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Cowboy's Curvy Nanny (Cowboy Billionaires #1)

Page 11

by J. P. Comeau

She swallowed hard. “You think so?”

  My eyes held hers. “I know so, Willow.”

  She held her arms out for me, and I eased myself down against her. With our bodies splayed out across the couch, I softly connected my lips to hers. She tasted like sparkling cider and a second chance. She smelled like honey and sex. Our tongues fell together in a symphony of lust and desire, and as my cock settled against her wet pussy, I already felt her juices dripping against my skin.

  “I can’t wait. I need you. Please,” she begged.

  And damn it, it was the sweetest sound I’d ever heard in my life.

  One by one, I pinned her wrists above her head. I held them down with one hand as my other hand slipped between us, gripping the shaft of my dick. I slid my tip up and down her slit, gathering juices as they lubed me up. Her eyes, half-hooded with desire, watched me like a hawk. And as a grin spread across my face, I inched the tip of my dick inside her.

  Which was enough to flutter her eyes closed.

  “You like that?” I asked.

  She gasped. “Don’t stop.”

  I inched in a bit further. “Like that?”

  She whimpered. “Please. Let me have you. Just this once.”

  I nuzzled her nose with mine. “Oh, it’ll be much more than ‘once,’ beautiful. That, I can promise.”

  I slammed the rest of the way inside of her, and her back arched. My lips dropped down to her puckered peaks, lapping and sucking and nibbling as I drove myself into her. Fucking her and feeling her curves bouncing as her legs locked around me. I felt powerful whenever I was above her. I felt wanted whenever I was inside of her. But, nothing compared to when I heard her moaning out my name. Crying out for more, as if I were the only person that could give it to her.

  That gave my life meaning.

  And I didn’t want it to ever go away.

  “Fucking hell, Willow,” I grunted.

  Her hips rolled against me. “More. More, Bryce. Please. Bryce. Holy shit, Bryce!”

  The couch moved with my movements, scraping across the carpet as I lost myself in her. I released her wrists, bracing myself against the couch as I hooked her legs against my arms. I folded her in half, watching her curves bunch up for me as her body jiggled for my viewing pleasure. And as I sucked on her nipples, rendering her motionless, I felt her pussy gripping my dick.

  “Yes! Bryce!”

  I growled. “Come for me, Willow. Do it.”

  “So close. So close. Please, please, please, please. Yes!”

  I stuffed her full as she exploded, her juices dripping down my cock. I gnashed my teeth together, holding back my own orgasm as I watched pleasure wash over her features. Her eyes rolled back into her head. Her jaw, unhinged with silent ecstasy. Her hands wrapped around my forearms, digging into me as she held on for dear life. I swiveled my hips, causing her to gasp for air. Her thighs shook against me, undulating as their excess put on a show I never wanted to end.

  I felt high on life whenever I was with her.

  I wrapped my arms around her and scooped her up. She clung to me, her thickness blanketing me as I sat back on the couch. With my back against the upright cushions and my legs spread to accommodate my hanging balls, I sat her in my lap. Her pussy, planted firmly against my cock.

  “Take your time,” I whispered, placing a kiss against her cheek.

  But, when she rose up, the tip of my cock caught against her entrance.

  And she slid down my girth as if her body were made for the journey.

  “Your turn,” she murmured against my ear.

  My eyes rolled back as she started to move. Her juices, pouring down my skin. Her hands, massaging my shoulders as she rolled against my cock. Her hips, swiveling. Her body, bucking. And soon, my hands fisted her waist and directed her movements. I wasn’t far from my own end. The way she moved astounded me in ways I’d never experienced before. What we had was powerful. Carnal. More amazing than anything I’d ever had in my whole life.

  That included what I had with Marie Lee’s mother.

  “Willow,” I grunted.

  “That’s it. I’m so close. Come with me, Bryce. Please.”

  I rolled against her. “Just a bit more. Just like that. Don’t stop, Willow. Don’t stop.”

  Then, I felt that tightening in my gut finally release.

