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Nick: Black Tuxedos MC

Page 11

by Tallman, Darlene

  “Nick, this…this is a big deal,” she says, holding the cut between us, her sobs breaking my heart.

  “Yeah, sweet girl, it is. The biggest and most important thing I’ll ever do next to putting my rings on your finger. Don’t you know I’m falling for you, Shayla?” I cup her face in my hands so she can see the truth in my eyes.

  “It…it’s way too soon,” she murmurs. “Isn’t it?”

  “Who the fuck cares? I knew when you were sick and I was taking care of you that you were it for me.” I watch a blush cross her face as she remembers just how I took care of her when she was unaware. “You’re mine, Shayla. You and Amelia and someday, God willing, whatever kids we end up having.”

  “I don’t know what to do with what you’re saying,” she admits. “I haven’t belonged to anyone, not since my grams died.”

  “Well, you belong to a fuckton of people now, baby.” The wonder that crosses her face turns into a cheek-splitting smile and I lean down and kiss her. “Though, just saying, some of those family members are gonna be sore if we end up arriving late.”

  “Oh! I have everything ready, just need to get my firebox.”

  My curiosity is roused when she breaks away and before she goes to the closet, she slips the cut on. Seeing my patch across her back has me grinning until she comes back out with a box. “What’s that?”

  “It’s my bank. Well, my tips, and of course, the important papers for me and Amelia. I don’t wanna leave it here for some reason and think I need to follow my gut.”

  “You do know they have things like banks, right?”

  “I have a bank account for my paycheck. This holds my tips so I always have cash on hand just in case.” Realizing how strapped she used to be, I don’t bother reminding her that it’s my job to take care of her. Instead, I grab the box and the bag she’s packed and head out so we can leave.

  “Grab your purse, babe, and Amelia. I got this.”



  To say that I’m nervous about meeting the men that are important to Nick is an understatement. And I can’t believe I lost it like some stupid girl when I saw he had left me a cut. But typical of him, he took my breakdown in stride, kissed me and then got us on the road after he made sure the house was locked up. “It’s gonna be okay, Shay. Corrie can’t wait to meet you and I know you’re eager to do what you went to school for, aren’t you?”

  He has no idea how much I’ve missed working with animals. When I left Quentin, I left the small rescue I assisted, something that broke my heart. “I am, yes.” I glance in the back and see Amelia sound asleep, the ridiculous multi-colored stuffed dog that Nick got her clutched in her hand. “I think she likes what you got her.” He looks in the rearview mirror and I see the grin form on his perfect lips. Reaching over, he grabs my hand and laces our fingers together, something that has butterflies taking flight in my stomach.

  “Meli will have a little playmate in JJ,” he states.

  “How close in age are they?”

  “He’s three or four months older than her, I think.”

  “Great, she’s not even a year old and already has a boy after her.” His laughter rings through the truck as I giggled.

  “Gotta get through me,” he finally replies.

  I’m about to answer when he pulls down a gravel road. As he meanders down toward what I presume is the clubhouse, I can’t help but stare in wonder. They managed to leave a lot of the trees, and it’s obvious that they’ve done work because when he finally parks the truck, my jaw is hanging. A long, one-story building is sprawled in front of me, a deep porch with rocking chairs and colorful pillows inviting me to curl up and read for a bit.

  “This is stunning,” I announce as he opens my door and helps me out.

  “The pillows are all Corrie and Kirsten. Trust me, we’d have been happy with some folding chairs but those two were on a mission to make this place into one we’d all be happy to live near.”

  “Can’t wait to see it all.” He leans in and kisses me and then eases a sleeping Amelia out of her car seat. I love how he takes care of her as if she was his own flesh and blood.

  “Hoping that Kirsten and Corrie have some houses for us to check out while we’re here. Don’t mind staying at the clubhouse occasionally, but it’s no place to bring up a baby.” My heart warms at his words. I know we’ll be commuting back and forth, which will be a pain in the winter, and hope that they’ve found something as well.

