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Endless Love: The 4Ever series #3

Page 25

by Isabella White

He slipped out of her and pulled her toward the edge of the bed, where he turned her around and slammed hard into her over and over.

  Grunts left his mouth as Holly moaned into the bedspread.

  She could have sex with him forever.

  He continued slamming into her, hitting every delicious spot inside her, his fingers digging into her waist, and then the feeling of wanting to explode, the itchiness on steroids came back.

  “You got to be fucking kidding me,” she push herself on her arms and Jake chuckled.

  He slammed harder into her.

  “Oh yes,” he grunted and Holly screamed from pleasure as she came again.

  He slipped out of her as she rolled on her back.

  “Still,” she said and he laughed as he fell next to her.

  She rolled on to him and rode him fast and hard.

  He titled his head back as she found just the right position.

  “Fuck yes,” he said through a chuckle and he bit his lower lip.

  It was so fucking sexy.

  She rode him faster, and just as her body gave out, he flipped her over and came inside.

  He groaned as Holly let out a long, satisfied moan.

  “You are going to kill me one of these days, my heart is beating like crazy.”

  “As long as it beats crazy for me, woman.”

  He kissed her on her lips as he still moved slowly inside of her.

  The kisses were sweet and gentle and she didn’t want this to end.

  “Time for a shower,” he spoke against her lips. He grabbed her thighs firmly as she held him tight around the neck and lifted her up from the bed the same time he got up.

  He walked with her to the shower and the warm water that sprayed over them felt amazing.

  They both washed each other and then they went to bed.

  The room smelled of hot sex as he cradled her from behind, naked and entwined in each other.

  She stared at the ring on her finger.

  It still felt unreal that he’d asked her to marry him, but in due time she knew it would sink in, and then it would be hard waiting for that day to finally arrive.


  The big day finally came.

  Holly looked in the mirror. She hardly recognize herself. She’d picked up about seven pounds and was back to her old self with a strong kidney and a healthy liver with enough happiness to last her a lifetime.

  It was still a dream come true to know that in less than an hour she wouldn’t be Holly Scallenger anymore but Holly Peters.

  “Suck it in, Melia,” Robin yelled, which brought Holly out of her happy thoughts. “Jeez, you are seriously becoming a fatty.”

  “Oh shush,” she slapped Robin away from her and Bernie tried to push Amelia’s zipper up.

  “Girl, are you sure she made the right alterations?”

  “Yes, she even made it a bit bigger. This is no use. I’m going to walk down the aisle in my underwear.”

  “Oh heaven’s no, please,” Jane said in a serious voice. Holly snorted.

  Jamie was sitting next to Mara on the couch, laughing with the rest of them. She looked beautiful in her dress and her hair was down in loose curls. Every time she saw Jamie, she saw grown up Romy with the beautiful eyes.

  “One thing I can say, I love my new boobs. I don’t know what the fuck I’m going to wear but my boobs are perfect. Better than your little raisins,” she teased Robin.

  Mara shook her head in exasperation at her daughters.

  “I’m sure the dress can’t be that small. What the hell did you eat this week?” Holly stepped forward.

  “You shoo,” Jane said. “We do not want you to work up a sweat. There is nothing worse than a bride who smells.”

  “Mom,” Holly whined.

  “It’s the truth.”

  “Nothing out of the ordinary.” Amelia answered. “I even took extra yoga classes, for crying out loud.”

  “This is really too small sweetheart.” Jane said.

  “Okay, we have a real emergency.”

  “Calm down,” Mara said and Holly stilled. She stared at Amelia, happy tears pooling in her eyes.

  She took out her phone and sent a text to Rodney.

  “Emergency, you need to go and buy a pregnancy test, but do it quietly please.”

  She looked at Amelia again. They were still laughing and Holly wiped her tears and laughed with them.

  “Why, you can’t be pregnant? Miracles like that doesn’t exist sweetheart and you are out of your quota.” Rodney texted back.

