Glass Heart Broken: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Glass Heart Academy Book 2)

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Glass Heart Broken: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Glass Heart Academy Book 2) Page 15

by Lindsey Iler

  That wasn’t the answer to my damn question.

  Chapter Nine


  “Where’s Palmer at?” Breaker asks.

  She never showed up for first period, and now it looks like she’s missed second, too. I’d searched for her during my walk through campus to my next class, but she was nowhere to be found. My guess is she prefers to remain that way for a little while longer.

  Yesterday, when she asked what’s been looming between us, I didn’t know what to say. There is no right way to answer that question. Not with everything I know now.

  “Let me guess, Palmer is struggling with the new reality?” Breaker glances at me, then scans the crowd in the middle of the quad just as I am. We’re looking for different girls, but if they’re smart, they’re together.

  “Reed being back . . .” My words trail off.

  “Fucks everything up?” Breaker adds to the end of my sentence.

  “I’m going to do exactly as I said I would.” I send my worries out into the universe.

  “Ruin her?” Breaker stills.

  I stop, looking at him. “What are you doing?”

  His arm lifts. Following to the end of his finger brings me to her. Her dark hair billows with the wind, covering her face until she brushes it away. Delaney is beside her with their heads close together as they talk.

  “Delaney was afraid to come to school today, and rightfully so, knowing she has a ticking number above her head that defines her worth to these assholes,” Breaker explains. “Palmer convinced her not to be afraid. If she can be brave for Delaney, maybe you can man up a little bit and be honest with her.”

  “Reed is right. You’re a fucking softy, Break.” I shove him away and waltz up to the bench where the two girls sit.

  “There’s nothing soft about me!” Breaker yells. When I make the mistake of looking at him, he’s grabbing his dick over his dress pants. “Right, Delaney?”

  Delaney stands. “I better go get him under control.”

  “Good luck with that,” I say as she passes.

  “Good luck with that.” Delaney points to her best friend and grins.

  I hold out my hand, hoping like hell Palmer takes it. “Take a walk with me.”

  “Why should I?” Her arms cross over her chest, testing me.

  “Don’t make me beg, Palmer.”

  “Oh, now, that sounds like a good idea.” Her eyes dart to the cement, motioning for me to do just that. Beg.

  “The only way I’m getting down on my knees in front of you is to eat your pussy.” I extend my hand again, and this time, she takes it without complaint. “Now that I have your attention.” I smirk, loving the way she buckles just enough for me every time, yet still somehow makes it known she’s in full control.

  We walk side-by-side through the busy crowd as students head to our free period. Most are on the way to the cafeteria, where I assume we’re going, but Palmer passes right by it.

  “So, yesterday?” Her clenched hands meet in front of her, worrying themselves as we walk.

  “You left before I could better explain myself.”

  “Your lack of actually answering my question, Marek, is all the explanation I need.” Her stare shifts to me. She abruptly glances away and takes a right on a pathway that is seldom used. “Truly, I should have known not to ask questions I don’t want the answers to.”

  “I said I choose you.” I laugh at myself, hating we have to have this conversation in the first place.

  “I don’t want to ask you to choose.” She twirls on her heels to face me. “Don’t you get it? I saw the way you looked at her. There’s no denying— Marek, are you even listening to me?”

  Over her shoulder, I’ve spotted Dean Eberstark and Henry walking our way. I drag her behind a hedge of overgrown bushes, push on her shoulder, and crouch down, taking her with me. Holding my finger to my lips, I tell Palmer to stay quiet. This conversation is one I don’t want to miss. When she arches an eyebrow in question, I jerk my head in the direction of where our beloved dean and Henry are in a heated conversation. Their back and forth is almost comical. Each of them takes a turn, attempting to prove his individual point with grand hand gestures.

  Henry pokes Dean Eberstark in the chest before gripping his shirt and tie in his clenched fist and yanking him forward until they are nose to nose.

