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All of Me (The Trust Me Series Book 3)

Page 10

by K E Osborn

  Thank God for Bree, she’s a true lifesaver.

  The day continues without another hitch. Thankfully.

  At the end of the day, Aiden walks out of his office, pulling his jacket over his arms and steps over to me. “Are you ready to go, baby?”

  I nod, and we head straight to the elevator. “See you tomorrow, Bree,” I say.

  “See ya, guys,” she calls out with a wave but doesn’t look up.

  As the elevator descends, we have a few moments alone, so I snuggle into Aiden. He wraps his arm around me, nuzzling his face into my hair, kissing the top of my head. I know I’m safe in the arms of the man I love. As much as his father is a force to be reckoned with, Aiden is my safe haven.

  They are stark contrasts—the heaven and hell of the O’Connell men.

  “Let’s take a day off work,” I say out of the blue, trying to find a way out of coming into contact with Niall. I’m over him and his bullshit.

  Aiden chuckles. “While that does sound very tempting, I have the Andersons coming in at two for a meeting, and my schedule is full today.” He twirls a piece of my hair around his finger, then leans in for a kiss.

  “Oh, yeah… I forgot,” I say sullenly.

  “Don’t worry, I’m sure we can take a day off soon when I’m not so busy.” Aiden sits, bringing me with him and kisses me once more, then stands, leaving me in bed.

  He walks to the closet and pulls out a gray suit for him, a skirt and pink ruffled top for me.

  I raise my brow. “Do you realize every time you pick my clothes, you always choose a skirt?”

  “Yes, I do. Easy access,” he replies while insinuatingly raising his eyebrows.

  “There’s that inner pervert coming out in you,” I tease.

  He chuckles with a dip of his chin. “You love it! Now, get dressed.”

  After our usual morning routine, we arrive, and Bree is already working. It makes me wonder what time she actually makes it to work in the morning. She’s always here before us.

  “Good morning,” she calls out.

  “Morning,” we both reply as we pass her on our way to my desk.

  Aiden kisses my cheek, then continues to his office.

  Once he disappears, Bree announces, “Jeni, I sent you an email with the details of what we were talking about yesterday.”

  I widen my eyes in acknowledgment. “Thanks, I’ll take a look at it now.”

  To: Jenifer Taylor

  From: Brielle O’Connell

  Subject: Counseling

  Hey, Jeni, I found this place that deals with domestic abuse. It’s in the next town, so no one from here will know. The web address is below if you want to have a look. The earliest appointment I could get is just after lunch on Friday. I booked the appointment, but if you don’t like the place or are unsure, let me know, and I can reschedule for somewhere else. Check it out, though. Thoroughly. I think they can help.

  The doctor you’re seeing is Dr. Deanna Lovett. There’s a profile of her on the website. Take a look. Let me know what you think.

  Bree xo

  I click on the website, and the first thing I read on the home page sounds exactly like me.

  If you’ve lived through a traumatic experience, you may be struggling with unmanageable emotions, memories, or a sense of overwhelming danger. You may feel numb, disconnected, and find it hard to trust people.

  When traumatic events happen, it can take some time to get over the initial pain and anguish, but more importantly, it may take you a significant amount time to feel safe and secure again.

  We will help you to overcome these feelings and free your inner torment.

  Asking for help is not shameful, and you shouldn’t feel alone in your recovery. Help is out there.

  We CAN and will find a way to help you recover from past traumatic experiences.

  I continue on to the profile page of Dr. Deanna Lovett. There’s a picture of her—she’s tall and thin with short, gray hair and glasses. Below her photograph, reads her certifications and experience in the field.

  Dr. Deanna Lovett founded the Healing Clinic in 1980 after her marriage became hostile and violent. She realized, after suffering years of torment and abuse from her spouse, that she needed to save herself.

  She has strived to help those in the same or similar situations to her own.

  With twelve formal years of educational training, she became a Doctor of Psychiatry at the age of forty-three.

  She specializes in spousal abuse and clinical depression.

  She’s been through this herself. That’s comforting to know. I don’t need to look at anything else, this doctor sounds perfect. I send an email to Bree because I don’t want anyone to overhear, especially Aiden.

