Book Read Free


Page 14

by Kristy Marie

  Theo smiles. The kinky fucker likes marking me. “Better hurry before it drips on the carpet.”

  I glare at him. He knows I have OCD about my carpet. I cup my hand between my legs, feeling no shame in doing so, and haul ass to the bathroom to clean up the remnants of our Thursday.

  In the kitchen, I make our protein shakes, different concoctions for each of us. Theo likes kale, peaches (of course), and oranges. I load his down with turmeric, to reduce inflammation in his shoulders, as well as different protein powders to keep up with his muscle growth and yogurt for a base. I’m still easing Cade into the shakes, so I keep his simple: apples, bananas, yogurt, and protein powders. Readying mine, I add mango, kale, spinach, and apples to the blender before dumping in the turmeric and protein. The latter two keep the aches and pains away from training two brutes who currently are glaring at each other across the table.

  “Good morning, boys.” I set the shakes down in front of them. They continue their stare down but manage a good morning to me. “Are we ready for our first family trip?”

  Theo’s eyes roll dramatically. “I’m going to go pack.” He stomps up the stairs with his protein shake like a pissed off teenager.

  I look at Cade, who is focused intently on his shake. “Did you sleep well?”

  “I did.” His eyes stay trained on his glass.

  Sighing, I drop down into the chair next to him. I run my hand through his soft bedhead. It really has become much softer and shinier since his diet has changed.

  “Look,” I start, wracking my brain for the best thing to say. “I know you aren’t one hundred percent on board with this field trip. I get it. Theo is a bit much. But, I think it will be fun for me and you.” I tug on his hair a little. “What do you say, Gorgeous? You still with me?”

  His head comes up slowly, his eyes finally meeting mine, those emeralds burning bright from getting enough rest. His full bottom lip gets sucked in behind his teeth and I grin. He laughs and graces me with the biggest smile I have ever received from him. “Yeah, I’m with you, commander.”

  Without giving it much thought, I press a wet smack of a kiss to his scruffy cheek. He looks shocked for a moment but when I slap his thigh, he snaps out of it. “Go get packed. Our plane leaves in a few hours.”

  He nods warily. Obviously, I have rocked his boat a little this morning. But he heads to his room anyway, hopefully to pack—unlike Theo, who is probably pouting and watching an episode of Tosh.O.

  The rest of the morning passes in a blur. I drag two grumbling hotties through the airport like some kind of dominatrix. That idea is starting to sound pretty fun at the moment. If I just had a whip, I’m sure they would move much faster. We get stopped a couple of times for Theo to sign some random shit for fans. He smiles and thanks them for their support, but I can tell he just wants to get the hell back in the car and book it home.

  Cade stays quiet through the airport. Knowing he’s been on a plane before, I wonder if it brings back bad memories. I grasp his hand, giving him a reassuring squeeze. He barely smiles. His body is tense and I’m starting to doubt bringing him was a good idea. No going back now though.

  Once we are seated—in first class of course—and in the air, Theo immediately starts with the attendant. “Scotch,” he demands.

  “He’ll take a water and an attitude adjustment,” I say with a smile and the petite flight attendant looks nervously at me. Poor thing.

  Theo lifts out of his seat abruptly to glare at me. I glare right back at his sexy scowl. No-no, big boy. Commander McCallister controls your little ass now that I am on the clock. How cool is that name? Commander. I fucking love it! Kudos to Cade for inspiring that little gem.

  Theo huffs and throws himself back against the seat, closing his eyes tightly. I ignore the tantrum he is trying to conjure up.

  “Want a water?” I ask Cade, who is staring out the window. He shakes his head, but I order him one anyway and a glass of wine for myself.

  Theo flips me the bird but doesn’t open his eyes.

  I can’t help but laugh at his antics. This plane ride is going to be just lovely.

  Theo’s building is everything I expected it would be. A pretentious place, suited for a pretentious prince. The high-rise located in the heart of Washington, D.C. nearly kisses the clouds.

  The doorman, dressed in a tailored uniform, greets us as we exit the taxi. “Afternoon, Mr. Von Bremen. Good to have you back.”

