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Brother's Best Friend (Contemporary Romance Box Set)

Page 7

by Katy Kaylee

  “How many of us will be here for dinner?” Amber asked.

  Her mom put the milk in the fridge and said over her shoulder excitedly. “Everyone will be here. It will be all five of us for the first time in a long time. I was actually thinking about instituting a family rule where every Friday or Sunday or something we make it a priority to be here at dinner together. We weren’t able to do that when you were kids because of the company, but now we have more leeway.”

  Amber thought that was a great idea, though sitting across the table from Logan and not showing her emotions and lust was going to be a challenge for her. At that point, though, she didn’t really care how hard it was, she just wanted to be around him. He had been gone all day at the Production Studio, going over the new stuff her father was implementing. She knew he really didn’t like the movie business but did it to make her dad feel good since he had done so much for him. It was sweet, something she had never really thought of before.

  Her mom nudged her with her elbow. “Hey, space cadet. Start with the asparagus. Cut off some of the ends, put them in this bowl, and toss them with garlic, oil, and salt. Then spread them on the cookie sheet. The oven is already preheating, so when you’re done just stick them in there and set the timer for fifteen minutes. We want to check on them regularly because they tend to overcook really fast.”

  Amber pushed the thought of Logan to the back of her mind. “Got it. Cut, season, cook. Check periodically.”

  Her mom put a sheet of parchment paper on the cookie sheet. “You amaze me; you’re listening even when you aren’t. You’ve always been so good at multitasking. I suck at it, which is why it takes me forever to cook and half the stuff is cold by the time it comes out.”

  “We love it anyway,” Amber said giving her mom a grin.

  “You, my dear, are sucking up to me and I like it. You may continue,” her mom said, laughing.

  They stood in the kitchen, cooking and talking, doing things like they had so many years before, when Amber’s life wasn’t so full of stress and growing up. She couldn’t help but think about how she had liked it better when the choices were simple. None the less, she had to face them head on, at least eventually.

  By the time the salmon was done and everything else had been put into serving dishes, the guys were home from the studio. Their mom yelled out to the guys, who were sitting in the living room watching baseball. “Dinner is ready. You’re being served special tonight by Chef Amber.”

  Amber set the bowl of potatoes down on the table. “Oh no, don’t put this on me. I don’t know if you all will survive or not when you’re done with your meal.”

  The guys laughed as they all sat down at the table. Jordan looked at all the food and clapped his hands. “It looks really amazing, ladies. We are some lucky guys to get to be fed like this.”

  Their mom walked over and kissed Jordan on the cheek. “Thank you, baby.”

  Matt coughed into his hand, siting at the head of the table. “Suck up.”

  Their mom swatted him on the back of the head as she walked by. “So, maybe you guys should take notes. Flattery always works, and I love it.”

  Logan put his napkin in his lap. “It all looks wonderful Mrs. Stark… and Amber. Thank you.”

  Logan reached his leg out and fiddled with Amber’s foot. She took in a deep breath trying not to let her emotions show on her face. After the food was passed around, Amber’s dad started talking about the company and everyone got lost in conversation, except her and Logan. They were too busy playing footsie under the table and sending each other sexts.

  Amber held her phone in her lap where her brother couldn’t see. It buzzed quietly and she clicked the message from Logan. “I want to run my tongue all over your body right now. Like seriously, throw all the food off and just fuck you right here on this table.”

  Amber held back a grin. “Oh yeah? Well maybe I want you to lay down and let me suck your cock first. Then I can ride you until you explode.”

  She glanced across the table as Logan read the text. Without hesitation, he started texting back. Amber took a bite of her food, waiting patiently to see what he said.

  Her phone vibrated and she quickly clicked the message. “At the studio today, all I could think about was fucking you. Taking you over the bed and just ravaging your entire body. I seriously had to hold back a boner all day. It was starting to become painful, I won’t lie.”

  “Aww, poor baby. I wish I could take care of that right now,” she texted back.

  Amber looked around, but no one was paying attention so she reached up with her foot and ran it across his crotch. He cleared his throat, choking on a piece of fish, and she had to turn her head not to be caught laughing. It was definitely getting her more than aroused.



  “I’ll have a Sam Adams,” Jordan said to the bartender.

  “Make that two,” Logan called out with two fingers up.

  They got their beers and walked over to one of the tables in the back. They were early to the bar that night and not many people were there yet.

  Logan looked around him at the cramped space. “Why do you always insist on sitting back here?”

  Jordan swallowed a drink of his beer. “Because, bro, it’s the perfect spot to scope out chicks. You can see every person as they walk through the door, and the ones trying to hide from the creepy guys end up back here.”

  Logan narrowed his eyes. “So, you are a creepy guy disguised as a non-creepy guy, creepin’ on chicks in the shadows of the bar.”

  Jordan pursed his lips. “Why you got to put it so evil like that? Jesus.”

  Logan laughed. “Sorry, dude. You do you. If you want to be the creeper, you be him proudly.”

  Jordan threw a nut at Logan. “Shut the fuck up, dude.”