  “Me too. Okay, let’s go meet everyone.” Time to push the fear away and embrace my new normal as an old lady to a biker.


  “So, whatcha think?” I ask her after taking her on a tour of the clubhouse.

  “Oh, I like it,” she replies. “Are all the rooms like this?” She looks around my room which is more like a mini-apartment than a bedroom. Corrie and Kirsten took the sitting area and made it into a space for Meli, complete with a changing table. I glance over at the bed and grin. I had texted Reese and told him I needed to replace the bed in my room. He had laughed his ass off then said he’d put the prospects on it, but his old lady would handle getting new sheets and shit. When I had balked, he reminded me that I was replacing the bed for Shayla and the sheets and what-not had been used as well. Apparently, Corrie and Kirsten did the sheet and comforter purchases because I now have more pillows than any one person needs. Or, in our case, two people need.

  “Yeah, babe, they are. Reese had Matt convert the existing rooms so that everyone who lives here has their own space. Hell, we even have a mini-fridge.”

  “That’s convenient.”

  “It is. You wanna go ahead and get ready for bed? I’ve got church but there’s no reason for you to stay up.”

  “Yeah, it’s been rather eventful, meeting everyone. Plus, I need to get up early to go to the sanctuary. I’m helping Corrie get the animals ready for the adoption event.”

  I pull her close and kiss her before saying, “Want you to know, all of this, the bed and everything, is new. No one but you will ever sleep in my bed again.” I had seen her looking at the bed and figured I better settle her fears down. “You’re it, Shay. Just want you to know.”

  She blushes at my words then once again, shocks the hell outta me when she says, “I didn’t think you were a choirboy, Nick, but I appreciate you doing that for us.”

  Grinning, I lean in and kiss her until she’s breathless before asking, “You on birth control?”

  “Uh, no. Haven’t had a reason.”

  “Need to get that sorted. In the meantime, guess I’ll get a prospect to pick up some condoms for me.”

  “Nick! You…you can’t have a prospect do that, they’ll know!” Her words have me throwing my head back and laughing.

  “Babe, it’s one of the things they do, trust me, okay?”

  She mutters something I can’t hear before going over to her bag and pulling out some nightclothes. Deciding I need to leave her to it, I grab the remote and turn the television on. “Got Netflix, Shay, so if you wanna watch something, feel free.”

  “I probably will. I’m tired but not tired. Heck, that doesn’t make sense, does it?”

  “Not really, but it’s been a busy day and it’s going to be a busy weekend. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “Go do your biker stuff, I’ll be fine.”

  “Drinks are in the fridge if you get thirsty.” I had them stock her favorites, as well as my beer.

  “Got it. Go, Nick, before you’re late and you upset Reese.” Laughing, I call for Bosco and head toward the door, grabbing her hand and pulling her so I’ve got her against the wall.

  “Love that you’ll be waiting for me when I get back, sweet girl. You have no clue how much that means to me.”

  “I like being snuggled into you, Nick. If that makes me strange, so be it.”

  “I’ll try not to push for too much, but you better be ready to play.” I watch the blush cover her face and see my words have rendered her speechless. “Be b
ack as soon as I can,” I whisper before kissing her until she’s breathless. Hell, I’m just as bad.

  * * *

  Church took a few hours as we went over all the businesses and where we were at financially. I’m glad to see that this month’s payout is a good one because I saw the hit my card took for the bed and accessories. Not gonna complain though, because knowing that I have someone like Shay in my bed is enough to make it worth it to me. Now I’m enjoying a beer before I head back to my room. Actually, I’m giving my dick a mental talking to because his plan is to conquer, and I don’t think she’s ready.

  “I really like her, Nick,” Corrie says, coming up and sitting on the stool next to me.

  “Me too.”

  “You seem, I don’t know, more relaxed or something.” Her observation has me thinking.

  “I am. Not sure if it’s the therapy I’m doing, Bosco being here for the rough times, or her. Probably a combination of everything, but for the first time in so long, I’m happy. I feel like I have a future as something more than a brother to the guys here, and a son and big brother to my family.”

