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Seeds of Ruin

Page 2

by Perry Rhodan

  "Damn shame!" Rengall exclaimed in consternation. His three companions looked perturbed.

  Bellefjord nodded. "That really hits us between the eyes. Our best weapon is just about useless when it comes to the Antis. But let me continue my report." He cleared his throat and glanced at a piece of paper which he had until now hidden in his hand. "In March the escape of Thomas Cardif was detected."

  Maj. Rengall was startled. "In March? I was still on duty at that time and..."

  "The fact of Cardif's flight was kept secret, Maj. Rengall. After all attempts of Rhodan at reconciliation with his son had failed, he was given a hypno-block that turned him into a new personality. For the following 58 years Cardif lived as a merchant on the colonial planet Zalit. He had forgotten his past and identity and was considered to be harmless. Now it turned out that Cardif was no longer Cardif but an unusually well constructed robot, the perfect image of the living Cardif. Thomas Cardif himself had vanished."


  "Just wait! Things get even worse." Bellefjord grinned, looking at his watch again. "Rhodan received information from a person who knew the whereabouts of Cardif and gave him at the same time the name and the galactic position of the planet where the ingredients for the production of Liquitiv could be found. Rhodan assumed quite logically that an antidote could be discovered if the basic ingredients were known. The Spacefleet was alerted and the mysterious planet in question was located and thoroughly blockaded. A tough fight ensued. Thomas Cardif had indeed thrown in his lot with the Antis to further his plans of revenge against Rhodan and Terra and to eventually put them into action. The planet Okul orbits a small yellow sun in a heretofore-unexplored part of the Milky Way. It is a world of hot steaming jungles and primeval oceans. The atmosphere is breathable but no intelligent life has developed on the planet. Okul was one of the few central worlds of the Baalol cult, More than a thousand of its priests lived there in a gigantic fortress which was attacked by Rhodan. By the ingenious means of using antimagnetic missiles Rhodan succeeded in breaking down the protective body screens of the Antis and invading their fortress. However Cardif managed to escape with 250 of the Antis. Now they are hiding somewhere on the bottom of one of the oceans and we are unable to flush them out."

  "That should be fairly simple..." Rengall began but was immediately interrupted by Bellefjord.

  "But it isn't, my friend! Rhodan's ship lacks the special equipment required to hunt down and destroy an enemy under water. You mustn't forget that the Antis can only be attacked by primitive methods because their defense is specially geared to the highest stage of technological weaponry. In other words they are impervious to energy rays because their body shields can reflect them; whereas an ordinary wooden arrow with a plastic tip can kill them. Likewise, their underwater hideout cannot be detected and attacked with the most modern spaceships but will have to be ferreted and smoked out by old-fashioned U-boats."

  "U-boats?" Rengall repeated flabbergasted. "We don't have U-boats any more!"

  "Oh, yes, we do!" Bellefjord declared with obvious satisfaction. He seemed pleased to be able to tell the officers of the all-knowing Secret Service something new. "In the National Museum."

  Rengall breathed excitedly. "Ah—I see. Excuse the interruption. Please go on!"

  "There isn't very much more to relate. Rhodan gave orders to bring 20 U-boats with atomic engines to Okul as quickly as possible and to train an armed crew immediately. We should be able to accomplish this without a breakdown. The operation of the boats is much simpler than a spaceship because the danger is greatly reduced. We will deliver the requested boats will full complements to Rhodan in two days.

  "Why were we called in to escort the transport? This is not the job of the Security Service." Rengall was puzzled.

  "I wouldn't worry about it," Bellefjord replied with a mischievous grin. "You are supposed to stand by for a contingency. If we succeed in apprehending Cardif alive, you will have to guard him and take him back to Earth. That's all."

  Rengall looked at his men. "So that's what it's all about." And, consulting his watch, he turned back to Bellefjord. "I assume you will start very soon."

  "In exactly 20 minutes. Come with me, I'll show you to your cabins."

