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Just for Now

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by Victoria Benson

  Just For Now


  Victoria Benson

  Just for Now

  Copyright © 2020 by Victoria Benson

  Cover photo credit: Canva © 2020

  All rights reserved: No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means without prior written permission from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction created solely by the author. All names, characters, personalities, places, incidents, and dialogue are of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons living or deceased is coincidental and not the intent of the author.



  to preview other books authored by Victoria Benson.

  Daughters of Boersen Series:

  Captured, Claimed, & Concealed

  Indie Songs

  Perfect Timing

  Reversed Roles

  Someone Else

  ISBN: eBook


  This book is dedicated to every young woman in the dating world… Don’t ever be afraid to choose the one person you know is right for you, or simply be courageous enough to wait, and choose yourself. If you have faith, God will make sure your decisions always work out best for you.

  Chapter 1

  “Who is that in the middle? I see Brody and of course Kieron, but who is that sleeping between them?” Ethan whispered curiously.

  I had my head completely buried under a pillow.

  “Oh, that’s just Evi,” his mother Sonja replied.

  “Evi Jordan?” he asked with a shocked and raised voice.

  “Shhh! Ethan, they’re sleeping. Don’t wake them up yet. I’ll have to feed them. I’d like to enjoy my quiet house for a little while longer. And, of course it’s Evi Jordan. Don’t be silly.”

  Sonja turned to walk back upstairs.

  Still whispering, Ethan called to her, “Mom? How long has she been spending the night over here?”

  “I guess since November. I’m not exactly sure. She and Kieron are just always here. Well, except when they sleep over at her house or at Kieron’s. We moms sort of share the cooking duties. Each of us had one child leave for college, and we magically adopted two in your places.”

  Ethan’s curiosity continued intensifying. “Who all knows about this?”

  “I guess everyone apart from you, but now you know too.” Sonja laughed at his shock and took a step up.

  “Mom, wait. Is she dating one of them?” Ethan asked trying to hide his concern.

  “Oh lord no Ethan! We’d never let them stay together if any of them were dating. Besides, you know Evi. If she’s not on the mountain or in front of a camera, she’s at church. She is the one girl I trust more than any other in the world.”

  “Wait, mom? Does Jarren know she does this?”

  “Ethan, for heaven’s sake, ask him yourself!” Sonja, finally done answering questions, turned and went to have her coffee.

  Ethan stood in the doorway staring at us for quite a while. He was completely unable to pull himself away from the scene.

  The clanging of pots and pans caught my attention first. Then, the smell of coffee and bacon sealed the deal. I was awake! Kieron and Brody were still sleeping on either side of me. I desperately wanted to mess with them, but I knew their paybacks would be far worse than any devious plans I could ever imagine. Therefore, I gently crawled on my elbows to Brody first.

  “Brody. Broooooodeeeee…” I extended his name in a singing tone. “Wake upeeeee.” I snickered because I thought I was so funny and clever. When he didn’t move, I rested my head on his pillow for a moment. I really wanted him awake because I wanted to eat and I wanted my coffee!

  Seeing that Brody wasn’t budging. I lifted my head and pretended like I was army crawling on my elbows over to Kieron this time.

  “Kieron,” I whispered quickly. Then, “Kierrrooooon…” in the same singing tone. I dropped my face to his pillow and giggled this time because I couldn’t think of anything that I could make rhyme with Kieron.

  Still on my stomach, braced up on my elbows, I looked back and forth at the two of them trying to figure out who was going to be easiest to wake up. I kicked my sleeping bag, that I had been dragging with me on the floor, off of my lower body. I sat up and leaned over on all fours. Then, after crawling back to Brody, I turned over, rested my head on the center of his back, and stared at the ceiling.

  “That’s not how you wake him up Evi,” a deep voice calmly mentioned.

  “Agh!” I screamed. As my body instinctively jumped up, I dug my elbows hard into Brody’s back.

