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Seeking Kokopelli

Page 17

by Shelley Munro

  “Yeah?” Adam shook his head in disbelief. “It’s normal for one brother to shoot another.”

  “He wasn’t thinking right. That’s not what I came to say. You must return home. The people need you.”

  “I don’t think so,” Adam said. “My father told me to leave, and I did. I wasn’t welcome then, and I sure as hell don’t want to go back now.”

  “You must return.”

  “Didn’t you hear him, darlin’?” Cade’s brow furrowed. “He doesn’t want to return. Hell, I don’t blame him. It’s not as if he could trust any of you not to shoot him in the back.”

  “You will return. Now,” Lara barked and she pulled a handgun from her shoulder bag. The safety clicked as she thumbed it off.

  “Whoa!” Morgan stood and backed up, putting himself in front of Adam. “Take it easy. Put the gun down.”

  Nate also stood, moving in his direction despite his injured leg, ready to shield him. All of his friends were ready to protect him. The knowledge made him realize how lucky he was to have their support.

  He stood and faced Lara. “Go ahead and shoot me. I’m not going back.”

  “But you have to go back,” Lara said with a trace of panic. “If you don’t go back, Justin will have to take responsibility. I don’t want that.” The hand holding the gun trembled. “Is it so much to want a normal life for our baby?”

  “Shooting me won’t improve your lot.” Adam pushed past Nate and Morgan and reached for the gun. “Give me the gun, Lara.”

  “Lara!” Justin rushed onto the terrace, his face red from exertion. “What are you doing? Put the gun down.”

  “He refused to return home. He needs to go home and take up the Kokopelli duties.” Her hand shook, the gun wavering.

  “Why?” Justin asked his wife. “Why is it so important to you?”

  “I want a normal life again. One with you and me and the baby. A life where you have a job you love. We can’t have that if he doesn’t return home.”

  “But you were so angry when I…” Justin glanced at him and away again. “When I did what I did. I don’t understand why you’ve changed.”

  “Back then I thought you were Kokopelli. I love you. I didn’t like you being Kokopelli, but I made the best of it. Now we have a chance for an ordinary life.” The gun wobbled again. “If your brother doesn’t return, your father will try every avenue to transfer Kokopelli back to you. All I want is a normal life and for our children to grow up without the pressure of knowing their father is Kokopelli. I don’t want hate between my children. I don’t want one to feel jealous of another because their grandfather is telling them stories of the importance of Kokopelli.”

  Tears ran down her face, and Adam suddenly felt sorry for her. She really loved Justin and was willing to kill for a chance at a regular life. He understood the need to feel average. He’d tired of the pressure his father put him under, and the minute he hadn’t met parental expectations, he’d been down the road. Yeah, he could understand Lara’s panic. Surely there had to be a way to keep everyone happy? Justin, Lara, his father and the rest of the elders.

  “Put the gun down, sweetheart. Shooting him isn’t going to make things better. Give me the gun.” Justin edged closer.

  Adam watched Lara’s face, saw her distress. Kokopelli had shadowed his life from the day he was born. His gaze strayed to Lara’s belly and her protective hand that crept down to caress it. Yeah, he understood.

  “What if we worked together to tag team our father? We were talking about it on the way here. There’s no reason why things have to be done the same way our father and grandfather did them.”

  Lara’s hand trembled, and the gun lowered. “Together?”

  “No,” Nate snapped. “You can’t trust them. They keep pointing guns at you.”

  Warmth suffused Adam, and he squeezed Nate’s shoulder in silent reassurance. “I’m sure we can come to a solution to suit us all. It’s not as if there’s a rule book. Everything we know—”

  Justin broke in, hope creeping into his face. “Has been passed on to us by Father. Do you think… Could we work together after everything that has happened?”

  Adam leaned into Nate, breathing in his scent and feeling content. “Justin, do you still want me dead?”

  “Hell, no!” Justin said without hesitation.

  “What about you?” Nate demanded, glaring at Lara and the gun she still held at her side. “Do you want Adam dead?”

  “Yeah,” Cade said. “Why should we believe that either of you won’t hurt Adam or one of us? You don’t have a good track record.”

