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Hunter's Moon

Page 11

by McKayla Schutt

  "Wonderful, we get another baby in the coven." Alia smiled widely, she rubbed her hands together. "How far apart are they?"

  "Two minutes or so." Luna hissed through her teeth.

  "Shit. Luna, you might not be able to shift if they are so close already." Alia pulled at the bottom of her shirt.

  "I've been hiding them all morning." Luna bit her lip and turned to Hunter. "I just wanted a little more time to celebrate this family reunion."

  "Didn't Alia ever tell you about when she had Aura?" Olsen asked, and Luna shook her head.

  "The woman finally found Celina and delivered the same day. Family reunions seem to induce labor." Olsen laughed. After a few solo visits between Hunter and Olsen, he found out the true reason behind Olsen’s grumpy first impression. I didn’t want Alia to be upset when Jina tried to pull her from her family. Olsen had given up all the details of his own first impression of Jina which had been similar to his own.

  Luna gasped. Alia started barking out orders while Hunter carried her into their bedroom.

  "Do you have enough energy to snap your clothes off or do I need to get them off?" Hunter asked between contractions. She grabbed his hand tight as another contraction hit. Alia snapped her fingers and Luna's pants were gone along with her underwear. Hunter didn’t know how he felt about someone else taking her clothes off. His wolf growled with disapproval.

  "Thanks." Luna gasped. Hunter focused on trying to help Luna take calming breaths while Alia checked her out.

  "Honey, you need to push on the next contraction and pray she doesn't shift." Alia rubbed her leg. Hunter had heard of the horror stories of Alia’s and Angie’s delivery.

  "You can do this." Hunter kissed her head. She gritted her teeth and gripped his hand tightly. After a few long moments she let out a shaky breath.

  "Fuck." Alia cursed and then Luna screamed. Her whole body shook sending panic through Hunter's system.

  "Mom, Jina I need you in here! Now!" The urgency in Alia's voice made Hunter's wolf surge forward, he barely stayed in control. Blood covered her legs as she continued to scream.

  "Tosha, shift back right now." Hunter growled at Luna's stomach. Within seconds Luna stopped screaming which calmed his soul. Celina slipped in with Jina both held worried expressions.

  "Luna one more push honey." Alia pleaded. Luna grabbed Hunter's hand and he met her gaze.

  "I don't think I can." Luna's weak voice didn't help his panic. Celina and Jina grabbed hands and started chanting. With every passing breath Hunter prayed their healing would save his mate.

  A small cry sounded, and Hunter turned to find his little girl in Alia's arms. Luna’s heart faltered and stopped. Everything faded away as his senses turned numb.

  "Hold her." Alia handed Hunter his little girl then grabbed Jina's hand and joined the chant. He adjusted their baby, so Luna could see her.

  "Open those eyes, Luna." Hunter dropped to his knees next to her. "Don't leave me!"


  EVERYTHING HURT AS blackness surrounded Luna. She couldn't tell what was up or down but what she did know for sure, she didn’t want to be here. The sound of a little baby crying in the distance made Luna want to run or even walk but her body seemed frozen in place. I need to get to my little girl. I need to get back to my mate! The urgency in her little girl’s cry pulled her from the dark.

  Luna took in a sharp breath and opened her eyes. Tears fell down her mate's face while their little girl cried in his arms.

  "Hunter," she whispered. His gaze met hers and he smiled.

  "You scared the ever-loving shit out of me." Hunter rocked Tosha from side to side to calm her down. Luna turned her gaze to find her mother, aunt and cousin all shaking.

  "What happened?" Luna hated the weakness in her body, everything ached as she tried to move into a better sitting position.

  "When she shifted, her claws dug into your walls which caused a lot of bleeding." Alia rubbed her hands on a towel. Jina placed another blanket on Luna's lower half before coming over to her side.

  "Your heart stopped for almost a full minute." Jina moved some of her hair back. Tears stained her face as well. "I thought I was going to lose you all over again." Her voice cracked.

