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Predestined Hearts

Page 10

by Kelly Elliott

  Giving me a smile that melted my insides, Danny winked at me. “Miss Montgomery, one thing you must know by now, I am always prepared.”

  Raising my eyebrow, I tilted my head. “What if I become with child?”

  The smile from Danny’s face disappeared. “Bloody hell, Sophia.” Running his hands through his hair, Danny let out a frustrated groan. “How foolish of me! Damn, I can’t believe I risked your reputation in such a way.”

  I tossed my head back and laughed. “I think my reputation was risked the moment I stepped into your carriage without my chaperone.”

  Danny reached for my hands. “We are betrothed, darling.”

  Giggling, I moved to my knees. “Do you think all betrothed couples behave as we do?”

  Smiling, he slowly shook his head. “I think you have bewitched me, Sophia. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you.”

  “Did I frighten you with my words of becoming with child?”

  Danny smiled the most handsome smile I’d ever seen. He slowly shook his head. “No, my darling. I pray that my child is growing within your womb as we speak.”

  Biting on my lip, I pulled the shirt over my head. “Make love to me.”

  Standing quickly, Danny took his trousers off. Dropping down to his knees, he cupped my face with his hands. “The moment my eyes fell upon you, Sophia, I knew that I would love you with every ounce of my being.”

  “How did you know?” I asked as Danny gently brushed his lips across mine.

  “Your smile.”

  I let out a low moan from the back of my throat as he continued to kiss me. Whispering, I asked, “My smile?”

  His lips were magical as they moved across my lips and down my neck. “Yes, my darling, your smile.”

  Danny slowly lowered me to the quilt as he pushed my legs apart and teased my sex with the tip of his cock.

  Danny brushed his lips against mine as he whispered, “I cannot wait to make you my wife.”

  I closed my eyes tightly. Opening them, I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. “Daniel, I need to tell you something.”

  He stopped moving as he gazed into my eyes. “Sophia, you can tell me anything.”

  Swallowing hard, I said, “I do not bring a large dowry to our marriage. My father—” My voice cracked as I looked away.

  “Sophia, please look at me.”

  Turning, I looked in Daniel’s eyes. Leaning down he kissed my tear soaked cheeks. “I want nothing from you but your love. I promise to always provide a good life for you and our children.”

  A small sob escaped my lips. “I’ll love you forever, Daniel Stowe.”

  Pressing his lips to mine, Daniel kissed me passionately. Moments later, he filled my body as he slowly made love to me, whispering repeatedly how much he loved me.

  “Stop ringing your hands together, Sophia.”

  Glancing over to Daniel, I let out a sigh. “How can you remain so calm? I’ve just spent an entire evening and morning alone with you. What will our parents think?”

  Danny smiled and winked at me as the carriage came to a stop. The door opened and I waited for Danny to get out first. He reached back in for my hand to guide me out of the carriage. Placing my hand in his, I stepped out. Looking around quickly for my mother or father, I was confused by where we were.

  “Danny, where are we?” I asked as he placed his hand on my lower back. Tingles moved along my spine as he guided me to a door. He threw open the door and Nelly and Richard were sitting at a table. I stopped walking. “Nelly?”

  Standing, Nelly’s smile spread wider across her face. She quickly looked at Daniel and nodded her head. “Come along, Sophia, you best not be up and about when you feel so ill.”

  Pulling my arm from Nelly’s hand, I looked at her. “Don’t be daft, I feel amazing.”

  Turning back to Danny, I smiled. He walked up to me and placed his hand on my neck. Pulling me toward him, he leaned down and kissed me. “I love you, Sophia. Go with Nelly now and I’ll call on you once we are back in Savannah.” Turning, he nodded to Richard. “Shall we?”

  Standing, Richard placed a kiss upon Nelly’s cheek, turned and followed Danny out the door. I spun around and looked at Nelly. “What is going on?”

