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The Guardians' Daughter

Page 2

by A. M. McPherson

  “Crap,” he mutters. “We need to go!”

  Before we leave, I check to see if Iron Forge is still unconscious and see an empty crater where he crashed into the building. I feel nauseated. “Digger! Iron Forge is gone!”

  Digger quickly looks for himself. “Dammit!”


  A sound like someone hit the street with a battering ram echoes around us. The fire stops falling, and smoke rises over the rooftops. Emerald Blaze may be in trouble.

  Digger freezes, realizing the same thing I just did. “Kid, get somewhere safe and away from this area! You should be fine if you don’t head toward the smoke. Go in the opposite direction! I’m sorry, but I need to help Emerald Blaze, and you’ll be in more danger there, since Iron Forge must’ve gone that way!” He jumps into the alley, disappearing into the black pit.

  I look at the spot where Digger just vanished in disbelief. Did he really just jump off the roof? I watch him exit the alley unscathed and head down another one across the street. Of course, he can jump off a roof; he is a Guardian. It hits me. I want to help him and Emerald Blaze. My forcefields could be a turning point for them. Too bad I didn’t have a chance to think about using them earlier, but now is my chance to do something. But there is one problem with my idea; I’m still stuck on the roof.

  Looking for a way off, I find a fire escape, but it goes into an alley leading in the opposite direction I want to go. I know I can’t just jump off the building like Digger did, but that seems like the only thing I can do if I want to go after him. I take a moment to rack my mind. A forcefield could help me get down! Just, it would be huge and would take a lot of energy out of me. Get it together, Aiden. If any time is a good time to make one again, this would be it!

  Before I talk myself out of helping, I run to where Digger jumped off. With no time to lose, I bow my head and arch my back, feeling the energy absorb into me again. After a few moments, I recognize the familiar prickling on my fingertips. Okay, I got this! Looking up, I take a deep breath and push out my arms to create my forcefield. Blue streams of energy flow freely from my hands with sparks dancing around them. I manipulate it downward to form a decline from the top of the building to the bottom of the alley. A faint blue line of energy from my hands still connects me to maintain the makeshift ramp.

  My body trembles, and sweat drips from my forehead. This is taking a lot out of me, but I begin my journey down the ramp. The ramp’s size makes it hard for me to maintain, and, not even halfway down, I feel my control slip. I run, but my body shakes even harder with every passing second, and it’s hard to maintain my focus. All my energy drains too quickly. The forcefield vanishes, and I fall. I land hard on my feet and fall backward onto my butt.

  I realize I only fell a few feet and slowly stand, shaking off the fall. The building I just came off must be at least three stories tall. My confidence grows. If I can make it off that without a scratch, then I definitely can help Digger and Emerald Blaze! With no more time to lose, I run in the direction Digger ran. The smoke in the distance becomes my guidepost. Everything is a blur as I run toward the ongoing battle. My attention is solely on the smoke, and my determination to help escalates. I turn down another alley, and thankfully, this one is not a dead end. It opens into another road where I’m sure the smoke is coming from.

  I emerge onto the road and halt. I knew Emerald Blaze had to be in trouble, but I was not expecting this. She is trapped. Two metal beams shining like Iron Forge’s skin have been forced into the road. The ends are wrapped around her, suspending her in the air. The parts touching her glow bright red.

  A huge stream of water rushes from a nearby storm drain toward Emerald Blaze. The water contacts the beams’ red glowing parts, causing a loud hissing sound. Enormous steam clouds quickly rise skyward. The water circles her, creating a rotating sphere of water. The stream of water drops to the road like rain, but the sphere remains.

  I cannot see the front of Emerald Blaze, and I’m unsure if she’s completely submerged or not. I want to help her, but I can’t focus. My hands won’t stop shaking, and my head feels cloudy. Breathing itself seems to be a challenge; I did not realize how much I have worn myself out already. But I have to try! My hands sparkle with energy but quickly dissipate, like a wire shorting. No! C’mon! I can’t get a full breath and focus on the electrical energy around me to harness it, and my muscles twitch with exhaustion.

