

  That old plant helps control my epileptic drought

  If you have epilepsy

  The seizures need to be

  It’s how that type of brain, exercises itself effectively

  And with that plant, I control them easily

  It ain’t ADHD that afflicts me

  Although it does have a similarity

  But it is certainly

  Something that is fairly easy to be

  Just ingest a bit of this old plant

  That grows in the ground

  (It grows with water and sunshine all around)

  Doesn’t have to be grown in a basement underground

  Why is illegal?

  Ummmmm. Because. Uh.

  No Idea

  Well, I know the reason they like to give

  Except they have nothing to do with how real people live

  What’s it to you what I use treat epilepsy?

  It’s not harming you or me, so let me be

  The gateway thing is a stupid joke

  I just want my herb, I don’t want coke

  Or any chemically produced shit for that matter

  You’re not experimenting on my brain

  I’m not the Mad Hatter

  How many more are there like me?

  Good people who’ve been locked away for hurting nobody

  Or told to “take this and be praised”

  In order to give CEO of Brand X a raise

  It’s the dark little secret that can’t be swept under the rug anymore

  What are we locking up our brother American for?

  Maybe you like to drink, or have a cigarette

  Or maybe role some dice to feel on top of it

  I don’t know…maybe sex, or getting to flex, help you feel free

  People love TV too it seems

  Anything to improve your dreams

  Possible you have an accepted condition that a company makes a pill for

  Good. Glad your condition or vice is an acceptable chore

  A plant, yes a plant is all I need

  It helps my brain function at full speed

  Stay focused without the addictive caffeine or other speed

  You use what you need; to get you through the day,

  So leave me alone please, right away

  Oh yes, let’s not forget about other bonuses as well

  Competition in pain relief

  Supply no longer controlled by terrorist freaks

  Hemp; the material the Declaration was written on

  And yes; decreasing the power of Federal prosecution

  Yes prison builders may have to shift their focus

  And criminal justice will have to put a greater importance on stopping violence

  Which is unfortunate I guess

  But these are minor negatives we’ll be able to live with

  Oh no, almost forgot, the bail bondsmen will be lost

  Oh well, profiteering on the misfortunes of others;

  You deserve that cost

  So let’s do it and do it now

  Do I need to show you how?

  The vast majority want it this way

  So get it done now. Or at least right away, stop being clowns

  The elected need to represent us, the people who elected them

  Not their gulf buddy or their rich lobbyist

  Who give them millions

  Maybe let’s retake civics to relearn what democracy means

  Because the absurdity of the policy is only because of them; it seems

  Cabin Fever

  Cabin Fever

  Or maybe just bored theater

  Prolonged pause

  Waiting too long

  Do they want the song?

  Maybe just a fire, use the last log

  Radio music begins to clog

  Need a friend,


  Even a dog

  The time escapes slowly

  Writing still effortlessly

  Waiting for the news expectantly

  Is it time to leave?

  Cabin fever

  Climbing near

  Bouncing walls

  Joker likes the fear

  Can’t let the mind wander

  Fall into the cosmic slumber

  Visions of great marauder

  Flashing light takes us under

  When will it come?




  Damn. I thought there was someone

  Practice now while it’s flowing in the blood

  The Beast learns to control the flood

  Cabin fever

  Climbing near

  Bouncing walls

  Joker likes the fear


  Lost souls, nowhere to go

  Not everyone is in on the know

  May have to give The Others a show

  Prance around, let the good vibes flow

  Get up and Dance

  Give that Funk a chance

  Just move and dance

  Stop that rigid stance

  Feels good, rise above the fear

  A pretty girl sheds a tear

  New awakening is coming near

  Get up and Dance

  Give that Funk a chance

  Just move and dance

  Stop that rigid stance


  Sweet boredom

  Got any Ludlum?

  No to the heroine

  You sure?

  Maybe that’s the cure

  Go further down to darkness; feeling pure

  No, I would like a plant though

  The sweet herbal grow

  No speed? Maybe that’s what you need!


  No. None of it

  Just pass over my shit, so I can take a hit

  Ooh, maybe some of this

  Make the purple dragon appear in the mist

  Second thought, maybe not

  Just stick with the pot

  Fly Away

  Thousands of times the speed of light

  The first time; prey with all your might

  Of course it’s over soon

  After we pass several distant moons

  Think happy thoughts,

  As we traverse through the asteroid rock

  Rocky road up ahead

  Bolts of light, cosmic night

  Apparition in sight

  Partake in some sound dreamy sleep

  Pilot steers ship through the unknown deep

  Far reaching; no looking behind

  Sooth your mind; now is the time

  Wake Up! And Grab a Hold

  Ahh! The Great stories to be told

  The new place is quietly bold

  But no going back to the old pot of gold

  It wasn’t there anyway

  So we fly away, right away

  Come with us, today is your day


  Missing their growing years

  Too long away from their cheers

  Or even their tears

  Possible to mend this relation

  Youthful energy; hard to plan

  Precious time gone, while stuck in limbo

  Waiting for the green notes; so I can go

  Didn’t want to go to the Frozen Tundra

  But impossible without them

  There is no replica

  Looking at positives can help

  Promising future was dealt

  Reconnect with old friends

  Others make amends

  Lifestyle still depends

  Relive the glory days I guess

  Make them extend

  Drained and out of it

  But sensing it

  Getting closer


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