  Theo mumbles something in return that I can’t hear. He’s been a fucking baby the whole trip. He and Anniston discussed pitching strategies and watched game footage of the batters he is going against in the next game. It was heated, to say the least. He wasn’t in the mood to discuss and she wasn’t allowing his attitude to bleed onto the whole plane. He. Was. Annoying.

  I tried hard to keep my eyes closed and count the breaths my lungs took each minute. It’s an old trick I learned in the military. At times, it can keep the panic at bay. It’s not that I get scared on planes, it’s just that the noise from the jets sends a sinking feeling of déjà vu to the pit of my stomach, reminding me of the day I returned to the States. Bruised. Battered. Broken. A failure. A killer.

  The elevator dings, snapping me out of the memories that haunt me. Anniston twines her fingers with mine. It’s almost like she senses when I’m close to a break.

  “Come on, Gorgeous. Let’s see how the rich people live.” Her smile is bright and genuine. The look she gives me is so pure that I am afraid I won’t be able to let this girl go when it’s time. I return the smile, knowing she loves to see my happy grin. She squeezes my hand in response, pulling me into the elevator.

  The elevator ride goes on forever since Theo resides in the penthouse. He’s quiet, fiddling with his phone, his mood unimproved from earlier.

  The car stops with a ding and we all file out and are greeted with a damn near replica of Theo. Holy shit, he’s a twin.

  It’s bad enough to have to deal with him, but another one… I groan at the new development.

  Anniston chuckles beside me, obviously picking up on my thoughts. “Don’t worry. They are totally opposite.”

  At that, she releases my hand and approaches Theo number two, wrapping her toned arms around his waist. “Thaddeus! You look yummy. Have you been working out?”

  He blushes, apparently enthralled with her like everyone else. “It’s good to see you, princess. I can’t say the same about the sourpuss you brought with you.” He tilts his head in Theo’s direction.

  Theo rolls his eyes, not greeting his brother, and powers through the door with a growl.

  “Who’s this?” Thaddeus asks, stepping to me with a warm smile.

  “Cade,” I return pleasantly. I guess they are different. I was scared there for a minute that this was going to be one hell of a week.

  “Cade is a friend of mine,” Anniston explains. “I thought I would bring him along and show him around. He’s studying sports medicine.”

  Oh, so we do not confide in the brother. Check. I smile and nod my agreement.

  “Sure. Well, come on in.” Thaddeus holds the door open and allows us entry into the vast space.

  The entire back wall is glass, windows overlooking the city. The floors are an expensive marble that makes the space feel a bit cold, not like the warm wood at the plantation. Sparse furniture gives the space an empty feel. I already can tell I won’t like it here. There is nothing warm or welcoming about this place.

  Unable to hold back my curiosity, I ask, “Is this your place, Thaddeus?”

  “Please, call me Thad. Only Anniston continues to call me Thaddeus.” He gives her a sweet smile, immediately making jealousy unfold in my chest.

  “This is Theo’s house. I stay here when I have business in the city. I actually live in Georgia, but my job keeps me traveling so much that I feel like a gypsy most days.”

  I nod, not really relieved to know he lives so close to commander. I shouldn’t want to keep her to myself, but I do.

Theo strolls into the kitchen with fresh clothes on already. Opening the fridge, he grabs a beer and pops it open. He’s chugged at least half before Anniston hollers and tries to wrestle it away from him. He holds it high with one hand and wraps the other around her waist, pinning her to his chest and wearing a smile that says he’s completely enjoying the moment.

  “Come on, Ans. Let me have one.” He kisses her ear. “It was a nightmare of a plane ride and you know how Washington puts me in a bad mood.” A kiss to her neck.

  She sighs, her shoulders slumping. “Just one.”

  He smiles and lets her go, but not before planting a lip-smacking kiss to her lips, giving Thad and I a wink. Bastard.

  Thad rolls his eyes and says, “Well, if Theo’s drinking, so am I. You want one, Cade?”

  I look at Anniston. I don’t really know if I want one or not. I haven’t had a drink in years. The last time I did, I landed on the street, covered in my own filth. I’m hesitant to even try one.

