His Best Friend (A MFM Ménage)
Page 12
“Are we okay?” She asks.
“Yeah, babe, we’re okay. I’m sorry that you didn’t feel like you could come to me.”
“No, Rocco, I’m sorry that I didn’t come to you. I’m so ashamed of what I’ve done.”
I kiss her forehead and we fall asleep, wrapped in each other’s arms.
When I wake up, I start a pot of coffee and take a shower while Jules is still fast asleep. The rain’s finally slowed to a light sprinkling and it doesn’t look so nasty outside.
As I shower, I contemplate what to do about Harley. He’s my best friend and even though he betrayed me, I feel the need to talk to him. I’m pissed over what happened but I know neither of them started their affair with ill intentions, just like I didn’t kiss Kendra with the intention of doing so.
People fuck up. They make mistakes. And, sometimes, they deserve a second chance.
The three of us have been through a lot and it’s time we all start over on a clean slate. After I dress and have a cup of coffee, I send him a text asking him to come to the house. He doesn’t respond immediately but eventually texts back that he’s on his way. About twenty minutes later, there’s a knock at the door.
“Come on in,” I say to him, opening the door before I make my way back into the kitchen for another cup of Joe. I had a few too many beers last night and have a slight hangover.
He starts the conversation before I can. “Rocco, I’m so sorry about everything. After I left last night, I did a lot of thinking. You and Jules have done nothing but support me and be there for me when I went through some shit and it was fucking awful that when you were going through shit that I betrayed you.”
“Sit down,” I say, keeping my voice low so that we don’t wake Jules. “I want to keep this quiet because she’s still asleep.” He nods in agreement. “She thought I was asleep but she stayed up half the night crying.”
“Fuck,” he says, running his hand over his five o’clock shadow.
“I know the two of you feel like shit for what happened—and you should—but we go back too fucking far and I love my wife.”
“What are you saying?” Harley asks.
“I’m saying that I forgive you—both of you. I know people fuck up, man. I’ve done it myself, but cutting off ties with you would be damn near impossible. You’re my best friend and have been since we were, what? Fifteen?”
“Yeah,” he nods. “Too fucking long for me to do something like this to you.”
“True,” I agree. “I can’t say that I’d do the same thing if I were in your shoes but, like I said, people fuck up. And giving up on our friendship would be like cutting off my right hand. You’ve always been such a big part of our life. You were my best man at our wedding, you’ve helped me with my business, and, fuck, you’ve even helped build the house we’re going to live in.”
“Rocco,” he says. “I’m so sorry and I feel like the biggest piece of shit.”
I nod. “You should.”
We sit for a while, neither of us knowing what to say, drinking our coffee as we watch the weather begin to clear up for good.
“Anyway,” I say. “I just wanted to let you know that you’re welcome to keep living with us. I know you had trouble finding a place and I’m not going to kick you out on the street.”
He looks at me with disbelief. “You’re kidding, right?”
“No,” I shake my head. “I’m not. Like I said, I don’t want our friendship to end and I know that Jules cares for you. A lot,” I add.
His head drops in shame. “Are you sure you want me around? Knowing that we have feelings for each other? Because it wasn’t a one-way street. I care for her a lot, too. It wasn’t just about the sex.”
“I know you do,” I admit out loud. “And that’s why I want you around. Our marriage has been strained for a long time and I want Jules to know that she’s surrounded by people who love her. She needs that right now, especially with the whole baby thing. She’s felt so alone for such a long time.”
He thinks about it for a minute and nods, “That makes sense. But aren’t you worried about us? I mean, it won’t happen again but how can you just let me back in like that? And forgive us so easily?”
I sigh, thinking of the best way to answer his question. “Because I love both of you. You’re like my brother and have been for so many years. And Jules? She’s always been my dream. I can’t stand to lose either one of you. But like I told her, it’s complete honesty from here on out. No more behind-the-door shit and no more secrets.”
“Understood,” he says. “I’ll never do anything to betray your trust again, nor will I do anything to disrespect you. You’ve done so much for me and here you are still doing it.”
I get up and pour each of us a cup of coffee. “Where’d you stay last night anyway?” I ask.
“Up the street, at Super 8,” he answers.
“Well, you can move back in here. There’s no need for you to waste money on a hotel.”
“Are you sure?” He asks, and I nod. “Thanks man. I don’t know how to repay you.”
“Actually,” I say, “there is something you can do.” I can’t believe I’m about to say this to him but I feel like it’s now or never.
“Name it, man, whatever you need. I’m here.”
My mouth goes dry as I think about how to word this and I try to swallow but it’s hard. Perspiration begins to form on my palms so I wipe them off on my jeans, under the table. “There’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, and I’ve already talked to Jules about this and I guess it’s time to talk to you too.”
“What is it? I’ll do anything, you know that.”
I nod. “I want to watch you fuck her.”
“What?” His jaw drops. “I don’t think I heard that right.”
“You heard it correctly. I’ve thought about having a threesome with you and Jules for a long time—before any of this. And, honestly, I kind of suspected that the two of you were sleeping together but I wouldn’t allow myself to believe. Now that I know it’s true, I can’t get the image out of my head.”
