The Duchess (MacBride Sisters Trilogy Book 2)

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The Duchess (MacBride Sisters Trilogy Book 2) Page 16

by Kira Freitas

  - Do you really believe they weren't mercenaries? - I asked with a sigh.

  - I don't think so, my cousin. They're ambitious, but they're not stupid. No one would be brave enough to get into Dunhill.

  - Listen to Alistair, Bruce. - Aideen smiled. - You're a very competent captain. Unfortunately, he was beaten by greed. Surely the mercenaries have paid the guards in the tavern. Remember you said you saved Annabel from a group nights ago? What if there were more?

  I shook my head sighing and nodded.

  - You may be right, and I intend to punish those who helped Morvan.

  - That could be for later! Now we must think. - said Aideen taking a map of all of Scotland. - As far as I know, we have offensives everywhere, from Edinburgh to the limits with Dunhill. If we consider the entire siege, we might be able to figure out what course he's taken.

  - Aideen's right! - said Alistair smiling and kissing his wife's forehead. - Thank you, angel.

  She smiled at him. Every day Aideen became more and more able to rule beside my brother. If, by any chance, Alistair had to leave it in the lead to do state business, I know that Scotland would be doing very well with Aideen in charge.

  - Half the territory is very well guarded, from Inverness to Duvengard. - Alistair pointed to the map. - He couldn't go down, because he would face the militia formed by Bree before going to the front. There's no way he's going through Fort Willians or Gretna Green.

  - He also can't take the road that leads to the canyons of the western slopes, because we have guards in each village along the way. This way he could be recognized and stopped.

  - Exactly! - Alistair approached. - In this case, he would have to pass through the roads leading east and from there follow through Inverness. He would avoid passing through Bree's soldiers and reach the sea, which is the only route for Morvan to follow to Edinburgh.

  He smiles with satisfaction when he realizes that Morvan was trapped.

  - He'll take the route Annabel had tried to take when she escaped from her mother's siege. - I whispered. - There's a fork right here, and if he goes the wrong way, he'll end up in a clearing. Let's pray Annabel recognizes the route and takes it right there.

  - What if that doesn't happen? - Aideen said.

  - We'll surround him on the cliff before he can get down to the beach. - I said.

  Alistair nodded.

  - I'll have the horses saddled. - he said walking to the door of the hall. - I'll take a contingent from the east of the forest and you from the west. By the time they're gone, they haven't gone very far yet.

  - Alistair...

  - Before you say I can't be alone... Aideen came up and interrupted me. - Know that I can very well take care of myself and this castle. So I want you to go out with my husband and bring my sister back as soon as possible. That's an order!

  I arch my eyebrow in amazement.

  - Far be it from me to suggest such a thing, Your Majesty! - said smiling. - I just wanted to say that I'd rather go east than west.

  Aideen smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

  - Good luck! - she whispered. - Now go!

  Settling down, I bowed and left the room. I ran upstairs to put on my black robes. Alistair was ready at the same moment that I did and we went down to the courtyard together.

  - We'll be back soon! - he said, before he kissed Aideen. - Don't worry, we'll bring her back.

  Aideen returned the kiss and waved as we passed through the gate, which closed behind us, with express orders to the guards to be open only to us and no one else. As long as we're gone, no one gets in or out of Dunhill.

  - Wait for me, Morvan, for I will find him! - I whispered, concentrating my mind on the path we were following. - When that happens, nothing will stop me from killing him this time!

  Chapter 21


  I opened my eyes to stumble across the ground and pass quickly. It took me a few seconds to realize that I was leaning over the back of a horse. My hands were tied and I was still dizzy. Worn boots hit the horse's flanks. I lifted my head to see who would be my tormentor, even though I already suspected it.

  - Morvan! - I said with my voice dragged.

  - It's a shame you woke up! - he said with irony. - I'd rather you stay unconscious until we reach our destination.

  - You won't get what you want! - I fired. - I won't let you take me to Edinburgh.

  - So you know where we're going?