  “Ugh!” Brody grouched. “What the hell Evi! Get off of me!”

  Ethan covered his mouth laughing and confirmed, “That’s how you wake him up!”

  I rolled over burying my face into Brody’s back. I was also laughing so hard I curled my knees to my chest as I pounded my fists into Brody’s back with each gasp for air.

  “Evi! Stop! What the heck is wrong with you? Are you having a nightmare or something?” Brody was not amused and made no attempt to change his comfortable position.

  I hugged him because I know he truly did not care at all about me lying across him. I looked over at Kieron and he was still asleep. Finally, I looked up at Ethan who was sitting on the couch just above our heads. I saw the most beautiful smile and blue eyes I’d had ever seen in my entire life looking down at me.

  Feeling humored about the first few minutes of my morning, with my mouth agape, I grinned at him and asked, “When did you get home, and how long have you been sitting there?”

  “The answer to both questions is about an hour ago and for an hour.” Ethan bulged his eyes at me. Then with a more serious expression he asked, “So how long have you been sleeping with my brother Evi?”

  “Don’t be gross Ethan, you should be ashamed of yourself for asking me that question.” I rolled my eyes, and smirked at him. “I don’t sleep with your brother. I sleep beside your brother!” Then I added defiantly, “And, all the time, for months. The three of us are hardly ever separated. When all of our brothers moved away last August, we just connected, and here we are.”

  Ethan’s glare turned into half smile, half smirk. He didn’t feel bad at all for the way he worded his question. He was trying to make a point, although I knew he wanted to assess my reaction. Perhaps he was judging my tone to see if there was any interest in Brody that he could detect.

  “Evi, sweetie, come on. Let me fix you some coffee. I know you and I know you are dying to have some right now. Leave these two losers here. Come with me.” Ethan offered me his hand and I took it.

  With his face buried in his pillow, Brody mumbled, “We’re not losers Ethan. We’re winners. You’re such a bully!” He then pretended to be crying under his blanket as he added, “And, take her. You can have her. She’s a bully too.”

  We all laughed, including Kieron this time.

  Leaving the basement, holding onto Ethan’s hand, I stepped on Brody’s back instead of over him.

  “Omph!” Brody’s air released. He yelled, “Evi! You are a bully! See Ethan, she is a bully!”

  “What a perfect way to start my Spring Break,” Ethan said, his amusement beaming.

  My face was beginning to hurt from laughing and smiling so much this morning. As we walked up the stairs, I didn’t immediately notice we were still holding hands. However, once our connection came to my attention, I wondered if he was noticing or not. Then, a slight squeeze and he complimented, “Nice commando crawl Evi. I’m very impressed.”

  “Commando?” I looked at him with a weird expression because my mind didn’t jump to military jargon. I thought of something more inappropriate.

sp; Reading my expression and my thoughts, Ethan yelled out another laugh. “Ha! Oh my gosh Evi! Not commando like you’re thinking. Commando, as in a trained soldier.”

  I was very embarrassed by the fact that I momentarily needed clarification. I covered my face with my free hand and said, “I think I’ve been hanging out with those two knuckleheads for too long! I’m sorry Ethan.”

  “Oh no, don’t apologize. I am seriously having so much fun today. I don’t think I’ve laughed this much… ever!”

  “Well, I’m glad I could be of service.”

  As we reached the top step and arrived in the kitchen, Ethan raised our hands in victory and said, “Captain Mom, we’ve made it. I have rescued this young innocent from her evil captors. She needs sustenance.”

  We finally released our hands and took a seat at the breakfast bar.

  “Oh, you’re such a hero Ethan.” Sonja sarcastically appeased his need for attention and we all scoffed. She then stepped from the room.

  I looked to Ethan and feeling bossy I asked, “Hey, I thought you were going to fix my coffee for me?”

  “Oh, yes. I did say that didn’t I?” Ethan jumped from his barstool to prepare my coffee.