  “You need to fix this. If word gets out . . .” Henry barks, releasing his angry hold. Dean Eberstark staggers before catching his balance.

  If they’re close enough for us to hear every word, they might be close enough to see us.

  “It won’t. That young man swooping in and stealing Declan’s bid was a mishap we didn’t foresee, but it isn’t the end of the world,” the dean explains.

  Seconds before they reach our hiding spot, I tuck Palmer into my arm, hoping to shield us.

  “Easy for you to say when you aren’t dealing with angry clients,” Henry argues. “This is meant to be cut and dry. You take the girl, you give her no choice, and then the deal is sealed. Cut and dry transactions.”

  I hold my breath until they pass.

  “I don’t want to be wrapped up in this mess.” Dean Eberstark may as well drop to his knees and beg Henry.

  “It’s too late.” Henry’s sinister laugh feels like needles to my spine. “You gave us the information we needed to set every transaction in motion. Not to mention the receipts I have of your own, personal purchases.”

  Palmer’s eyes widen like a surprised kitten catching its reflection. I shake my head, praying she doesn’t get brave on me. It’s better for us to stay quiet and unseen.

  The dean says something else, but by now, they’re too far away for me to understand anything. When they reach the crosswalk, they go in opposite directions.

  Palmer’s breaths are heavy.


  “I know,” I whisper, understanding what we witnessed.

  “Dean Eberstark?” She says his name with confusion and uncertainty.

  “I don’t know how I didn’t see this sooner.” I stand, holding my hand out to help Palmer up from the ground. “The proof was right in front of me.”

  “What are you talking about?” Palmer asks.

  “There’s a photo in the dean’s office. Henry and him, standing in front of the same black and silver flag that was on the invites. Henry wasn’t a student then, but he was young.”

  “I don’t know what that means.”

  “We know Henry is behind the missing girls. What if Eberstark gives him the access to the girls, to all of us, that he’d never have otherwise?”

  “I think I’m going to be sick.” Palmer covers her mouth.

  “You heard him refer to Breaker bidding as a problem”— I make air quotes— “and how he’ll have angry clients.”

  “So, who else are his clients?” Palmer’s eyebrows pinch together, worry etched in the lines of her forehead.

  “I don’t know, but I plan on finding out,” I say, determination fueling me. I send a text and receive a quick reply. “Come on. Let’s go.”

  “But I have third period photography and a test in chemistry.” She points her thumb over her shoulder. “I couldn’t leave if I wanted, anyway. Delaney can’t be left alone on campus.”

  “The second classes are done, you head up to the house, okay?” I grab her hands, bringing them to my mouth to kiss her knuckles. The gesture surprises us both.

  “How bad is this, Marek?” she asks, tightening her hold on my hands as I lower them between us.

  “If I had to guess, it’s pretty bad.” I shake my head, unsure how this is happening right under our noses. “I mean it, Palmer. Right to the house. Damien will keep an eye on you while I can’t.”

  “Where is Damien?” she questions, her eyes skimming the area.

  “He’s around.” I wink, turning towards the parking lot where I’d parked this morning.

  “Your mom?” Palmer calls out, weariness in the quiver of her voice.

; I’m frozen in place, overcome by reality. I have been so consumed with what happened to Delaney and then Reed’s surprise visit, that it’s never crossed my mind that my mother may be involved. “I hope not. I’ll see you soon.”

  On the walk across campus, my eyes search for clues to the missing girls. As of right now, the police consider me a person of interest for two murders. At any time, they can find something to hold me. I’m on borrowed time, so if I can prove my innocence, I will at any cost, no matter who I have to bury in the process.

  Dillon Johnson is surrounded by a group of his followers. He’s the type of guy who reaches his peak during his years in the academy. The real world will knock him on his ass, reminding him he’s not as special as he thinks he is. He watches me, curiosity embossed in his eyes as I cross through the quad to the parking lot.

  Several beats later, he jogs up next to me.