  “I’m coming! Oh, shit. I’m coming, Willow.”

  She collapsed against me, whimpering. “Bryce, oh my God.”

  I wrapped my arms around her as our bodies trembled together. I felt my cock emptying inside of her, marking her in ways I wanted to for the rest of my life. I had no idea what the hell this woman had done to me, but I never wanted to let it go. She had invaded my life and turned it upside down, and I didn’t want to put things right ever again.

  “Oh, Willow,” I whispered.

  She trembled against me, her pussy milking my cock for everything it had. We groaned and grunted together, taking what we could from the other and giving back without ever asking. I peppered kisses along her shoulder. I watched goosebumps trickle down the expanse of her luscious back. I pressed my face into the crook of her neck, kissing and nibbling as her sighs turned to giggles.

  And as our orgasms finally died down, we were covered in nothing but sweat.

  “Holy shit,” she whispered.

  I chuckled. “Took the words right out of my mouth.”

  Her head settled against my shoulder. “I’m just gonna rest here for a second. Okay?”

  I smiled. “Rest as much as you please.”

  My quaking hand reached for one of the few blankets on this couch we hadn’t already ruined, and I fluttered it around us. I wrapped us up as my cock still sat inside Willow’s beautiful warmth as if it had finally found its home. Every once in a while, her lips would pucker, and I’d feel the smallest, sweetest kiss imaginable against my skin. Every time she did it, my heart stopped in my chest. Every time she moved, I gripped her. Held her to me. Because I sure as hell wasn’t ready to let her go. I wanted us to stay like this. I never wanted the moment to end. With her thick curves calling to my muscles and her body wrapped tightly around mine, I wanted to walk her upstairs and curl up in my bed with her.

  I wanted to wake up to her.

  And the only thing stopping me was my daughter. Marie Lee. I didn’t want to ruin the relationship she had with her nanny. I didn’t want to be selfish, because this was first and foremost, for her. I needed Willow to stick around and keep this place afloat. I needed her in my daughter’s life. So, I had to take things slowly. Maybe ask her out on a date next time instead of just hitting her with shit after dinner.

  She deserved much better from me if this was going to be a regular occurrence.

  “Willow?” I asked softly.

  “Hmm?” she hummed.

  “Would you object to possibly having dinner with me sometime?”

  She shook her head softly. “No. I wouldn’t.”

  I paused. “You wouldn’t object, or…?”

  But, the next sound I heard wasn’t a ‘yes’ or a ‘no.’ It wasn’t a confirmation or a denial. It wasn’t any sort of clarification to the stupid question I had asked in her vulnerable state.

  The next sounds I heard were her soft snores.

  And while it made me smile, it also left me with more questions than answers.

  “Way to go, idiot,” I murmured to myself.



  As I peered out the window, sipping my cup of coffee, I watched Bryce leading Sky around the backyard with Marie Lee riding her bareback. He had given the mare to his daughter since Sky couldn’t barrel race any more, and Marie Lee was learning how to hold the reins. After a moment of pleasure watching the two, my thoughts returned to the last thing I remembered from the previous night.

  I had been laying my head against Bryce’s shoulder, and when I woke up this morning, I was in my own bed. Still naked, but covered up and in my own bed. Had he carried me there? I mean, it was the only lo
gical explanation. Unless I was sleepwalking last night or something.

  “No, he carried me back,” I murmured.

  He didn’t just do that, though. He turned off my phone and unplugged the alarm by my bed. And when I woke up this morning, I woke up to a note that told me I’d have the day off. My first day off since starting here with them, and for some reason, I didn’t want to take that day.

  I wanted to be outside, helping Bryce give Marie Lee her first riding lesson.

  Still, I enjoyed my cup of coffee at eleven in the morning as I watched Bryce steady his daughter as she shrieked with joy when Sky started to trot. I loved how the sun ignited his already sun-kissed skin. I loved how he squinted out from under the brim of his Stetson in the bright Texas sun. And I absolutely adored the way he and his daughter smiled at one another.