  “It’s the stress, the expectation of the villagers,” Lara said, finally clicking on the safety and placing the gun out of sight in her bag. “Last year, we went through a period where nothing went right. Crops failed. Several of the women who were pregnant lost their babies. Others had young children who died, and everyone started looking at Justin, whispering behind his back.”

  “I haven’t always used the powers of Kokopelli in a responsible manner,” Justin admitted. “Before I married Lara, I used to sleep with any woman who would accept me and I took money from everyone who wanted a piece of the legend. After I met Lara, things started to change. Lara transformed me, made me into a better person, and I realized all the hate I’d directed toward you, the jealousy, was misplaced. I’m ashamed to say I tried to shoot you myself and then I paid an assassin to try to do the job for me. Then…I had second thoughts, but the man I’d paid to do the job wouldn’t let me cancel.”

  J.T. snorted. “He’s dead now. Consider the job cancelled.”

  “How do I know you won’t change your mind?” Adam spoke the words that concerned them all.

  Justin’s face was sober. “I guess you don’t, but I could give you a signed confession, if you like. If something happens, you’d have my written confession of guilt.”

  Adam glanced at Nate, then the others, and nodded. “That would work. Go home and write your confession. We’ll meet here again tomorrow for lunch.”

  “We can come earlier,” Lara said.

  “No. Midday tomorrow, and we’ll discuss how to stand against our father. Agreed?”

  Justin extended his hand for Adam to shake. “It’s a deal, but are you sure Father and the other elders can’t transfer the Kokopelli again?”

  “I don’t think so,” Adam said. “Because otherwise he would have done it earlier. He didn’t approve of the way you did things, right?”

  “He doesn’t approve of our marriage,” Lara said, “because after we married, Justin wouldn’t listen to him anymore, wouldn’t take his advice. Your father has been ill recently, which meant he backed off a little. He asked me to Google you on our computer at the house.”

  Good. They could do this. Both he and Justin could have fairly normal lives, doing exactly what they wanted. With him, Kokopelli would be on the road. Yeah, he’d take the powers to the people and reach farther than Kokopelli had in any other generation. All they needed to do was cooperate as brothers, for once. “Tomorrow,” Adam confirmed.

  With a nod, Justin wrapped his arm around Lara’s waist and guided her from the lodge.

  “Anyone feel like a beer?” Morgan asked.

  “Hell, yeah,” Cade said. “Sounds like a plan.” His cell rang and, after checking the screen, he answered it with a broad smile on his face. “Hi, sweetheart.”

  “Not for me,” Adam said. “Nate and I are heading to our room.”

  “We are?”

  “Yeah, we are. Don’t expect to see us until the morning.”

  “Are you gonna have sex?” J.T. asked, waggling his eyebrows.

  “That depends on Nate.”

  “Pregnant!” Cade blurted, halting all conversation. As they stared at him, his shock transformed, a brilliant grin lighting his blue eyes. “That’s great, sweetheart. I’ll be home in a couple of days.” He paused, his grin widening, if anything. “No, I think it’s wonderful. I’m happy about the baby. Okay. See you tomorrow.�
� He hung up, his happiness clear for them all to see. “I’m gonna be a daddy. Who wants another drink?”

  “I told you to be careful,” Adam said.

  “What’s Susan gonna say?” Morgan taunted.

  J.T. smirked. “You’re gonna get in trouble.”

  “You happy about it?” Nate asked. At Cade’s nod, Nate grinned, yanking him into a hug. “Congratulations, man. That’s awesome.”

  “Hey, stop groping my man.” Adam tugged Nate away and moved in to hug Cade. “Congratulations.”

  Cade beamed. “Who wants a drink?”

  “We’ll see you in the morning,” Nate said without taking his gaze off Adam. The heat in his eyes melted Adam’s lingering anxiety about how his lover felt about the day’s events.

  Everything would work out, and if it didn’t, he had Nate and his friends to help him. They hustled to their room as quickly as Nate’s leg and crutches would allow them. Adam closed the door and locked it with a sharp click.

  “How’s the leg?”

  “A bit sore,” Nate said.

  “You need to relax. Take some more of the painkillers they gave you at the hospital.”

  “The painkillers make me sleepy.”


