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Page 17

by Kristy Marie

  With a quick look to see if we still have an audience, I notice that Thad, too, has also woken and is now perched on the sofa, scotch in hand.

  Cade, well he’s still trying (and failing) to tear his eyes away.

  My brother, however, the kinky fucker, holds my eyes and watches me fuck the living shit out of Ans.

  “I’m gonna come,” she screams, completely oblivious of our audience.

  With every ounce of asshole I am, I meet Cade’s eyes through the glass, lowering each of my fingers until only the middle one remains standing. And then I thrust so hard into Anniston that the rollers jump track. Anniston doesn’t even notice her body is bouncing on mine, chasing her orgasm. I watch the two men who want what’s wrapped around me.

  I let them observe.

  I let them behold me take everything from her.

  First, I take a scream.

  Then a moan.

  And right before I take her orgasm, she stops me, grabbing my face, forcing me to look at her. “Watch me,” she demands with a firm grip on my cheek. “Be with me, Theo.”

  I lock with those baby blues that hold my heart captive. I watch her fall apart in my arms as a cry tears from her throat. The love I have for this girl is so overwhelming that I can’t keep up the eye contact. I turn my head, leveling my cheek against her shoulder as the tingling starts in my balls.

  “Look at me,” she snaps.

  I drag my head up, fighting the urge to look away, my orgasm seconds from hitting.

  “Look. At. Me.” Her hands cradle my face sweetly, totally opposite of her behavior a second ago, and she croons in a syrupy coo, “Let go, baby.” Her switch to sugar-sweet sends both of us to the ground as my orgasm rips through me spilling into her. I grunt out a tortured moan and she swallows it up with a slow, honeyed kiss.

  We sit on the cold concrete, chests heaving, circled in each other’s arms. When we start to shiver, Ans pulls back.

  “Come on,” she says, pulling me into a standing position.

  “Cade and Thad are in the kitchen,” I admit.

  She sighs, wordlessly scolding me. Reaching for her shirt, she adds, “You’re an asshole.”

  I nod. I am an asshole.

  “I’m going to run the fuck out of you today. See if you sneak out here for some coffee again.”

  I grin and nod my acceptance of her punishment, taking note that she only is punishing me for the coffee and not the voyeurism.

  I let her fiddle with the door as I throw on my shorts. When we manage to pry it open together, she speaks to the men that I imagine are trying not to replay what they just witnessed over and over. “I hope you all enjoyed the show. Since we’re up, I say a family run will help clear our heads.”

  Thad and Cade give her a terse nod.

  And what do I do?

  I wink.

  Checkmate assholes.

  “Go see what you can help with.” I push Cade toward the hordes of bodies scrambling for a place in line.

  His brow lowers as his silent plea begs me to come with him. He can do this. Giving back to the community is what he needs. Ever since our return from Washington, D.C., Cade has been subdued, even broody at times. I’m not sure who pissed in his Cheerios, but it’s going to stop. Now.

  I shoo him with a wave of my hand before he can curve those pouty lips into a full-blown frown. Cade frowning is hard to deny. He stomps away, his clunky boots echoing in the small space.

  United Reach Foundation is a small charity run by a local businessman whose seven-year-old son passed away from cancer three years ago. Every Sunday after church on the walk home, his son would pass by the homeless, slipping each of them a few pennies. It wasn’t much, but it was all he had.

  When he died, his father honored his memory by opening this foundation, allowing anyone to enjoy a free meal. It’s obvious from the number of people packed in this tiny room the poverty level in our city is on the rise.

  Meandering through the room in search of empty plates, I try to keep myself busy. Poverty and despair bleed onto me at every turn.

  Carol, the woman in charge, allowed me free reign earlier, encouraging me to make myself at home, jump in where needed. Given her harried look, wild strands of hair flying around her face, she was desperate for additional bodies. Cade and I volunteering made her year.