  "I'm right here mom." Luna hugged her and wanted to cry as well. Jina let go giving Luna an opening to hold her daughter. Hunter carefully placed Tosha on Luna's chest. A small towel covered her small body. Warmth flooded her heart as she took in the dark hair and slightly dark complexion.

  "She's beautiful." Luna tried to push back the tears of joy but couldn't keep them in.

  "She takes after her momma." Alia grinned and Luna laughed.

  "I'm so sorry I ruined the family reunion." Luna sighed and looked at her aunt.

  "Oh, no my dear. I'm glad we are all here. I would hate to think what might’ve happened if you had been alone." Celina shook her head. "Plus, it’s nice to practice magic with my sister again. Just wish the circumstances weren't so dire." Celina winked.

  "Let me get her washed up and Hunter can help you wash so the boys can come in." Alia carefully grabbed Tosha and Luna nodded. Hunter helped her up and she took a slow shower with a lot of help.

  "I love you, Luna. Please for the love of everything holy, don't ever scare me like that again." Hunter hugged her tight after he turned off the water.

  "I’ll do my best, love." Luna sighed. She snapped her fingers and clothes covered her body. Her hand shook a bit from the small magic.

  "Looks like you might have to help a little more these next couple of days." Luna showed him her hand.

  "I’ll be happy to help you. Don't overdo it." He glared at her as he lifted her into his arms. With ease he carried her into the living room where Dominic held Tosha. The sight almost brought her to tears.

  "I'm glad you're doing well." Dominic kissed Tosha on her little head. The doorbell rang as Hunter set Luna in their overstuffed reclining chair.

  "Who's here?" Luna looked around the room.

  "The elders are here to welcome the newest member," Olsen said then opened the door. Derrick strolled in first with his first set of twins, Vivian and Owen bounced in closely behind. Maria slowly wiggled in with the rest of her littles. Angie brought in cases of soda with her family. Carmen carried a few boxes of pizza while Aiden carried more boxes.

  So much love filled in the room as everyone oohed and ahhed over Tosha. Jina pulled Celina to the side while everyone talked around Luna. Part of her wished for her wolf hearing but she didn't dare use much magic after such a close call to death.

  Aura made her way into Luna's lap and she leaned on her chest. "I have a question for you." Her red hair fell to the side.

  "What's that sweetheart?" Luna brushed her hair away from her face. Without a doubt every little girl will be jealous of Aura with her deep red, it almost looked colored red instead of a natural orangy color.

  "Are you my aunt?" Her soft gaze met Luna's.

  "Well, I'm your mom's cousin so it would make us cousins technically." Luna didn't like the sad look filling her eyes. "However, I would be completely happy to be your aunt for everything you need."

  "Really?" Her face lit up with excitement which warmed Luna’s heart. "All of my uncles and aunts live in California. I would love having one close to me."

  "Well, then it's a good thing I'm not moving any time soon." Luna winked. Alia strolled up with Tosha in her arms.

  "Baby girl, this one needs to eat." Alia reached for Aura's hand.

  "But mommy I'm hanging out with Aunty Luna." She leaned her head against Luna.

  "Aunt Luna? I see. Well if you want to help Aunt Luna, then why don't you go get her some water."

  "Ok." Aura jumped off and scurried to the kitchen.

  "If you don't..." Luna started but Alia shook her head.

  "No, it's good. I consider you a sister already." Alia set Tosha in Luna's arms. "Plus, you will need one when she gets older and you need a break with your mate." Alia winked. Luna laughed and found Hunter
talking with Dominic and Olsen, but his eyes were on her.

  With a little help from Alia, Tosha nursed like a champ leaving Luna to relax as she fed her baby. She looked around the room again, everyone was talking and laughing. The reunion was a success after all and Luna had found everything she had been searching for. Her parents were together, and she had a mate who loved her. No matter what came next, she knew their love would conquer any problem.

  Jina- The next book in the Series



  "I REALLY HATE THIS damn holiday." Jina shoved her hands through her blonde hair as she passed another kissing couple. Valentine's Day was becoming a mushy holiday giving every damn couple this urge to do more public affection. Jina rolled her shoulders and entered the bar with Cherish. Celina, her little sister had decided to stay home instead of going out.

