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Hunter's Moon

Page 6

by McKayla Schutt

  "I'm not sure, Hunter. I'm trying here but you have to see my side. After meeting my dad and finding out about me being a witch you freaked out." She paused for a moment. "I know we are mates and we can't change it, but I don't want to force you to be with me." Luna sucked in her lower lip before shoving her hand through her curls.

  "What are you saying?" Hunter looked at her quickly. The car in front of them slowed down so he had to be careful not to rear-end them.

  "I'm saying we have until we leave the coven to make our choice. If you want to live your life as a single man, I’ll respect it and go back west." Luna placed her hand on his with a short smile. "I just want both of us to be happy."

  "I see." Hunter pondered her words for a while. He wanted the little wolf witch in the passenger seat. Now he needed to find a way to prove himself to her. To prove he was worth her love and affection. Yes, he had been an ass, but he wanted Luna to stay with him. Hell, he was willing to follow her anywhere if it meant they could stay together.

  "Before you run off to the west, what if you’re pregnant." The afternoon had been a struggle between packing a bag for Hunter and sex because of the heat.

  "Well I don't want it to shift your choice. I want you to stay with me because you love me. Or at least have such deep feelings that you can't see yourself living without me." Luna's brown eyes pleaded with him.

  "Then how do you feel about me Luna? This can't all just be about me making a choice. I don't want to trap you either." He weaved around the car, the next one was miles ahead of them.

  "You shouldn't really worry about that. My feelings for you have grown but I want to trust in the fact that you trust me." Luna leaned her head against the glass. He liked the sound of her reciprocating the affection. But the lack of trust still pissed him off.

  "What do you mean? I trust you." He gripped the steering wheel tighter then lifted one finger out at a time on his right hand. If he wasn’t careful, he’d break the wheel.

  "You were raised to not trust a witch. I was born a witch just like you were born with a wolf inside you."

  "I understand." He didn’t know where she was going. Hunter pulled off to the right when his GPS chirped.

  "Then why does your family hate me so much?"

  Hunter rolled his shoulders as he tried to remember all the stories his father and mother told him about the witch coven they were about to see. Part of him hoped all the stories were exaggerated to make the witches appear worse than they actually are. He couldn't bear the thought of more harm coming toward Luna because of some old family vendetta.

  "Grab my hand." Luna’s voice stopped his train of thought and he did as she said. He noticed a line on the road continuing into the grass on both sides as far as he could see. Once he crossed over the line a wave of power washed over them making his car vibrate for a moment. His wolf started bouncing around.

  "Here we go." Hunter glanced at Luna who just nodded. Soon she would meet her mother and he hoped being with her didn’t fuck everything up. His wolf wouldn’t stop moving, pushing against the edge, wanting to shift but he couldn’t or risk death from the coven. This had never happened before and he had a feeling the line on the ground was connected to his wolf going berserk.

  Something was wrong.



  I'M GOING TO SEE MY mother. She glanced at the family photo Dominic gave to help prove herself to her mom. Plus, a note, she couldn’t bring herself to read.

  The nerves were making Luna's stomach upset. And to top it off she hated herself for giving Hunter a time line about staying together. Yet she couldn't keep looking at him with how she felt toward him and not have it reciprocated. Her heart had completely fallen for the man driving.

  They crossed the magical barrier a mile back and Hunter kept shifting around in his seat.

  "Are you ok?" Luna grabbed his hand and he relaxed.

  "My wolf is going frantic since we passed the barrier. This might sound weird but don't let go of my hand. He's calmed down now." Hunter's pleading eyes looked over at Luna.

  "Ok." Luna's heart raced in her chest just touching him. Oh, I'm so screwed if he leaves me. She turned to look out the windshield when Hunter slowed down. A trio stood on the road, all in black cloaks.

  "Why are they standing in the middle of the road?"

  "They want you to stop. Do it." Luna gripped his hand tighter. Hunter downshifted and came to a complete stop. He wiggled the stick to keep it in neutral and then hit the e-brake.