  The floor is littered with resting bodies. Some are laid out enjoying a nap in the air conditioning, others propped up, gulping down every ounce of food their stomachs can hold. It’s a heartbreaking sight. One I hope I never get immune to.

  In the back corner, four guys are huddled, laughing. It’s odd to hear such a sound in this place. I venture over, curious as to what made these guys so jovial in the face of adversity.

  “Can I get you gentleman anything?” My eyes slide inconspicuously over their haggard forms.

  Their clothes are mismatched, hanging off their slim shoulders but the dog tags hanging from each of their necks is what catches my attention the most. Three of them give me timid smiles, shaking their heads in silent nos before looking down at their feet. I’m not sure if they are nervous to speak to a woman or if they are used to keeping their heads down, a common sight in the homeless. The other one, with his shaggy blond hair, starts his perusal at my toes, slowly working his way up my body. I don’t feel offended or violated at all. Honestly, I feel relieved that this man is not as damaged as he seems.

  “How about your number, beautiful?” His voice is raspy, hoarse like he’s been screaming at a rock concert for hours. It’s sexy and endearing all at once. I like this guy.

  I chuckle at his boldness, squatting to sit next to them.

  “What’s your name, handsome?”

  He eyes me, hesitating now that I have asked something so personal. I give him a little wink to put him at ease. It works because he starts to laugh, threading his fingers through his unruly hair.

  “Connor.” He clears his throat nervously. “Connor Hayes.” He eyes the other guys, who haven’t looked up since my arrival.

  “And your friends?” I nod in the direction of his three companions.

  Connor swallows thickly. “Uh, that’s Vic,” he points to the one with a shaved head, clearly a veteran, “and that’s Mason.” Mason raises his head slightly but never meets my eyes. “And Tim.” Tim nods his head, his eyes downcast.

  “Nice to meet you, gentlemen. I’m Anniston.” I make them uncomfortable, that’s obvious. All three of them are now staring at their feet like the answer out of this situation will magically appear on their shoes.

  Connor nods slightly, acknowledging my introduction.

  “Can I get you seconds?”

  They take turns shaking their heads without uttering a word. Well then. I guess I am going to have to pull out the commander.

  “I asked you a question. I expect an answer. Verbally.”

  Connor’s head snaps up, his brown eyes locking on mine. And then, very slowly, a smile starts to tug on one side of his mouth. He’s fighting a smile, and it’s fucking adorable.

  “I love a woman in charge.” His flirty comment throws me for a second but I recover quickly.

  “That’s good to hear because I’m always in charge.”

  His laugh is infectious as it rumbles out, filling the silence of the room. Vic and Mason venture a look at me, curious expressions on their weathered faces. “Anniston, what’s someone like you doing down here?”

  I shrug at Connor, hesitating to answer his question. Does the truth really matter? Before I can think of something to say that doesn’t sound like I’m a total creeper, Cade approaches from behind. At this point, I can feel when he’s near me. It’s something that I’ve started to notice the more we are together.


  It’s a simple statement to outsiders. To me, it’s a warning. He’s concerned that I’ve made myself at home with strangers.

  I smile at my new companions as they take in Cade. He’s imposing. All muscles and attitude. He looks exactl
y how I’d imagined he did years ago as a major in the marines. Connor examines him closely, obviously he’s not shy.

  “Cade, this is Connor, Vic, Tim, and Mason.” My arm sweeps out, showcasing my new friends.

  Cade grunts out a greeting while wrapping his hand around my upper arm. “It’s time to go.” He’s done. I can tell. His voice is laced in aggravation as he pulls me to my feet.

  With one last look, I offer my hand to Connor. “It was nice to meet you, Connor.”

  Connor takes my hand, brings it to his lips, and with a sexy smirk, kisses it. “Anytime, Anniston.”

  I’m enchanted with this one. His flirty behavior sucks me right in. I want him.

  “Are you sure I can’t get you boys anything before I go?”