  To: Brielle O’Connell

  From: Jenifer Taylor

  Subject: Re: Counseling

  Hey Bree,

  Thanks for that. She sounds perfect.

  Can you still come with me? I don’t think I can do this alone.


  Jeni xoxo

  I send the email and continue with my work, waiting for her reply.

  To: Jenifer Taylor

  From: Brielle O’Connell

  Subject: Re: Re: Counseling

  Of course, I’ll come with you.

  The appointment is Friday at 1:00 pm. We can head over there and grab a quick bite to eat after. The appointment takes an hour, so we will be a little late getting back. Father can deal with that when the time comes.

  Bree xo

  When I look over at her, she smiles back in understanding, then we both get back to work. I feel confident with Bree’s choice of psychologist for me.

  It’s close to two, and the Anderson’s will be here for their scheduled meeting soon.

  The elevator chimes, and I look up to see the Anderson group walk in. I notice Erik smiling so wide I can see all of his perfectly straight white teeth. He walks with that strut, straight over to my desk, taking a seat on the edge. “Hey, Jeni, I didn’t think you worked here anymore? Although, I am glad you’re back. I was disappointed when I saw someone else at your desk, who was nowhere near as gorgeous and friendly as you are.”

  He’s going straight for it, then?

  I remember Aiden saying that he thought Erik had a crush on me, and he was hoping I was single. I can’t help but smile, being admired does all sorts of things for a girl’s self-esteem.

  “Thanks, Erik, I’m glad to be back.”

  “So…” he cocks his head to the side, giving me a gigantic cocky smirk, “… why’d you leave in the first place?”

  I open my mouth to answer, but Aiden’s office door swings open. He walks out noticing Erik sitting on my desk, so he strides over. “Erik,” his tone is curt as he puts out his hand and they shake.

  “Hey, Aiden. Good to see you. You’ve made the right decision bringing back Jeni. I never liked that other girl. She was moody and dressed weird. Not like Jeni at all, who always looks perfect.” Erik smiles on the last word, almost as if he’s gushing, and if I am being honest, it surprises me.

  Aiden stiffens his posture, glaring at Erik, who’s still looking at me with a sparkle in his eyes.

  “Tori was a lovely person. She passed away. As for Jeni, you’re right, she is perfect. But just so you know, she has a fiancé who loves her very much,” Aiden grumbles.

  I scowl at Aiden, but he looks away, knowing he’ll be in trouble for this damn pissing contest he’s having with Erik, who doesn’t have a clue what’s going on.

  “Oh, I never knew Tori passed away.” He winces. “Shit! I’m so sorry to hear that.” He glances at me and down to my left hand to take in the sight of my ring. “I’m also sorry to hear Jeni’s taken, too. But I’m not surprised.” A smirk appears on his face. “Doesn’t mean I can’t admire her from afar, though. Does it?” he asks, winking at me. Erik stands and walks off toward the boardroom.

  Aiden stays with me but stares daggers into hi
s back. I’m sure if Aiden wasn’t the consummate professional, he would throw a real one.

  I fold my arms over my chest. “Aiden, that was rude,” I whisper.

  “Yeah, he should keep his mouth in check.”

  “That’s not what I mean, and you know it. Stop with the pissing contest. Give the guy a chance and stop banging your chest like an angry ape.” I give him a warm smile. “You know I love you, and you know how important trust is to me. So trust me that Erik and his little flirtations aren’t going to go anywhere. Remember what happened with Chris and look at you two now.” Aiden glances at me. “Don’t do anything stupid to jeopardize the account. Your father hates me as it is, so don’t give him a damn reason to detest me even more. Please?”

  Aiden exhales, but his expression softens. “I trust you, baby, I always have. It’s Erik I don’t trust. After the shit that happened with Jason, honestly, I don’t want anyone near you who doesn’t have to be.” He turns and grabs my hands in his. “You’re so precious to me, Jeni. I can’t take the risk of losing you again. I have no idea about Erik’s character. You understand, don’t you?”

  “Aiden, I’ll never leave you again. I told you that, and I meant it. Nothing and no one will tear us apart. I’m yours. Always. As for Erik’s character, you have enough security on me that I feel very safe. Stop worrying.” I notice Brielle from the corner of my eye, watching us.

