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Seeking Kokopelli

Page 13

by Shelley Munro

  The release of pressure was a relief, and he sighed when Nate pulled his underwear down and lifted his cock free. Seconds later, the gentle suction of Nate’s mouth fuelled his need.

  “Damn, Nate. Are you trying to kill me?”

  Nate hummed around his cock, watching his face the entire time. With a distinct twinkle in his dark eyes, he pushed one of his fingers into his mouth, sliding it alongside Adam’s cock until it was wet. While he continued the lazy stroke of his tongue and the easy suction, he rubbed his finger over the nerve-rich opening of Adam’s anus.

  “Nate,” Adam whispered, canting his hips upward in a silent demand for more. With a steady gaze, Nate watched him. His eyes glittered with heat, his lean cheeks hollowing when he sucked. A surge of desire hit him, his balls tingling enough to make him gasp. “It’s time, right?” Adam gripped Nate’s shoulders, suddenly anxious. He wanted Nate to claim him properly. Surely Nate trusted him fully by now? It was time to take the next step in their relationship. “There’s lube and condoms in the side pocket of my bag.”

  Nate released his cock with a loud smacking sound. “Guess I’d better get them, then.”

  Relief struck Adam. Need grabbed him by the throat, and even though Nate no longer touched him, his entire body pulsed, his skin super sensitive, his balls hard and aching. He heard the zip of his bag whine when Nate went looking for the lube and condoms. Lifting his head, he watched Nate discard his clothes. Like a striptease, beautiful muscles honed by running and lugging the band’s equipment were revealed. Sculpted. Sexy. His to touch. His mouth watered as Nate started to undo his fly. Slowly, his lover peeled off the denim and stepped from his jeans, leaving the black boxer-briefs that did nothing to conceal his erection.

  Adam rolled toward the edge of the bed, a hungry moan escaping him. “Let me touch you. Please.”

  With hooded eyes, Nate approached the bed. Adam raised his head a fraction until his mouth was level with Nate’s groin. He leaned closer and exhaled.

  A noticeable tremor went through Nate. “Are you going to touch?”

  “You’ve made me wait.” Adam wanted to tease him, wanted to watch his expression, see the need rise to his face.

  Nate placed the lube and several condoms on the bed stand. “I don’t do casual.”

  God, he loved this side of Nate—the strong, silent man who liked things done his way. With anticipation humming through him, Adam spread his thighs and waited. As he watched, Nate stripped off the boxer-briefs, letting his cock spill free. With his gaze on Adam, he stroked himself, hand fisting around his cock and a faint smile playing around his lips.

  “Not fair,” Adam protested.

  “Just wanted to make sure I had your attention. Besides, you didn’t want to touch me.”

  “Not true. Come over here. I’d be happy to touch you.”

  Nate chuckled and grabbed a condom. He ripped the foil packaging open with his teeth and competently rolled it on. He picked up the lube next and squirted a dollop into his hand. Adam’s breath caught and released on a moan when Nate rubbed the lube on his cock instead of on him. His condom-covered cock glistened in the light.

  “There’s no rush,” Nate soothed, although his voice held amusement as he worked his cock again.

  Adam groaned, his dick aching for handling. He grasped it and pumped firmly. “Don’t you think we’ve gone slowly for long enough? I think a little speed would be a good thing.”

  “Hands above your head,” Nate ordered. “No touching.” The no-nonsense tone held determination.

  Adam forced a scowl when what he really wanted to do was grin. He peeled his fingers away from his swollen flesh, anticipation flooding him as he basked under Nate’s attention.

  “How do you want to do this?”

  Adam wanted to see the passion racing across Nate’s face, see the moment his lover came, and most of all, he wanted to be able to touch him easily, to kiss those sexy lips and feel the rasp of beard against his skin. “I want to watch your face.”

  “We can do that.”

  The mattress depressed with Nate’s weight, and another shiver worked down his spine. He wanted this so much, could hardly believe they’d finally made it this far where Nate was not only willing to have sex with him, but was taking charge, taking responsibility for their pleasure.

  “Dammit, touch me. I can’t wait any longer.”