  “Move,” she sent.

  “I’m in the car, chill.”

  “It’s not for me, it’s for Amelia.”


  “Just get the damn thing.”

  “Who are you texting?”

  “Twenty minutes, Amelia. I waited a long time for this, you have twenty minutes.”

  “Okay fine. I’ll just quickly zip down to my house and get another. It’s not going to be violet, Holly, I’m sorry. My fat ass is ruining your wedding.”

  “Hurry,” she said and Robin went with her.

  Holly sat down on the couch and started giggling.

  How could she not know? Perfect boobs was one of the first signs. They must hurt, she must feel sick.

  “Holly, what is it sweetheart? You are not getting cold feet, are you?”

  “No, Mom. I think Amelia’s pregnant.”

  “What?” All the women in the room asked.

  “Just think about it. All of us know the signs. She said she didn’t eat much and she even took yoga. The only other reason you pick up weight like that is if you are pregnant.”

  “Her perfect boobs!” Mara gasped and cupped her face in her hands. “But the doctor—”

  “Has been wrong before. Miracle babies happens all the time. I know she is pregnant. I can feel it.”

  “We need to get a test.”

  “Rod is bringing one. I already sent him.”

  “Oh my word. My baby is going to have a baby.”

  “She’s going to have a baby, but we have to be gentle. I don’t want to be wrong about this. Not this time.” She closed her eyes and took deep a breath.

  Rodney was the first to barge into the door.

  “Where is she?”

  “She went home to get another dress. Give it here, before she comes back.”

  “She doesn’t know?”

  “Not yet. I’ll be gentle.”

  Footsteps came up and Gus’s head popped into the room.

  “What is taking so long? Oh, Holly, you look stunning.”

  “Thank you,” she smiled as Mara pulled her husband in and told him that Amelia might be pregnant.

  “What? Where is she.”

  “Coming. Her dress doesn’t fit. She quickly popped out to go fetch another. She doesn’t know. Don’t make a fuss, we got the test. You know what, just leave. You can’t lie. Just go.” Mara push Gus out of the door.

  All the woman snickered at Mara’s comment, and the door closed behind Gus “He would give it away, truly.”

  They all waited for Robin and Amelia to return, and finally both women came back into the room.

  “Okay, let’s go.” Amelia said.

  “Not so fast.”

  “Please don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet. We are already twenty minutes behind.”

  “And five more won’t kill them. Come with me.”

  “Holly,” she protested running on high heels as Holly took her to the bathroom. “What is going on?”

  “You need to pee on this stick.” Holly gave her the pregnancy test and Amelia frowned at it. She could already see the disappointment on her face.

  “C’mon Amelia. You have all the signs.”

  “I can’t, Holly. It’s going to be negative. The doctor said.”

  “Oh for heaven sakes, they are humans too. We all are doctors or nurses except for Bernie, we have been wrong before. You have all the signs. You have to pee on the stick, Amelia otherwi
se I’m not walking out that door.”

  “You’re bluffing.”

  “Pee on the stick.”

  “Okay fine.” She grab the stick as a tear rolled down her cheek. “But you are wrong.”

  She sat on the toilet and peed on the stick. “It should be morning pee anyway.”

  “Oh please, if you are pregnant it doesn’t matter what pee it is.”

  She put it down hard on the sink and walk out the bathroom.

  “Come here,” Mara said and Rodney walked in the bathroom.

  “She’s not pregnant.”

  “No, she doesn’t want to wait.”

  Holly stared at the pregnancy test which was upside down.

  She feared too and if Amelia wasn’t pregnant, she was going to be devastated on Holly’s wedding day. She should’ve kept her mouth shut.

  Jane walked in too. “Holly, we don’t have the entire day.”

  “I’m too scared to look.”

  “Don’t look at me” Rod said.

  “Fine, just give that damn thing here.” Jane grabbed it and looked at it.

  Her face was unreadable when she looked at it.

  “It has two stripes.”

