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Cowboy's Curvy Nanny (Cowboy Billionaires #1)

Page 16

by J. P. Comeau

  Her mouth ran away from her. “All of you. All of this bedroom. All of your bathroom. Here. This is where I want to be. Now, damn it, get me in bed, you fucking tease.”

  I growled. “Then, why didn’t you just ask?”

  My hands wrapped around, gripping her luscious ass as I hoisted her against me. I kicked my doors closed before I walked her over to my bed, our lips colliding with one another. Our tongues intertwined in a familiar dance they had memorized over the last few weeks, and as our bodies fell to the mattress, I felt her body open up for me. I felt her legs spread as she welcomed me home, with my cock pressing dangerously hard against my suit pants.

  “Under one condition,” she breathed.

  My lips hovered over her pulse point. “What?”

  She cupped my cheeks, moving my eyes to meet hers. “I’ll move into your bedroom under one condition.”

  I smiled. “Name it.”

  “If things get weird--or if you find this isn’t what you want--just tell me. Okay?”

  My eyes danced between hers. “Willow, you ain’t gettin’ rid of me that easily. I’m gonna hold you all night, every night, for as long as you like. And you’re just gonna hafta deal with it.”

  She paused. “I don’t think your accent’s ever been that thick around me.”

  “Only gets thick if I got a point to prove.”

  She smiled softly. “Noted.”

  Then, my lips dropped back to hers as I cloaked her body with my own. We slithered out of our clothes, letting them fall to the floor in a bunched-up pile as my lips explored every crevice of her body. I wanted to have her like this all night. I wanted to keep her moaning and begging and shaking until she couldn’t take it any longer. Until we had worked off our dinner and solidified our union a million times over.

  “I love you, Bryce,” she gasped.

  I sank my cock between her legs as her eyes rolled back.

  “I love you too, Willow. So fucking much.”

  Then, my headboard started thudding wildly against the wall. Creating a chorus, I wanted to hear every fucking night for the rest of my life.

  I wanted to hear anything and everything to remind me that the most perfect woman on the face of this planet had somehow become mine.



  Six Weeks Later

  I stood at the counter in the bathroom, staring mindlessly down at the three sticks in front of me. Three of them, from the same box, and they read the exact same way. I felt my world coming to a grinding halt. I felt the rug beneath me starting to be tugged on as if this were the moment that my picture-perfect life was about to cave in on me. Up until now, everything had been working out so well for our little family of three.

  Dr. Morris had closed his local office. He and Pat had moved to Houston, and we hadn’t heard another word from her since the divorce papers were signed. Bryce and I had been trading off watching Marie Lee during the rodeos while we competed in our individual barrel racing events. And since I had moved in permanently, Will and Sadie were telling everyone in Conroe they were responsible for Bryce and I getting together. The joke was on them, though. They still barely spoke to each other in person, despite Luna and I encouraging Sadie to forgive Will and give him a second chance.

  Now this…

  What is Bryce going to say…

  Suddenly nausea wafted around in my gut, threatening to bring up the little bit of breakfast I managed to get down this morning before Bryce left for work. But now, I wasn’t sure if the feeling was from the shock…

  … or from the fact that I was pregnant.

  “Oh, no,” I breathed.

  My hands trembled as I picked up one of the sticks. I tilted it around, hoping that maybe a new angle of light would shed the fear away. But, no matter how I tilted the sticks and no matter what kind of light I shined against them, they were all the same.

  “Holy shit, I’m pregnant,” I whispered.

  I shoved the sticks into the sink and washed my hands. I let the water run all over them, hoping maybe there were smudges on the screen that made these damn things look positive. I couldn’t be pregnant. Not now. Not when things were going so well. I mean, I’d only moved into Bryce’s room six weeks ago! It was way too soon for us to be having a child together!

  We were still trying to figure out how to be a couple. And now, we had to figure out how to be parents, too?

  What if I become his next Patricia?

  I turned off the sink. “No. Not happening. Not by a long shot.”

  A knock came at the door. “What's not happening?”


  Bryce was at the door.

  “Willow?” he asked, knocking again. “Everything all right?”

  I tried to put on my best voice. “Yeah! Yeah, of course. Why wouldn’t it be?”


  I snickered, trying to push the dread away. “Seriously, Bryce. I’m fine, I promise.”

  “Then, open the door for me.”


  “Because I’m worried about you. You’ve been in that bathroom for a while now.”

  I paused. “How long have you been home?”

  He chuckled. “Willow, I didn’t go to work today. Remember?”

  I felt my back stiffen. My heart started beating wildly in my chest. And finally, I felt my breakfast wafting up the back of my throat. I knew I couldn't control it. I felt the room spinning as I rushed over to the toilet. I dropped to my knees and stuck my head in the bowl, trying to contain the mess I knew was about to happen.

  “Willow? Open the damn door,” Bryce commanded.

  And the second I opened my mouth to speak, I started vomiting.

  I heard banging against the door with every heave of my stomach. The door eventually burst open, though, and I heard Bryce scrambling to get to me. My hair suddenly lifted, and I felt a strong, concerned hand rubbing up and down my back. Tears streamed my face as round after round of heaving came until I was sure my stomach would turn itself inside out just to make a point.

  “It’s okay—I gotcha. I’m right here, beautiful,” Bryce murmured.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so--I’m so sor--oh, no.”

  A second wave hit me, and even though I had nothing to bring up, it didn’t stop my stomach from rebelling. I sobbed into the toilet as my body quaked with effort, my gut clenching and releasing as if I’d given it some sort of poison it needed to eradicate as quickly as possible. I’d never felt so horrible in my life. I thought the torture would never end. But, after a few minutes of not heaving at all, I sat back against my haunches and wiped at my lips.