  "You're the one who said you wanted to go out dancing tonight." Cherish pointed toward the dance floor.

  "I know but this is ridiculous." Jina grabbed her friend's hand and weaved through the crowd. A nice slow jam pumped through the speakers and Jina swayed her hips when they reached the makeshift dance floor. Cherish smiled as she followed Jina's lead. Half of the coven thought they were together in more than a friend capacity but Jina just laughed every time. No, she liked men and never saw Cherish that way. But that didn't mean they couldn't have fun teasing all the guys watching the dancers.

  Jina laughed as Cherish shook her ass against Jina's stomach. No matter how bad her mood soured, Cherish knew how to brighten it up.

  "Damn girl." A tall man grabbed Jina's hips and ground his pelvis against her ass. The scent of vodka grew stronger but she didn't mind, she came to a bar after all. At first, she didn't have a problem until his hand moved from her hips to her crotch. Her stomach lurched and the familiar simmer of magic pulsed just under the surface. Jina barely resisted the urge to use magic as she elbowed the guy in the chest. He stumbled back and let go. Her blonde hair flew out of her face as she turned on the guy who tried to grope her.

  "You didn't have permission to grab the goods." Jina glared at the man, his eyes flashed with anger and he fists clenched at his sides. Jina wasn't a good fighter without magic but she'd be damned if she exposed all witches just to teach the creep a lesson. No matter how satisfying it would be. Before he could advance a larger man with darker skin blocked his path. Energy pulsed from the new comer and something sparked to life in her belly. Why would I be so attracted to a stranger? Before she had the chance to think more on it, the guy spoke.

  "I think you've had enough for the night." His deep voice sent heat straight to her core.

  "Piss off." The drunk groper stumbled toward the guy trying to help her. A growl left the man's chest making the drunk's eyes widen. Wait, men don't growl, he's a wolf. "Shit." He fumbled back and skittered away to a booth in the corner.

  "Thank you..." Jina didn't know the guy's name. With wolves just coming out of the magical shadows a few years ago, more feared them. But Jina held no fear of the man towering over her. No, she had other feelings stirring deep within that no other male had been able to great. Great, I'm lusting for a werewolf.

  "Dominic. And you're welcome." His dark brown eyes were completely focused on Jina making her body heat up. The light flashed over them making his bald head shine. Part of her wanted to know what he might look like with a full head of hair, something she could hold onto. Oh Goddess above I'm already wanting to fuck him. She swallowed hard.

  "I'll be right back," Cherish whispered into Jina's ear before strolling over to the bathroom leaving her almost alone with him.

  "And your name is?" Dominic raised one of his eyebrows. Goddess please help me, he's sexier than sin. She licked her lower lip; his eyes followed the movement.

  "Jina." She smiled. Someone behind her lost their balance pushing her into Dominic's chest. A zip of electricity raced under her flesh. She met his gaze as her mind scrambled to figure out what to say. I just imprinted with a wolf!

  Before Jina could over think his advance, his lips were on hers. Heat washed over her flesh and a need to have him clouded her judgment. Completing a bond with a wolf was for life, something that shouldn't be taken lightly but Jina didn't care. He grabbed her hand and steered her out of the back to the exit to the parking lot. The sun had set hours ago leaving them in a dark space. Only the hum of light slipped into part of the parking lot, but it didn't quite reach Dom and Jina.

  He pressed her body against a sleek pickup truck and leaned down so his hot breath tickled her face. His masculine scent filled her lungs giving her hints of butterflies in her stomach. A few months ago she had turned eighteen making her a full fledged member of the coven and now she was about to be a werewolf's mate. Things were changing in her life so fast but she didn't care. She needed him more than her next breath.

  "I swore to myself that when I found my mate I wouldn't wait. If you want to stop this, you need to tell me now." His hands gripped her ass making it harder to think.

  "Oh, goddess above don't stop," Jina whimpered. She didn't give a shit about the consequences then, no they could wait until after she had him. Images of him racing home to take her flashed through her mind yet he had other ideas on where they would complete the bond.