  Holly screamed. “She’s pregnant.”

  She ran out of the bathroom. “You are going to be a mommy.”

  “What? I’m pregnant?” she cried and all of them shrieked as they jumped up and down from joy.

  “Look at my makeup now,” Amelia ugly cried as she touched her belly.

  “It’s okay. We can try to fix it.” Robin looked at it doubtfully.

  Everyone congratulated her and Gus and Armand ran into the room.

  “What is going on? Jake is going to get drunk if you don’t hurry up.” Armand said but froze when he saw Amelia’s face. “Babe, you okay?”

  She flung herself at him. “You’re going to be a daddy.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “We’re pregnant.”

  “What?” Tears filled his eyes and then it sunk in. “You’re pregnant?”

  She nodded and cried again, as he kissed Amelia.

  “My make up.”

  “Sweetheart your makeup was ruined before I even got here. I’m going to be a daddy, for real.”

  “Yes, for real. Look.” She showed him the test as tears rolled down both their cheeks.

  “Congratulations sweetheart,” Gus hugged Amelia. “More grandbabies. I’m the luckiest man in this entire world.”

  “Okay,” Holly said while looking at her twin boys making a mess of their out fits. “We have to get rolling. Robin, help Amelia with her face. The twins are busy tearing their clothes apart.”

  “Get your fat mommy ass in here woman.” She pulled her sister to the bathroom.

  “Thank you,” Mara spoke to the ceiling with contentment over her face and a hand over her chest.

  “Congratulations Grandma.” Jane said.

  “Thank you,” she whispered and gave Jane a gentle sideways hug so they wouldn’t ruin each other’s hair or makeup.

  Armand and Gus left.

  “I’m going to be a father!”

  “What?” Holly heard a yell.

  “She’s pregnant?” Jake yelled.

  “Oh no, you keep your ass in the front, mister.”

  They all wanted to panic, he couldn’t see her right now and finally Frank walked into the room.

  “Holly that boy is going to ugly cry.”

  She laughed.

  Robin and Amelia walked out the bathroom.

  “Congratulations baby,” Frank said to Amelia and she hugged him too.

  “I’m not going to cry.” She kept saying to herself over and over.

  They all laughed. The hug broke. “Okay, we have to get going. Nannas, the boys, oh my word.” She ran to Bradley and Cooper. “What did aunty Amelia say?” She scolded the two almost eighteen month olds.

  “Bernie, just fix Cooper please.”

  She fixed Cooper quickly while Amelia fixed Bradley.

  When they look almost the way they did when they arrived, the two grandma’s took them.

  The bridemaids left after them.

  “See you at the front.” Amelia said with a huge grin plastered on her face and walk out the door.

  “I need a quick word. It won’t be long.”

  Holly nodded. “What is it, Frank?”

  “I asked your mother to marry me and she said yes.”

  “What, when?”

  “She didn’t want to spoil your beautiful day. I’m sorry that your father isn’t here.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “I know I’m not your real dad, I never had the honor to father children, but you and your mother and Jamie and now the two boys, are what I called my instant family. I’ve loved you like a daughter, and this is an honor to walk you down the aisle. You don’t know how big it is as I know Jake his entire life and I always said the woman that is going to steal his heart, will be send right from heaven, and here you are. No more surprises Holly please, because I fear my old heart isn’t going to last if you ever scare us like that again.”

  “Okay,” she had tears in her eyes and hug Frank. Who was going to become her stepfather real soon. She was going to kill Jane for not sharing this news.

  Everyone was happy, getting happy news or becoming happy. Her wedding would always be remembered.

  * * *


  It finally began. He was still sober with Leo and a teary Armand at his side.

  His father was sitting down and the soft music finally began playing.

  “Finally,” Jake grunted, happy that his sister was pregnant but it was finally starting.

  Mara walked with one of the twins on her hip throwing petals on the ground.

