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Felicia's Spirits

Page 6

by Marie Higgins

  Deep in thought, he compared the paintings to the ones in his head. This came easily to him because he’d been given a gift that not many people had. He had what people called an eidetic memory, which meant when he studied something, he could recall every detail. As a child, he’d hated it. As an adult, it was the very thing that kept him employed. He had his own investigative business, but mostly, the police liked to hire him for odd jobs. Such as this one.

  “I must say how refreshing it is to see a man at the museum of his own free will.”

  The sweet voice of a woman pulled him away from studying the painting. Before he turned to look her way, her lovely face was already in his thoughts, making his heartbeat quicken. Grinning wide, he met her gaze. “And let me concur by saying how refreshing it is to see a woman here so early in the day.”

  Miss Felicia Hamill had been running into him, whether coincidental or not, for the last fourteen days, and he didn’t mind it one bit. She was very lovely to look upon. He couldn’t tell if it was her heart-shaped face, or her luminous blue eyes that sparkled every time she smiled, or if it was her cheerful laugh that kept him enthralled with her company. Perhaps it was her full, tempting lips he wouldn’t mind kissing. Her brunette hair, however, always made him curious, because it didn’t quite match the color of her blonde mixed with brown, eyebrows. Yet, once she started talking, he dismissed her odd hair and just enjoyed spending time with her.

  Miss Hamill chuckled. “I do enjoy paintings.” She glanced at the ones he’d been studying. “These two are my favorite from Leonardo Da Vinci.”

  “Mine, as well.”

  “Do you have other favorites, Mr. Harrington?”

  He didn’t dare tell her he was not a devotee of art. “Not many. How about you?”

  “Oh, yes.” She motioned down the hall. “Would you like to stroll with me and allow me to introduce you to some?”

  “Absolutely. I cannot think of anything better I’d rather do. However, are you here by yourself, or are you with your aunt again?”

  “I’m with my aunt, of course, but she is in the other room looking at the statues.”

  “Ah, so if that is the case, please allow me to be your escort.” He offered his elbow. Smiling, she hooked her hand around his arm.

  They slowly strolled past each painting. At each work of art, she described why she enjoyed that artist. He really wasn’t interested in knowing about the paintings, but he couldn’t keep from admiring her beauty. She had an expressive face, and her eyes sparkled when she talked about things she loved.

  She motioned with her hands quite often, which drew his attention to her delicate fingers. He’d touched her hands a few times already, and they were soft as rose petals, and they smelled just as fragrant.

  In the two weeks they’d known each other, he’d tried several times to steal a kiss from her. Yet, he didn’t exactly want to steal it. He wanted her to anticipate the kiss just as much as he did. A few times he’d thought he’d found a private moment with her, but something always happened to distract her. Because she’d been with her aunt all of those times, Felicia worried that her relative would catch them together in a compromising embrace.

  Strange to think, but he’d never really met Felicia’s aunt. Instead, he’d seen her from a distance. Why hadn’t the older woman wanted to meet the man her niece had been running into quite often?

  “Oh, and this one is from London’s own artist, Monsieur Durant, who came from France because he thought the atmosphere in London gave him better inspiration.”

  Sebastian snapped out of his thoughts when the familiar name struck a chord. Monsieur Durant? He was the very man Sebastian suspected of being the fraud. Of course, he needed evidence first.

  “He’s a local artist?” he asked, trying to sound interested.

  “Yes, he is. I’ve met him a few times. What a talented man. I suspect he’ll be bigger than Da Vinci one day.”

  Sebastian laughed. “He’s that good?”

  “I think so, yes.” She pointed at a painting hanging on the wall. “In fact, Monsieur Durant’s paintings remind me, in a way, of Rembrandt’s. Of course, Rembrandt is famous for his portraits, and sadly, I don’t think Durant will ever reach that level. However, Durant’s landscapes are almost as well done as Rembrandt’s.”

  Sebastian stopped in front of Durant’s painting, folded his arm and tilted his head. “You don’t think his portraits are as good?”