“But why me? And why after this?”
“Because you’re my best friend and because it’s always been a fantasy of mine but I never brought it up until after all this. It’s not exactly an easy subject to bring up to the two people you’re closest with and expect them to both say okay. I figured now is the time.”
“But, Rocco, I betrayed your trust and almost ruined our friendship.”
“You did,” I agree with him. “But I also know you care about her and you mean a lot to her, too. Trust me, if I was going to allow someone else in my wife, I’d want it to be someone who knows her and cares about her rather than some stranger who doesn’t give two shits about her.”
He mauls it over in his head. “I don’t know if I can do that,” he says. “I mean, it was one thing to fuck her in the first place but to know that you’re watching? What if you change your mind in the middle of everything and end up breaking my jaw?”
“Nah,” I shake my head. “I won’t change my mind. I wouldn’t bring this up unless it was something that I knew I wanted, and since the two of you have already been together, you must know what she likes—or, at least, I hope so.”
He starts to smile but quickly wipes it off his face. “Yeah, I know what she likes.” He pauses. “Are you sure about this?”
“I’m as sure as a heart attack.”
“What about a heart attack?” Jules asks as she enters the kitchen.
“I was just telling Harley he can move back in and that we’re all good,” I say, nodding in his direction. He follows me and quickly agrees.
“Good,” she says. “Hopefully, things will go better this time around.”
“Yeah,” I agree. “Things will be much better. We all have to work on this together, though, if we want it to work.”
The two of them nod in agreement, even though Jules has no idea what we were just talking about. “I’m starving. Do you guy
s want some breakfast?” She asks.
“That’d be great,” I smile at her. “Thanks babe.”
I know he must think I’m crazy but we’ve always been one big happy family—at least that’s how it’s felt all these years and now it’s time to kick it up a notch.
Chapter 19
Everything has been so strange since Rocco caught Harley and I in bed and presented the whole threesome idea. I never thought having an affair would turn him on but I was wrong.
In a crazy way, it’s made our sex life better. He can’t get enough of me and is always putting his hands on me any spare chance he gets—not that I’m complaining. This is how our sex life used to be before we started trying to get pregnant, and then it became robotic because we were always trying to follow my ovulation schedule but now things are back to the way they used to be.
It’s only been a couple of weeks but Harley and I have been trying to keep our distance from each other. I’m not sure how we’re supposed to behave because I don’t want to upset Rocco or do anything wrong. When we’re at home, we pretty much stay in our rooms unless I’m cleaning or we’re all sitting down to have dinner. Rocco’s talked to me a few times to ask how Harley and I are getting along, and I’ve told him that we barely talk unless we’re at work and he seemed kind of….deflated? I’m not sure what the right word is but I thought he’d be happy. Instead, he told me that there was no need for us to be so distant with each other but I’m not sure where we all stand because this is so new.
As I sit on our bed reading a new thriller that I picked up at the bookstore on Sunday, Rocco strolls into the room whistling and it seems like he’s an extremely good mood. Smiling up at him, I ask, “What are you so happy about?”
“Remember that job I did for the mayor?” I nod. “Well, I was just offered my first government contract today! And let me tell you, they pay way better than the normal clients I’m used to working with.”
“That’s awesome!” I say, sitting up on the bed as I close my book. “I’m really proud of you, babe.”
“Thanks,” he leans down and kisses me. “And to celebrate, we’re all going out to dinner.”
“Who’s we and where are we going?” I ask, curious as to what our evening plans are.
“You, Harley, and me,” he says as he begins digging through the closet.
“Oh,” I say. “I, um, I think Harley works tonight but we’ll have a great time.”
“Harley!” He yells from our room.
“Yeah?!” He hollers back.
“Do you work tonight?”
“No,” he appears in our bedroom doorway. “I was supposed to but I traded shifts with Karen because she needed off for a wedding or something. Why? What’s up?” He asks, glancing at me on the bed.
“This guy,” Rocco says pointing to himself, “just landed a government contract and we’re going out to celebrate, so go get dressed. I’m going to jump in the shower real quick.”
“Where are we going?” He asks.
“Oh!” Rocco snaps his fingers. “That’s right, you asked me that earlier, didn’t you Jules?” He doesn’t wait for an answer, though. “I’m going to treat us all to a rooftop dinner at The 360.”
“Wow,” I say. “Are you sure we can afford that? With the new house renovations and all? We’re moving in next week and this house won’t be on the market for at least a few months until we can get things repainted and fixed up.”
He leans over and kisses me on the forehead, “Baby, don’t you worry about that. We’re doing just fine. Start getting ready while I shower.”
Making his way out of the bedroom, he playfully smacks my ass and I blush as Harley watches the two of us before he retreats to his room. When I hear the shower turn on, I hop off the bed and begin putting together an outfit for dinner. The 360 is a top-notch restaurant so I want to wear something sexy yet classy. I opt for a low-cut black dress with lace trim that is backless and pull a pair of matching silk stockings out of my dresser drawer. Rocco loves when I wear these stockings—he says they make my legs look sexy and he can never stop himself from touching them.