  "As ready as I'll ever be." Luna took in a shaky breath. "Let me lead," Luna said before opening the door. Hunter nodded once, and they climbed out of his car. They met at the front and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders keeping her close. She had no idea if this showed he cared or if he just wanted to keep his wolf at bay.

  "My name is Luna Lyco. I'm looking for Jina Lyco."

  "Why are you looking for Jina?" A woman drifted up, the hood kept her face casted in shadows.

  "Well..." Luna tried to find her words. She licked her lower lip, her whole mouth dried up in an instant.

  "This is her daughter and she would like to meet her mother."

  "My daughter died the same night my parents died, Mutt." Jina pulled off her hood and glared at Hunter. Hunter's grip tightened on Luna. Power pulsed from her body, and her hand twitched. Luna recognized the same shade of brown eyes staring at them.

  "I met Dominic, my father. He wanted me to give you this." Luna held out the family photo of Luna as a newborn with a note. Jina waved her hand and the papers flew from Luna's hand into Jina's grasp. She looked down and opened the note. Every few seconds she glanced up at Luna.

  "This can't be possible. I thought..." She swallowed hard and took a few steps toward Luna. Luna pushed back the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Jina placed her hand on the necklace and smiled.

  "I gave you the necklace when your grandma took you from me. I hid it from her and when she died I let go of the magic thinking you were gone," Jina spoke quietly agony filling her voice.

  "I'm right here." Luna swallowed past the lump in her throat. Jina pulled her into a hug and both of them cried for a moment. She wanted to smile at herself, she had been right in guessing who’s magic stayed with her for so many years inside the necklace.

  "Let's go back to my house so we can talk. I want to know all about your life." Jina turned toward Hunter. "Thank you, you can go back to your pack, Mutt." Jina tilted her head up. The hatred toward Hunter pulsed from her mother.

  "Actually, he's here with me. This is Hunter." Luna struggled to find the right word to describe Hunter to her mother. She wiggled out of her grasp and grabbed his hand.

  "I'm Luna's mate." Hunter extended his hand and Jina just stared at him and he cleared his throat. She didn’t like all the hate.

  "Are you serious?" Jina leaned away from Hunter, he dropped his hand.

  "Yes Jina. He's my mate." She seemed to weigh her options before giving him a quick nod.

  "You can come Mutt but if you shift there will be consequences." Jina glared at him. Luna grabbed Hunter's hand and he stopped bouncing again.

  "Part of the boundary spell is making his wolf a little antsy. Can you help him mom?" Luna said mom to help persuade her. Jina grabbed Hunter's other arm and hissed a few words then slipped back to the others in the black cloaks. Luna let go of Hunter's hand and studied his body movements.

  "Better?" Luna asked.

  "Much." Hunter leaned in closer to Luna. "Why does your mother hate me so much already?"

  "Interesting you should ask." Luna opened her mouth ready to tell Hunter Dominic's theory of why Jina hated the wolves but Jina tapped her shoulder and her lips snapped shut.

  "I’ll be riding with you." Jina pointed toward the car, the others dropped small pouches making white smoke surround them. "I can’t transport the car by myself and they aren't fans of wolves, so they won’t help." Jina huffed. She extended her hand for the ke

  "Do you know how to drive a stick shift?" Hunter asked Jina and sighed.

  "Nope." Jina gritted her teeth before climbing into the back seat.

  "I would drive but I’d probably mess up it up." Luna sighed. She didn't like how her mother treated Hunter. "We can talk tonight and hopefully she will warm up to you." Luna smiled up at Hunter.

  "I hope so." Hunter kissed her quickly before they climbed back into the car. Hunter slid the stick into first and they were off.

  "Maybe some time you can teach me how to drive a stick shift." Luna leaned over and stared at him as he shifted with ease. Riding with him, with her eyes closed and she would’ve thought the Mustang an automatic.

  "Not in here." Hunter chuckled but stopped, when her fingers brushed over his hand.