  Giggling, she threaded her arm in mine. “Daniel had it all planned. He was going to sneak you out of the dance and to his family’s beach house. I was to tell your mother and father you fell ill and adjourned to your room. Your mother came to check on you once. Once she was satisfied that you were sleeping well, she left you for the rest of the evening.”

  I stopped walking. “If I was with Daniel, who was in my room?”

  Smiling a wicked smile, Nelly whispered, “Richard.”

  My hand moved over my mouth to contain my laughter. “No!”

  Nodding her head, Nelly said, “Yes.”

  Giggling, the entire way back to my room, Nelly asked about my time with Danny. I told her everything. I opened the door to my room and came to an abrupt halt as Nelly let out a gasp.

  “Mother, what are you doing in my room?” I asked as I tried to stay calm. Standing, my mother smoothed out her dress before glancing toward Nelly.

  “Nelly, you are excused. I need a moment alone with my daughter.”

  I grabbed Nelly’s hand. “Nelly is my friend. You have no right to excuse her from my room and—”

  My mother gave me a dirty look. “You. Are. To. Leave. Nelly. Now!”

  Dropping Nelly’s hand, I glared at my mother. Nelly quickly left the room, quietly shutting the door behind her. My mother slowly walked up to me. “Where were you last night?”

  “Here. In bed feeling ill.”

  “Sophia, where were you last night?”

  Smiling, I looked away.

  My mother grabbed my shoulders and shook me as she yelled out. “Look at me!”

  Turning slowly, I looked into her eyes. They were filled with nothing but hate. “I was with Daniel.”

  My mother dropped her hands from me and took a step back. “You have disgraced this family.”

  Laughing, I motioned for Lucy to help me with my dress. “Please, Mother. I would guess no one knew I was gone.”

  Turning so Lucy could help me out of my dress, I quickly began taking off my hose as she undid my corset.

  “Did you … did you—”

  Glancing over my shoulder and gave her a wicked grin. “Did I what, Mother?”

  Lucy wrapped a robe around my body.

  “You shall never see Daniel again.”

  Dragging in a deep breath, I stared my mother in the eye. For once in my life, I was not going to let her push me around. “I’m afraid that would be rather hard to do mother, being that we are betrothed.”

  I could see the anger flash across her face. “He has nothing!”

  “He has everything I need and want.”

  Throwing her head back, my mother laughed. “Like what? Love?”

  In that moment, I felt sorry for my mother. She truly did not know what it meant to be in love. “This is nonsense, Sophia. Devlin Covington is a fine match. You will stop this ridiculous affair at once. Then we will arrange a party for you and Mr. Covington to get to know each other.”

  My body shook with anger. I took a step forward as I made my way closer to my mother. “What would Mr. Covington think of me, Mother, if he knew I let another man fuck me all night long?”

  Gasping, my mother reached up and slapped me across the face. Lucy let out a small scream. Placing my hand on the side of my face, I stood taller as I looked my mother in the eye.

  “I love, Daniel. I’m going to marry, Daniel.”

  Shaking her head no, my mother hissed through her teeth. “You will not.”

  I grinned as I nodded my head. “I will. Because as we speak, his child grows within my stomach.”

  My mother’s face turned white as her hands slowly covered her mouth. She took a few steps back. “Sophia, how could you? You may have ruined everything.”

back my tears, I looked away from my mother. “Please leave me be, Mother. I’m not feeling well and I need to rest before we head home.”

  My mother dropped her hands to her side. Standing taller, she pushed past me and opened my door. Turning back to me, she whispered, “I hope you are happy knowing you broke my heart and ruined your life.”

  The moment the door shut, my legs gave out. Lucy was right there to catch me. “Miss Montgomery, are you okay?”

  Tears streamed down my face as I shook my head. “No, Lucy. I fear I’ve woken a sleeping monster.”

  Pushing my hair back and out of my eyes, Lucy looked at me with a loving face. She was the same age as me and I often wondered what her dreams were. “I will draw you a hot bath at once.” Walking me to the bed, Lucy helped me to lie down. Rolling to my side, I wrapped my arms around my stomach and I prayed to God that I truly did have Daniel’s child growing inside me. The faster we married, the faster I was free from my mother.