  “Good. You deserve it. She’s really sweet and seems kind of shy, but she’s got a backbone. Just has to grow into it.”

  I laugh before saying, “I’m sure you and Kirsten will have her embracing that side of herself before too long.”

  “Count on it, Nick.” With that, she leaves and I grab another beer. Lost in thought, I don’t hear the prospect come in until I see the bag land on the bar.

  “Got you what you asked for,” Garrison states with a wink.

  I resist rolling my eyes at him but barely. “Watch it, prospect,” I growl.

  “Sorry, Nick. Need anything before I hit the hay?”

  “Naw, go on. Time for me to hit it as well.” His grin has me shaking my head, because there’s no way I’m gonna press that issue. At least, not tonight.

  I toss my empties and head toward my room. Unlocking the door, I go in and close and lock the door behind me. The bag goes into my nightstand and I remind my dick that he’s not getting anything tonight except my hand.

  Walking over to the makeshift nursery, I cover Meli up and grin when I see she went to sleep with her stuffed dog clutched in her hand. “You’ve already won me over, sweetpea.”

  Glancing at the bed, I see that Shayla has also come uncovered and I have to take a few deep breaths when I see the curve of her back exposed. She has no clue how beautiful she is, at least to me, but I intend to show her and tell her every day until I draw my last breath.

  I cover her up as well, placing a light kiss on her shoulder. She mumbles incoherently and snuggles into the pillow she’s curled up with. Soon, that’ll be me. Grinning at my thoughts, I grab some clean boxers and a pair of lounge pants. Normally I sleep nude, but I don’t think she’s ready for that. Once in the bathroom, I get the shower going and strip down, wondering how she’ll handle me. My dick jumps in response and I fight back a laugh. He’s been onboard with making her mine ever since I took care of her. I lied because holding her in the shower had me harder than a steel pipe. I think I’ve got new callouses on my damn hand from all the jerking off I’ve done.

  Once in the shower, I allow thoughts of her to crowd my mind. Not a hard thing, since everything revolves around her these days. Taking my dick in hand, I use some of the pre-cum to lubricate the shaft and then grab tight and start stroking. Remembering her taste and her sounds, it’s not long before cum is shooting against the shower wall. I’m breathing like I’ve run a fucking marathon and I know that what I just experienced is a poor substitute to the fireworks that’ll eventually be going off in our bed. Or against a wall. Or bent over a couch. Doesn’t matter where, I know it’ll be explosive.



  Working alongside Corrie, we quickly give all the animals their shots and then get their cages cleaned out. “You’re awfully quiet, Shayla. You okay?” she asks.

  “Um, yeah. A little nervous about this weekend, but otherwise, I’m fine.”

  “What about it?”

  “I know that Nick’s gonna um…expect things.” Not that I’m not kind of excited, but I’m nervous as hell too and unsure what to do.

  “What kind of things?”

  “You know,” I tell her, giving her a look. Her face clears of any confusion she has, and she starts laughing.

  “He’s a biker, of course he wants those things. And he’s so into you it’s ridiculous.”

  “I know, it’s just that…well, I’ve never –” I start saying before she interrupts me.

  “Wait, you’ve never…how does that work considering you’ve got Amelia?”

  “She came about because of an assault, Corrie.”

  “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. Okay, new game plan, let me get Kirsten on the phone and we’re leaving this up to Nick and the prospects. We’ll get you sorted.” I grin because she’s the first real friend I’ve ever had, and I know she won’t steer me wrong.

  Less than an hour later, we’re at Kirsten’s house, a pitcher of margaritas and some awesome Mexican food in front of us. “So, what do you know?” Kirsten asks, her hand reaching for another chip.

  “Well, obviously, I know the mechanics of the deed. And I’m very attracted to Nick. I just worry that I won’t be enough for a man like him.”

  “Let me tell you about these guys,” Corrie states, taking a healthy sip of her margarita. “First of all, none of them were choir boys, so they’ve got mega experience when it comes to women. But, when they find their one, they’re done, and you’ll be the beneficiary of all that knowledge. I’ve seen him kiss you and know you’re into him as well.”