  “What do you need, Johnson?” I ask, side-eyeing him as I click the remote to unlock the Escalade, then open the door.

  “Where’s your girl? We have some unfinished business.” Dillon slams the door, his flat palm pressed against the window.

  “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll remove your fucking hand from in front of my face.” I take a beat, reminding myself I have far more to lose than this bastard. One false move, and he’ll have the whole police department descending on campus. Self-righteous assholes have one trick, and it’s a bitch move.

  “Oh, come on, Marek. I thought you boys were into sharing.” He grins when he knows he has my full attention.

  “Are you into guys, Dillon? If you are, it’s okay. I’m not here to judge, and quite frankly, I couldn’t care less where you put your dick. But you seem awfully obsessed with what I do with mine.”

  “No, but I’m curious how honest you’ve been with Palmer.”

  “What kind of game are you playing?” I grab his shirt and spin him, pinning his body against the car.

  Dillon holds his hands up in surrender. “Just curious if she knows who she’s fucking with.”

  “Stay away from Palmer, do you hear me?” I yell, gaining the attention of a teacher coming out of one of the buildings.

  I release him and shove him to the curb. Once I’m behind the tinted windows, I take a second to breathe before leaving. Dillon Johnson has been nothing but a fucking problem my entire time here at Glass Heart. If I could have gotten away with it, I would have beaten him into the cement.

  When I get to the house, the driveway is empty. The boys aren’t here yet. I walk through the door and throw my keys on the side table.

  “I was wondering when you’d be home.” The front door is clicking shut when I hear her voice.

  Seeing Reed at the kitchen table is the last of the bullshit I can handle for the day.

  “What are you doing here, Reed?” I ask, dropping my backpack onto the island.

  I pounce around the kitchen, opening drawers and closing them. Being alone with Reed has my mind reeling.

  “Oh, don’t be like that, Marek.” She stands and saunters towards me, resembling a lion hunting a gazelle in an open field. “It’s just you and me here. It’s completely safe to admit you’ve missed me.”

  “Of course, I missed you.” I swoop around her, dodging her hand as it reaches for me. “All we’ve done is miss you.”

  “You say we, but I’m not talking about them. I’m more specifically referring to you.”

  “What do you want me to say, Reed?” I hop onto the island. “It was hell, finding your dorm like that, wondering where you were or if you were dead.” I shake my head, remembering the terror and fear filling every day that passed. The murderous rage coursing through my veins is still there. “What do you want me to say? Because now you’re here, standing in front of me, alive and well, and the only thing I can think is what the hell happened?”

  “Things got complicated.” She moves between my knees, gazing into my eyes as her hands snake up my thighs. “You know how things are.”

  “When aren’t they with you, Reed?” I don’t move her hands, selfishly remembering what it felt like to be touched by her.

  “Well, you know me, I love to cause a scene.” She grins.

  “This goes beyond your usual antics. Your sister—”

  “My sister’s a big girl, Marek.”

  “We fucked up when it came to her. We knew how much she meant to you, and we used her. Mind. Body. All of her.”

  “As if she didn’t enjoy every second of being used by you.” Reed pulls away, her carefree attitude shifting into anger.

  I jump off the island, lowering my head to collect my thoughts. Reed reaches under my arms, circling me until her chest is flush against my spine. Her hands stroke up and down my chest. Her touch is familiar, and if this was last year, I would have circled around and dropped my lips to hers, consuming every inch of her body.

  “Things aren’t the same anymore.” I grab one of her hands and rip her touch off me. “Throw some ice on it, Reed.” Leaning against the counter across from her, I tell myself to keep my patience and dick under control. Before, I’d have this girl bent over this counter in a heartbeat.

  She doesn’t give in to my demand as easily, jumping onto the island and spreading her legs wide. Her tight leather skirt rides up, teasing and tempting me.

  “This has always been yours.” She skims her hands up her creamy thighs, trying hard to seduce me.