  “Okay, but I won’t let him openly flirt with you in front of me. I’ll tell him who I am to you if he tries anything,” he warns.

  “Aiden, you know that’s unprofessional. Just stop it! He won’t try anything. He’s harmless. Now go to the meeting before your father has an aneurysm. I love you. No need for jealousy,” I try to placate him.

  “I’m not jealous, just concerned,” he lies as he kisses my hand.

  “Mm-hmm… go!” I push him toward the boardroom.

  Brielle giggles, and Aiden winks at me as he walks off. I lean back in my computer chair and exhale loudly in frustration.

  “My brother, the jealous lover. Who’d have thought,” Brielle quips.

  And those few words make me grin.

  The day grinds away, and now it’s close to four, and Aiden and Niall are still in the boardroom with the Andersons, and I feel like a caffeine fix.

  “Coffee?” I ask Bree.

  She thinks about it for a moment and shakes her head. “Nah, I’m good.”

  I walk to the kitchen and place a mug into the coffee machine, then press the button for a latte. Staring at nothing, I lean back against the sink.

  Suddenly, I hear Niall’s booming laughter. I peer out the door and watch Aiden and Niall walking with the Anderson group—the meeting must finally be finished. I’m pretty sure I just saw Mr. Anderson rolling his eyes and exhaling at something Niall’s just said. Guess Niall has the same effect on everyone. I think Mr. Anderson has realized what a douchebag the old bastard is. Erik glances over and spots me, gives me a brief wave, then smiles. I wave back, but my eyes dart to Aiden, who doesn’t seem to notice.

  The Andersons all step into the elevator and leave as Aiden glances casually toward the kitchen. He smiles and walks over. “How you doing?” he asks, swaggering in like he’s king dick. I laugh at how ridiculous he looks while he pulls me into his arms. Swaying me from side to side, he nuzzles my neck, gently kissing my skin.

  “I gather the meeting went well?”

  “Mm-hmm,” he murmurs as he continues.

  “Someone’s in a better mood.”

  Pulling his head away from my neck, he looks into my eyes. “What can I say? I’m a man in love.”

  “This is a damn office, not a brothel,” Niall grunts, stomping into the kitchen.

  Aiden lets me go, so I spin to retrieve my coffee from the machine while rolling my eyes. I turn and walk out. Aiden follows and gently taps me on the ass which makes me giggle.

  “We’ll continue that later,” he whispers in my ear, then he strolls back to his office grinning like the Cheshire cat, and we continue with our day.

  Aiden strolls out of his office at the end of the day, pulling on his suit jacket, and we make our way to the parking garage where Mike’s waiting. Sliding into the car, Aiden pulls me into his lap. “Now, where were we?”

  I giggle and look over at Mike who places his AirPods into his ears. Aiden caresses my face, then kisses me. His hands run through my hair, and for a moment, I forget where we are as I lose myself in him. His tongue finds mine as I lean my body against his completely. His kiss is strong, and it instantly makes my panties wet, but let’s face it, just a simple touch from Aiden has that effect on me.

  The car pulls up at Sarah’s, and Aiden pulls back breathlessly. I realize we’ve stopped and hop off his lap, making a quick exit from the car.

  “Thanks, Mike,” Aiden calls out as we rush toward the front door.

  Aiden spins me, my back facing the door as I continue walking backward. Pushing the door open, he steps forward, making me step back through the door, and he closes it with his foot. He leans down, his lips against mine, taking possession of me as that spark ignites throughout my entire being.

  My body presses against his, his arms wrapping around my waist as my tongue dances to a frantic beat. The heat from kissing Aiden like this sparks a burning desire. He lifts me by my ass, and I wrap my legs around his waist which, in turn, hitches up my skirt.

  As Aiden carries me down the hall, I throw my handbag and keys at the buffet, but they miss and fall to the floor. Aiden doesn’t stop, continuing toward our bedroom. We’re locked in a steamy kiss, our breathing is heavier as our bodies begin to rock against each other’s in anticipation.