  "One more question," Rengall said as he got up ."Why do we have to change ships if all we have to do is guard Cardif?"

  "These are Rhodan's instructions," Bellefjord replied.

  The answer sufficed.


  Okul, the second of three planets, circled around a lone fulvous sun. A lush, primeval world, Okul had been fortified by the Antis to serve as a secure base. It was the place where Cardif had found the derivative from which the Liquitiv liqueur could be produced. With the help of the Antis and Springers he had succeeded in distributing the horrible poison all over the inhabited worlds of the known Galaxy.

  The fortress had fallen. It contained the purification equipment for the unrefined narcotic, a glandular secretion from the 2-meter-long armored caterpillars that proliferated on Okul. These otherwise harmless animals were called 'Mud Borers' by the Terrans because from their horn-plated heads grew a regular boring ring which they used to dig into the earth in a hurry.

  The fortress had fallen but Cardif had been able to flee. However he still was certain to be on the planet since it had been hermetically sealed off. More than 5,000 units of the Terran spacefleet formed an impenetrable shell, barring his exit.

  Rhodan circled Okul aboard the Ironduke on a fixed path and kept its surface under constant surveillance. He was firmly convinced that Cardif would not slip through his fingers again.

  The Ironduke was a vessel of the Stardust class, a sphere with a diameter of 800 meters, possessing linear drive and the latest armament. The crew consisted of the same men who had discovered the Blue System aboard the Fantasy.

  "Dr. Gorl Nkolate has studied the mud borer with great care," Commander Col. Jefe Claudrin stated. He had come to the briefing in Rhodan's cabin, leaving his First Officer Maj. Hunts Krefenbac in charge at the Command Center. In addition to Rhodan, Reginald Bell and the computer programmer Robert Rosenberg were also present.

  "And what were his findings?" Rhodan inquired tensely.

  Jefe Claudrin twisted his leather-tight face in a grimace. He seemed to feel ill at ease. "Dr. Nkolate succeeded in isolating the secretion of the mud borers which is added to the liqueur and is thought to be the cause of the narcotic effect. Yet he is very frustrated because he harbors the suspicion that the substance might be a hormone. He tried to explain the specific physiological differences to me but I'm afraid it went over my head. At any rate he has assured me that he will be able to extract a pure form of Liquitiv in a short time."

  "It's a small comfort," Rhodan declared, "but it gives rise to the hope that an antidote can be developed before long. Since time is of the essence it will be necessary to ship a sufficient number of mud borers to Terra where our scientists can examine the potent substance. Will you please take care of it, Claudrin."

  The Epsalian whispered his instructions to an aide while Rhodan talked with the others. The aide got up and left the room. When he returned a little later Col. Claudrin was able to report that the Antilles, a ship of the State class, would take the mud borers to Terra within the hour.

  The intervideo buzzed its signal. Rhodan stared at the set for a second before he depressed the button.

  Krefenbac's face appeared on the small picture screen. "Sir, I have received a long hyperradio communique from Terrania. Shall I play back the message for you?"

  Rhodan hesitated a moment. Then he shook his head. "I'll send Bell over to get the report."

  Bell rose with a disgruntled expression. "Alright, I'll go but why does it always have to be me? Now I will miss what you are discussing here."

  "Maybe you will learn something more interesting in the radio room," Rhodan tried to mollify his friend without realizing how right he would be. He waited till Bell had left and th
en continued. "Even more urgent than finding the antidote will be our catching the ringleader and preventing him from doing any further harm. The Antis present an unprecedented danger to the civilization of the Galaxy. The members of that secret society have pursued merely economical advantages in the past but lately the trend seems to have changed radically. We can thank my... we can thank Thomas Cardif for this new course. He seems to have found the Antis to be convenient tools for seeking revenge on me and Terra. I don't know if he still adheres to that frightful fallacy that I was responsible for the death of his mother but I have given up all hope of making him see the truth." He looked at Claudrin and added: "Nonetheless I insist that we take him alive if it is at all feasible."