  Logan caught the nut in his mouth. “So, your dad was super stoked about the changes going on at the company, right? Are you taking notes? You know his ass will test you.”

  Jordan huffed. “I know everyone thinks I’m an idiot, but in reality, I’m really good with that stuff. I think secretly my dad wishes you would take over the company.”

  “Yeah, well, he can keep on wishing, because that’s not going to happen. Man, how mad would you be? On a scale of punch me in the face or run me over, where would that sit?”

  Jordan shrugged. “Probably neither because you would just turn around and hand it over to me.”

  Logan shook his finger. “You know me all too well, my friend. I am not the least interested in that business. I am nice because your father has done so much for me over the years, but not change my whole life nice. Besides, you are the blood child, it’s your duty to do that.”

  “You know me, always answering my call to duty…but in all honesty, I don’t mind. I think I’m lucky to get handed that. I love the movie business, and I think I’ll show my dad eventually that I am the right man for it. He’ll come around.”

  Logan slapped him on the shoulder. “You are a good dude. Slightly misguided at times, but still a good guy.”

  Jordan thanked him and watched two girls walk in. “So, when are you going to stop being a pussy and start bringing this mystery girl around? Seriously, she needs to meet everyone.”

  Logan sipped his beer. “First of all, that is a punishment not a badge of honor, and secondly, I don’t even know if we are actually seeing each other or not.”

  Jordan gave him the look. “You think I’m stupid? I saw you sitting at the table last night texting someone. Every other time you had a shit eating grin on your face. Don’t even try to play me, kid. Between the smiling and the continuous stream of replies, I could tell you were not texting with your Great Aunt Suzie. That was a girl, and a girl special enough to make you completely ignore everything else around you.”

  Logan was shocked that he had noticed him and not Amber. She was, after all, his little sister, and his reaction to her doing those things would have been a lot different than a pat on the back and asking
when they got to meet her significant other. He could only assume that she was quite a bit more stealthy than he was. She was able to read the texts, respond, and play with him under the table without anyone taking notice. It made Logan wonder if anyone even tried to take notice of Amber and what she was up to. She had been a slave to education for so long that no one really expected anything wild out of her. That was probably for the best, though, at least at that point.

  It was obvious that Jordan was desperate for information, so Logan went along with it. “She’s great, don’t get me wrong, but things in both of our lives are complicated right now. We don’t want to jump head first into anything and meeting someone’s family is definitely jumping head first in.”

  Jordan scoffed. “Come on, man. What’s so complicated about your life?”

  Logan thought about it for the first time since he had started to see Amber. “Well, I don’t know what I want to do with my life specifically. Starting my own tech company and having it be a huge success kind of hinges on several other things. I don’t know if I’m staying or going, and I don’t have a stable enough life to really start something serious with a girl. I don’t know. It’s just complicated.”

  Jordan sighed. “You know what man…”

  Logan was nervous as to what he was going to say.

  Jordan lifted his glass to toast him. “Women and relationships are always complicated. It just seems to be the name of the game. I haven’t met one girl in my life who isn’t complicated in one way or another. They have so many emotions and a set path in their mind of what they want. Hell, that’s something I wish I had. I’m just going along with the family flow and what is expected from me in the future. You’re lucky, though, you don’t have that tie… well, I don’t mean lucky; that’s messed up. All I mean is even if your folks were still here, they wouldn’t have expectations from you. They were really cool people.”

  Logan smiled. “I know what you mean. They would just want me to be happy and nothing else. There wouldn’t be family pressures and family businesses. I get it. Though I thought you liked that.”

  Jordan shrugged. “I do, and I don’t. Me and my old man can’t seem to get along for more than five minutes these days. I think he’s starting to come to the realization that we are all getting older, including him and mom. It can’t be easy to pass over a legacy like that. They worked their asses off to be what they are, and so did our grandparents.”

  Logan finished up his drink. “That definitely has to be hard. But I think with time your dad will start to trust you. Like I told you before, you bull through every idea. This company has been around for decades. You have to ease your father into change, just like the techs did with that booth. Put in the work, show him the numbers, show him what he gains to lose, and he’ll start taking your ideas seriously. Hell, you might even figure a few things out along the way.”

  Jordan stretched his arms out and yawned. “You are right Yoda, definitely right. How about we get out of here? I don't feel like staying all night long. It’s already like eleven thirty.”

  Logan put his hands on the table and stood up. “I’m all about it.”

  They paid the tab and went outside, catching a cab back. They hadn’t driven, unsure of how drunk they would end up. Neither one of them had anything stronger than a buzz, but that buzz made Logan want to see Amber more than he already had. Luckily for him, when they got to the house, Amber was up watching television on the couch.

  Jordan went running across the living room and dove onto the couch, throwing his arms around his sister. Logan walked in, chuckling as she groaned and fought him off. “God, you smell like a liquor factory.”

  Jordan slapped at her playfully. “At least I’m not wasted. I’m at that point where you always said you liked. Not an asshole, not falling down, just happy and care free.”

  Amber slapped back laughing, and glanced up at Logan. “You gonna sit down, creeper?”

