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Brother's Best Friend (Contemporary Romance Box Set)

Page 10

by Katy Kaylee

  Logan wrinkled his nose. “Uh yeah, that’s disgusting. And by a few you mean…”

  Jordan put up his hand. “Just think about it. I don’t even think that I can explain it to you without wanting to vomit all over myself. It’s as bad as it sounds. Trust me.”

  Logan grabbed the vacuum and did a quick sweep over the floors as Jordan mopped behind him. When they were done, they moved onto the kitchen, pulling all broken things from the shelves. Jordan walked over to a small cupboard next to the island and put a key in the lock. He opened it up and smiled, pulling out an old picture of his mom and dad on their wedding day.

  Jordan held it up in the air. “Look at these two feisty kids. You think they were as wild as we are?”

  Logan looked over at the picture. It looked like a young Amber in a wedding gown. “No, and mostly because your father has been a stout hard ass since he came out of the womb barking orders to the doctors.”

  Jordan laughed. “I know that’s right.”

  Logan filled up one trash bag and went onto another. “Why do they keep that stuff here?”

  Jordan locked the cabinet back. “This was the first vacation home they ever purchased. When they come here to stay, they like to put touches of home out. So, back to what we were talking about earlier. When am I going to get to meet this mystery woman who has you occupied in the brain and checking your phone every five minutes?”

  Logan shrugged. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I mean we both have some pretty big decisions to make in our lives, her more than me, and if she goes for it, she will move to the other coast. I don’t think a long-distance relationship would really work out since we just started to see each other. It’s all really up in the air right now. I think it would be best to keep her out of my very personal life until we decide whether she’s going to be a part of it for an extended period of time.”

  Jordan stopped and looked at Logan. “Extended period huh? Are we talking just girlfriend, or are we talking you could love her if you let yourself?”

  Logan thought about it for a second, knowing the answer was simple. He already did love Amber, but he couldn’t say he loved said random girl after a couple of weeks. It wouldn’t make any sense to Jordan. He wouldn’t have a clue that Logan had known her his entire life, and that wasn’t something he could tell him. He would instantly want to know who, since they pretty much had the same friends for all that time. “If I knew she was staying, and I let that guard down yeah, I think I could love her really easy. She’s that type of girl that you can’t help but love. It’s not complicated as far as feelings are concerned.”

  Jordan sat down in the chair looking lost. “I have to admit something to you. I think I know exactly what you are saying because I might feel that way for this girl. I won’t know until more time passes, but she is really special.”

  Logan continued cleaning thinking about just how special Amber really was. She might be rest of his life special.



  Amber pressed the send button on the computer and let out a deep breath. She leaned back on the bed and put her arms behind her head, thinking about Logan and everything that she wanted to say to him. She was making some seriously big life decisions based on him, but she felt sure when she did it. He was incredible and everything she ever wanted in a partner. She just knew that once they straightened everything out with their family, things would fall into place for them.

  The phone beside her bed began to buzz and she picked it up with a wide smile. “Well, hello there. I was just thinking about you.”

  Logan chuckled. “Oh yeah? I am always thinking about you. In fact, I was laying here in my hotel room wondering what you were doing right at this moment.”

  Amber shut the laptop. “I just withdrew from Yale actually.”

  Logan sounded excited at first but then tried to muffle it. “Really? That’s… that’s…. are you absolutely one hundred percent sure that you want to do this. It’s a huge decision to make based on me.”

  Amber wrinkled her forehead. “Are you having second thoughts?”

  Logan let out a deep breath. “No, not even in the slightest. I am absolutely thrilled you aren’t going to be leaving, but that’s a huge thing, saying no to Yale, the place you wanted to go your whole life. I just want to make sure you are sound and resolute in your decision.”

  “That I am. Sound as I’ll ever be,” she said confidently.

  “Good, then I am more than excited about this,” he replied.