  "I have given the necessary instructions," the colonel stated without further comment. He sat in a wide chair which had been specially made for him since he was a native of Epsal, the son of a colonial officer adapted to his environments. His height measured little more than 1½ meters but he was almost as broad. His homeworld had twice the gravitational force of Terra, which enabled him to move with amazing facility in surroundings normal on Earth. His red hair and brown leathery skin blended well with his general appearance.

  "20 U-boats should do the job," the dusty-blond-haired Rosenberg said in his usual careful manner, tugging on his beard for emphasis. "At least they should be able to locate the underwater hideout. What happens after that can't be predicted by the laws of probability."

  "The Ralph Torsten and the cargoship will arrive tomorrow according to the latest reports." Rhodan looked impatiently at the door as if he were anxious to hear the news Bell would bring. "We will put the boats out to sea at once so the search can begin immediately."

  The sound of hurried steps could be heard down the corridor. Then the door was flung open and Bell stormed into the cabin with a piece of paper in his hand. He dropped into a chair and held up the note like an accusation. "This is a hell of a mess!" he roared in a voice so loud that Rosenberg's hazel eyes went wide and he covered his ears protectively. This made Claudrin grin because shouting was a normal way of communication for him. "We should have been able to think of this sooner."

  "What's the trouble?" Rhodan asked impatiently. "Give me the note!"

  "I merely jotted down a few single words." Bell refused to let the slip of paper out of his hands. "Nobody else could make sense out of it. The radio message was much too long. You can listen to it later, Perry. I'll just give you the highlights. The Central Office of the General Cosmic Co. reported that the supply of Liquitiv has dried up. Although the Springers and other races still furnish goods to Terra and the colonial planets, not one ship has brought a load of Liquitiv. It seems that production has stopped. There are more than 200 million addicts on Earth who are suddenly left not high but dry without their beloved poison. The price of Liquitiv has jumped sky-high. Those who have hoarded the stuff are selling it for a fortune, ignoring the dread of depriving themselves tomorrow. Nobody can survive without it for more than four weeks. There are already reports of riots and the Solar Security Service had to intervene with strong measures in several cities. The Earth is facing the threat of a widespread panic."

  Bell paused. He glanced at his notes, thought for a moment and then crumpled up the paper.

  "Is that all?" Rhodan inquired.

  Bell nodded. "Isn't it enough?"

  "It's more than enough—and precisely what I have been afraid of. It is the most logical thing the Antis could do under the circumstances. They are withholding the narcotic drug from 200 million people to drive them crazy and they expect to create utter chaos which would bring us under their thumbs."

  Jefe Claudrin said in his sonorous voice: "I wouldn't worry about it too much. We still have a great quantity of Liquitiv on Lepso and the Antilles is already en route to Earth with plenty of mud borers."

  "You are right, Colonel," Rhodan agreed. "Never give up hope without considering all alternatives. Our people have seized enough Liquitiv on Lepso to supply the whole Earth for many days. We have not yet reached a crisis. Will you please instruct the Commander of occupied Lepso to ship his entire available stock of Liquitiv to Earth for disposition by the Cosmic Company. The distribution should be supervised by the Security Service. Each addict is to receive only the necessary dose and free of cost. Shady street dealers will be punished by heavy fines. Please put this call through at once!"

  The colonel left the cabin.

  "That damn stuff!" Bell muttered. "I'm glad I never touch sweet goo like that or I would have been hooked on it too."

  "Many of our best friends have been trapped by it," Rhodan commented, "because nobody could have suspected that the harmless-looking liqueur would turn out to be a most dangerous drug. Even here aboard the Ironduke we have more than 20 addicts. Fortunately our ship has stocked up enough of the liqueur. It is grotesque that we depend on this dope which might cause our ruin. They have caught us in a two-way trap."