  It was the purest form of love I’d ever seen in my life.

  Needless to say, however, things didn’t go the way I wanted them to go last night. But, the upside to that was that we shared a beautiful and wondrous moment with one another that I’d always cherish. Hell, even thinking about it while I sipped my coffee left me breathless. And every time it crossed my mind, it made me smile.

  He made me smile.

  “You’re gonna fuck this uuuuup,” I singsonged to myself.

  Maybe you don’t have to leave.

  I sighed as I closed my eyes. I wasn’t sure if last night had dropped my guard or if I just wasn’t awake enough yet, but my desires were coming back to the forefront of my mind. Already, I was considering myself instead of what was good for Marie Lee, and I despised myself for it. I shut the guesthouse blinds and backed away from the window. I forced myself into my bedroom, away from the giggling and that damn sexy man in a Stetson..

  I needed to keep my distance until I could get my head screwed back on straight.

  Then again, the more I thought about last night, the more I thought about other things. Like, how great it felt to put Marie Lee to bed together. Or, how nice it always felt to share family dinners with them. It’s a very domesticated feeling and one that I felt suited both of us last night. Cleaning up together. Doing the bedtime routine together. Talking together after the kiddo went to bed. I didn’t want to leave all of that. I didn’t want to leave the bond I had built with these two.

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  I heard Bryce’s voice startlingly close to my bedroom, and it made me jump. But then, I heard him growl. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but he didn’t sound happy. And it made me wonder where the hell Marie Lee and Sky had gotten off to.

  I almost got up to go check on her, but Bryce’s words caught my ear and rooted me to my bed.

  Is he on the back patio of the guesthouse?

  “If she thinks that, she’s out of her fucking mind.”

  I placed my coffee down and walked over to the corner of my room to listen.

  “Well, why don’t you call her and ask her why she hasn’t called. Yeah?”

  I pressed my ear to the wall as I held my breath.

  “No, you won’t be hearing from me again until I have a lawyer myself. Goodbye.”

  My heart sank for him as I heard his boots against the tiled patio floor, lumbering away. I peeked out of my bedroom window, watching as his body finally emerged, walking toward the fence where Sky was tied up and Marie Lee was chasing a butterfly. And when I saw his shoulders slump, something inside of me ignited with anger. He was such a beautiful, strong, capable man. He deserved to walk with his head held high, and his gut full of pride. I didn’t know who the hell he was talking to, but I already wanted to strangle them for ruining his morning.

  I watched him disappear back around the guesthouse before Marie Lee squealed. And without another thought, I abandoned my coffee and went back out to the window by the front door.

  “All right, princess! Let’s go put Sky back in her pen. Then who’s ready for lunch?” Bryce asked.

  “Me! Me! Me!” she exclaimed as her father scooped her up.

  I heard the tension in his voice. I listened to the mock happiness he plastered on just for his daughter. I watched them as they made their way back to Sky’s pen, removed her bridle and started back toward the house. And every single part of me wanted to run out and comfort him. Run out and help him. But, I resisted the urge. I needed to keep that part of me that had already fallen for Bryce in check. I couldn't let it rage out of control, not when his life was already so out of control in the first place. I drew in a deep breath as I forced myself away from the window. I let the curtain fall closed before I backtracked to get my mug of coffee. And as I stepped out onto the back patio of the guesthouse, I looked over to the corner where Bryce had been standing.

  Who were you talking to?

  As I sat down in one of the lounger chairs, I turned around the words I heard him spit out. On the one hand, I felt bad for eavesdropping on what seemed like a very personal conversation. But, on the other hand, I knew who he was talking about. It was something to do with his ex-wife, that much I knew for certain. I mean, why else would he need a lawyer? Why else would he sound so upset?

  Then, if he was walking away so defeated…

  “Oh, no,” I whispered.

  The man was still in love with his ex.