  - Of course I know! Every idiot who tried to kidnap me has only that fate. You wouldn't be so different from the others. - said ironically. - Now, please, try to call me lady or your grace. In case you don't know, I've just become the Duchess of Duvengard.

  - Not for long! - he shot with a cold laugh. - I doubt your father would ever find a way to annul this marriage.

  I grunted when I heard him call Roy my father's.

  - Stop saying that! - I banged on the back of the horse that whinnyed. - Roy is not and never will be my father!

  - Be quiet or you'll scare the horse! - he ordered it. - I don't want you to fall and break that beautiful neck. That would make me lose my bonus.

  The generous reward offered by my mother was giving me more trouble than I thought. Besides Morvan, there were mercenaries watching the prize. I had no doubt that she had also paid for Morvan's release. I really needed to get away. By now, Bruce should have made a plan to rescue me and I needed to gain time for him to rescue me. Even though I was leaning over, I was able to identify where we were. Morvan was leading me towards Inverness. I recognized the road I passed when I came to Dunhill for Aideen's wedding. That meant we weren't too far away. I started struggling with the horse and it whinnyed.

  - Stop! - Morvan ordered it trying to make me stay still. - You're gonna take us down!

  I ignored it and kept struggling. The horse whinnyed a few steps back. Morvan was trying to control the reins as I hit the horse that was getting more and more agitated. After so many attempts, the animal finally pulled us down and fled away. I came out rolling over the saddle and fell to the ground on Morvan. I seized the moment and pulled out the dagger he was wearing around his waist. Using his chest as a lever, I jumped up and tried to run, but Morvan held my leg.

  - Come back here! - he screamed.

  I fell on my stomach and he took the chance to come on top of me.

  - You bastard! - he growled grabbing my hair. - Did you see what you did? Now we don't have a horse and we'll have to keep walking.

  - Correction... - said taking a break and turning me over to face it. - You'll follow on foot.

  That said, I hit him with the dagger. Morvan let out a cry of pain and fell to his knees putting his hands on the side of his abdomen.

  - Damn you!

  I took the opportunity to run off the road and enter the forest. While I was running, I cut the strings that tied my wrist. I stopped to hide behind a tree. I took my hand to my waist and realized that the beast I always carried with me had been removed. I looked around to see what I could use as a weapon. There were only thick branches that were pulled from some tree by the wind. The ground was damp and the rain started to fall.

  - Not that one! - I whispered.

  The rain at that moment would only make it difficult for me to escape.

  - Duchess? You shouldn't have done that. I'll rip your hair out as soon as I find her. - I heard Morvan's voice calling out to me in ironic tones. - Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go! Come out! You know there's nowhere to run.

  Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes. I had to get back on the road and get to Dunhill. Grabbing the dagger, I cut the bodice off the dress and took it off. I could run faster with only my underwear on. Holding the dagger in my hair, I bent down to grab one of the thickest and somewhat heavy branches. I managed to get a vision of Morvan when he entered the forest and looking at the dress, I decided to use it as bait to attract him. Leaving the dress in his sight, I changed the tree without him seeing me and threw a stone. I waited for Morvan to pass by.<
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  Morvan laughed walking to the tree and lowered when he saw the dress. I had a few seconds to get out from behind the tree and hit his head hard. Morvan dropped a grunt before he fell to the ground. It wasn't enough to knock him out, but it would give me time to escape. I ran again to the road, when I reached it I started to run towards the village. The rain tightened and I prayed that the floods would not begin to emerge. I didn't know how much I'd run until I heard horses whispering from a distance. I blinked looking towards the field and noticed that there were three horses. Two brought a woman, each and in the other, a man came. He looked like a knight and I decided to run towards them.

  - Help! Help! Help!

  The scream caught both their attention. They stopped and one of the women headed towards the trees, while the others came towards me. They seemed determined, so I kept running.

  - Annabel, you bastard! - Morvan screamed behind me. - I'm gonna kill her, that's why!