  Jake made his eyes at him and he laughed. Bradley. He had this laugh coming out of his belly. Then behind him Coop joined in. Jane was a few paces behind Mara with his second son in her arms.

  The two grandmas went to sit in their seats and Jamie looked gorgeous wearing a violet dress with white stockings and shoes. She grew up so fast and he knew she was going to become a beautiful girl soon. Holly had told him that.

  He kept wondering what she saw during her coma. To have been able to speak to Romy’s grown up form. He wish that he could’ve seen her too.

  Jake winked at her and she winked back as she took a seat next to his mom.

  She gave her a hug and a kiss on her head.

  Then it was Bernie with Robin behind her and Amelia followed.

  She was beaming with a few tears glistening in her eyes.

  Jake had tears too.

  She was finally pregnant.

  “Congrats,” he mouthed.

  “Thank you,” she mouthed back. He would hug her later.

  And then finally she came out, walking next to Frank.

  She was a fairytale and he felt like the prince that was going to marry his Cinderella.

  He dabbed a tear away fast and felt like an idiot that everyone saw it.

  Her veil covered her face and he wished they could just walk faster.

  He showed her the sign of moving this on, and the entire crowd snickered.

  Finally, they reached him and Frank took her veil off.

  His heart skipped a beat. But not because of the way she looked today, she would always take his breath from him, no matter what she wore.

  It had been that way ever since he laid eyes on her that very first day.

  His heart skipped a beat simply because he was overwhelmed with love and joy.

  “Told you he would cry.”

  “Frank.” Holly smacked him playfully but he kissed her on the cheek and slapped Jake on the shoulder.

  No words of warning were spoken because Uncle Frankie didn’t need to speak, he knew how much Jake loved Holly.

  He took her hand.

  “You look so beautiful today.”

  “Not too shabby yourself.”

  He chuckled as the reverend started with the ceremony.<
br />
  When the vows came, Jake fumbled in his pocket for the piece of paper. Then the vow part finally came, and Jake was first.

  He cleared his throat as he opened his piece of paper he wrote the vows on. “I promise to love you, for better and better,” everyone snickered, “as we already went through the worst. Nothing that would come our way would be worse than what we went through. It doesn’t mean you will get free passes though.”

  She smiled.

  “I promise to give you everything you need and try not to give you all the things you want.”

  More laughter came.

  “And I promise that when we do fight, it would be something worthy to fight about. I promise to love you deeply, gently and sometimes rough,” he mouthed and more sniggers filled the cathedral. “And I promise that you will always have a shoulder to cry on, even if it was the ass behind the shoulder that caused the tears.”

  A tear escaped her eye at that moment and he dashed it away. “See, already fulfilling them.

  “I don’t have to promise you to be there in sickness, as I’ve proven I won’t be anywhere else, but I do promise that I will never abandon you, just as long as you are gentle on my heart. These conditions are forever, and ever, and not till death do us part.”

  Awws rang through the crowd. He rolled his eyes and took the ring from Leo and slipped it on her finger.

  She sucked in her lips as she looked at it and swallowed hard. She took her vows that Robin held for her.

  Then it was her turn.

  She looked at the gathering sitting behind them.

  “I promise I didn’t know what his vows were.”

  They chuckled. She opened the paper.

  “I promise to love you for better and better.”

  “What?” Jake said and popped his head over to her vows.

  “See, it’s really there,” she said. “As we would never beat our worst. My vows aren’t filled with promises, though, but it’s filled with giving my best all the time. I will love you like no other woman on this earth, well except your mom, she gave me a kidney and a piece of her liver.”

  Everyone awwed again. “I will fight with you, and it’s going to cost you plenty of sucking up, but it wouldn’t be a silly fight, it would carry meaning and something that is dear to my heart.” He smiled. “So I’m glad we are together on that one.”

  More laughter came.

  “I won’t take you for granted as I know what sort of a diamond you are and I thank my lucky stars that I found you every day,” her voice started to break and she cleared her throat. “Sorry.”


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