  “Oh, no. And I think I know why.” She stepped closer, pointing at the eyes of the person in the painting. “I’ve noticed that Durant’s brushstrokes seem to turn upward ever-so-slightly. But then this is probably his signature mark.”

  Sebastian held his breath. Could that be the missing puzzle piece? He stepped closer and fumbled in his coat pocket for the magnifying glass he carried. Looking through the glass, he focused on the exact spot of the painting. It only took seconds before he could see what Felicia was talking about. Immediately, his mind brought up the fraudulent paintings the police had confiscated. He narrowed his gaze in on the eyes...

  By Jove! He had found the artist that was forging Da Vinci’s work.

  Excitement shot through him. He had to physically hold himself back from taking Felicia in his arms and kissing her for giving him such incisive information. She didn’t know it, but she’d just helped him solve the case.

  Trying to stay calm and not show her how happy he was at this moment, he steadily placed the magnifying glass back in his pocket and turned to her. She had a suspicious gleam in her eyes, but he couldn’t quite read her expression.

  “You are remarkable,” he said. “I never knew you were so knowledgeable.”

  Her smile softened as she stepped closer to him. “That’s quite a compliment coming from a man like yourself.”

  “I don’t give compliments easily, but this one was well deserved.” He moved his hand until it brushed against hers. “But you are an amazing woman, Miss Hamill.”

  “I think we’ve known each other long enough that you could call me Felicia.”

  He nodded. “And you must call me Sebastian – or Bash.”

  “Bash?” She arched an eyebrow. “Do your friends call you that?”

  “No, they call me Harrington. But for you, I prefer you call me Bash.”

  Her attention dropped to his mouth, and his heartbeat picked up rhythm. Their gazes locked, and finally, he could read her expression. If he suggested finding a private room or vacant hall, he was certain she wouldn’t disagree.

  Against his hand, her fingers caressed his knuckles. The rhythm of his heart kicked up a notch. He needed to make good use of the sparks of desire flaring between them before her aunt ruined the moment, again.

  “My dear Felicia, how well do you know this institution?”

  She cocked her head as a mischievous grin stretched across her tempting mouth. “I know it very well. Why?”

  “I’m wondering if you would like to give me a tour.”

  Her gaze narrowed and she moved closer. “Is there a particular room you’re interested in seeing?”

  He shrugged. “I’m not picky, I assure you. I would just like you to take me to a room that nobody else knows about.”

  “Sebastian... Bash, are you trying to tell me you want to be alone with me?”

  He leaned toward her until his face was only inches from hers. Her eyes widened, but she didn’t move away.

  “I think you know exactly what I want, my dear Felicia, and I’m willing to bet you have been receiving the same thoughts as me.”

  She placed her palm gently against his cheek. “Indeed, I have. If you’ll follow me, I’ll lead the way.”


  Sebastian followed behind the beautiful woman like an obedient dog. But it didn’t matter what he looked like right now, as long as he could be completely alone with her. He’d sit up and beg if it meant having her bestow a passionate kiss on him.

  Up the hall, another couple strolled toward them, taking in the paintings
in a leisurely pace. Felicia halted right in front of a statue. He stopped and acted as if he were studying the object.

  “Donatello does some fine sculpturing,” Felicia said calmly, “however, I personally prefer Michelangelo’s work over Donatello’s.”

  “Hmm...” Sebastian nodded. “I can see why. This statue is so much more refined.”

  He glanced at her, and she bit her bottom lip. The expression on her face told him she was holding back her laughter.

  Once the other couple passed, Felicia released a soft giggle. “Forgive me for the interruption.”

  He gave her a wink. “Sometimes it’s necessary.”

  She took hold of Sebastian’s hand again and continued on their quick tour. She led him up some stairs, onto the top floor. A few more couples were browsing nearby. As before, Felicia came to a stop, but there was nothing to look at. She lifted her gaze to the painted window.