  Once it was placed in front of me, I sipped. “Mmm, perfection. You should be a barista, not a soldier,” I said sounding impressed with his skills.

  Ethan winked at me, and I had to seriously concentrate on not dropping the hot mug in my hands. He wisely informed me, “I don’t think so sweetie, I could never handle the pressure of thousands of women needing their coffee first thing in the morning. That takes a special kind of hero.”

  I simply nodded with my eyebrows raised, then changed the subject. “So why didn’t you text me and tell me you were coming home?”

  He shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know. I was going to call you later, but now I’m so glad I didn’t warn you. Surprising you this way was much more entertaining.”

  I replied while attempting to flirt, “I’m glad your Spring Break is off to a good start, and I’m glad I get to be a part of it.”

  I was certain I could see a hint of interest from him, but being so young at the time, I looked away almost immediately. Ethan confidently turned our conversations casual and we continued our thorough enjoyment of the morning.

  Not long after Ethan and I got settled in the kitchen, Kieron and Brody joined us. My two dearest friends and I made our plans for the day, which were pretty much always the same. We’d ski. We’d eat. We’d hang out. We’d sleep. Then, we’d repeat.

  Chapter 2

  A light dusty snow had fallen so Ethan’s dad was out front clearing the driveway and sidewalks. The rest of us were all still in the kitchen enjoying our morning.

  Ethan was kind enough to give up his seat for Brody. He then moved to my other side and stood next to me. I turned my seat so I was facing Ethan as he rested his elbows on the counter. We continued our chat about things we both had been doing since he left for West Point. Looking back, I’m sure my crush on him was beginning to show even though I was genuinely trying to hide it.

  “Good morning babe!” a voice squealed from behind us.

  Surprised, we all jerked our attention toward the front door. Hannah had arrived. Ethan jumped back, putting distance between us as his girlfriend ran into his arms. My body froze while my mind strained to endure their kiss.

  I gaped and felt like I had just watched a train wreck. I turned my head in horror and locked eyes with Brody. Without a second’s hesitation, he grabbed my hand and pulled me fiercely off of my barstool, which banged into the edge of the counter. He and I were the only people in this house who knew how I felt about Ethan, and he was determined to hide my face and my feelings from everyone in the room.

  After pulling me off of the seat, Brody pressed my face into his chest and kissed me on top of my head. “Take a deep breath Evi. Be cool,” he whispered so protectively.

  With Hannah still in his arms, Ethan glanced quickly over at Brody embracing me. “You okay Ev?” he asked, leaning to the side looking around her back. “Brody, be careful,” he commanded.

  Brody released his hold on my head and intertwined our fingers. Without looking toward Ethan, I simply nodded a ‘yes’ response to him.

  “Come on Evi, let’s go back downstairs,” Brody instructed. He then said, “Kieron, Evi and I will clean up the basement. I’ll run her home to shower and get ready, and we’ll meet you back here in a couple of hours.”

  We both knew Kieron wouldn’t suspect anything because those instructions were pretty standard for us. Also, we were all in the process of winding down for the morning.

  As Brody pulled me toward the stairwell, I tortured myself by looking over my shoulder at Ethan and Hannah. He was focused on her and didn’t even notice I was still in the room. Brody tugged on my hand and when I looked at him, he said, “Don’t.”

  The embarrassment I felt was all consuming. When we got to the basement, I frantically began folding blankets and rolling up our sleeping bags. I carried linens to the closet. I threw socks, shoes, magazines, and anything else that lay haphazardly on the floor, into Brody’s room. I fluffed pillows on the couch. I scooted the coffee table back to its position. I placed the remote on the table where it belonged. Then, shaking, I looked for anything else that would keep me busy.

  Brody finally stopped me after all this. In such a big brother way he said, “Evi. You have to let it go. There is nothing you can do about him, or her.”