  “I don’t want to sleep.” Nate sank onto the edge of the queen-size bed with a soft groan. “Not yet.” He tugged off his boots and socks, stood briefly to slide out of his jeans and T-shirt and dropped on the bed again. “Why don’t you come down here and join me?”

  Adam felt a grin stretch his lips and didn’t even try to hide the lust that roared through him. He was on the bed before he even realized he’d moved, grabbing Nate and wrapping his arms around his shoulders. Briefly, he wished he’d ripped off his clothes so he could enjoy the sensation of skin against skin, then their lips aligned. Adam lost his train of thought. He loved kissing Nate, loved his scent with the faint hint of soap and the contrast of beard and soft lips. They kissed for a long time, starting slowly and gradually deepening the contact, exploring with tongues and lips. If anyone had told him he’d have been satisfied with a mere kiss, he’d have told them they were talking out their ass. But with Nate, it was true. Just knowing Nate wanted to be with him, that he sought contact with him freely, brought satisfaction and made Adam feel warm inside.

  “I love you, Nate.” The words burst from him, taking him by surprise.

  Nate blinked, and a smile spread from his eyes down to his mouth. “Yeah?”

  “Is that all you have to say?” Nate could have returned the sentiment, at least. Adam thought Nate had feelings for him, but hearing the words would make things official. Make it real.

  “Why don’t you get naked?”

  Disappointment speared him. He wanted the words, plain and unembroidered. Patience, he told himself. Nate would get there soon, if not today, then another day. Adam pushed away from Nate and yanked his T-shirt over his head.

  “Do it slow for me.” Nate pushed up on his elbows and plumped a pillow to get comfortable. “I like seeing you get naked.”

  Adam glanced at Nate’s erection and grinned. “Don’t tell me you want music as well?”

  “Another time.”

  “You could tell me what you’re going to do to me. That would help me get in the mood.”

  Nate glanced at the defined bulge in his jeans and snorted. “You just want me to talk dirty.”

  “Yup.” Adam scrambled out of his jeans or tried to. Moron! He’d forgotten to take off his boots. Cursing, he yanked up his jeans and stooped to remove his boots and socks. Seconds later, his jeans hit the ground, followed by his underwear. He paused, the breeze from the air conditioner flowing over his skin.

  “I like seeing you naked too,” Nate said. “I like knowing you have a hard-on for me. I like seeing your muscles and your tight ass. Your cock. The way your face flushes and your eyes glitter when you’re with me.” He scrutinized him closely, and Adam could literally feel the heat as Nate’s gaze roved over his body. “Once I’ve studied you from the front, I’m gonna ask you to turn around so I get the full view.”

  “And then you’re gonna get with the program and we’re gonna fuck, right?” Adam heard the husky tone of his voice. He only ever spoke that way when he was alone with Nate and wanting. Needy.

  “No. Next up I’m going to explore your body. Turn around for me. Yeah, just like that.”

  Adam could still feel Nate’s gaze on his body and his ass when he turned to present his back. His skin prickled, and he sucked in his breath, then let it ease out.

  “Nice,” Nate said. “Let’s see the front again.”

  Adam’s breath caught when he saw the passion in Nate’s face. Oh, yeah. Nate might not have said the words, but he felt the emotions. Maybe that was enough.

  “Stop thinking so hard.” Nate stood and closed the distance between them. He ran his tongue over the column of his neck, ending up near his ear. Adam shivered, his heart beating faster. Damn that felt good. Nate nuzzled the sensitive skin behind his ear with his lips, licked the same path and nibbled on his earlobe. Adam swallowed, his nerve endings singing with pleasure. Nate started murmuring to him, the whisper of warm air zinging arrows of heat to his cock.

  “Nate,” he whispered, hungry for more. His hands urged Nate closer.

  “Adam, kiss me.”

  Any time. Adam turned his head, their lips colliding. This time, Nate plundered his mouth, his aggression signaling things were about to get serious. Fine with him. Adam grasped Nate’s shoulders and hung on. Nate pushed him, and they fell to the bed in a tangle of limbs. Nate pulled away and grinned at Adam, trapping him against the mattress while he took tiny nips at Adam’s neck. They were hard enough to send jolts through him, but Adam didn’t think they’d mark his skin. Not that he cared if they did. The others knew they were a couple. No more sneaking around.

