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The Royal Book of Oz

Page 21

by L. Frank Baum



  "Well!" gasped Dorothy, fanning herself with her hat, "I never was sos'prised in my life!"

  "Nor I," exclaimed the Scarecrow. "The Grand Gheewizard will be suingyou for parassault and battery. But how did it happen?"

  "Well," began Dorothy, "as soon as the parasol opened, I flew up sofast that I could hardly breathe. Then, after I'd gone ever so far,it came to me that if the parasol went up when it was up, it wouldcome down when it was down. I couldn't leave you all in such a fix--so I closed it, and--"

  "Came down!" finished the Scarecrow with a wave of his hand. "Youalways do the right thing in the right place, my dear."

  "It was lucky I hit the vase, wasn't it?" sighed Dorothy. "But I'mrather sorry about the Princes."

  "Served 'em right," growled the Cowardly Lion. "They'll make verygood pigs!"

  "But who's to rule the island?" demanded Sir Hokus, turning his gazereluctantly from the smoking dragonskin.

  "This will require thought," said the Scarecrow pensively. "Let usall think."

  "I doubt that I can ever think again." The Doubtful Dromedary waggedhis head from side to side in a dazed fashion.

  "Just leave it to our dear Karwan Bashi." The Comfortable Camelnodded complacently at the Knight and began plucking sly wisps fromthe Scarecrow's boot top. For a short time there was absolutesilence.

  Then Sir Hokus, who had been thinking tremendously with his elbows onhis knees, burst out, "Why not Sir Pudding, here? Why not this honestPunster? Who but Happy Toko deserves the throne?"

  "The very person!" cried the Scarecrow, clasping his yellow gloves,and taking off his silver hat, he set it impulsively upon the head ofthe fat little Silver Islander.

  "He'll make a lovely Emperor," said Dorothy. "He's so kind-heartedand jolly. And now the Scarecrow can abdicate and come home to Oz."

  They all looked triumphantly at the Imperial Punster, but Happy Toko,snatching off the royal hat, burst into tears.

  "Don't leave me behind, amiable Master!" he sobbed disconsolately."Oh, how I shall miss you!"

  "But don't you see," coaxed Dorothy, "the Scarecrow needs you heremore than anyplace, and think of all the fine clothes you will haveand how rich you will be!"

  "And Tappy, my dear boy," said the Scarecrow, putting his arm aroundHappy Toko, "you might not like Oz any more than I like SilverIsland. Then think--if everything goes well, you can visit me--justas one Emperor visits another!"

  "And you won't forget me?" sniffed Happy, beginning to like the ideaof being Emperor.

  "Never!" cried the Scarecrow with an impressive wave.

  "And if anything goes wrong, will you help me out?" questioned Happyuncertainly.

  "We'll look in the Magic Picture of Oz every month," declaredDorothy, "and if you need us we'll surely find some way to help you."

  "An' you ever require a trusty sword, Odds Bodikins!" exclaimed SirHokus, pressing Tappy's hand, "I'm your man!"

  "All right, dear Master!" Happy slowly picked up the Imperial hat andset it sideways on his head. "I'll do my best."

  "I don't doubt it at all," said the Doubtful Dromedary to everyone'ssurprise.

  "Three cheers for the Emperor! Long live the Emperor of the SilverIsland," rumbled the Cowardly Lion, and everybody from Oz, even thecamel and dromedary, fell upon their knees before Happy Toko.

  "You may have my bride, too, Tappy," chuckled the Scarecrow with awink at Dorothy. "And Tappy," he asked, sobering suddenly, "will youhave my grandsons brought up like real children? Just as soon as Ireturn, I shall send them all the Books of Oz."

  Happy bowed, too confused and excited for speech.

  "Now," said the Scarecrow, seizing Dorothy's hand, "I can return toOz with an easy mind."

  "Doubt that," said the Doubtful Dromedary.

  "You needn't!" announced Dorothy. "I've thought it all out." In a fewshort sentences she outlined her plan.

  "Bravo!" roared the Cowardly Lion, and now the little party began inreal earnest the preparation for the journey back to Oz.

  First, Happy brought them a delicious luncheon, with plenty of twigsand hay for the camel and dromedary and meat for the Cowardly Lion.The Scarecrow packed into the camel's sacks a few little souvenirsfor the people of Oz. Then they dressed Happy Toko in the Scarecrow'smost splendid robe and ordered him to sit upon the throne. Next, theScarecrow rang for one of the palace servants and ordered the peopleof the Silver Islands to assemble in the hall.

  Presently the Silvermen began to come trooping in, packing the greatthrone room until it could hold no more. Everyone was chatteringexcitedly.

  It was quite a different company that greeted them. The Scarecrow,cheerful and witty in his old Munchkin suit, Dorothy and Sir Hokussmiling happily, and the three animal members of the party fairlyblinking with contentment.

  "This," said the Scarecrow pleasantly when everyone was quiet, "isyour new Emperor, to whom I ask you to pledge allegiance." He wavedproudly in the direction of Happy Toko, who, to tell the truth,presented a truly royal appearance. "It is not possible for me toremain with you, but I shall always watch over this delightful islandand with the magic fan vanquish all its enemies and punish alloffenders."

  Happy Toko bowed to his subjects.

  The Silver Islanders exchanged startled glances, then, as theScarecrow carelessly lifted the fan, they fell prostrate to theearth.

  "Ah!" said the Scarecrow with a broad wink at Happy. "This isdelightful. You agree with me, I see. Now then, three cheers forTappy Oko, Imperial Emperor of the Silver Island."

  The cheers were given with a will, and Happy in acknowledgement madea speech that has since been written into the Royal Book of state asa masterpiece of eloquence.

  Having arranged affairs so satisfactorily, the Scarecrow embracedHappy Toko with deep emotion. Dorothy and Sir Hokus shook hands withhim and wished him every success and happiness. Then the little partyfrom Oz walked deliberately to the bean pole in the center of thehall.

  The Silver Islanders were still a bit dazed by the turn affairs hadtaken and stared in astonishment as the Scarecrow and Sir Hokusfastened thick ropes around the Cowardly Lion, the Doubtful Dromedaryand the Comfortable Camel. Similar ropes they tied around their ownwaists and Dorothy's, and the ends of all were fastened securely tothe handle of the magic parasol, which Dorothy held carefully.

  "Goodbye, everybody!" called the little girl, suddenly opening theparasol.

  "Goodbye!" cried the genial Scarecrow, waving his hand.

  Too stupefied for speech, the assemblage gaped with amazement as theparty floated gently upward. Up--up--and out of sight whirled theentire party.


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