  “So, how was the condo? I heard dad screaming the other day, so I assume it wasn’t good.” Amber already knew she just didn’t want him to get off the phone yet.

  Logan whistled. “It was a doozie. Everything was pretty much trashed. Furniture, dishes, the floor, a couple holes in the wall, all the electronics, destroyed. But we got it all cleaned up and the workers came earlier today and cleaned the floors and patched holes. Your mom’s decorator out here is going to go by and redecorate the place, but we don’t have to stay for that.”

  Amber perked up. “Does that mean you’re coming home?”

  Logan smiled. “Yes ma’am, it does. We fly out in the early morning tomorrow. I was trying to convince your dad to let us come back tonight, but he said he wants us to double check the craftsman work before we leave.”

  Amber pouted. “He really is a kill joy recently. Of course, he has no idea he’s killing any joy but your and Jordan’s, and he likes doing that. Other than that, you okay? Not meeting any Colorado ski bunnies up, there are you?”

  Logan laughed. “No, none at all. Besides, I already have it out for this one chick back home. She’s tall, sexy, smart, and I can’t keep my hands off of her.”

  Amber bit her lip and moved her laptop off the bed. “Oh yeah? Sounds like a lucky girl. And exactly what would you be doing to this girl right now if you had the chance?”

  Amber could hear Logan pause and clear his throat. He obviously wasn’t expecting that, but he didn’t take much time to come back. “What are you wearing right now?”

  Amber looked down at her tiny pajama shorts and white tank top. “A tank top and panties, panties that are already wet just thinking about you here with me.”

  Logan breathed hard into the phone. “Oh yeah? God my cock is so hard right now baby.”

  Amber closed her eyes. “You don’t know how much I want you. My pussy is throbbing. Tell me what you would do to me right now.”

  Amber could hear Logan taking off his clothes and it excited her even more. He came back on the line, the springs of his bed echoing through the phone. “First, I would pull the straps of that tank top down, and reach inside, pulling out those hard, firm titties. I would lean down and suck one of them into my mouth, nibbling and tugging on them gently.”

  Amber ran her hands over her shoulders moving her straps down her arms. She let her breasts spill out the top and ran her palm over her nipples. She moaned softly into the phone before twisting her fingers around her hard bullets. “Yeah? And then what, baby.”

  She could hear him breathing more heavily as he continued. “Then I would bring my lips up to your face and swirl my tongue around in your mouth as I pressed my cock along the outside of your wet panties. Grinding up and down over your clit, I would wait until my boxers were soaking wet from you before taking them off.”

  Amber rubbed her knuckles over her clit on the outside of her fabric shorts. She groaned into the phone, feeling the heat rising in her belly. “I would grab that big cock and pull it up to my face.”

  “Mmm,” Logan groaned, smacking sounds begin to pick up speed on the other line.

  Amber licked her lips as she rubbed her tits. “I would turn to the side so you could fuck me with your big thick fingers while I slowly pushed your cock way down into my throat. My tongue would swish back and forth, and my teeth would gently rake along the shaft. Mmm, it tastes so good.”

  By that point, Logan was panting. “While you did that I would push your panties to the side and ru
b two fingers down through your juices and then thrust them into you. I want you to do what I’m saying right now. Take those panties and slide them down to your ankles. Then take two of your fingers and thrust them into your pussy.”

  Amber pulled her panties down to her ankles and rubbed them down through her folds, moaning into Logan’s ear. She took two fingers and pushed them inside, letting out a gasp. “Yes, baby, and all the while I am bobbing my head up and down on your cock fast and hard.”

  Logan growled low. “Fuck yeah. Now start pushing those two fingers in and out of you over and over again, wiggling the tips when you are in there deep.”

  Amber pulled her knees out to the side and began to finger herself fast and hard. She could hear Logan jacking his cock to the same beat that her pussy made. “Oh, fuck yes, baby. Fuck me with that big cock.”

  “You want this cock?”