  "Wouldn’t it be fun?” She fluttered her eyes. “I know you really like your car but don’t you like me more.” Luna raised her brow and he stiffened in his seat like he had a war raging inside his mind on what to say next. She busted into a fit of giggles and he relaxed in his seat. “Don’t worry, I won’t break your pretty car.” They fell into silence the rest of the way into the small little town/coven. The homes all had the southern charm, both old and pretty big with a few smaller homes. Part of her wanted to ask her mother questions but she held them in, she didn’t want to bombard her.

  "Turn right and then my house is the first on the left." Jina pointed toward a street and Hunter did as she instructed. Jina bounced out of the car and motioned for them to follow her into the house. Her heart leapt into her throat at the thought of finally seeing the place her mom had lived for so long. Luna took Hunter’s hand as she followed the woman who birthed her. Part of her wanted to stop moving and just scream: I did it, I found my mother, but she kept moving.

  Her home was very small compared to Dominic’s. A single couch and a big chair took up most of the living room. "Please sit. You must have a million questions for me. I'll make some tea."

  "I’ve kind of taken a personal strike against tea. I'll take some water instead." Luna shook out her shoulders trying to push back the memories of the tea being injected into her system to stop her powers. She took in a deep breath to keep her powers from bubbling up. Jina nodded and slipped into her kitchen. Luna suspected she lived alone in the small home. She bit her lip and tried to think of where to even start. Why did you not come after me? The question simmered to the top but she thought better of it, better to start off with simple questions.

  "Do I have any siblings running around or close cousins?" She glanced around half expecting a sibling to run in and join them.

  "You have a cousin, Alia that I know of. Your Aunt Celina might have had more children, but I don't know for sure. We haven't spoken in years. Alia lives in Austin, Nevada." Jina handed Hunter a glass of water and then gave one to Luna.

  "Thank you." Luna sniffed the water before taking a drink. She lifted her gaze to find Jina watching her. A light heat touched her cheeks, she didn’t like being embarrassed but she would rather be safe than sorry. I’ll never have my powers suppressed again! The idea sent a chill down her spine.

  "Are you worried I'm going to suppress your powers Luna?" Jina raised one of her eyebrows. Then motioned to the couch. Luna took a seat in the middle and Hunter eased down next to her, putting himself between the mother and daughter. Part of her was glad he wanted to protect her but the other half didn’t see the necessity of it.

  "I'm sorry, it’s a habit." Luna took a sip of water. A knock sounded on the door and Hunter tensed up. Jina placed her cup down and opened the door to an older woman with grey hair. Another woman stood behind her.

  "Elder Cherish this is my daughter, Luna and her mate Hunter." Jina motioned toward Luna. Two older women strolled in. Cherish’s blue eyes were completely focused on Hunter.

  "Did you let a werewolf into our coven without permission?"

  "I know from experience, he wouldn't have let Luna leave. I wanted to speak to my daughter." Hunter grabbed her hand. Luna didn’t want to cause any more problems.

  "Yes, the daughter you thought had died, correct?" Cherish's skepticism coming out loud and clear.

  "She has the necklace I was going to track her with still." Jina pointed at the heart shaped necklace hanging on Luna's neck. Part of her wanted to cover it up, hide the one object she had carried since infancy.

  "May I see your necklace?" Cherish moved her hand out and Luna grabbed the pendent. She had never taken it off. If Ash hadn’t been so helpful she had planned on using it to try and find her mother. The light pulsed with power coming from it, had given her hope on days where it had been in short supply. Hunter unclipped the back and the chain fell around her fingers.

  "Thank you," Luna whispered and then slowly handed over the one thing she had kept for so many years. Cherish closed her eyes and the air hummed with magic. Luna held her breath as more magic vibrated through the small area.

  "Fine, it appears she is your daughter." Cherish nodded and handed the necklace back to Luna. "Don't shift and we should be fine."

  "Cherish, I don't think having him here would be a good idea. He's a Jones.” The woman behind Cherish pipped up.

  "What happened to my father and uncle isn't my problem. I'm here with Luna not to seek revenge on the Ray’s." Hunter's body tightened next to Luna. She placed her hand on his leg and he met her gaze.