  “Stanley! Please don’t do this!” Emerald Blaze pleads with someone in front of her.

  I don’t know who she’s talking to because of where I’m standing; the metal beams block my view. Shifting slightly, I see a gangly man with long black hair through the space between the two beams. That must be Black Mold.

  The ground breaks apart at my feet then explodes, and dirt falls everywhere around me. I land hard on my back and look toward the sound of more explosions.

  About a block away, Digger and Iron Forge are currently fighting one on one. Digger creates dirt walls stories tall, trying to slow down Iron Forge, but it is not working. Iron Forge runs through every one of them like a tank. Digger can’t keep up with Iron Forge; his reflexes seem to be a lot slower than they were earlier.

  Iron Forge stops after destroying another wall, smirks at Digger and brings his hand in front of him. Liquid metal slowly flows upward from him and solidifies into a huge dagger. He shrinks slightly but launches his new creation at Digger.

  Digger dodges it at the last second.

  “Please, please think of my daughter!” Emerald Blaze screams, still trapped in a water prison with Black Mold in front of her. “It isn’t too late, Stanley. We can stop this together!”

  Black Mold shakes his head. “Why would I think of her? Why would I care about her? Or you, for that matter? You made your choice, Julia, long ago. It is too late.” He closes his eyes and cocks his head. He raises his hand with his palm facing Emerald Blaze and moves it in a circular motion.

  “No! Stan—” Emerald Blaze gurgles and violently struggles.

  What did he do? What’s going on? My eyes widen in alarm. Oh no.

  The water bubbles like it’s boiling, and steam rises. Emerald Blaze must be using her abilities to attempt to save her life.

  Black Mold glares at her and reaches to the side, palm facing upward. He closes it into a fist and swings it forward. A huge wave of water explodes from the same storm drain he pulled from earlier, and the water rushes back to the sphere.

  “Julia!” Digger screams, refocusing my attention to the other side of the street.

  Iron Forge’s arm protrudes from a compacted mound of mud, rocks, and clay almost as tall as the buildings. Digger runs in the direction of Emerald Blaze but stops when he sees me on the ground.

  Shivers along with the continued shakes prick my skin. I realize I’ve made a grave mistake by coming here.

  A huge metal spear explodes from the dirt mound and impales Digger through the back. With the force of the impact, Digger stumbles, but he regains his posture. He surveys his chest with wide eyes and touches the tip of the spear. He coughs, and blood splatters from his mouth.

  I don’t want to believe what I’m seeing is real.

  Digger sees me, sadness and remorse evident in his bright brown eyes. His arms fall to his sides, and he collapses to his knees, keeping eye contact with me. “Kid … get-t out … of here.”

  Iron Forge appears behind Digger and grabs the back of his outfit, lifting him into the air. Iron Forge forcefully rips out the spear through Digger’s back, and Digger screams in horrendous pain. The spear becomes liquid metal again and reabsorbs into Iron Forge’s hand. He grows a bit larger after doing so.

  I stare in disbelief at the amount of blood pouring from Digger’s chest.

  He eyes Emerald Blaze’s lifeless body while extending his hand toward her. His head falls forward, and the rest of his body goes limp.

  No! He can’t be dead!

  Iron Forge tosses him to the side like a ragdoll.

  The urge to
scream overwhelms me, but nothing comes out. It’s because of me this is happening! I distracted Digger from saving Emerald Blaze, and now they’re both dead! I should’ve listened to him and never came here! It’s all my fault! My heart takes off like a helicopter, and I cannot breathe. I try to stand, but I drop to the ground. I get overwhelmingly dizzy, and my vision fades in and out. Even so, I can discern a shadow looming over me. I look up to see Iron Forge grinning down at me, and a dagger forms from his hand. I’m next. He’s going to kill me.

  “No, Forge, not today. Our job here is done.” Black Mold walks beside Iron Forge, and we stare at each other; his gray eyes look at me coldly. They seem to be bloodshot, but the veins are black instead of red.

  The whirling in my head intensifies, and the world spins around me before everything goes black.

