His Best Friend (A MFM Ménage)
Page 7
The ride home was fairly quiet; neither one of us spoke until we were almost there. She was the one to break the silence and asked what I’d like for lunch. Food was the last thing on my mind but I’m sure it was her way of trying to comfort me.
“I’m not hungry,” I said. “But if you want to stop somewhere we can.”
“It’s okay, I’ll make an early dinner before I go into work tonight.”
I felt like an ass for not taking her her up on her offer but that was two days ago. I’m going to make it up to her today and take her someplace nice for lunch before she goes into work tonight. We don’t always have the chance to go out but it’s Saturday, the weather is nice, and I know she’s going to have a long night ahead of her at the bar. They’re always packed on the weekends. “Jules, I know we didn’t get the news we were hoping for, but I have a small surprise for you.”
Her face brightens, “Oh yeah? What is it?”
“We’re going someplace nice, go get dressed and I’ll tell you what it is when we get there.” She frowns but complies with my request. Almost an hour later, she emerges from the bedroom with fresh makeup, a pretty summer dress, and her hair nicely braided. “You look great!”
“Thanks,” she says. “You don’t look too bad yourself,” she teases. “Do I get to know where we’re going?”
“No, not yet. You’ll find out when we get there.”
She’s still frowning but I ignore it and I open the door for her and drive us to a little French restaurant downtown. Neither one of us has ever been here but it has raving reviews.
Once we’re seated, the waitress brings warm bread and butter to the table and I order some wine.
“I have some great news that I wanted to share with you,” I say.
“Yeah?” She asks.
“Yep,” I nod. “You know how I’ve been working on things for the future? Well, I managed to snag a private project for the mayor—doing some work on his property. He says if he’s happy with the work we do, it could open the doors for bigger things later down the road which would mean more money for us.”
“That’s awesome,” she says but her tone is flat. It sounds like something is bothering her but I continue with the second half of my news. “And I probably should’ve told you about this sooner, or maybe I should’ve asked you, but I put in an offer on some land just outside of the city limits—and we got it! It was approved and I’ve already written a check for the downpayment. We can start building just as soon as the plans are approved by the zoning committee.”
“That’s great news,” she says, biting her lip.
I can hear worry in her voice and I don’t like it one bit. “What’s wrong? Are you upset about it? Honey, I know I should’ve asked you but I wanted it to be a surprise. You’ll love it, you’ll see. It’s next to a pond and it’s close to—,” she cuts me off.
“No, it’s not that, Rocco. I’m happy. Really, I am. I’d live anywhere with you, you know that. Even if it were under a highway or in an old, creepy Victorian house,” she smiles. “I’ve kind of got a surprise too. Well, it’s not really a surprise, but more like a secret.”
Now I’m worried. What the hell could she be keeping from me that has her so worried? “What is it, babe?”
Clearing her throat, she shifts in her seat and fidgets with her wine glass. “You know how Harley’s been going through a rough patch lately?” I nod my head. “He and Emma are breaking up and right now, he’s riding out the sofa until he finds a place to live. We were talking and I got to thinking, maybe he could come live with us? You know? I mean, he needs a place to live and we’re going to need help building the house, he’s your best friend, and he’s got no place to go.”
“How come he hasn’t said anything to me?”
She smiles. “You know how guys are, they never want to talk about their problems or feelings. I practically had to drag it out of him. He’s embarrassed, I think.” She pauses for a minute. “And don’t tell him I told you any of this. He said he’d talk to you about it so you can’t let him know that I told you anything, okay?”
I nod, unsure as to why my best friend would talk to my wife before me but I’d do anything to help him, he should know that. “Okay,” I agree. “I won’t say anything.”
When we get home, I head straight for the garage. It’s what I do when I want to get rid of stress. I pop open a beer and start working on some of the plans for the new house but I can’t stop thinking about what Jules said to me about Harley. The thought of him sleeping on that girl’s sofa doesn’t sit right with me, so I decide to give him a call and invite him over.