  Nate worked down his body, starting out slow and careful with each new location and gradually building up the pressure until Adam squirmed and moaned his satisfaction. Under Nate’s ministrations, his nipples pulled to tight, sensitive nubs. His Kokopelli burned. Adam’s breathing became heavy, his nostrils flaring. Nate’s scent wound through his senses, along with intense yearning.

  “Nate, God…please suck my cock.” Adam didn’t care if he sounded desperate. Hell, he was desperate. Nate was driving him crazy, yet at the same time he’d never felt so wanted. So loved. His breath eased out with a hiss, then he dragged in a sharp inhalation when Nate moved down the bed. He wanted to cry when Nate bypassed his dick. Instead, his lover exerted pressure on his legs, silently requesting he part them.

  His lips settled on Adam’s inner thighs, and he nibbled and licked. A lover had never done that before. Who knew it would feel so damn good?

  “Where are the condoms? Lube?” Nate asked.

  Adam blinked, not registering the question at first because he was lost in a sensual haze.


  “Uh…side pocket of my bag.” It was a struggle to string together the words. He watched the play of muscles as Nate ambled across the room to crouch by his overnight bag. He wasn’t limping too badly. A suspicion grew. “Is your leg okay?”

  “I’m not pain-free, if that’s what you mean, but we’re alive. Both of us. All of us. The doctor said I’d have a scar. I won’t limp or anything. A scar is a small price to pay.”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  Nate approached the bed, tossing the lube and condoms within easy reach. “Everything will work out.” He sank onto the bed, his hand reaching for Adam’s leg as if he needed to touch him. A compulsion. Love welled inside Adam. Oh, yeah.

  “I love you so much. I’m so glad I chased you.”

  “I’m glad, too, although I was pissed with you at the time. You’re real talkative tonight.”

  Adam smirked and glanced at Nate’s dick. “Maybe you should give me something to do with my mouth.”

  “You think?”

  “Yeah, that’s what I think.” Adam pushed Nate
until he lay back on the bed. He stroked a finger down Nate’s shaft before he licked across the swollen glans at the top. Seeking Nate’s gaze and maintaining it, he opened his mouth and surrounded the tip. His tongue collected the hint of pre-come before he started gentle suction.

  “Feels good.” Nate’s fingers curled into his scalp, pressing and releasing until Adam wanted to purr. He hummed around Nate’s cock, wanting to give the pleasure back tenfold.

  “Enough,” Nate said. “I want to come inside you.” He pulled away, breathing hard, arousal glittering in his eyes. He reached for the lube. “Time to get serious.”

  “’Bout time.”

  Nate grinned at his lover. Adam loved him. He still couldn’t understand how he’d been so lucky to have two great loves. For the last few weeks, he’d felt comfortable in the knowledge he was with Adam. He loved him and was happy. He’d come to the realization it was okay to love someone other than Rosa. His heart was big enough to love both Rosa and Adam, and he knew she would want him to be happy. Nate squirted lube onto his fingers and set the bottle aside. “You ready?”

  “Hell, yeah.”

  “Face-to-face.” Nate wanted to see Adam’s expression when he admitted his love. He wanted to see the shine of happiness, needed Adam to see the love on his face. Unable to resist, Nate guided Adam’s cock to his mouth and took him inside. The salty taste of pre-come filled his mouth, made him decide to hurry when he’d originally intended to take things slow and make Adam crazy with need.

  He skimmed his finger over Adam’s entrance, watching his face the entire time.

  “You make me feel hot,” Adam whispered. “I want you so much.” He shivered when Nate dipped a finger inside him. Nate continued to tease and stroke and leaned over Adam, seeking his mouth.

  They kissed, lips sipping and tasting, the sparks flaring between them into passion, need making Nate hurry his schedule along. Adam’s warm channel clenched around his finger, and Nate added another, stretching Adam for his possession.

  “Don’t need much stretching,” Adam said. “I need you.”

  “Are you sure?” Nate thought they might be talking about something other than sex. Didn’t matter—he had that angle covered too. As far as Nate was concerned, they were a couple. Removing his fingers, he grabbed a condom and rolled it on. He lined up and pushed, taking it easy and watching Adam’s face for the slightest discomfort.


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