  My heart beats like a drum, reminding me I’m a red-blooded male. There’s never been a time in my life where I’ve said no to what Reed’s offering me. Pushing off the counter, I earn a sex-dripping smile from my once-chosen poison. I press forward, resting my hands next to her hips. She does what she’s always done, running her fingers through my hair. I allow it, remembering what it felt like to be inside her.

  She’s my own personal landmine. I see the wide-open space and believe I can make it through unscathed, but one wrong move and BOOM! Everything around me goes up in fiery flames, leaving nothing but carnage.

  “Let me taste your lips,” she begs.

  My head lifts, and I look into her ocean eyes. Palmer’s eyes. Fiery anger settles in my stomach. She’s really trying to seduce me, knowing someone else has shuffled into her place during her absence.


  “I’m still me. You’re still you.” She pleads her case once she feels me retreat. She leans towards me, feathering her lips against mine. “Come on, baby. Remind me of what I’ve been missing.”

  “It would be too easy.”

  “It’s just sex, Marek. When did you become such a pussy?” The anger she’s tried so hard to hide arrives like a fighter rushing to the middle of the ring.

  “The minute I buried myself deep inside your sister.” A strange stirring in my stomach kicks in as memories of Palmer and me together flood my mind.

  She chooses to ignore me. “Remember how good we were together?”

  “What about Byron?” I ask.

  “Whose initials are in the tree?”

  “Ours,” I whisper, falling into her trap.

  “That’s right. I didn’t come back for Byron, Marek. I came here for you.”

  “Your sister?”

  “Like I said, she’s a big girl. She already knows what my return means.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure of that.”

  “Oh, is little sis going to give me a fight? That girl has never fought me for anything, and I doubt she plans on starting now.”

  Reed and Palmer, nearly twins to the passing eye, are nothing alike on the inside. Reed is confident in the way of getting what she wants no matter who she has to take out on her journey. Palmer’s confidence comes from somewhere else. Take her or leave her.

  I ignore her remark and press my chest to hers, trapping her on the countertop. “What has you so scared, Reed? Who’s chasing you?”

  “Involving you will only make things worse, Marek,” she pleads.

  I almost believe her. What she doesn’t remember is I k
now her. She’s playing one of her games, and I refuse to take part in this one.

  “Then why the hell are you here? You could have kept about your business wherever the hell you were hiding.”

  “You were charged with my murder. Did you actually think I’d allow that to happen?” Reed has always been good at turning her messes into someone else’s. Before her disappearance, I would have been there, with a broom and mop, ready to do her dirty work.

  I’m different now.

  “In that case, let’s go.” I grab her hand and drag her off the island, ready to call her bluff. If Reed is back, there’s a damn good reason. She didn’t hide for over a year, to come back for selfless reasons when she’s as selfish as they come.

  “What are you doing?” she says with disgust, yanking her hand away. I grab it again and force her to move. “Marek, stop it.” Not a chance in hell.

  “If you came here to exonerate my name, then let’s go to the police station right now.” I tow her to the front door.

  “We can’t do that.” She yanks her arm from my hold. Here comes the bullshit and lies she’s worked through her head a thousand times, leading up to this moment.

  “And why is that, Reed?” I pin her against the foyer wall. “What kind of mess have you gotten yourself into?”

  “I need you to trust me.” She reaches up, running her fingers through the front of my hair.

  “I’m finding that hard right now. You’re a missing piece to my freedom.”

  “Don’t you get it? I’m not.” She pushes me off and paces the foyer. “There’s still a girl who needs to be accounted for.”


  “You think they won’t pin her murder on you? It’s a bit odd that you were the one who found her body. How can you explain that?”


  “The law doesn’t believe in those.”

  “What are you trying to get at?” My throat begins to close, afraid she may be right.

  “Her body was found at a place you frequent. All it would take is a quick interview with the students, and they’d find out that’s your place to go.” Her eyes grow distant. “If I remember correctly, you took me there.” She bites her lips that are begging to be kissed. “Did you take Palmer, too?”


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