“Hello,” he answers.
“Hey dude, what’s going on?”
“Not much. I just woke up and got out of the shower.”
“That’s cool,” I say. “Listen, if you’re not busy, why don’t you come over? I’m working on the plans for the new house and could use some input.”
“Sure,” he hesitates. “I’ll be there in about twenty minutes. Should I stop and pick up some beer or anything?”
“Yeah, that’ll work. I’ll see you when you get here.”
After we hang up, I finish off the last two beers in the fridge and wait for him in the garage while I stare at the house plans. I have to get these right because I want to do something to make Jules happy. Obviously, giving her a baby isn’t one of them.
“Hey,” Harley says, holding up a six pack in each hand. “I brought the beer.”
“Thanks, man,” I open the fridge so he can set them on the shelf. “Here, take a look at these plans. Now the lot is bigger than what the plans show because I wasn’t sure if I’d get it or not. Tell me what you think.”
He studies them for a minute and sighs. “I think they look great but if you’re moving out of the city, don’t you think you should put in a pool? You know how Jules loves to swim. And maybe a small outbuilding, like a man cave, where we can play cards, shoot pool, or throw darts?”
Why didn’t I think of a swimming pool for Jules?
“Oh, that does sound good! Where do you think it should go? Maybe over here?” I ask, pointing to a section of the property. “And I could put the swimming pool right here by the back porch?”
“Yeah, that looks good. When are we going to start construction?”
“I don’t know,” I say. “That depends on when all the materials come in and when everyone can get together. You’re still going to help, right?”
“Of course,” he says.
“Good,” I nod, opening another beer. “I just wish there was some way I could repay you since you refuse to take cash from us.”
He opens a beer and takes a swig. “Actually, there sort of is. This might sound weird and if you say no, I’ll understand, but maybe I could crash with you guys for a while.”
“How come?” I ask, playing along since Jules asked me not to say anything.
“I didn’t want to say anything because I know you guys have had a lot on your plate but me and my girl are going through a breakup. I’ve been looking for a place to say but there’s not much out there, unless you want to overpay for a shit hole, so I thought maybe I could stay with you guys for a while—while we build the new house.”
“Dude, say no more. You’re always welcome to stay with us. I’ve got a bunch of stuff in the spare room but we can clean it out. Do you have a bed you can bring or need help moving anything?”
“I’ve got some things and, yeah, I have a bed and all that. Thanks man, I really appreciate it.”
I grab each of us another beer from the fridge and toss it to him. “To being roommates,” I toast.
“To being roommates.”
We drink our beers until Jules comes out to the garage to say that dinner is ready.
“Oh, I didn’t know you were here, Harley,” she says when she opens the door.
“He came over to help me with some of the plans for the new house,” I tell her. “And he’ll be here a lot more; he’s going to move in with us.”<
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“Good,” she smiles. “Well, there’s plenty to eat. I made hot wings and French fries. Let’s eat before everything gets cold.”
We didn’t get much finished in terms of the housing plans but I think we both needed some time to chill together. I’m glad Harley’s going to be living with us. Maybe it’ll help take some of the pressures off of Jules and me. Sometimes it’s hard talking to her but when he’s around, the three of us never run out of things to say. This might just be the break that all of us need right now.
Chapter 11
Rocco’s been so busy lately that we hardly see each other. When he has his mind set on something, there’s no stopping him and if he’s not at work, he’s working on the new house—whether the guys are with him or not. Now that Harley’s living with us, sometimes he has an extra pair of hands even when no one else is available.
Having him move in with us has been awesome. It gives me someone to hang out with when Rocco’s gone. Sometimes we’ll watch movies or play cards, and sometimes we’ll just sit and have a drink. I know that Harley is his best friend but the two of us have grown a lot closer in the last few weeks. It’s been especially nice not having to eat dinner alone when I come home from the bar at night.
But tonight will be different.