  Nate ran a finger the length of Adam’s shaft. His cock bucked at the barely there touch, his throat working in a swallow as he fought to maintain his control. He would not come like an overexcited teenager.

  “But I like watching your reactions. When you’re playing music and you’re up on stage, I can’t always read you. When we’re alone together, it’s easy. I know that you’re silently cursing me for teasing you, yet you haven’t complained much.”

  “I’m working up to complaints,” Adam said gruffly. “Believe me, they’re coming.”

  “Can’t have that.” Nate started to caress him, gripping his dick more firmly with one hand.

  As Adam watched, a drop of pre-come formed at his slit. Nate moved closer, and Adam beseeched him silently, his breath easing out with relief when a finger slid across his hole.

  “Yes,” he hissed.

  “Impatient.” Nate’s husky chuckle slammed hunger through Adam. He wriggled, trying to impale himself on Nate’s finger.

  “Need you.”

  “Okay,” Nate said.

  Adam watched him pick up the bottle of lube with a sense of excitement. Nate squeezed some onto his palm, and he started to work him, to stretch him, slick fingers sliding inside his hole. A hiss of pleasure escaped Adam, euphoria filling him with every gliding stroke of Nate’s blunt finger. This had been worth the wait. Gradually, Nate increased the number of fingers, stretching him to a point where discomfort edged into the equation. Adam dragged in a quick breath and blew it out, knowing this would pass soon. He consciously relaxed, and the pleasure returned.

  “Now, Nate. Take me now. Please.” To his relief, Nate shifted over him. He moved tentatively at first, allowing Adam to adjust to his possession, get past the initial burn. Then he moved faster, thrust harder and sank in to the hilt. Nate pounded his ass, exerting a physical claim, and Adam loved every moment. Their lips met in an urgent kiss, a clash of lips and teeth. Nate’s flavor and scent rushed his senses, filled and surrounded him. His fingers grazed the Kokopelli tattoo, an echo of Nate’s touch making his cock buck.

  “Aw, damn.” Adam clutched Nate’s shoulders and held tight, enjoying the ride, the sense of closeness. He didn’t remember the tattoo being so sensitive, a lover’s touch bringing so much heat, so much pleasure. Their sweat-slicked torsos stuck together. Adam didn’t care. He panted through another stroke, gritting his teeth to stop himself from coming too soon.

  “You okay? Want me to stop?”

  “No, don’t stop,” Adam ordered urgently. It worked, because Nate continued to push deep, retreating and invading until Adam felt well and truly claimed. Pleasure started to grow, nerve endings firing like electrical circuits. Fully seated, Nate paused to kiss Adam, their lips brushing, eyes smoldering as they tasted each other and their breath blended.

  “I knew this would feel good,” Adam said, his hands gripping Nate’s shoulders and holding tight. “I could get used to this.” The guttural admission echoed between them, and Adam knew they’d been right to delay the physical intimacies in their relationship. The wait had made their first time something he’d always remember. When Nate didn’t say anything, a wave of fear hit him. Were his feelings one-sided and not returned by Nate? He swallowed, his gaze on his lover’s strong jawline. Maybe Adam needed to give him more time to get used to the idea of a serious relationship and life after Rosa. If there was one thing Adam knew, it was that he didn’t want to do casual anymore.

  Nate rubbed his lips against his, caught Adam’s bottom lip and nipped it. “It can feel better,” he promised, and he started to move again with strong, even strokes while
one of his hands gripped Adam’s cock to combine the sweet burn in his ass with the dragging friction on his shaft. “How’s that feel?”

  “Good.” An understatement. It felt more than good, especially when Nate angled his strokes and nailed his gland. Adam wrapped his arms around his lover, kissed the heavy slab of muscle on his chest and gave him a hint of teeth.

  “Yeah.” Nate quickened his strokes, sliding deep, going faster. He reached for one of Adam’s hands, entwining their fingers. The intimate connection made Adam’s heart stall before it jumped into a racy beat. This was what he wanted for his future.