  Anniston smiles at me and says, “Just one.” Her eyes relay all the confidence she has in me.

  She shouldn’t. One day, I will disappoint her like I did everyone else.

  Instead of arguing or showing my hand, I turn to Thad and say, “One would be great.”

  The rich flavor tastes fantastic sliding down my throat, coating my stomach with warmth. I end up having three beers, the four of us lounging around the house, grilling steaks and relaxing. I’m actually having a good time.

  Anniston and the twins entertain me with their constant joking and ribbing of each other. They share stories of their childhood that put some things in perspective for me.

  Anniston and Theo have been attached at the hip since they were fourteen. I mean, Thad was close with them, too, but it’s obvious he was the third wheel. The stories all start with, “Theo thought it was a good idea to,” or “Anniston just had to,” never anything about Thad. Only that they had to call Thad to bail them out when their plans went too astray. It was a weird circle of friendship, yet it worked for them.

  After we eat, I retire to my room, the beer enhancing my still sleep-deprived state. Even after eight hours of sleep induced by the sleeping pill last night, I’m still tired. Some days I feel as though I’ll never catch up.

  I stare up at the ceiling fan in the dark, counting the blade rotations for what seems like hours. I think maybe I doze off a couple of times but can’t be sure. This place doesn’t feel the same as home to me. Used to, I could sleep anywhere as long as the nightmares stayed at bay, but now, after being with Anniston, I feel like I can only sleep under the painted shiplap that covers my ceiling. How pathetic have I become? I’m getting too attached.

  Feeling the panic rise, I get up and pace in circles. I need a plan. I can’t stay with Anniston forever. She has a life. For fuck’s sake, she has a boyfriend. Where can I go? My breathing becomes shallow. Fuck. I need to run. That’s what Anniston says. Run.

  Throwing my shoes on quickly, I focus on slowing down my breathing. One. Two. In. Out.

  It’s not helping.

  I make my way out of the guest room, looking for Anniston. She’ll know where I can find a treadmill.

  “You alright?”

  I look over and spot Theo, no it’s Thad, sitting on the sofa. The sun is setting. Shit. How long was I in there?

  Thad is looking at me expectantly. Did he ask me a question?

  Shaking my head to clear the confusion, I answer honestly, “I need a place to run.”

  Thad gives me an understanding nod. “I’ll get Anniston.” He rises and heads to the patio doors, where Theo has her wrapped in his arms, and they’re swaying to some soft music. She laughs when he twirls her around, dipping her toward the balcony floor. Her eyes stare up at him with the heat of a thousand suns. This is how he does it. This secret love they share is how he gets away with being such a prick. The feelings in her eyes are unmistakable. She loves him. He loves her. It’s obvious to everyone around them.

  Thad opens the sliding doors, and notes of a piano drift into the penthouse. I don’t recognize the song, but then, I’ve only recently started listening to music again. Thad touches Anniston’s shoulder, breaking her dance with Theo. He whispers in her ear and her expression changes to concern as she abruptly lets go of Theo.

  She meets my eyes through the glass and I can’t help but fidget as she makes her way to me, Theo and Thad flanking her. She tenderly reaches for my face, something I’ve noticed she does frequently to show affection.

  “What’s going on, Gorgeous?” Her baby blues lock with mine.

  I feel ashamed to tell her I am having a break. I want her to enjoy her time away, not be a burden. Glancing down at my feet, I mumble, “I need to run.”

  Her finger moves to my chin and lifts it slowly. “Need to burn off all those calories you just packed on?” She winks, understanding the gravity of the situation. Being the awesome person she is, she’s allowing Theo and Thad to think I am concerned with my body fat.

  I nod in agreement.

  She smiles, taking my cheek in her hand. “How about you shower and get changed. Then we’ll go have some fun.”

  I open my mouth to argue but she cuts me off.

  “What do you say, boys? Y’all ready for me to whoop those asses in some racing?”

  Theo scoffs. “Paleeze. Last time we raced you were washing my dirt out of your hair for a week.” He gives Anniston a little wink while Thad just laughs.

  “Good. It’s all settled then. Everyone get dressed. Commander is about to school you losers in how to drive.”