  Amber pulled her fingers out and stuck them in her mouth, making sure that he could hear the sucking noise. “Yes, baby please give me that cock. Fill me up. Fuck me hard.”

  The slapping on the other end got faster and it made Amber ready to ride him all night long. Logan groaned, and she could tell that he wanted it just as badly as she did. “Turn over on your knees and reach between your legs.”

  Amber quickly turned over and got on all fours, the panties still around her ankles. “Now what baby? You gonna fuck me hard?”

  “Oh yeah, just how you want it. Now rub three fingers through your pussy and push them as far into you as you possibly can. Push them in and out over and over again, and picture my big hard cock slapping you from behind. Feel my body slamming into your round perfect ass.”

  Amber screamed into the bed as she cupped her hand and used three fingers to fuck herself. She could picture him behind her, holding onto her waist, thrusting in and out over and over again. She could feel his skin slamming against hers, and his hand reaching around, rubbing her clit as hard as he could. She breathed heavily into the phone, small whimpers and moans escaping her throat.

  She turned her head toward the phone and pressed speaker, not giving two shits at that point. “You picturing fucking me right now, baby? Feeling my wet pussy wrapped around that big cock?”

  “Oh yeah. Now fuck yourself faster. I want to make you cum all over that pretty little bed of yours.”

  Amber moved her hand faster and faster, moaning quietly into the phone. She could hear him beating it harder as she felt the heat bubbling up in her stomach. She pulled her thumb around and rubbed her clit over and over again. “I’m gonna cum, baby. Oh god, yes.”

  Logan groaned loudly. “Yeah baby let me hear you come. Fuck yes.”

  With those words Amber let out a squeal, pushing her mouth into the bed. She moaned over and over as her pussy squeezed hard against her fingers. On the other line Logan groaned hard, jacking it faster and faster.

  “Oh fuck!” he shouted as he exploded, grunting into the speaker.

  They both laid there in silence for several minutes, gathering themselves. Amber pulled her fingers out and pulled up her panties, putting her shorts back on over top. She wiped her hands on a tissue and took the phone off speaker. When she put it to her ear, she could hear Logan breathing. “You still alive over there?”

  He growled. “Barely. That was fucking amazing. Not as good as the real thing, of course, but definitely amazing.”

  Amber smiled and leaned back against her pillows. “I would have to agree. It’s so hot hearing you jack off.”

  “Yeah? I’ll have to do it a bit in front of you, see if it turns you on.”

  Amber giggled. “Stop it, or you’re gonna make me start touching myself again.”

  Logan chuckled. “Would that be such a terrible thing?”

  “I might pass out before we end this conversation if you keep getting me off like that. I wish you were here, though. I want to wrap my arms around you.”

  Logan sighed into the phone. “I wish I was too, baby. I’ll be back soon, and we can start making plans for the future, you know? Things could really turn out well for us. I was even thinking of getting a place of my own in case you wanted to spend the night or just come over and jump me.”

  Amber laughed. “I like the sound of that. Though I would miss having you down the hall from me. It would be better if I could sneak in there at night and fuck you before going back to my room.”

  “It probably would work, with the way everyone in your family sleeps. But holy shit, if we got caught... I would be out on the streets.”

  Amber laid down and turned on her side, letting out a yawn. “Tell me about your favorite things.”

  “Like what?” Logan asked.

  “Like your favorite color, food, movie, anything really,” she replied.

  Logan thought for a moment. “Okay, my favorite color is blue, my favorite food is spaghetti, and my favorite movie would have to be The Patriot.”

  Amber wrinkled her nose. “He ends up with his dead wife’s sister. It’s weird.”

  Logan snorted. “Yeah, but she’s dead, so its not that weird. I guess you can’t help who you fall in love with.”

  Amber rolled her eyes. “I am really glad that I don’t have a sister right now.”

  Logan let out a deep breath. “Yeah, you know, just not enough of me to go around.”