  “Hi, guys. Oh…” Sarah giggles.

  We’re kissing so frantically, Aiden bumps into the table making us both laugh but quickly return to kissing each other insatiably.

  Without any acknowledgment of Sarah, Aiden uses his foot to shut the door behind him after we enter our room.

  “Okay, good chat!” We hear Sarah yell from the kitchen.

  Our lips separate for a brief moment as we chuckle. Reaching the edge of the bed, Aiden lowers us onto the mattress, and his hands are all over me like he can’t get enough.

  Our kiss is all-consuming, only pulling away long enough to get rid of our clothes that prove to be a struggle in our ignited passion.

  Falling to the bed in a swift movement, Aiden positions me on top, straddling him. His hand finds its way to my ass, giving it a firm squeeze while the other is on my hip, holding me to him. I can’t help but move my hips in response, slowly grinding into him.

  His fingers find their way to my hair, grabbing fistfuls, to bring my lips to his. Somehow, I feel his cock as it hardens more causing my clit to pulse with need. I grind more forcefully against him in an attempt to relieve the ache, but all it does is amplify the want.

  Breaking the kiss, I look down at his wanton face and see that he needs me just as I need him.

  Lifting myself, he guides his cock under me, and I slowly sink over him. I take my time as my body stretches to take all of him. Gently, inch by inch, I move up and down, relishing in our connection. My hands fall to his chest as I lean over him, my hair falling over my shoulders. Aiden moves to caress my breasts causing me to throw my head back in pleasure, and we both release a moan in unison.

  He shifts his hands to my hips so he can take control. Pulling me closer, he thrusts his hips, and we find the perfect rhythm. Pushing, pulling, grinding. The heat intensifies. Needing to deepen our connection, I lean down to kiss him. This time, when my hair falls, it whispers against his cheeks. Sliding his hands gently through my hair, he pulls it back, keeping a firm hold as I continue to rock on top of him.

  I feel him pulsing inside me as I clench my muscles around him, and soft moans of my name growl from deep within in his chest. He moves his hands down to my ass as I sit back up, and he follows me sitting on the edge of the bed with me straddling his lap. His chest leans against mine as his strong arms w
rap around my bare back. Aiden leans in and gently sucks on my neck as I move. My body trembles, and he notices how close I am, so he continues to thrust faster, harder and pulls me down onto him deeper, making me moan out loud.

  “Oh God, Aiden,” I whimper. The intensity increases, and the heat rises. A shiver slides over my skin as I arch my back while my muscles clench so tightly it’s almost painful.

  “Come for me, baby,” he murmurs.

  As the wave of pleasure hits me, my breathing is erratic while he continues to thrust. My body flames with heat as my orgasm surges so powerfully, it knocks the wind clean out of me. I fall limp into Aiden’s arms, gasping for air.

  He swiftly shifts me to the mattress underneath him and wraps my legs around his waist so he can move deeply in me. My body’s limp, but I try to keep up as he starts to move again.

  “God, I love it when you’ve got your satisfied face on. It’s sexy as hell,” he murmurs.

  Aiden leans down and starts kissing me, his tongue sliding against mine as he thrusts into me again and again. I whimper as my core still tingles from the high I’ve just succumbed to. He groans loudly, and I can tell he’s close. So, I tighten my legs around his waist and run my fingernails along his shoulder blades. A shudder moves through him. Moving faster and deeper with every thrust, it pushes him closer to his breaking point. His cock throbs inside of me, and that’s when he lets out an almighty moan and comes hard inside of me.

  “Fuuuck,” he grunts into my mouth.

  Aiden kisses me softly as our foreheads meet. Our breathing is erratic, and I feel that unmistakable surge of electricity flow between us. I’ve never been so in love. I never knew these kinds of feelings of utter devotion, hope, loyalty, and undeniable lust even existed until I met him.

  He rolls us onto our sides, but he’s still inside me as he pulls me tightly to his chest.

  “I’m never letting you go,” he says, overwhelming me with happiness.

  “I’ll never let you,” I reply as he kisses my forehead.

  This right here is pure paradise, heaven on earth, with my love. I know that life with Aiden is a miracle and was heaven-sent especially for me.


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