  The pleasant burn settled in his balls, drawing them tight until he thought he’d explode any second. A hard stroke caught his prostate again. Aw, hell. A groan slipped free as the tension snapped and semen pulsed from his cock. A hungry growl squeezed from Nate as he tunneled in and out of Adam’s ass. Then he stilled.

  “Fuck, that feels good.” Nate’s face contorted as he climaxed, his cock jerking so hard Adam could feel it. He fell forward, leaning heavily on Adam.

  Adam didn’t mind. He smiled and clung, uncaring of the sticky residue coating his stomach. Nate had definitely been worth the wait.

  “I suppose you want me to move,” Nate grumbled finally.

  “Breathing’s good,” Adam agreed.

  “Huh. I thought it was highly overrated.” But Nate levered away and pulled from him. He wandered away to the en suite and, soon, Adam heard the shower. Not a bad idea, he thought, despite his disappointment that Nate hadn’t returned to their bed. They did some of their best work in the shower.

  When he entered the en suite, Nate was already standing under the warm water and rubbing a bar of soap over his chest. Adam opened the door and slipped in beside him, briskly washing his chest.

  “I was gonna bring you a cloth to clean up.”

  “It’s no hardship jumping into the shower with you.” Weak. The truth was, even though they were together now, Adam worried about their future. At least Nate hadn’t reacted badly when he’d told him about Kokopelli.

  “Turn around, and I’ll do your back.”

  Silently, Adam turned and braced his hands against the tiled wall of the shower. Hell, he didn’t even know what the return of his tattoo meant. It worried him because with the return of the tattoo came responsibility to his family and the villagers. It would mean he’d have to return home, and Adam didn’t want to do that when the band was just starting to take off. His music was too important to him. No, giving up music wasn’t an option.

  Chapter Ten

  The band sounded great, Nate thought as they wound up another song. They were back in the Denver studio belonging to Susan’s friend, working on their album. As always, Nate’s attention returned to Adam. Dressed in an old T-shirt and faded jeans, he threw his heart into the song. He loved music, and it showed.

  Buoyed by the music, Nate’s mind drifted back to the previous evening and the big revelation about Adam and his family. It was the first time Adam had even mentioned his family. Nate knew more about J.T., Cade and Morgan’s families than he knew about Adam’s. A swift glance at his watch showed he had enough time to run to the library to do some research. He wanted to know exactly what they were dealing with. Nate frowned. It was possible Adam hadn’t told him everything. Yeah, research sounded like a plan. The band didn’t need him for another couple of hours.

  The studio was in the center of town and, as it happened, not far from the library. Nate pushed through the double doors and stepped onto the pavement. The wind stirred his hair, the scent of coffee tempting him to stop at the café on the corner to grab a cup to go.

  Weird. The usual prickling sensation he experienced when he was with Adam wasn’t present. Nate glanced over his shoulder and also scanned the street in front of him before he entered the library.

  The legend of Kokopelli—the facts were much as Adam had told him, except nothing he found online or in research books indicated the presence of a real person connected to the legend. But he’d seen the tattoo himself, and he knew it hadn’t been there when they first became closer. The tattoo hadn’t been there when they’d jumped into the hot tub together. Adam obviously believed the myth.

  Nate thought back over the last few months. Some weird shit had happened, that was for sure. Adam’s confession about being Kokopelli was the last item in a long line of bizarre occurrences. Nate clicked on a link to read yet another web page about Kokopelli.

  Who had become Kokopelli after Adam had left?

  Adam had said it was his brother, but he didn’t know for sure. Nate stared at the computer screen, then did a search for Justin James. Several web pages came up. Nate scanned the headings, finally choosing one. New Mexico. Adam’s family lived in New Mexico. And there had been a recent marriage. Nate couldn’t see a family resemblance, but that didn’t mean anything.

  Nate left the library to the shrill sound of a police siren. He turned right to head to the studio, slowing when the police pulled up outside. His gut lurched, sudden fear jumping through him.

  But the cops didn’t enter the studio building. Instead, they went into the building next door. A woman talked to them, and they disappeared from sight.

  “What’s goin’ on?” an elderly woman asked.

  Yeah, exactly what he wanted to know.