  “And here,” she said, pointing to the window, “is some lovely artwork.” Her expression strained once again as she appeared to be trying not to laugh. “True, it’s not one of Michelangelo’s works of art. But, whoever painted this window took precise care so that the sun would still shine through the window in an attempt to heat the room perfectly.”

  A laugh was on the verge of releasing from him, so he quickly cleared his throat to keep it from coming out. “I see. How remarkable.”

  He watched out of the corner of his eye as the couples passed. They, too, appeared as though they were trying not to laugh.

  As the others turned the corner to head downstairs, Sebastian took Felicia’s hand and pulled her closer. “Tell me now, is there a room and vacant hall somewhere in this maze? My patience is growing thin.”

  She grinned. “We are almost there.”

  Not even a minute later, she pulled him into a room and closed the door behind them. Sebastian glanced around the small space that held cleaning materials, mops and brooms. His smile stretched. This was perfect!

  Before another word was spoken, he pulled her into his arms. Immediately, her palms slid up his chest and she linked her fingers around his neck. The room wasn’t exactly dark, but yet he couldn’t quite see the color of her eyes. Although his memory reminded him they were a sparkling blue.

  “Well, Sebastian,” her voice came out very softly as she stroked his cheek, “was it worth the wait?”

  His heartbeat hammered in a different rhythm. Although he wanted to kiss her so badly, this moment would change everything. It was quite possible his heart would be affected the most. Dare he continue?

  And yet, he’d imagined this moment for a while now. He couldn’t possibly back out now. “You are worth the wait,” he muttered before covering her mouth with his.

  She relaxed against him as a moan escaped her throat. Her lips were so soft, and they met with his perfectly. He tried to keep the kiss gentle and slow, but Felicia wouldn’t let him. Surprise washed over him when she took over their passionate moment, hungrily kissing him, stroking her tongue against his in the most stimulating way.

  He pushed her up against the door. Their bodies were so close he could feel the quick rhythm of her heart against his chest. The moment was magical, and the kiss was earth-shattering. He couldn’t recall a time when a woman’s kiss had made him feel such exhilaration. Of course, at this precise moment, all he could think about was Felicia’s mouth and the way she moved it so seamlessly with his, and the way her fingers threaded through his hair, down to his neck where they caressed him so gloriously.

  Kissing her was more than he’d expected. Indeed, she was worth the wait.

  She was the one who broke the kiss. Breathless, she rested her forehead against his shoulder. He continued to hold her, stroking his hands up and down her back, not ever wanting to let her go.

  “Oh, Bash. We must stop. As wonderful as this is, I think we’re moving too fast.”

  “You’re correct, my dear.” He took a deep breath and slowly released it. “Forgive me, but kissing you was just too enjoyable.”

  Chuckling, she raised her head and her gaze locked with his. “Yes, it was very enjoyable.”

  He gently rubbed her soft cheek. “When can I see you again?”

  Her eyebrows lifted. “Are you saying you actually want to plan our next meeting?”

  “Yes, and the next one, and the one after that.”

  “How about the one after that?” She cocked her head.

  “Hmm... I’m not certain. We’ll have to see how it goes.”

  “Oh, Bash.” She cuddled against him and laid her head on his chest. “I love how you make me smile.”

  His heart melted, just as he expected it would. His heart was involved. But if truth be told, he really didn’t care. He liked feeling this way. “What are you doing tonight?”

  She sighed and raised her head again. This time, she wore a frown. “My aunt has plans. Perhaps tomorrow evening?”

  “Yes, definitely tomorrow.” He paused as his thoughts came to a stop. She hadn’t told him where she was staying, except with her aunt. “My dear, Felicia. I’ll need your address before I can call upon you.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not ready to tell my aunt about you. So, let me meet you somewhere.”

  “Are you certain?”

  “Yes. This way my aunt can continue to stay in her innocent world where nobody grows up, and nobody meets men in secret.”

  He laughed. “Is that what she’s doing – trying to keep you young?”