  • • •

  Despite the considerable damage which the Ralph Torsten had suffered during its attack on the time-transformer of the Akons, the heavy cruiser was put back in full operation after repairs. Its commander Bellefjord escorted the big cargoship through the spiral arm of the Milky Way to the distant unknown sun which was circled by the jungle planet Okul. Both ships were propelled by the linear drive system, affording them uninterrupted visibility. They covered the distance without incident and reached their goal in safety.

  Protected by the huge warfleet of Terra, the Ironduke and the Ralph Torsten landed together with the freighter near the shore of the largest ocean. The Antis were nowhere to be seen or felt. They sat it out somewhere on the bottom of the ocean and nobody knew whether it was possible for them to observe the events taking place on the surface of the planet.

  The 20 atomic U-boats were unloaded and put into the deep water in an antigrav field. It was at a large bay which had been selected after previous reconnaissance by air. It was enclosed by steep walls of rock except for a narrow exit leading to the open sea and deep enough to permit safe passage for the submarines.

  The crew spent two days practicing manoeuvres. Then Rhodan summoned all commanders for a briefing aboard the Ironduke. "This presents an unusual task for you," Rhodan opened with a kind look from his grey eyes at the attentive men. "You are used to piloting spaceships and now I have put you in U-boats. In a way the difference is less than you might think. Both vessels were constructed to penetrate spheres that are hostile to man. One is a vacuum and the other is water. Waters whose possible dangers are unknown to us because they are on a foreign planet. The elite of the Antis has retreated to its depths where they continue to plot our destruction."

  He paused but nobody asked a question. "Now we come to your special part in our endeavor. Each Commander of a U-boat will receive a map of the planet's surface. It doesn't show any more than the outlines of the continents and, naturally, of the oceans which are all interconnected, similar to those on Earth. You will be assigned a certain sector which you will have to search. We will maintain constant radio communication with my Command Center, which will also serve as your contact with all other U-boats. As soon as somebody has reason to believe he has found the enemy he will immediately report the location. The other boats will break off their search and converge on the spot. However you must wait with the attack until I give the order. Is that clear especially the last point?"

  The men nodded in silence.

  "Fine. One out of five boats will be assigned a security officer who will be in charge of all arrests in case the Antis put down their arms. We must proceed in a correct manner so that the Antis will have no justification to accuse us before any court in the Galaxy. I know this sounds ridiculous but I am very serious about it. Therefore I must urge you to follow the instructions of the four security officers. Did you understand me correctly?"

  One of the commanders inquired: "Do the instructions of the security agents also include the operations of the submarines?"
/>   "No, of course not. I referred only to the possible arrest of Antis and their ringleader."

  Rhodan avoided mentioning the name of his son but everybody knew whom he meant. He spoke about 10 more minutes and then set the starting time for the U-boats for the following day.

  The Ironduke lifted off the same evening to resume its observation in orbit while the Ralph Torsten stayed behind to guard the cargoship.

  • • •

  Prof. Gary Stewart, only 24 but already an expert in the field of secretions and hormones, shook his dark brown head, refusing to give in to despair although his colleagues were ready to throw in the towel. The news coming in from all parts of the world was as discouraging as the result of their examinations. Nobody could explain why the substance from the proboscis of the mud borer acted like a narcotic drug. Their findings indicated that it was not a narcotic drug but a first-class high-speed cell-renewal agent. Whether secretion or hormone was a question yet to be decided but a question of secondary importance.

  "Is this substance really the same as the active ingredient we found in Liquitiv?" questioned Dr. Koatu, the physician in Terrania who had played such an important role in the control of the plasma monster.

  The Microscopy Department announced its analysis of the toxin: "Inspection of specimen inconclusive!"

  One of Dr. Koatu's colleagues sighed morosely: "Inconclusive! What else could we expect?"

  Terra's medical science was at the end of its wits for the moment.

  • • •

  It was several days before the submarines moved into their sectors and began the coordinated search.


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