  Chapter 1


  Eliza purses her lips. “Ember, I know your stance on the university, but you really should reconsider. Your parents did graduate from there.”

  My attention stays focused outside the panoramic window, surveying Stalwarth from the dining room table, the same cityscape eight years ago I witnessed the beginning of the end for my parents. The deadline to apply for the fall semester at the University of Stalwarth is rapidly approaching, and instead of Eliza letting us eat dinner, she has to bring up the university once again. “If you know my stance on the school, why do you keep mentioning it?”

  “Because your parents would want you to go. They specifically set aside money in your trust for your education there. Plus, you’re so smart and talented, you should go!”

  “I don’t need to learn anything from that school, Eliza. I’m not going.”

  We glare at each other, both of us annoyed with the other.

  Eliza cocks an eyebrow. “Well, what do you plan on doing with your life then? Hm?”

  I stab at my meatloaf with my fork. “I … I don’t know.”

  “Honey, I know this is hard for you. You’ve not had an easy life. Your parents …” Eliza takes a deep breath. “Your parents were brave, fantastic people, Em. They knew and accepted the risks of their jobs. They wanted to contribute to society in the best way they knew how. For them, that was their abilities, and you.” A gentle tenderness teases her lips. “They loved you so much, and they knew you were capable of greatness.”

  I absolutely hate it when she pulls at my emotions like that and I stop the murder attempt on my meatloaf. A tear escapes down my face and drops on the red tablecloth, creating a dark red circle where it hit.

  Eliza watches me, her eyes tremble and I can tell she isn’t sure if she should continue. Unfortunately, she does. “They loved you more than you’ll ever know, honey. They were so proud of you and knew you would do great things with your abilities.”

  I grit my teeth. “I don’t want to be a Guardian.”

  Eliza’s eyes soften. “You don’t need to be a Guardian. You can learn whatever career you want to follow. Many options are out there for you. Your job now is to figure that out, and the University of Stalwarth will help you tremendously with that.” She closes her eyes and inhales sharply. When she opens them, she eyes her food and not me. “I know you’re set for life with the trust fund your parents set up for you, but you won’t get that for a few more years, not until you’re twenty-two. Right now, I’m your trustee.” With new determination, she stares at me firmly. “I know you though. You need to do something with your life, not for the money, but so your life is worthwhile.”

  I glance back out the window. She’s right. No way do I just want to live off my parents money and not contribute to the world in some way. The thought of attending that school knots my stomach though. “I don’t know, Eliza. Does it have to be the University of Stalwarth? How about another university?”

  “Yes, it does. It’s the greatest university in the country. I truly believe it’s the only place that will benefit you in the long run.”

  I sigh loudly. Eliza has always wanted the best for me, that’s why she stepped up to take care of me after my parents’ deaths, but there’s no way I can do this. “I truly don’t think the University of Stalwarth will help me figure out anything any other school couldn’t.”

  “You know what, Em? Maybe you’re right. Maybe it won’t!” Eliza’s honey-colored eyes burn with a new intensity. “But, this is what your parents wanted. Being your mom’s best friend, she told me about her hopes and dreams for you, and this was one of them.”

  “How about what I want? All I’ve ever wanted is Mom and Dad back.” I stare at a few new dark circles on the tablecloth.

  “I don’t mean to be so hard on you,” Eliza’s tone is softer. “Think about this though. Your parents’ legacy is all over that university since they graduated from there and taught.” Her face lights up with a new enthusiasm. “How about just one semester? If you absolutely still hate it by the end of the year, you can come home. At that point, we’ll try to figure out another option.”

  With hesitation, I ask, “What? Just one semester?”

  Eliza nods. “You owe it to your parents. And yourself, at least. Just … try.”

  I narrow my eyes. “I won’t try out for the Defender program.”

  Eliza smiles reassuringly. “That’s fine. You can just do some general studies. I know of a couple intro classes that may interest you.”

  My stomach tightens with worry. “You won’t give me a hard time if that’s all I do?”

  She chortles. “No. I promise I won’t.” Her face hardens. “I know the days of you wanting to be a Guardian are long over.”