  As I felt my eyes grow heavy, I let them close. “Danny—”

  THE HEAT ON my cheeks hadn’t left my face since Gael had begun reading the journal. Tucked into his side, I hoped he hadn’t notice. The depth of Sophia’s writing had touched something within as I craved to experience what she had written in her intimate moments with Daniel.

  Gael shifted and I moved slightly away as he placed the journal on the coffee table. “Well, I think we’ve had a first date for the history books. Who can say they’ve read about their great-great-great grandparents having a little fun? And … I would say not only was my office desecrated by our grandparents, but this room as well.”

  Gael’s joking voice had me giggling versus slowly dying of humiliation from the graphic scenes Sophia had described. “I would say there probably isn’t a room in this house they didn’t touch.”

  Settling back into the couch, I nestled into his side and we both became quiet. The flames from the fire danced about. Reflectively, I talked. “Danny and Sophia loved each other. It’s evident. Sophia’s mother seems like a horrible person. She reminds me of my ex. I hope that love finds a way with them and conquers everything in the end. I know that sounds cliché, but it gives me hope.”

  “I have hope for them. Do you want to read more?”

  Sighing, I let contentment overtake me. “I’ll wait until it feels right to read the next section. It gives me a lot to think about and reflect on. Sophia knew who she was and I admire that.”

  Soothing strokes from Gael along my arm left a warm feeling. “I want us to read the journal and go on their journey together, if you’re okay with that.”

  “I am. I’d like that.”

  I felt safe in his arms and like I could be myself. There weren’t hidden agendas or false undertones in what he told me from what I could see.

  Gael shifted uncomfortable. “This couldn’t be worse timing.” Scrubbing a hand down his face, my heart beat wildly as I held my breath. He continued, “I’m leaving tomorrow on a trip and I don’t want to lose what we started tonight.”

  That was the story of my life—when things were too good to be true, they normally were.

  Imperceptibly, I let out the breath I held and pushed back slightly so I could see Gael’s face. “How long? Where are you going?” There was no hiding the sadness in my voice. Truth be told, I didn’t want to lose what we had started either.

  “I’m headed to a culinary school in France for two weeks.”

  Two weeks. I tried to remain outwardly unaffected as I let it sink in. My mind was a blur as I tried to process how much I didn’t want him to leave.

  “Ashlin, what are you thinking? You’ve slipped behind a mask and I can’t make out what you’re feeling. When your guard’s down, you let me see everything. When it’s not, you disappear on me.” Gael’s brown eyes were searching mine as his eyebrows furrowed.

  Feeling as if he could penetrate my inner being with the depth of his stare, I looked down. “I—umm—I—It’s just that—” I stopped and took a deep breath as I gathered my thoughts. “I guess I’m unsure where that leaves us while you’re in France. Will you date while you’re away?”

  Turning to face me completely, Gael took my face in his hands. It was a gesture he seemed to do when he wanted my complete attention. “I won’t be dating anyone else. Let’s see where this takes us and go at a pace that works for us. We’ll talk on the phone and keep getting to know each other better. Ashlin, you’re fresh out of a relationship and I don’t want to rush you. You can get your breakup with Harris public, get settled and we’ll see where this goes. We have the beginning of something, Ashlin, and I don’t want to do anything to risk the possibilities.”

  “I like that plan—”

  Whatever I was going to say was interrupted as Gael’s lips touched mine. He cherished me with his kiss and the feeling melted me. I was wanted for who I was and nothing more. Before our need for each other ignited into an inferno, I’m not sure either of us could stop this time, Gael disengaged. “Thank you for giving me a chance.”

  “Thank you for taking a chance on me.”

  “You’re worth everything, Ashlin.”

  I didn’t know what to say. Swallowing hard, I pushed the lump in my throat back down. Giving him a tender kiss, I said, “You’re already spoiling me. What time does your plane leave?”

  Gael’s hands came down to mine. “I have to leave here tomorrow at three thirty in the morning for a six o’clock flight.”