  Before I felt Bryce stand up.

  “What’s all this?” he asked.

  I fell against the wall, too weak to come up with an excuse.

  “Are these… pregnancy tests?” he asked.

  All I could do was nod as my eyes fluttered closed.

  “Oh, my god,” he whispered.

  And when I opened my eyes, I expected him to be upset.

  I expected him to be upset and worried. I expected him to be angry, or at the very least, disapproving. Tears streamed down my face and neck as I tried to talk. But, every time I opened my mouth, the only thing that happened was hiccups. I was crying and hiccuping, and still feeling sick to my stomach. I couldn't get my legs to function enough to pick me up, and my hands trembled so badly I thought they might dislocate themselves. Then finally, I got some words out.

  “I’m so sorry. I-I-I--I didn’t know. I--I thought--.”

  Bryce crouched in front of me. “Sh, sh, sh, sh. Ssshhh, beautiful. It’s okay. I’m right here.”

  “I don’t want you to be mad at me. You know I went to get the implant three weeks ago.”

  “Didn’t they do a test before putting it in your arm.”

  “Yes… but… I think I was too late and--.”

  He cupped my cheeks and his eyes met mine.

  He pulled me up from the floor. “We have to go get that out of yo
u right now. I’ve read research studies that say that damn thing increases birth defects in fetuses.”

  My legs caved from beneath me. “What?”

  He caught me, then scooped me into his arms. “Doctor. Now. We need that thing out of your arm. “Willow!”

  Marie Lee yelled from her room. “Daddy!?”

  “Get to the truck, sweetie! We gotta take Willow to the doctor!”

  Everything rushed around me, and I just wanted it to stop. Somehow, I ended up in the truck in the front seat with Marie Lee strapped into her car seat in the back. My head lobbed over just as Bryce jumped up into the driver’s seat, cranking the engine as quickly as he could.

  But, when I reached my hand out and settled it against his thigh, he paused.

  “What’s wrong? Are you feeling sick again? Do you need some water before we head out?” he asked.

  I furrowed my brow. “You aren’t angry.”

  He blinked. “Why in the world would I be angry?”

  “Because I’m--well, I, uh…”

  He took my hand in his. “All of those tests were positive, right?”

  I nodded slowly. “Yeah.”

  “And those weren’t fake?”

  I snickered. “What kind of person do you think I am?”

  He grinned. “The most amazing person who’s going to make a fantastic mother.”

  Marie Lee called out from the backseat. “Gotta go! Wiwwow’s sickies!”

  I smiled. “You’re happy about this, aren’t you?”

  He kissed the back of my hand. “I could think of nothing else more amazing than having a baby with the woman I love.”

  Marie Lee gasped. “Baby!? Wike me!?”

  I sighed. “I love you so much.”

  Bryce settled my hand back down against his thigh. “I love you, too. But, right now? You need a doctor for multiple reasons.”

  As he tore out of the driveway, skidding his tires in the process, Marie Lee screamed for joy. Oh, she’s a thrill-seeker, all right—possibly even a barrel racer, like her father. I closed my eyes and drew in deep breaths while Bryce called every possible OBGYN in the city, begging them for an open appointment within the next few minutes. And after finding a doctor that could squeeze us in, we rushed halfway across town to get to the office.

  An office that just so happened to belong to the best OBGYN in the state.

  Everything happened in a blur. I remembered someone greeting me, but I was much too sick to respond. Somehow, I ended up in a room lying down on an unforgiving white bed while hooked up to a heart rate monitor as well as a blood pressure cuff.

  And after running their own pregnancy test, the first thing they did was get that implant out of my arm.

  Which didn’t feel very nice in the process.

  “Shit,” I hissed.

  “Sit! Sit! Sit!” Marie Lee exclaimed.

  I shook my head. “No, no, pretty girl. We don’t use that word.”

  Bryce chuckled. “She may or may not have already learned it from me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “What parents we’re going to make.”

  The doctor giggled. “All right, the implant has been removed, and I’ve got you a prescription in for some heavy-duty prenatals. Your hCG levels are right where they should be, but your iron levels are really low.”

  Bryce hopped in. “Is that a bad thing?”

  I looked over at the doctor. “Low iron?”

  The doctor nodded. “Nothing a prenatal pill with iron in it won’t cure. But, I do want to get an ultrasound while you're here. Make sure there’s nothing else going on. Is that okay?”

  I looked over at Bryce. “Do you want to do that?”

  And when I saw the light behind his eyes, I knew we were going to be okay.

  “I’d love to have one done,” he said.

  With Marie Lee on his shoulders and his hand tightly gripping mine, the doctor rolled in an ultrasound machine. She squeezed that cold-ass gel onto my stomach and rubbed it around with the wand before a sound filled the room.

  Tha-thump, tha-thump, tha-thump, tha-thump, tha-thump.

  I gasped. “Is that…?”

  Bryce squeezed my hand. “It is.”

  Marie Lee giggled. “Tha’s my brudder.”

  I giggled with joy as tears rushed my eyes. “Or sister.”

  Bryce kissed my forehead. “Whatever it is, it’s going to be perfect. And you’re going to be a fantastic mother.”

  I gazed into his upside-down eyes. “I love you so much.”

  He kissed my lips softly. “I love you, too.”

  And as I laid there, holding his hand while staring at a monitor projecting our child’s heartbeat, I knew we were going to be okay. I knew this was forever. I knew this was where I belonged, forever, and always. By Bryce and Marie Lee’s side. By our child’s side. Raising them and helping them and loving them throughout the years.

  No matter what might come my way as a member of the Remington family, I was looking forward to a life full of love and adventure on the Rocking R Ranch.


  Click here to follow Sadie and Will’s story in Cowboy’s Sassy Roommate




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