  Ignoring Morvan, I kept running and screaming. Suddenly I realized that, because of desperation, I did not think that both could be men of Morvan or mercenaries sent by my mother. I stopped to be frightened to see that possibility. This gave Morvan time to approach me and brutally he grabbed my arm, causing me to turn to him. The slap of his hand hurt more than I imagined when he hit my face with a slap. Because of the blow, I fell to the ground crying.

  - Miserable! - he screamed. Grabbing my hair, Morvan pulled the dagger. - I don't care about the damn reward anymore! You're gonna pay for what you did to me. Starting with that beautiful face.

  I was terrified and dizzy from the pain in my head. Morvan grabbed my throat and passed the dagger through my face while laughing. Sticking his fingernails in his fist, I got him to let me go, but Morvan hit another blow to my face and I fell again. I crawled back away from him. When he grabbed my wrist to lift me up again, the unexpected happened. An arrow hit Morvan's back, who screamed with a dagger. He fell to his knees looking in the direction of where the arrow had come from. His expression was frightened, but he smiled incredulously.

  Franzi's forehead looking at the two riders who were riding two black stallions. One was dressed in black and the other was a woman. Even with the view blurred by the tears, I could recognize the man. It was Alec, Alistair's younger brother. The woman was carrying a bow and I soon realized that she was the one who threw it. She was redheaded and much taller than me. She looked like Aideen and it made me frown because I thought I was having a hallucination.

  - It can't be! - I whispered wiping my eyes and blinked.

  Alec came down from the horse with a pair of swords in his hand and came walking towards us.

  - Morvan! - Alec said as he approached. - How timely to meet you here! I've been dreaming about this moment since Cora's death.

  - You got me! - Morvan smiled kneeling and closed his eyes.

  Alec crossed both swords, cutting Morvan's head off with a dry blow. I stared, in shock, at the redhead who approached us.

  - Annabel? - said Alec lowering in front of me. - Are you hurt?

  - I... She... - I whispered. - No... It can't be!

  My voice came out choking, so I was taken by surprise when I recognized the redhead. She was dressed in a silver dress with a bustier made of mesh. Leather bracelets adorned his forearm. He carried a dagger and a small beast, attached to the wide belt that adorned his waist. There was a hem attached to his back with a huge sword, which I recognized by the handle. His face was no longer the same and there were some scars. Small, but visible.

  - Annabel, stay calm! - he said looking at the woman who stopped by his side. - We'll get you back to Dunhill safely and Bree will explain everything to you.

  - Bree? What do you mean, Bree? - said trying to stay calm. - What's going on? It can't be! You're dead! Ravenna said she was dead!

  My voice came out desperate and I didn't know if it was because of the pain or the fact that I was seeing my sister standing in front of me after months of thinking she was dead.

  - Annabel, don't look at me like that, because I'm not a ghost! - she said as she approached and reached out. - Ravenna lied, but it was my fault. I'm not, and I've never been, dead, even though I've come very close several times.

  I stared at her hand for a few seconds, trying to decide whether to accept her help or not. I stretched out my hand with great fear and slowly took her towards hers. When my fingers touched his hand, a shock went through my body and I held my breath. Tears of joy invaded my eyes and began to roll down my face. She held my hand firmly and pulled me against her body for a hug.

  - Aila!

  - Annabel!

  Chapter 22


  Two days later...

  I hugged Annabel even harder when she mumbled again. She was in a deep sleep since I found her in Alec's arms in the lobby. Even though he calculated very well the possible routes that Morvan would take, he was just the way we thought he would not go. Luckily, Alec was coming, and Annabel was smart enough to meet him. I was devastated to return to Dunhill without having found her. It was a great relief to see Annabel again, even hurt.

  I kissed my wife's forehead with affection and smiled. If anyone told me a month ago that today I would go mad on account of a woman to the point of marrying her, I would certainly laugh at her nonsense. Now, lying next to the most incredible woman I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, I can't imagine living without this girl.