  I don’t want to leave. I want to know more about these guys. What brought them to this place? My heart breaks as I think of Cade in that ditch. The thought of this charming guy ending up like that brings acid to my throat.

  “Just your number.”

  His quip has me laughing and pulling from Cade’s hold.

  “No,” Cade growls low in my ear. “Don’t even think about it. Theo will kill you.”

  I pull farther from his grasp. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” I do, but I’m choosing to ignore it.

  “Yes, you do. You can’t save them all.”

  Eh, maybe not all but I can some.

  I turn, finding those emeralds I have grown to love and poke out my lower lip, allowing every ounce of sadness I have to seep into my words. “I don’t want them to end up in a ditch.”

  I don’t need to say more, like, almost dead from hypothermia. He knows what I mean. And by the way he’s staring at me, he doesn’t either. Cade runs a frustrated hand through his hair in resignation. “Theo is going to kill us.”

  I smile. Cade is a big softy. I rush him, wrapping my arms around his warm body. “You let me deal with Theo.”

  With one more squeeze, I let him go. Turning to the foursome, I find the shaggy blond and with a wink, I offer, “How about my address instead?”

  My text to Theo went about as well as I could have hoped. I’m joking. He took it like a routine prostate exam. Stiff and awkward and filled with dread.

  Ans: So, uh, guess what I picked up today?

  Teddy: Do I even want to know?

  Ans: Eh, probably not but I’m going to tell you anyway.

  Teddy: I feel a rage coming on.

  Ans: Don’t be dramatic.

  Teddy: Tell me. Let me get it out of my system before I get home.

  Ans: I brought home four more veterans. They needed my help.

  No response.

  Ans: Theo? Are you there?

  Still nothing.

  Ans: Theo, don’t be ridiculous. Cade is with me. Nothing will happen. They needed help!


  Okay, so Theo is being a baby and giving me the silent treatment. Shocker? No, no it isn’t.

  I place my phone on the nightstand. He won’t be calling me anytime soon. He needs time to digest the situation and realize nothing is going to happen to me.

  I make my way down the stairs, the house buzzing with excitement. I can’t help the smile that pulls across my face. Although Vic, Mason, and Tim were hesitant to accept my offer, Connor (he prefers Hayes), was not. He hopped in the car with almost no coaxing at all. Maybe he thought he had nothing to lose or maybe that’s just who he is. Flying by the seat of his pants. Living life to its fullest. After chatting him up in the car, I’m leaning toward the latter.

  My four new veterans are stretched out all over the living room furniture, Sports Center playing on the TV.

  “Yeah, he’s the best I’ve ever seen.” Hayes is talking animatedly to Mason, who looks rather cute all cleaned up. His short hair is clean, giving the light brown color a nice shine.

  Mason started talking a little in the car, growing more relaxed as we put miles between us and the city. I can tell he has been through something terrible. When I examined him, I found out his leg was shattered by an explosion in the war. He wouldn’t say any more than that but the way the scars are jagged and uneven tells me they must have repaired the worst of the injuries in the field. A good plastic surgeon could help with the scarring but he wouldn’t hear any talk about it. I’m not giving up though.

  “You think so? I think he’s a self-righteous prick.”

  I peek in to see who they’re talking about and wouldn’t you know, there, on screen, is my Teddy, the self-righteous prick. I giggle. He’s a prick, but not a self-righteous one.

  I enter the living room, halting their conversation. “I personally think he’s the best damn pitcher in the entire league. Self-righteous or not, you can’t argue with his talent.”

  Hayes is nodding his agreement while Mason’s lips tighten. It’s clear he wants to argue, but he’s scared to pick a battle with me this early in our relationship. I try to prompt him. I never back down from a good argument.

  “Do you not agree, Mason?”

  He chews his lip for a moment, considering my question. Finally, he nods, “You’re right, his talent is indisputable. I just don’t care for his attitude.”

  I’m about to argue my stance that people are not always as they seem when Cade’s voice raises in the kitchen. “Why the fuck are you yelling at me? How was I supposed to stop her?” Cade’s voice carries throughout the house as his anger sparks.