  A wave of sadness engulfs me. When my parents were alive, I aspired to be a Guardian like them and trained intensely. But, after watching Black Mold murder my mother, I just couldn’t handle the thought of continuing that fruitless dream.

  “What do you say, Em?”

  My feelings haven’t changed. I still don’t want to go, even if Eliza made some good points. But, if I give her this one semester, she can’t say I didn’t try and might let me move on, right?

  My heart quivers. “Okay. I’ll do it. One semester.”

  I’m never going to leave my bed … I stare at the ceiling, lost in my nervous thoughts. Any moment now, Eliza will be taking me to the University of Stalwarth. Thinking of all the people, questions, and emotions I’ll have to deal with are going to drive me insane.

  I have the overwhelming feeling someone is staring at me. I eye my door to see Eliza standing there. I’d never realized how small she is compared to my doorframe. She’s barely over five feet tall, but most of the time I forget her size because of her huge personality. She’s wearing a white dress that goes a little past her knees that contrasts nicely against her skin’s shimmering gold color. Her straight and shiny shoulder-length black hair reminds me of an Egyptian goddess.

  A hint of a smile tugs on her lips. “It’s time to get going, Em.”

  “Wow! Eliza, you look really nice. You should go instead of me. You clearly know what you’re doing.”

  “Oh, hun, I’ve already been there and graduated beside your parents. Don’t you remember?” She chuckles.

  “Oh, yeah.”

  Silence creeps between us, and my heart grows even heavier.

  I scan all my stuff—photos of me with my parents, childhood stuffed animals, and my dresser covered in unused hair products. It’s almost too much for me to handle. This is the last moment in my room for a while. Tears form in my eyes, but I can’t allow myself to cry. If I cry, it’ll all be over. I won’t go.

  “Ember?” Eliza asks, sounding worried.

  I can’t let her know what I’m feeling right now. If we start discussing it, it’ll definitely be over, and that’s not an option for me right now. Staying true to my word, I face Eliza, forcing a smile. “I know, I know. We need to get going.”

  Eliza frowns. “Well, honey, I need to warn you about something.” She takes a deep breath. “The press is here. Somehow they learned you’re going to the university.”

  Oh, great. Now I really don’t want to leave my house. This seems like a great reason to latch onto to get Eliza to let me stay, but I must be strong. I must do this and just get it over with. After everything Eliza has done for me, I owe this to her. I roll my eyes to downplay my nerves. “Of course, they are.”

  “We just need to get you to the car, and once we get you to campus, you’ll be safe. Thank goodness they have a no-press policy there.”

  “I guess that’s the one good thing there,” my tone thick with sarcasm.

  “Yeah, and since we’ve done a good job for the last eight years of hiding your identity, no one should recognize you. So, you’ll blend in … for the weekend at least.”

  With a sigh, I stand and smooth out my emerald-colored dress. “Well, I guess getting dressed in anything besides my incognito clothes was just a waste.”

  Eliza shrugs. “Well, once you get on campus, change before you explore it. At least you’ll be more comfortable and feel a little more at ease.”

  My irritation with the press grows. Of course, they would somehow learn of my plans. They’re always hounding me, wanting to know what the daughter of two past great Guardians is up to. It’s been years since Eliza has let me read their articles, since mainly they just slam me for not being more forthcoming of my life plans.

  Like I even know what my life plans are.

  “Do you know where my hoodie and sunglasses are?” I unzip the side of my dress.

  “I think I saw them in your bag by the door. I’ll go get them for you.”

  I attempt a smile. “Thank you.”

  Sure enough, as I head out my front door, camera lights blind me, and shouting from the mob at the gate at the end of our driveway overwhelms me.

  Eliza walks in front of me and heads down the stairs toward her purple SUV with my bags in tow.

  I take a deep breath and follow Eliza. My heart pounds with every step. From the corner of my eye, I see the familiar cactus gardens my mom planted more than ten years ago. The memory of my mom, alive and covered in dirt, brings a much-needed smile to my face.


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