Luckily, I managed to get tonight off and I made Rocco promise that we’d have a date night. It’s been so long since we’ve gone out that I’m giddy with excitement! Sure, we’ve had a few afternoon dates here and there, but it’s not the same. All I can think about is slipping into my little black dress and going out on the town with him.
Clearing the steam off the bathroom mirror, I wrap the towel around my torso as I massage lotion into my skin. He’s always loved how soft I feel and I want to make sure there are no rough edges when his hands are all over my body later. After I finish moisturizing and putting on my deodorant, I realize that I left my clothes in the bedroom. I hate when I do that because I always get cold the minute I open the bathroom door and all the warm steam rolls out, letting all the cool air hit my skin.
As I’m walking down the hall to the bedroom, I glance at my feet to check my toenails since I plan to wear my open-toe shoes. I think it’s been a while since I’ve had a pedicure but I can’t remember. The polish looks slightly chipped but it should do; it’ll be dark after all.
“Oh!” I say as I bump straight into Harley’s chest. It’s like hitting a wall of steel.
“Whoah!” He replies, his strong hands grabbing me around the hips.
My towel nearly falls off as my hair slumps over my face. “Shit, I’m sorry,” I say. All I can concentrate on are his hands on me. They feel so big and powerful, like they’re holding my towel up even though I know it’s impossible.
“No, it’s okay,” he says. His voice is soft; soothing. “Are you okay?”
Clutching my towel with one hand, I use the other to push the wet hair away from my face and nod. “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to walk right into you.”
“Hey, I’ve had worse things walk into my life,” he laughs, but his hands firmly remain on my hips, keeping me planted where I’m at. “Not that you’re a bad thing. That came out wrong.”
“I knew what you meant,” I say, looking into his blue eyes.
He leans down, his face mere inches away from my neck. “You smell good. What is that?”
“Um, body wash?” I try to muster a small giggle but his touch and gaze are intoxicating, and I don’t want him to stop so I stand as still as humanly possible. All I can focus on is his warm breath hitting my wet skin. Goosebumps break out all over my body, causing my nipples to harden. Heat spreads across my cheeks as I blush with embarrassment. I shouldn’t let him have this type of effect on me; yet, I can’t help it at the same time.
“Is it new?” He asks, breathing in my scent again.
I close my eyes as he gets closer. “No,” I murmur with my eyes still shut. My body begins to sway and I lose grip of my towel, almost dropping it but quickly clutch it in my hands.
The front door closes shut and I hear Rocco’s keys hit the coffee table as he enters the house, and just like that, the two of us back away from each other and I briskly retreat into the bedroom.
“Hey Harley,” I hear Rocco say as he makes his way down the hall. “Have you seen Jules?”
“Uh, yeah, I think she just went in your room.”
Still wrapped in my towel, I turn when the door opens. “There you are,” Rocco says. “Sorry I’m late; traffic was crazy. I’m just going to grab a quick shower before we go.”
“Okay,” I say, still trying to wrap my mind around what just happened in the hall. Harley and I have definitely shared some intimate moments but now that he’s here 24/7, things feel….different.
Rocco grabs his clothes and heads straight for the shower. Once I hear the water running, I breathe a sigh of relief that I’m finally alone. Regaining my composure, I allow my towel to drop to the floor and slide a pair of red thongs on before I pick up my black stockings that lie next to my dress. Sitting on the side of the bed, I point my toes and slowly begin working the silk nylons over my foot and leg.
The feeling of being watched creeps over me, so I turn my glance toward the door which is slightly ajar, but I don’t see anything so I continue with putting my stockings and bra on. It’s not until I stand up to put on my dress that I notice Harley standing outside the door.
“Harley?” I ask, wondering if he’s been watching me this whole time.
“Hey,” he says, turning around to face away from the door. “I didn’t know if you were dressed or not but I was wondering what time you guys might be home tonight?”
“I-I’m not sure. Why?” I hurriedly slip my dress on over my head and shimmy it down my body before opening the door.