  He lifted her into the back row of seats of the extended cab truck and climbed in after her. Arousal filled his gaze and his fingers roamed up her body. She snapped her fingers and both of their pants rested on the floorboards. A smirk lifted his lips and she struggled to breath.

  "That might come in handy later." He settled between her thighs, his tip brushing against her core. She caught a glimpse of his size and hints of fear raced through her, he was so freaking large. Jina didn't know if he would fit but she didn't have time to say anything. In one swift thrust he entered her core and she gasped at how much he stretched her. "Sorry, I should have-" She placed a finger over his lips making him stop. Thankfully she didn't feel any pain from his sudden entrance or his shear size. No pleasure pulsed through her pussy instead.

  "It's ok. Now take me." She settled around him as he slowly pulled out then slammed into her again. Part of her wanted to have him slow down but they could get caught before they finished. Which would mean not completing the bond. Can't have that happen. She moaned as took every inch of him inside her body. He gripped her hips and repeated the motions. Each thrust sent pleasure soaring through her body, she knew she wouldn't last much longer. One of his hands slipped under her shirt and she snapped her bra away onto the floor.

  His callused hand wrapped around her boob bringing more heat to her already simmering skin. Instead of fully exploring he resumed his grip on her hips and picked up his speed.

  The truck rocked as he pumped into her quick and hard. Her moans slipped from her lips as she inched closer. Any moment she would reach her peak, something she had never even reached with anyone else. He groaned then bit her shoulder, marking her flesh. The orgasm slammed into her as she tipped over the edge. More erotic pleasure ripped through her soul than she'd ever experienced in her life, even with her own fingers doing the work. His cock swelled slightly as he reached his own release. The electric zap raced under her skin again sending her into another glass breaking orgasm.

  "Oh goodness that felt amazing." Jina sighed as he pulled himself from her body. She snapped her fingers just in time for a couple to climb into their car next to Dominic's pickup. She giggled and leaned into Dominic.

  "I'm not done with you my little witch. We're going to my place right now." Dominic kissed her before climbing out of the back. His hand extended and she grabbed it.

  "I need to tell my friend where I'm going then I'm all yours."

  "Deal." Dominic nodded and leaned closer. "Next time I want to hear you scream my name."

  She felt like one lucky girl to have a mate. Werewolves were very loyal after all.



  *A week later*

D AROUND in his truck, excited to see his witchy mate again. After they completed the bond, she stayed the night but went back home to her coven the next day. She had mentioned something about needing to work and how she couldn't call in. Some kind of witchy crap, he didn't fully understand. A few phone calls had been exchanged but nothing in person for a week. Deep down part of him was dying to see her, kiss her and holder her for hours till she had to go back.

  When a witch turned eighteen, she had a year to give back to the coven that raised her. Some kind of pledge she couldn't break but once she hit her year of servitude she would be free to live with him. She kept reminding him she could leave the coven for a day or two without permission but nothing more. Man, witches had a lot of fucking rules! Way more than wolves but they were also still in the witch closet.

  His wolf paced in his mind ready to claim her all over again. The memory of his roommates the day after he found Jina had been hilarious. Dude, you need to get your own place. You kept me up all night. DJ, his friend and pack mate had complained for another hour about lack of sleep. The guy had a valid point but he would need to go to the alpha to get help. As a mechanic, he only made so much and definitely not enough to get a house on his own.

  He slammed the gears into park and jumped out of his truck. The scent of his mate filled his nose, but something was off with it. Jina was doubled over behind a tree while a blonde woman rubbed her back.

  "I told you this wasn't a good idea. If mom knew she would kick our ass and try to bind our magic." The woman hissed so low even Dominic barely heard the words. His wolf perked up ready to defend his mate even from the woman rubbing her back, he picked up his speed trying to get to her faster. Familiar similarities in their scent and faces gave Dominic the impression they were sisters or cousins and yet he'd kick some ass to keep Jina safe.

  "I'll be fine in a minute, Celina. It went away earlier." Jina spit on the ground and Dominic reached her.


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