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Feed the Beast

Page 8

by Gary Hawkes


  Tying up the old ways

  The woman is here to stay

  Or else time to make a new play

  Commodity trading reveals new investors

  That like the dance of the jester

  Enjoy life before negatives can consume and start to fester

  Ignoring the standards The Others have proclaimed

  Only money on their mind, love and balance is not their name

  Longing for good days

  Tying up the old ways

  The woman is here to stay

  Or else time to make a new play


  The face of the enemy changes again

  The machine continues to spin

  Secrets and double talk to manipulate the truth

  Soon the falling bombs come into view

  Good and evil mixed together

  Everyone dies together

  Brother man continues the relentless pursuit

  Living is something many don’t get to choose

  Bomb everything to feed the machine

  Let the privileged earn some profit, while they stay at home, enjoying their dreams

  Continuous war

  Diplomacy too much of a chore

  Love is War

  It’s what our country is good for

  Support the party you voted

  Spit on the souls of the departed

  Judging The Others from a different place

  Even if we’re all in the human race

  Vengeful evil that fights to stay in power

  Stomping on the regulars

  Who are armed with a bright flower

  The machine has to continue in search of retaliation

  For those brave enough to resist death and incarceration

  Objecting to the rule by evil in personification

  Continuous war

  Diplomacy too much of a chore

  Love is War

  It’s what our country is good for


  Does Happy mean rich, able to scratch any itch?

  Flying high on the wings of freedom without a hitch

  Pandering to the corporate stench

  Broke is death, smelling the fumes from coal’s breath

  How to succeed when you start with nothing

  How to fail when you start with everything

  Old clichés form a pile of waste

  Stinging the eyes like a squirt of mace

  Work hard, but it’s not enough

  Sell out in order to find you place

  Battling with everyone in the never ending race

  Mad scrambling just to get a taste

  No light at the end of the tunnel

  Continue anyway, trying to be grateful

  Resist the temptation to become revengeful


  Ponder the thought of infinite time

  Only one chance in this life to fight for what is mine

  Same fight continue for you

  Eternally obscuring the clear view

  What’s after this, after all the chaos and mess?

  What really happens when there’s nothing left?

  When hope is gone and all the money’s been spent

  Find some cause to lead to deeper meaning

  Live the illusion in the age of un-reason

  Unnecessary punishment for a life striving for contentment

  Gambling away the future in hopes of fulfillment

  Last chance to make the show

  And see what everyone knows

  Energy diminished and there’s nothing left to flow

  New Day

  Diminishing life with each passing away

  Chance is gone for them, who am I to say?

  Passion to consume the future continues without regard

  Of anything beyond more and better

  Faith in country is gone; somehow murder is no longer wrong

  Stupid people allowed to gain even more power

  Gap widens every day

  Morally flexible is the only way

  Blinders to the plight of others

  Our fellow human brothers

  Build the machine with no real goal in mind

  Drain everything tell gone, join the grind

  How long can it last?

  How long before we become Earth’s past?

  It can’t last forever

  Despite what we know, we continue the charade

  Marching in greed’s parade

  Constant changing, ever evolving, never solving

  Is tomorrow a new day?


  Fluctuation in electricity in side of me

  Racing thought breeds new incite on what it means to be free

  Continuing to practice, preparing for the next life

  Confidence in not burning after death

  Adjusting to eternal blessing,

  Even though imperfections have left plenty of messing

  No one path is correct

  Many different ways to make the ascent

  Arrogant preaching’s who put down those who disagreed

  Get humbled, forced to work off their misdeed

  There is light at the end of the tunnel

  Working like a funnel

  Some will have more work to do

  Several lifetimes to choose

  Easing out of the evil that consumes them

  With relative time, anything can eventually be forgiven

  Promise Land

  Running low on ambition

  Try to climb over the mile high partition

  Society rambles on, each working for one

  Bonds broken as easily as a fallen twig

  Sinking further, the debt becomes too big

  The fingers continue to point

  Feeling righteous in their ridiculous choice

  Accusations continue

  Forced to defend, logic I try to use

  But it’s all for not

  So just smoke some pot

  Forget it all and move on with the rest

  Let them continue to sit on their throne

  Believing their ideas are the best

  Unwilling to accept blame both me and them

  So we continue on the idle march toward the end

  Soon it will be time to make a choice

  Cut the ties or continue to try and work things out through discourse

  Realist I am about where I am

  Not everyone gets invited to the promise land

  Going Home

  Is it coming soon?