  Only one person can bring out violence in Cade. Theo.

  “Excuse me, gentlemen.” I exit the living room, abandoning my plan to get to the know the boys a little better to find Cade. If Theo has unleashed his fury, I don’t want it to be directed at Cade. It will be a war in seconds if I don’t break it up fast.

  Cade’s in the kitchen, gripping his phone like he may throw it with one more nasty comment from Theo.

  “Cade.” My voice is soft as I cover his hand with mine. “Let me talk to him.”

  He eyes me warily while Theo lashes out on the other end of the phone. After a minute he sighs, handing me the phone. “He’s in rare form,” he whispers as he passes by. “Good luck.”

  I nod at his retreating back before I suck in a breath and press the phone to my ear. “Theo.”

  The phone goes silent. He’s not so mouthy when it’s me. He might ream Cade, but he won’t me. Well, not as bad anyway.

  “Are you going to answer me?”

  His heavy breathing is the only response I get. It’s labored as he tries to rein in his fury.

  I attempt to diffuse the situation by changing topics. “Who are you up against tonight?”

  “Don’t you fucking change the subject!”

  Ah, well, at least he’s speaking. And as I predicted, extremely pissed.

  “How many more? Huh? How many more, Anniston?” His voice trembles with rage as he spews each question from his lips. “Until one kills you? Is that what you want!”

  I wait until he breathes through the rage that has taken over. God help the batters against him tonight. I have kicked the hornet’s nest and set it on fire.

  “They won’t hurt me.”

  He roars, “FUCK!”

  And then the throwing begins. I hear glass breaking and Brody calling out for him to relax.

  His breathing is heavy as he growls into the phone. The destruction seems to have stopped. For now.

  “I’m sending Thor down.”

  I go to object to his private security guard but the threatening growl he emits has me closing my mouth.

  “If you so much as try to elude him I will send the whole fucking SWAT team down there. I’m not playing with you!”

  I stay silent, allowing him to get it all out. I’ll do what I damn well please. Theo has never been my master, and he certainly isn’t going to start now. Arguing with him is futile. Thor will come whether I want him or not.

  “Do you understand me, Anniston!”

  Thank goodness he is on the phone and not in front me. Otherwise, he would have seen the
biggest eye-roll this side of the Eastern Seaboard.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Another growl. His sense of humor has left the building.

  “Is that all? Can I go now?”


  Finally. This conversation has aged me ten years. I think I may need a run just to settle down my own aggravation.

  “And, Ans?”

  Deep breath, you can handle one more comment. “Yeah?”

  “I’m coming for you. And when I get to you, those vets won’t be the ones you need to worry about.”

  Before I can respond to his ridiculous threat, the line goes silent. That fucker hung up on me! I was having a great day until Theo went all crazy and fucked it up.

  “Everything, okay?” Hayes’s eyes are etched with worry as he stands in the doorway.

  “Yeah, everything’s fine. Just a little tantrum from my boy—my friend. He worries.”

  Hayes nods in understanding. Hopefully, he didn’t catch my slip with the near boyfriend comment.

  “Can’t blame a man for wanting to keep you safe.” His statement is so sincere that my eyes may have watered. Probably from all the testosterone in this house. My poor estrogen is having to produce more just to drown some of it out. “I promise you, no one will ever harm you while we’re around.”

  My throat works as his heartfelt promise causes a single tear to trail down my cheek. I wipe it away quickly before he sees how affected I am by his declaration.

  “I appreciate that. My friend is sending his security guy to keep an eye out. Please don’t be offended. My friend, well, he’s a dick.” I give him a strained smile that I hope can be perceived as genuine.

  He tips his chin and heads through the door. “No offense will be taken, commander.”

  I’m wiping furiously at my eyes to catch remnants of any tears when he turns back.



  “Your friend is a smart man. Sounds like he loves you a lot.”


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