  Theo throws his head back in a deep belly laugh and heads down the hall. “In your dreams, Ans.”

  Thad takes off in the opposite direction, leaving Anniston and me alone in the living room. In a serious tone she prompts, “Take some deep breaths with me, okay?”

  We go through several breathing exercises and by the third one I feel much calmer. “I think I’m okay now,” I tell her, interrupting her deep breathing.

  She takes a long look at me. I guess she is satisfied with what she sees, because she nods. “Okay, go get ready.” And with that closing order, she swats my behind, startling me forward.

  We pull up to a freaking speedway.

  Theo pipes up from the front seat, answering my unasked question. “This guy, Callum, I know from college, has a thing for street racing. His kid was arrested more times than he could count, so instead of paying out bail money, he invested it in a speedway. The kid now drives for NASCAR.”

  The car continues around a winding drive. I know a bit about racing and the lack of grandstands tells me this is a training track. One that’s used regularly, by the tire marks and dead grass around it. I can envision kids lining their cars alongside the edge of the pavement, cheering for their racer.

  It’s thrilling. I feel like a little kid about to witness his first race.

  Anniston elbows me in the ribs with a smile. “You going to get out? Or just sit here and watch me whoop Theo’s ass?”

  Theo slams the door as he hops out with a laugh. The car is parked in front of a massive stone garage. I’m talking, a ten fucking car garage.

  I get ready to ask what we are doing here when a shaggy-haired blond guy steps out of the garage as the doors rise. “My man!” he bellows, clapping Theo on the back in a man hug. “Callum told me you were coming. Good to see you, man.”

  Theo says something in return that I don’t hear before Shaggy takes notice of Anniston.

  “Damn, girl!” He rubs his chin as he approaches her, raking his eyes up and down her body slowly. “You get hotter and hotter every time I see you.”

  She laughs and swats his chest, stopping him from getting too close.

  “It’s good to see you, Wes.” she states simply, giving him a friendly hug.

  “You ever get tired of Theo, you give me a ring, yeah?”

  I look at Theo, who is tossing something up in the air and catching it in his hand over and over. He’s glaring at We
s and looks to be about to hurl whatever he has.

  Thad, already anticipating mayhem, snatches the object, which turns out to be a pack of gum, and pockets it.

  He approaches Wes and interrupts his flirting with Anniston. “So, Wes, think we can go for a spin?”

  “Sure. Shit man. I didn’t even see you there.” Wes genuinely looks ashamed.

  Thad gives his appreciation and we are quickly ushered into the garage where a row of race cars await.

  Anniston reaches for my hand and pulls me inside.

  “Here, suit up.” She hands me a jumpsuit and a white cover for my head, along with a helmet.

  I look the gear over, eager and anxious at the same time.

  Anniston suits up while Theo and Thad talk to Wes about which cars we’ll want to drive.

  I am already sweating by the time we finish gearing up. The sun has set and I worry about the visibility of the road.

  Wes pulls out the first car, the roar of the engine startling me.

  “You okay?” Anniston asks, her hand a soothing presence on my arm.

  I nod my reassurance to her and push down the nerves.

  “We race as teams,” Anniston tells the group.

  Theo groans but doesn’t argue.

  Walking out on the speedway is nothing short of incredible. Wes has turned on the lights and the whole place is lit up like an actual raceway. My heart starts pumping fast, chasing away the need to expel energy in a run.

  Smiling to myself, I half listen to Wes give instructions about what to do and what not to do. Essentially, don’t wreck. Don’t crash into each other. And don’t die. You know, the basics.

  “You good?” Anniston asks.

  “Yeah. I’m good,” I tell her confidently.

  “Good. Get the fuck in the car.” Theo shoves past me with a growl.

  Anniston rolls her eyes and turns back to me. She wiggles her eyebrows, which makes her look silly, and I laugh. “Let’s do this shit, Gorgeous. You’re on my team.”

  Ah. That’s why Theo is pissed.

  Anniston tells me our channel and turns on my mic inside the helmet. It’s weird but really cool. Once in the driver’s seats, Wes checks all of our belts, ensuring we are properly strapped in, and then steps off the tarmac.


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