  “You are ridiculous,” she laughed.

  They sat on the phone talking about anything and everything for several hours. In fact, neither of them ever actually hung up the phone. They both fell asleep with the other soundly in their ear. It was the best they could do with the circumstances they had been given.



  “I still hate flying, after all these years,” Jordan said, watching the planes taxiing through the large glass panels in front of them.

  Logan smiled, flipping through a magazine with his feet resting on his suitcase. “Well, when it’s your time, it’s your time. Going down in a plane can’t be the worst way to die. You pretty much evaporate when you hit the ground. Unless the pilot slows us down, then it could get painful.”

  Jordan slowly turned his head toward Logan and snatched the magazine from his hands. “You are not being at all helpful right now.”

  Logan reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone to play a game. “Hey, you’re the one who insisted we get here three hours early. Now you get to watch your death come to fruition as it pulls up to the gate.”

  Jordan shook his head. “I didn’t think that it would only take an hour to look over all the work we did. We’ve got twenty minutes until the flight boards. I’m going to grab a coffee and a Danish. You want anything?”

  Logan shook his head, trying to kill birds on his phone. “No thanks. Don’t be late, I won’t have them hold the plane for you.”

  Jordan scoffed as he put his suitcase in his seat and turned. “Thanks, you’re a real pal.”

  Logan chuckled to himself as he pressed the screen over and over. Suddenly, mid shot, the screen changed to a number that Logan didn’t recognize. It wasn’t a California area code at all. He thought about it for a second and then slid his finger across the screen, answering. “This is Logan.”

  “Good afternoon, Logan. This is Helen Alderson from the human resources department at Bloomberg in New York.”

  Logan sat up quickly and straightened his shoulders. This was the tech company that he had interviewed for at the end of his senior year. This was the company that was the key to his success in his own business. “Yes, Ms. Alderson, it’s good to hear from you.”

  She had a pleasant tone to her voice. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

  Logan looked around. “Nope, just waiting to take a plane from Colorado back home to Los Angeles.”

  “I love Colorado, it’s so beautiful. We always try to take a trip out there during ski weather,” she replied.

  Logan rolled his eyes, knowing she was one of the typical tourists that clogged up the slopes. “Yeah, it’s great. My family has a condo out he
re, so I spent a lot of time on the slopes when I was a teenager. Anyway, how can I help you?”

  “Well, I was calling to let you know that we decided to offer you our paid internship at the company. Are you still interested in the position? I know you interviewed back during the winter.”

  Logan was shocked. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. He didn’t even think, he just answered. “Yes, of course I am. That’s fantastic.”

  The sound of typing could be heard from her end. “Fantastic. I am sending an intake package to you through your email right now. When you get home, look over everything, and if you have any questions just let us know!”

  Logan looked up as his plane stopped at the terminal. “Thank you so much. I will definitely do that. Have a wonderful day.”

  “You too.”

  Logan hung up the call and lowered his phone staring at the screen. A huge smile went across his face and he pumped his fist. Jordan walked up beside him with a coffee in his hand and a Danish in his mouth. “What’s up? You look like you won the lottery.”

  Over the loudspeaker the voice called for all first-class passengers to board the plane. Logan gave Jordan his ticket. “I’ll tell you once we’re in our seats.”

  They made their way onto the plane, putting their luggage in the overhead and taking their seats. Logan always took the window seat and Jordan just hung on tightly even before the plane left the ground. This time though, Jordan was too curious as to what was going on to really hold on to anything. “So, what is this cheerfulness? I was gone for like five minutes.”

  Logan took in a deep breath. “So, Bloomberg just called me, and I got the internship.”

  Jordan grabbed his arm. “That’s fucking awesome dude. Congrats!”

  Logan nodded. “Thanks, but here’s the problem. I take the job and that is it with me and this girl. Long distance isn’t really viable. Even on the same coast we will be hours apart from each other.”


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