  A middle-aged woman stared in the direction the cops had taken. “They had reports of a Peeping Tom on the roof. One of the residents, a nice young woman, told me she saw a man on the roof last week. Maybe she saw him again.” She shook her head, setting her auburn curls bouncing. “A terrible business.”

  Nate checked his watch again and decided to hang around. They’d visited the studio last week for a few hours. A coincidence?

  Another police car pulled up, and this time the cops moved at a brisk pace. A shot fired. Nate’s head snapped in the direction of the sound. The elderly woman gasped and darted into the nearest shop. The street cleared magically, and Nate pressed against the brick wall of the building. Another shot fired, but he didn’t hear a third. Thirty minutes later, the police exited the building and drove away.

  Surely they wouldn’t leave if a gunman remained on the loose? Nate entered the studio building, nodded at the doorman and arrived in time to hear the end of the final song.

  “How were we?” Cade asked.

  “Good as always,” Nate said, meaning it. He was proud of them. “I’ll go and get the van. There was some trouble outside, and I’d prefer to pick you guys up at the door.”

  Adam jogged over to his side and, for a second, Nate thought he was gonna embrace him and land a kiss smack on his lips with everyone looking. Susan would really approve of that. “What sort of trouble? I’ll come with you.”

  “No,” Nate said. “Gunfire type of trouble. The cops have gone, but I don’t want to take any chances. I’ll pull up right outside when you come out. Wait for the doorman to tell you I’ve arrived before you come outside.” He left before the others could get in any questions.

  When he got to the van, he checked the vicinity before unlocking it and climbing behind the wheel. He switched on the radio and caught a newsflash about the gunman.

  “Police are no closer to learning the identity of the lone gunman who fired shots at them earlier this afternoon,” the female newsreader said. “Police were called to the Regent Building after reports of a Peeping Tom. Several inhabitants of the luxury apartment block complained to police of a stranger loitering in the vicinity and spying through windows. A spokesman from the police department said the man fired on the attending officers when they hailed him, and he disappeared, evading capture. Police say they think they shot the man when they returned fire. Anyone with knowledge of the man or who suspects they know his identity should contact their local police station.”

  That didn’t sound good. Nate started the van and drove around the block, pulling up in the loading zone in front of the studio building. He climbed from the van and opened the side door before gesturin
g at the doorman. The band emerged, too slowly for Nate’s liking.

  “Move it,” he snapped.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Adam asked, shoving Morgan aside to take possession of the passenger seat.

  “The gunman is still on the loose.”

  “So?” J.T. said. “It’s got nothing to do with us.”

  Nate slammed the side door shut once they were all inside and stomped around to the driver’s side. “You don’t think it’s weird that Adam and I are shot at while we’re running, our motel is broken into, and now there’s a gunman loitering near the studio where the band is recording?”

  There was a moment of startled silence.

  “Coincidence,” Adam said.

  “I don’t know. Nate is right.” Morgan studied Adam as if he were a freak at a sideshow. “Put together it does sound suspicious. Adam, who the hell have you pissed off?”

  “No one.” Adam shot Nate a warning look.

  Nate ignored the warning. “I think someone is out to get Adam.” He voiced the fear bubbling inside him. “Every time we’re outside, the back of my neck prickles as if someone is watching. Haven’t any of you noticed?”

  Morgan grunted. “I have, but I didn’t say anything. Come to think of it, it’s always when we’re with Adam. When I’m alone or with one of the others, I haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary.”

  “Why would someone want to hurt Adam?” Cade asked. “Everyone likes him.”

  “Maybe it’s an overzealous fan,” J.T. said.

  “That doesn’t make sense. A fan like that normally writes letters and stalks openly. This is more behind-the-scenes stuff. More dangerous.” Nate pulled into the rush hour traffic and headed for their motel. “I think we need to shake up our routine a little and do things at random times. Wear hats when we go out and dress in a similar manner. We’re all about the same height. At a distance, it would be difficult for someone to tell us apart.”

  “But that would put everyone in danger,” Adam protested.

  “Ah, so you admit Nate isn’t talking through a hole in his head.” Cade leaned forward between the seats. “You think there’s an element of truth in what he’s saying.”


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