  “I am and he knows my experience is limited, to say the least.”

  “What’s the blush for?” Kirsten asks.

  “Thinking about him, probably,” Corrie replies.

  “A bit, yeah. He…he hasn’t left my side since that big storm and despite how he wakes up, he hasn’t pushed the issue.”

  “But I’m sure you’ve played around a bit?” Kirsten’s statement sounds more like a question and I nod.

  “Yeah.” Memories of the hours we’ve spent playing run through my head and I squirm. “But he never presses the issue further whenever I feel like he normally would.”

  “Honey, you need to take the biker by the balls then,” Kirsten states, refilling her glass. I’ve been so lost in my own thoughts that I’ve managed to suck down mine as well, so I push my glass closer and she refills it.

  “But what if I do it wrong?”

  “Trust me, you put your hands on his cock and I’m positive, you’ll find out that nothing you do is wrong.”

  Memories of this morning flit through my mind. I was asleep when he finally came to bed and I woke up to him nuzzling my center through my pajama bottoms. Once he realized I was awake, he quickly removed them and used his very talented mouth and hands on me to bring me to two orgasms. “Oh, she’s blushing again,” Kirsten points out.

  “Shut up! I am not.”

  “You so are, Shayla!” Corrie agrees.

  “Okay, tonight’s game plan for you is to seduce Nick,” Kirsten states. “Corrie, can you take Amelia for the night?”

  “Absolutely. JJ will love the company.”

  “Seduce him? How?”

  “Girl, all you gotta do is bat your eyelashes and I’m sure he’ll be ready.”

  “I don’t have anything cute to wear, though!” Leave it to me to worry about what I’m wearing.

  “Shopping!” they both cry out. “Let me get a prospect to take us to this store I found,” Kirsten says, pulling out her phone.

  Before I can voice a protest, I find myself in an SUV and heading to some lingerie boutique that Kirsten found recently. I don’t want anything slutty, I just want something pretty.

  Two hours later, we’re leaving the boutique and I’ve got several bags in my hands. “Are you sure about this?” I ask. Now I’m worried that it might be too much.

  “Hell, yeah. Go, have fun with your biker. I’ll see you in the morning. The prospects are setting up for us, so you don’t have to be there until ten. I think you’ll need that time.”

  * * *

  When we get back to the clubhouse, it’s to see a flurry of activity. “What’s going on?” Corrie asks the prospect.

  “No clue, when you called for a ride, I was assigned to y’all. But even if I knew, I couldn’t tell ya. Club business.”

  Once out of the SUV, bags in hand, we make our way inside and I see Nick running his hands through his hair. “Nick? What’s up?” I ask as I walk to where he’s standing.

  “Need to talk to you, Shay,” he replies, taking my arm and moving us towards his room.

  “Okay.” He doesn’t say anything until we’re inside his room. Grabbing my bags, he places them on the floor and then pulls me into his arms. Now I’m getting worried and my first thought is Amelia. “Is…is it the baby?”

  “What? No! Meli is fine and currently being entertained by my mother.”

  “How is that possible, Nick? They’re an hour away.”

  “They’re here. Baby, can you hush a minute and let me tell you what’s going on?”

  “Fine.” I don’t mean to sound pissy, but I’ve had a great afternoon with Corrie and Kirsten, spent more money than I wanted to on outfits to entice and seduce him, then I come back to find out that his parents are now here.

  “Dad said he’d keep an eye on your place. He went by today and, fuck, Shay, there’s no easy way to say this, someone broke in and trashed it.”

  “Trashed it?” I haven’t got a lot that’s mine but hearing that what I owned is now trashed is something I can’t wrap my brain around.

  “Trashed it. Tore the bedding, shredded the clothes you left, broke furniture. Dad says there’s nothing salvageable, but I need to take you and make sure. Guess we won’t have to worry about commuting back and forth because until I find our house, we’ll be staying here at the clubhouse.”


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