  Glancing at the clock on the mantel, I saw it was close to dinner time. “That’s really early. I’d have to say no thank you to culinary school if the flight was that early. You’ll learn I’m not a morning person. I should probably get going so you can get packed.”

  Squeezing my hands, Gael stood and I followed. “I have some things to take care of at the restaurant. We could grab a quick bite to eat in my office before I take you home. It’ll give us some more time together. I know it’s not the most romantic, but—”

  I put my fingers to his lips. “It’s perfect. I don’t need overdone.”

  Something passed over Gael’s face that I wasn’t able to place. His thumbs made small erotic circles on the inside of my wrist. The brown eyes staring at me were dancing with desire. The points of my nipples hardened while want curled in my stomach. My sex felt warm and ached for relief.

  “Fuck, I want you, Ashlin.”

  The raw sensuality of his voice spurred my hands to his lower abdomen. Beneath his shirt, I could feel his muscles quake.

  “I want you, too.”

  We were magnets drawn to each other as we spoke in lowered voices. His breath teased the skin on my face as he drew closer. Tingles erupted over my flesh.

  Our lips touched. “I’m going to pull away now. But know, every fiber in my being is screaming to take you upstairs, strip you down, and bury myself inside you as I make love to you like no one else has ever done.”

  Gael stepped back while he worked on getting his breathing under control. “We need to go before I lose what little control I have. These two weeks are going to be pure torture.”

  Excitement surged within me, knowing I affected him so. I took a deep breath. The need for him did not wane, but only grew as the air seemed to crackle between us. “I hope these two weeks fly by, Gael.”

  “You have no idea. I think, at this point, it’s a good thing I’m going to have an ocean separating us.”

  Inside of the office of Gael’s restaurant, we sat at a small table for two that was off to the right in the room. On the way there, Gael had made a call to have everything setup by the time we arrived. It was fairly obvious Gael didn’t date often with the looks of intrigue I received as we came in. Everyone was warm and friendly as we smiled and made brief introductions.

  The old brick walls were decorated with different achievements Gael’s Place had won over the years. On the back wall, behind the dark wooden desk, were two huge plaques from when Gael had won Georgia’s Chef of the Year two different times. It was impressive t
o say the least.

  I took another bite of the clam chowder and closed my eyes. Each bite was more delicious than the last. Gael had done the honors of picking the food for the evening. “Is this a secret recipe, too?”

  Gael winked at me as I reopened my eyes and awaited his response. “It is and you know the price to learn it.”

  Shaking my head, I playfully responded, “Yes, I do. It’s a pretty steep price if I do say so myself.” We looked at each other while the heat continued to simmer between us and the connection grew. Breaking our silent flirting standoff before it got us into trouble, I asked, “What are you going to learn at the culinary school in France?”

  “I’m working on perfecting my pastries. Chef François is one of the best. This is the first time he’s done a class and I had the honor of being one of ten selected to attend this two-week school he’s doing.” There was an easy confidence about Gael when he spoke.

  Dabbing my lips with my napkin, I sat back in my chair. “That’s impressive. Congrats on getting in. I’m sure several chefs applied. Do you need any help with your house while you’re gone? I’d offer to help here also, but I can’t promise what kind of shape your restaurant would be in when you came home. With my culinary and waitressing skills, I’d scare away all the patrons.”

  “I’m going to teach you how to cook.” A raised eyebrow from Gael challenged me to doubt him.

  Raising my hands in surrender, I said, “Okay, if you’re strong enough for the challenge, I’m a willing student.”

  “That’s the spirit.” Gael moved a covered dish that had been set aside to the middle of the table. “Right now, I think I have everything covered for the house. But, I’ll leave a key with you in case anything comes up. It’ll save my mom a drive if it’s something you’re able to do.”

  Clearing the dishes and putting them on the cart that had wheeled in our food, Gael declined my offer to help. It was a different feeling being cared for and the center of someone’s attention.

  “What do you have under the covered dish?” I asked.


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