  In frustration I said to him, “This is all your fault Brody. Ethan would have never, ever been someone I would have fallen for if you would have never told me what he said about me. You know I have never gotten over you telling me that last year.”

  “I’m sorry. I had no idea at the time that he would go running back to Hannah. I thought he liked you. He said he liked you. He said he knew beyond a doubt that he was going to marry you someday! How the heck was I supposed to know that he was going to go back to her eight months later?”

  Brody stepped back from me and put his hands on his hips. “Evi, I was cheering for you for a long time. I even felt like this morning he still had feelings for you. Why else would he have sat down here staring at us for over an hour? I think he was really uncomfortable with you being here in between me and Kieron. But Evi, he and Hannah are going on over three years together. They don’t seem to be having any problems. Maybe you should think about getting over him. There are a lot of guys at school you could go out with.”

  “Huh!” I interjected. “None of those guys are going to like me hanging out with you and Kieron. None of them are going to like that I’m not the kind of girl who likes to, shall we say, have fun. I don’t think I want to date anyone.”

  I paused, took a deep breath, then added, “I like Ethan, but I really like me too. Oh, and I like you and Kieron. I can shut off my feelings for your brother. I had done that until this morning. I guess I’ll do it again now.” I was somber but trying to be convincing as well.

  “Come on Ev. Let’s get some fresh air. We’re sixteen. Who cares about dating? Shredding cords is all that really matters. Right?”

  My chin raised and I smiled. His warm, loving expression nudged me and I couldn’t help but follow Brody to the door where our coats and boots were all piled. We layered up and stepped outside into his snow covered back yard to soak up the view.

  My parents are both teachers, so we are just normal by financial standards. The Parker’s, however, are pretty well off. Their house is enormous, and their property is professionally landscaped and designed. It’s all like a scene from a movie. The back yard is sloped and there are tiers leading down to the edge of a wooded hillside. At the bottom of the hill is a boat dock and a beach that goes partially around a lake. The lake is crystal clear, and it is surrounded by the most beautiful blue, green and sometimes white mountains. I’m named after this lake. My name is Everclear Jordan, but everyone calls me Evi. The scenery here is picture perfect. This place is in our hometown of P
onderosa, Idaho.

  “So, are you done staring at your lake? Do you feel better Everclear?” Brody asked sweetly.

  “Yes, you can take me home now.”

  Chapter 3

  That crazy morning happened during Spring Break in early March of 2010. I was a junior in high school at the time. By then though, I had already been in love with Ethan Parker for a year and a half. I was honest with Brody, and I did my very best to ignore my feelings for Ethan, but he had been burned into my brain and into my heart when I was just fifteen years old. Perhaps going all the way back to the very beginning will be helpful.

  Most of the kids in Ponderosa had grown up together. My brother Jarren and I were late joining their circles because we didn’t move to little, mountain town until I was fifteen and he was seventeen. I thought it would be tough having to uproot our lives in high school, but my brother Jarren and I stuck together and we handled the changes just fine. Jarren was outgoing, smart, athletic, and handsome. It was no surprise that even though he was a senior, he fit right in and became immediate friends with the popular Ethan Parker before school even started.

  As for me, at fifteen, I didn’t make much of an effort to get to know many people. At our other school, I had kept to myself because I stayed very busy with sports. I didn’t plan on being any different at Ponderosa High. I did try out for the cheerleading squad and made the team. My parents strongly encouraged me to cheer so I would make friends faster. Having been a competitive gymnast most of my life, I didn’t mind trying cheerleading for a year. Also, with all of my years of tumbling experience, I had no problem making the Varsity team. I didn’t argue with my parents about cheering because I knew it would help me stay in shape and fill my schedule. I didn’t suppose I’d have much else to do until ski season started.

  Snow skiing is my truest love as far as sports are concerned. Our parents made sure Jarren and I were on the mountain before we could even walk. I’ve been a nationally ranked snow skier and have done a lot of modeling for big name ski gear companies.


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