  The more I focused on that realization; the more tears tried to prickle the backs of my eyes. I steadied my quivering lower lip by sipping my coffee, but then I just started chugging. I chugged, and I chugged until the mug was gone, then I got up and poured myself another cup just for something to do. I felt stupid for being this upset. I mean, the man was going through a divorce. What the hell had I expected!?

  You’ve done it again, Willow.

  I flopped back down into the lounger and didn’t bother fighting back the tears any longer. With my day off, I could take some time to shake my crush and apply for some other jobs. I knew I couldn't stay here, though, not after what Bryce and I had shared together. It would make things awkward, especially if he was still in love with the woman who left him. Even the thought of leaving here made me sick, but I’d make sure a wonderful nanny was appointed in my place. One that would adhere to the schedule I had already set up for her so Marie Lee wouldn’t skip a beat in her development.

  At least I have the whole day to apply for jobs.

  After my second cup of coffee, I made my way back inside. With my robe wrapped tightly around my sore, naked body, I poured myself one last cup before I sat down at my laptop. I eased it open and started doing some research into online job applications. The first thing I did was update my resume as it had been quite a while. And after it was updated, I started submitting it along with tailored cover letters to a variety of jobs that were open around town.

  Part-time work as a waitress.

  Full-time work as a manager of a grocery store.

  Part-time work that could turn into full-time work as a pre-k daycare.

  I threw my application at anyone that would take it, really.

  However, I hadn’t noticed how much time I spent researching jobs. Putting in applications. Signing up for services to get my hands on more jobs to apply for. Because when a knock came at my door, and I looked up, the sun was no longer streaming through the window. The birds were no longer chirping in the morning. And it had gotten very, very dark in the guesthouse.

  “What time is it?” I murmured to myself.

  “Willow?” Bryce asked.

  Another knock came at the door, and I froze.

  “Yeah?” I called out.

  “I just wanted to let you know that dinner’s ready if you don’t feel like cooking.”

  I looked down at my robe. “Give me a few minutes, and I’ll be over there.”

  I sent off my last resume for the day and closed my laptop. Then, I quickly threw some clothes on. I tossed my hair up into a messy bun and slipped into some flip flops, then walked my ass over to have dinner with them. If I didn’t come to dinner, it would seem odd. And I didn’t want Marie Lee to
be disappointed. But, as I sat down with them in front of my massive plate of food, I felt his eyes on me.

  The entire time I was eating.

  “Willow?” he finally asked.

  I didn’t look up at him. “Yes?”

  “Would it be okay if we talked about things tonight after dinner?”

  My eyes finally met him. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Bryce.”

  His eyes searched mine. “Why not?”

  I snickered. “Well, I technically wanted to talk with you about something last night. However, we seem to be setting another kind of track record that might not be healthy?”

  I nodded toward Marie Lee to try and signal to him that we didn’t need to have this conversation in front of her. But, he seemed oblivious to my hint.

  “We can stand outside and talk, then, if that works better for you.”

  I shook my head. “I’m just going to head to bed after dinner.”

  Marie Lee pouted. “No bedtime?”

  Bryce took her hand. “She’s got the day off, princess. Remember?”

  Marie Lee looked over at me. “But… but bedtime?”

  I giggled. “Sure. I can put you to bed tonight. That’s not a problem.”

  She threw hands in the air. “Bedtime!”

  Bryce sighed. “You really don’t have--.”

  I held up my hand. “It’s fine. I promise.”

  After dinner came the bedtime routine, and after the bedtime routine came Bryce trying to talk some sense into me. He kept trying to convince me to speak with him. To let him talk. To let him explain some things. But I didn’t want to hear it. I knew the second I let that man speak up for himself, I’d fall right back into his arms. Right back into his lap. Because when it came to unavailable men, apparently I couldn't help myself.

  But I had to.

  For once in my life, I had to help myself.

  So, with Bryce calling after me from the patio door, I made my way across the backyard. Past the pool. Around the hot tub. All the way into the guesthouse.

  And when I closed the door behind me, I finally let the tears fall as I sank to my ass on the floor.


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