  - Tell me I'm not dreaming. - said Annabel in a whispered and then sank her head even deeper into my chest. She smiles with satisfaction when she hears her voice dragged along.

  - How did I get here?

  - Don't you remember anything?

  - Vaguely!

  - Alec found her and brought her to Dunhill. - I explained it by sighing. - I owe my life to my cousin for getting my jewel back.

  Annabel smiled and raised her head to kiss my chin. She ran her hand through my chest until it reached my abdomen.

  - I'm a jewel?

  - The rarest and most beautiful I've ever seen. - he said with a laugh. - Stop it, you're tickling me.

  She laughed when I held her wrist and carried her fingers to my lips.

  - How long have I been asleep?

  - Two days!

  - Two days?

  - Yeah. - I sighed kissing your forehead. - I can't tell you how worried I was after I woke up and I didn't see her again.

  She made a face.

  - Morvan hit me in the head and I fainted. When I woke up I was already on his horse with my hands tied. - she explained. - When I realized that he was leading me towards Inverness, I felt I had to run away anyway.

  - Yes, Morvan was very brave to go in that direction, even at the risk of finding Bree's army.

  Annabel suddenly sat on the bed.

  - Bruce, did you know my sister was alive?

  - Not until I see Bree and Aideen together! - he said. - The resemblance between the two is impressive. When I got to Dunhill and looked at Aideen, I had the impression I'd already been with her. I tried to pull it into my memory, but there was no known face, so I left it there and fell into oblivion, until I saw Bree again. They look like twins.

  Annabel had a laugh.

  - Is she here in the castle?

  - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

  - How's she doing?

  - Preoccupied. - I answered smiling. - She's waiting for you to talk.

  Annabel shrugged her knees and leaned her chin over them. She looked at me and, for the first time, I saw fear in her eyes.

  - I don't know! Maybe we shouldn't talk.

  - Why shouldn't I? It's your sister!

  - I don't know! - Annabel sighed. - She's been missing all this time. She never sent us a single letter to say she was alive. I don't know if I'm angry or relieved. I'm still very confused and I think Aideen feels the same way.

  - Annabel, we don't know why you kept her quiet for so long. - I whispered kissing your forehead. - Talk to her! Give Aila a chanc
e to explain herself. Be malleable and gentle, as I know you can be.

  Annabel smiled and then sighed. She took my hand and kissed her, so she dragged herself into my lap.

  - It's okay! It's okay! I'll talk to her tomorrow morning. - she took a break and opened my shirt. - Now, I wish to enjoy my Husband and remind Him of how deeply I love Him.

  I let out a laugh before I grabbed her throat and pulled Annabel closer.

  - That's good, because I have such a short memory that I think it takes more than one night to remember it.

  Annabel laughed before she kissed me. I was very happy to have her in my arms again. I'd do the impossible so that nothing but death would separate us again. I would protect Annabel with my life until the end of my days and make her very happy. Starting that night.



  The door to the salon opened suddenly and I hurried in next to Aideen. We were looking at the woman standing next to Alec. She supported one hand on the handle of the sword that was attached to her waist. The red hair fire, they were braided backwards. The braid covered part of the other sword she was carrying on her back. The sword that belonged to our grandfather. I knew it belonged to him because of the jewel in the silver handle. She wore the same silver dress, but without the mesh quota. She wore a wide leather belt, where she had two daggers attached to it. The arms were adorned with a leather armband, certainly to protect it during the use of the bow. That meant she was ambidextrous and could use either hand to handle the gun. On his neck was a thin cut that went from end to end of his throat. So did his forehead, which had a thin line between his eyebrows. Her gaze, however, had changed greatly and had become severe. Yet there was a glow in his gaze that I could not explain what it was about.

  Aideen and I look at each other. I wanted to jump into her lap and hug her, but the confusion within me prevented me from doing that. I was still in shock from the fact that Aila was alive.

  - I'll leave you to talk. - said Alistair. - Alec! Bruce! Don't you want to join me in a glass of wine and a game of chess? I think the ladies need some privacy.


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