  Will there soon be singing of the hopeful tune?

  Hard to tell

  People say they mean well

  Looking the other way to avoid confrontation

  Expedite the new way

  Like The Others have paved

  Or else face cure of this life or eternal damnation

  The myth of forgiveness taunts once again

  No more smiles to send

  Bending to the pressure, be prepared to defend

  Nothing happened without the planned thought

  Allusion of love is no longer sought

  Love the machine that bleeds the soul

  Earn more money; then load a bowl

  Waste away; no more going home

  Devil’s Company

  Waiting for an end to the madness

  Wasted energy makes it hard to attempt

  What’s the point?

  Another war begins its build up

  This one because of a small group’s lust for power and wealth

  That damages the citizens’ right to good health

  Evil descends to fight the greater evil

  The gun maker rejoices, excited about the lucrative deal

  People become cattle, easily discarded

  All in the name of profit off the souls of the departed

  Nothing ever solved, lives thrown away like too old meat

  The elites find new and deadly ways to cheat

/>   Unafraid of the Devil’s company they keep

  Keep Livin’

  Life lesson learned about how to not get burned

  Familiar melody

  Deep inside of me

  Formulating the next path, guess where it leads

  Continue to feel the sting of past misdeeds

  Whole life consumed in a blink

  Swallowed by the Lord of Dreams

  Trekking further into the infinite

  Which place will have the best fit?

  Aimless not much longer

  Failing often but becoming stronger

  Learning from the experience

  What makes the most sense?

  Keep Livin’

  Don’t stop trying

  Too soon to worry of dying


  It was clear that the options were dwindling

  Longevity weakened from the surreal feeling

  The participants welcomed the chaos

  The opportunity to make a mess

  Confident their course was the best

  Sporting a hopeful new look

  Not following any particular book

  Regaining the power that they took

  The psychology regains interest

  Mastering the faith, they can’t resist

  Ambivalent desire still forced to persist

  But with long winter approaching fast

  The mood darkens and it becomes difficult to stay on task

  Drown in the bottle, fill up the flask

  The light approaches, what questions do I ask?


  Where the future leads it’s hard to tell

  Are we like other civilizations that fell?

  Arrogant dominance leaves a pungent smell

  Changing course, finding some remorse

  Past lives that joined the force

  Choosing to live life for sport

  The meaning of existence continues to dominate the scene

  Assessing the past, figuring out what it all means

  The dreams are stopped to silence the mother

  Not sure who to call brother

  Reach back into the truth

  What’s the reason to follow the rules?

  Bend the agenda, using the mind for tools

  Laughter picks up from the ones who were presented the golden cup

  Pointing fingers at the ones they believe are the fools

  Let Go

  Listen to the songs other people have written

  To find my own voice, separate from their choice

  Watching characters that become part of me

  No escaping one’s destiny

  Boundless energy fueled by the thought of eternity

  Let go, feel the flow

  Teach what you know

  Never too late for life’s show

  Bad Karma from avoidance and laziness

  Stoned thought ambles back to ambivalence

  Meaningful search that resists the urge

  To exploit the broken agenda of the one with curls

  Exciting days come into view, never too soon

  Let go, feel the flow

  Teach what you know

  Never too late for life’s show


  What’s the matter, still worried about what comes after?

  East it out of your mind

  Just be kind to your fellow man kind

  Change what you can, follow your dreams

  Don’t just be cogs in the machine

  Rise up to fight the stupidity

  That festers inside

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