  Felicia nodded. “She won’t allow me to grow up, and I refuse to stay a child. I suppose we are both hardheaded.”

  “Yes, it does sound that way. But if that is what you must do, then meet me right here tomorrow evening at seven o’clock.”

  “Right here? In this room?”

  “No.” He grinned. “On the steps of this fine institution. There is a restaurant nearby. We shall go there for supper.”

  “I shall be here.”

  She rose up to kiss his lips again, but as he tried to prolong their affection, she pulled away.

  “I really must go, Bash. I shall see you tomorrow night at seven.”

  She hurried out of the room, leaving him alone. Sighing, he leaned against the wall and smiled, satisfied with how everything turned out. Felicia Hamill was a mysterious woman, and he couldn’t wait to delve more into her life to get to know her better. Perhaps that is what intrigued him so much. He’d always sought good mysteries to solve, and she was definitely a mystery.

  SEBASTIAN GRUMBLED as he pushed his horse back toward his townhouse. Although the morning had been purely magical, the rest of the day belonged in the Thames River. Deep in the muck. It seemed nothing could go right.

  Now that he knew about how to spot a fake painting, he was determined to catch Monsieur Durant. If only the man would stay home for more than an hour at a time. Too bad Sebastian couldn’t hide somewhere in the man’s yard and wait for him to return.

  It didn’t take long before Sebastian’s mind skidded to a halt. Why should he hide when he could sneak around the man’s townhouse and peek inside the windows?

  Before he changed his mind, he turned his horse around and rode toward the Frenchman’s home. It took him approximately twenty minutes to reach his destination. Everything looked the same as when he’d left earlier, and once more, he found the artist not at home. At least Sebastian knew that he wouldn’t get caught peeking in windows again.

  Darkness began to blanket the land, and thankfully, shadows came with it. Cautiously, he surveyed the area around him as he dismounted. He didn’t detect anyone out and about who might pose as a threat.

  Cautiously, he stepped around to the back of the house. Dark shadows were everywhere now, which gave him more courage to sneak closer to the house. He peeked in a window, but didn’t see anything, so he moved to the next window to look inside. Still nothing.

  As he stepped toward another window, his boot slipped on something. He stopped to see what was in the ground. But it was nothing but dir
t. However, it was very odd looking dirt. He knelt and picked up a glob of the substance. It was dark red and very moist, almost as if the forger had tossed the red paint out of the window. But there was something else in the earth... footprints. They didn’t appear large like a man’s foot, but smaller like a slender woman or even someone in their youth. Apparently, Sebastian wasn’t the only person sneaking around the house.

  He moved on, and finally spotted a window that held some light. He had to rise up on his toes to look inside, but what he saw made him pause. The place was unkempt. Dust was everywhere. Did this forger not have a maid?

  But there were two blank canvases on easels and placed on a small table were the forger’s brushes and paints. But unfortunately, there weren’t any familiar looking paintings from the other famous artists.

  Sebastian blew out a frustrated breath and left the house. As he walked toward his horse, he stomped his boots, getting rid of the red dirt in the process. He mounted and rode toward his own townhouse. He’d love to catch the forger in the act, but first he had to catch the bloke home.

  Immediately, his thoughts changed, and he pictured a beautiful woman in his arms, kissing him so passionately that steam rose all over him. His lips could still feel what it’d been like kissing her, and he could still taste a bit of mint that had been on her tongue.

  He really needed to figure out her story since there were so many holes. And yet, her beauty and her dazzling blue eyes kept his mind elsewhere. Why had he never met her aunt? And what about this so-called aunt, allowing her niece to go places without knowing where she was? Another thing that confused him is how they were able to run into each other so much. It was almost as if she’d been following him.

  His inspector’s mind wouldn’t let these questions rest. Perhaps it was time for him to start following her around. Of course, first he had to find out where she lived.

  He grinned. That sort of information could be dangerous to him, only because he’d certainly make use of it whenever he wanted to sneak another kiss from her.


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