“I guess what I’m asking isn’t what time you’re coming home, but if you guys were going to come into work before you head home.”
Rocco opens the bathroom door and says, “Why would she want to go to work on her night off? You’d think she’d want to stay away from that place for a night,” he teases.
“Just thought I could help you get her liquor’ed up, bro,” Harley says to him, winking. The two of them fist bump like a pair of wild apes.
“Ha-ha,” I mock the two of them.
“Yeah, and maybe after we feed her enough drinks, the three of us can come back here and fuck our brains out,” Rocco laughs, except Harley and I stare in shock. “What? It’s a joke. God, you two, lighten up.”
“Well, if you decide to come in, give me a call and I’ll hold a table for you guys so you have a place to sit. The tables always go fast.”
“Thanks,” Rocco says, grabbing the bedroom door. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to finish getting ready for a date with my smoking hot wife.” He slaps my ass, making me yelp.
“That’s right you do,” I say, scooting inside the bedroom before he shuts the door. “So, are you hungry? We can grab a bite to eat before we hit the town.”
“I’m famished! We can go anywhere you want. What sounds good to you?”
“I don’t know,” I shrug. “Italian? Chinese? I’m not picky.” I still can’t get his words out of my head. ‘Yeah, and maybe after we feed her enough drinks, the three of us can come back here and fuck our brains out.’
Don’t tempt me, Rocco, I think to myself. Harley and I have developed quite the bond recently. We’ve always been pretty close since he and Rocco have always come as a package deal but he’s been here for me when my husband hasn’t, and the time we’ve been spending together has only drawn us closer. It doesn’t help that he’s physically attractive, either. Just like Rocco, Harley towers over me, and his blonde hair and blue eyes remind me of Charlie Hunnam. And I’m not the only one who thinks so, either. All of the girls who come into the bar swoon over him as soon as they see him. Everyone notices the resemblance; it’s hard to miss.
That’s not to say Rocco isn’t ho
t because he totally is. He always catches looks when we go out because he looks like a scruffy Adam Levine. His hooded green eyes contrast his dark hair that’s usually in need of a trim. He used to hate facial hair but lately, he’s been growing it out a bit; hence, the scruffy look. I like it, though. It looks pretty sexy on him.
“Nah, neither of those sound good,” he says, scrunching his nose. “Let’s go out for steak.”
“Okay,” I say, slipping on my high heels. “Let me just grab my purse and I’ll meet you in the car.”
I check my makeup and hair one more time as I pass by the dresser mirror and pick up my small black bag. I still haven’t stopped thinking about how Harley’s breath felt against my wet skin, or how his hands felt on my hips, or how I caught him watching me get dressed.
He was watching, wasn’t he?
The sound of the garage door going up brings me back to reality and I remember that Rocco is waiting for me, so I turn off the light and start making my way out.
Harley is sitting on the couch, his face expressionless.
“Hey, is everything okay?” I ask.
“Yeah, you guys have a good time. Maybe I’ll see you later.”
“Okay,” I say, grabbing the knob of the door that leads to the garage. “Try not to work too hard.”
I can’t help but feel like he’s sad and can’t shake the feeling as I climb into the car with Rocco, but I put on a fake smile and tell him I’m ready even though Harley is still on my mind.
The more I replay him standing outside my door while I was getting dressed, I don’t think he was watching me. I know he was.
Chapter 12
“I haven’t had this much fun in forever!” I shout to Rocco as we dance to Papa Roach. Well, it’s mostly me that’s doing the dancing but every once in a while he’ll clap his hands and sway his hips.
“Me either!” He yells over the loud music.
We had a great evening strolling through the Botanical Gardens and walking through Forest Park but I wanted to go dancing. When the song is finished, we head to the bar for a drink. It’s not too busy, surprisingly. I didn’t want to hang out at work tonight but it’s my favorite bar—or maybe I’m bias. All the other local bars either play that techno pop shit or sappy country music. We wanted tonight to be fun so even though I spend almost every night here, we chose to come here.