  "If it would make you more comfortable we can leave." Luna wanted to get to know her mother, but she wouldn’t let go of Hunter until she said he wanted to leave her.

  "No, she is my daughter. I haven't seen her since she was a newborn, Havina you will not run them away." Jina moved in front of Luna blocking her view of the visitors. "I ask you with respect to leave my home." Jina's hand twitched at her side and the living room buzzed with energy. Havina stormed out of the home but Cherish stayed in her spot.

  "I am your elder, Jina." A warning humming in her voice.

  "Yes. But we both have secrets on each other no one wants to come out, Cherish. The mutt wont shift unless attacked. I've made it clear to him and he agreed." Jina tilted her head and glanced at Hunter. Does everything have to go wrong?

  "I agree." Hunter squared his shoulders. Luna had spent years wondering what it would be like to find her mother, and what they would talk about. Not once had her day dreams involved problems with the elders of her coven or prejudice toward her mate. Luna wanted to know what secrets they had on each other.

  "Fine. Jina I need to speak with you outside." Cherish motioned for Jina to follow. The magical buzz left the room and Jina strolled out.

  "Can you hear them?" Luna shifted to face Hunter who turned his ear toward the door.

  "No, I think they’re using magic to block them. All I can make out is a hum." Hunter met her gaze, his brows scrunched together.

  "Damn. Wait, who are the Rays?" Luna asked.

  "When my dad was young they were playing with a witch family, the Rays. My uncle had shifted and accidentally bit one of their children." Hunter paused and rubbed the back of his head. "The boy didn't make it through like you did."

  "That's awful." Luna placed a hand over her mouth as she processed the information.

  "Zay Ray, the father of the little witch, grew so angry from the death of his child, he went after my uncle and father. Zay broke every bone in their bodies bringing them inches from death. My grandfather retaliated after and it kept escalating until the elder of the coven and the alpha had to get involved to stop it. Since then my family has sworn off witches in general. Well except me." Hunter shrugged and met Luna's gaze.

  "So, you don't have this burning desire to get back at the Rays?" Luna licked her lower lip and took in a breath. She now understood the family’s hatred but in her own opinion it should be focused just on the family. Not all witches.

  "Of course, I don't. It had started on an accident. Like I said before, it’s not my fight." Hunter shook his head. Jina opened the door and slipped in. Cherish walked away before the door
closed leaving Luna with her mother and mate once more.

  "Is everything ok?" Luna asked.

  "You two might not be able to stay too long without causing some issues with the coven. We will have to play it by ear."

  "Maybe we should leave then," Hunter suggested. He leaned forward in his seat but Jina put up her hand.

  "No, you two will stay here with me. I have a spare room Alia used a while back." She pointed to the hallway to Luna’s right.

  "I do have a question for you," Luna said and looked at her mother. She didn't want to completely lose her nerve.

  "What?" Jina leaned against the wall. Her soft blonde hair fell off her shoulders.

  "Why did you let your parents take me away?" Luna didn't like the way Jina shifted on the wall.

  "It's a long story." Pain filled her brown eyes.

  "We have time." Luna rubbed her hands on her legs. She needed the answer, so she could really understand. Luna needed to know if her mother had wanted her.

  "What you need to understand is when I met your father I didn't think about being mated to a wolf. I just sort of jumped in head first. Dominic was sweet and kind. I had no clue I was in heat when we completed the bond. Twenty-four hours later when we came up for air, I wanted him to meet my family." Jina pushed back her hair and sighed.

  "They didn't take it too well. The coven is the only thing I knew growing up and my mother threatened to have me kicked out if I kept seeing Dominic. When I found out I was pregnant they tried to make me abort you." Jina shook her head. "I couldn't bring myself to give you up. Instead a month after you were born they took you and didn't even give me warning. Just a note telling me I wouldn't see you. I had a feeling they might try something, and your necklace was my safety net." She pointed at the necklace in Luna’s hands

  "Why did they want to get rid of me?" Her heart ached but she liked hearing how much her mom wanted to keep her.


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