  Logan smirked, remembering the inside joke from before. “Yeah, what ya watching? Hopefully not some ridiculous shit like Queen Elizabeth.”

  Amber stuck her tongue out at Logan, her eyes lingering on him just a moment longer than normal. “Actually, I was watching Armageddon.”

  Jordan rubbed his hands together and sat up. “Okay, stupid gooey love story, but I think I can handle that one. How about you, Logan?”

  Logan plopped down next to him. “Hey at least it’s got action, adventure, and Steve Buscemi. He’s pretty much amazing.”

  Amber threw a pillow across Jordan, hitting Logan. “Do you have a man crush on Steve Buscemi? That’s a little strange.”

  Logan sat forward. “No, no. See a man crush would be like JTT or Chris Helmsworth; bad ass and good looking. This is more like people’s adoration of Bill Murray. It borders on a religion.”

  Amber shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Boys are so weird. Are you two ready to shut up so I can continue the movie? I just started it.”

  Logan and Jordan looked at each other and made the signal of a zipper across their lips. Amber started the movie and leaned back, looking behind her brother at Logan. Logan smiled sweetly at her and she winked, sending heat up and down his spine. He cleared his throat and settled in, watching the movie with the two of them. Matt and Lisa were already in bed for the night, and Logan had a feeling that Jordan wouldn’t make it all the way through the movie. Once his buzz started wearing out, he would be throwing himself into bed.

  Just like clockwork, about halfway through the movie Jordan started nodding off. Amber elbowed him in the ribs. “Don’t sleep on me, weirdo. Go to bed, you’re gonna start snoring, and that’s weird during Armageddon.”

  Jordan pulled his arms up and stretched, looking at his watch. “Yep, I think you’re right. Gonna go pass out.”

  Logan pushed on him to help him up from the couch, laughing at his groans and grumps. “I’m gonna finish the movie. You know how I hate to start a movie and not finish it.”

  Jordan gave him the thumbs up. “Sounds good, man. Enjoy the animal cracker scene.”

  Logan chuckled. “Good night, man. Thanks for the talk earlier.”

  Jordan smiled. “You too, man. It helped a lot.”

  Amber let out a loud sigh. “Are you two gonna make out, because if so can you take it upstairs.”

  Jordan threw a pillow at his sister and leaned over, kissing her on the cheek. “Sweet dreams, pixie dust.”

  Logan looked down with a smile. Jordan had called his little sister that for as long as he could remember. She had gone through a phase where she hated it, but she seemed to be back to enjoying it again. They watched as he walked out of the room and she turned the movie back on, not even making eye contact. As much as Logan wanted to pounce on her, he knew that he had to wait until they were positive that Jordan was good and asleep. They didn’t want him randomly coming downstairs to find them cuddling up together… or worse.

  Logan scooted closer to Amber, but neither of them looked at each other. Logan stared at the screen, but wasn’t actually paying a bit of attention to the movie itself. Things were exploding, men were yelling, but all Logan could focus on was his proximity to Amber. He could feel the heat coming off of her body, and her breath quickened the closer he got. He could tell she was doing the same thing, gripping onto her pillow tightly and waiting for the moment she could turn that attention to him. It was the most will power that he had ever had to show.

  Finally, after about thirty agonizing minutes, she let out a deep breath and they both turned toward each other. No words were spoken, he just took her in his arms and pressed his lips deeply to hers. It was a release that he desperately needed.



  To say that waiting for her brother to be asleep was agonizing would have been an understatement. Amber could feel her heart beating in every part of her body as she stared aimlessly at the television. She could feel the warmth of Logan’s skin just gently brushing hers, but she had to keep her focus straight ahead. She kn
ew if she looked at him she wouldn’t be able to control herself. She waited as patiently as she could, glancing over at the clock every two minutes.

  Finally, after thirty minutes had passed without a single sound from upstairs, she let out a deep sigh and turned toward Logan. He did the same, and their eyes met with heat and passion. Without a word, Logan leaned in and cupped her face, kissing her deeply. All the pent-up passion in her body surged forward and she gripped tightly to him, pulling him closer to her. She couldn’t seem to get him close enough.

  They kissed wildly, their hands running all over each other. She tugged at his shirt buttons, getting them open just to feel the soft skin beneath. He moved onto his knees and pushed her down on the couch, pulling her legs up off the floor. He ran his hands up her sides, obviously too impatient to take his time. Amber liked it. All she could think about was him inside of her, his huge cock pulsating in her pussy over and over.

  He pulled her shorts and panties off, throwing them haphazardly onto the floor next to the couch. He lifted his face away from her lips and stared her in the eyes as he pushed his hands up her thighs. She opened wider for him, covering her mouth to muffle the whimpers coming from her throat. He ran his fingers through the folds of her swollen mound and down, pushing two deep inside of her. She kept her hand clamped to her face as she arched her back in ecstasy.

  With one fluid motion, he moved next to the couch, leaning up over and watching her expressions as he fingered her faster and faster. He leaned forward and whispered into her ear. “Cum for me, baby. Let me feel it.”


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