As he’s getting out of the shower, I use a towel to remove the shower steam from the mirror and start working on my hair and makeup. “Jesus, Jules, you look very fuckable tonight,” he growls as he grabs my hips from behind.
Giggling, I say, “Thank you. If you’re good tonight, maybe I’ll give you some.” I wink so he knows I’m teasing him.
“I’d better go get dressed myself or we’re never going to make it to the restaurant because I could ravage you all night,” he says, biting my neck. Goosebumps erupt all over my body as he opens the bathroom door and leaves me to finish getting ready.
The valet opens our doors and we’re whisked away to the rooftop of the restaurant. It’s a beautiful, warm fall evening and the salmon streaked sunset looks amazing from this view. Even though the sun is still fading out, you can see a few speckles of stars off in the distance and everything feels magical. A light breeze surrounds us and Rocco and Harley’s cologne wafts toward me. Something about their mixed scents makes my panties wet but I try to push aside my thoughts as the waiter brings us menus and goes over the specials.
We each order what appeals to us—I choose the prime rib—and Rocco says, “And, please, bring a bottle of Dom Perignon.”
When the waiter walks away, I whisper, “Rocco! We can’t afford that! What are you doing?”
“Relax, and, yes, we can. Even though I outbid the other contractors, I’m going to make almost three times the money that I normally would and the city is talking about sending more projects my way. The mayor really hooked us up.”
“That’s amazing,” Harley says. “I’m kind of jealous, actually, but you deserve it.”
“Why don’t you come work for me?” Rocco asks him.
Harley shakes his head, “No, I couldn’t do that.”
“Why?” Rocco asks.
He looks me in the eyes and says, “Because if I left the bar, who would be there with Jules? You have no idea how many guys hit on her and try to grab her ass. I couldn’t leave her alone at the bar.”
His words are so heartfelt and I know his concern. With all the bikers who come into the bar, it happens more than I’d like to admit but since he’s been there, it rarely happens. He’s truly my protector when Rocco’s not around and I’m so grateful for that.
Rocco looks at him and shifts his glance to me. “Is that true, Jules? You still have those problems even though you’ve been there that long?”
I nod. “Yes, you know how guys get—especially when they’re drinking. They automatically think they can do whatever they want.”
“I see,” he says, setting down his wineglass. “Why don’t you quit that job? Stay at home.”
“What? I can’t do that. We need the money and, besides, what would I do all the time?”
He reaches across the table and takes my hand. “Don’t worry about the money, babe. You know I’ll always take care of you. I’d rather have you at home anyway and I’m sure you’d be able to fill your time with reading or whatever else you’d like. I know how much you love to do that.”
I don’t know about quitting my job. The idea sounds appealing, being a housewife, but I’m afraid I’d get so bored. “I’ll think about it,” I tell him.
By the end of our dinner, we’re all completely stuffed and the alcohol is flowing. The three of us can’t stop laughing and it’s been so long since we’ve had this much fun together. I never want it to end.
None of us have any right to drive home in our condition so we take an Uber back to the house. It’s only a short drive and the three of us are cramped in the back of a tiny Ford Focus but while we’re in the car, both of them are touching me. Rocco’s arm is wrapped around me and Harley’s hand is resting on my thigh. All I can think about his how badly I want both of them.
Once inside, we kick off our shoes while Rocco breaks out another bottle of wine. I
stumble as I slip out of my stilettos but Harley catches me, wrapping his muscular arms around me as I nearly tumble to the floor.
“Careful,” he warns.
“I’ve got it,” I insist, even though I could clearly use some help. Just for a minute.
“Yeah, you do,” he laughs, still holding on to me. “Let me help you into the kitchen.”
Guiding me through the house, he keeps me at his side, being very attentive towards me. Rocco has three wineglasses poured and smiles as we enter the kitchen with Harley helping me onto the barstool at the breakfast nook.
“Here’s to the future,” he says after passing out the glasses.
Rocco and Harley are grinning at each other which makes me smile, too. After we toast, Rocco walks over to me and begins kissing me. The fact that Harley’s hands are still around my waist isn’t lost on me and even though I’m kissing my husband, all I can think about is how good it feels to have both of them touching me.
Harley’s hand dips lower and touches my ass as Rocco begins trailing kisses along my neck. Tipping my head back with my eyes closed, Harley helps me keep my balance and begins kissing the other side of my neck. My eyes pop open as I feel both of their lips on me and I look at each of them as they look at each other but continue kissing and biting down each side of my neck.
Holy fuck, everything is spinning and it’s happening so fast that I almost can’t believe that they’re both kissing me at the same time. When their mouths reach my cleavage, they stop and Rocco nods at Harley. Simultaneously, they each put their arms around my back and under my legs, scooping me up and begin carrying me into the bedroom.
Gently lying me on the bed, Rocco leans over, kissing me like it’s the last kiss we’ll ever share—like our lives depend on it. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me and that’s when I feel Harley’s hands working their way under my dress. I try to moan but it’s swallowed up by Rocco’s kiss. My eyes flutter open as I look at him and I’ve never seen so much want and need in his eyes.