Just for Now

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Just for Now Page 7

by Victoria Benson

  I loved my new life with my new friends, and I loved my new home. I was ready now for whatever this semester was going to bring.

  Chapter 9

  I realized I was young. I turned nineteen in October of 2011, but I was still always amazed at how life could deliver some of the most amazing, and sometimes interesting, surprises to you. It seems like you can make your plans, and be moving along perfectly in the current you have created for yourself, and out of nowhere, something completely unexpected will come crashing into your world.

  I mentioned at the beginning of this story that life changes in an instant. One moment, one single little moment is upon you, and it can change your entire world as you know it. There is another life-changing moment coming for me in my love story, and at that point, I still had no idea it is even on the horizon.

  Late January, on a typical Friday evening, my girl friends all all decided to go out. We were going to do it different though. We were giddy and excited. Byron was working the door at The Venue so we were ecstatic to go dancing for the night. We got dressed in our tight, ripped up jeans, slipped into our favorite tops, buckled on our favorite heels, styled our hair to perfection, and off we went, looking simply smashing.

  Before dancing, we went to dinner downtown. There was not going to be any cafeteria or deli food for us that night. We were going to have a nice dinner at an actual restaurant. So, we did!

  After our dinner date, we were ready to dance. As we were sharing stories, giggling, and squealing on our way to The Venue, a group of cadets from the Citadel was walking toward us. Two of the girls from my hall knew a few of the guys, so we stopped to chat with them for a while. None of us was in a hurry. We were all enjoying the evening. I was standing near the back of our group beside Piper. Since I didn’t know anyone, I waited patiently to continue our walk to the bar.

  In a sort of serendipitous way, I felt a pull on my attention to the group of cadets. I felt drawn to something. A voice was telling to me look up, so I did.

  Standing in the group was a guy who caught my attention. He was already looking at me, and perhaps that’s why suddenly I couldn’t help searching their faces. Maybe I felt his attraction to me. Once he saw that I had noticed him, he moved from his group directly to me and stood in front of me.

  “My name is Clark Ravenel. I’m from Atlanta, Georgia. I’m a first year cadet at the Citadel. What’s your name?” He didn’t hesitate. He wasn’t afraid. He was focused and warm. I gaped, then smiled. My heart first stopped, then started pounding. Here I was again, just trying to breathe.

  Before I told him my name, my mind scanned him from head to toe. He was in uniform. I have no idea which uniform. I just know they all have a purpose. This one was gray with a black banded collar and a black line down the center. He was wearing a hat. I had learned by now, being around friends who date cadets, that they have to wear their hats at all times when outside. He had very blonde hair and blue eyes that called me. He wasn’t very tall, perhaps five-eight or five-nine. This was the perfect height for me since I was wearing heels that night. Clark wasn’t overly muscular, but very fit and … and … just perfect. I seriously thought I was going to faint. No wonder girls around there were so silly for those guys. I got it. I finally understood.

  “Um… my name is Evi,” I said still focused on his eyes.

  “Her name is Everclear!” My sweet, funny roommate chimed in quickly.

  “Well, yes. It is Everclear Jordan. I’m from a tiny mountain town in Idaho. I was named after the lake in my hometown. It’s the most beautiful thing you may ever see.” Okay, I need to stop talking, I thought.

  It may seem like a cheesy thing to say, but staring directly in my eyes, Clark immediately and softly replied in a hypnotizing southern accent, “There’s no way a lake is the most beautiful thing I may ever see. That’s not even possible.”

  So this is what I’ve always heard about. All the country music songs in the world are about moments like that. I had just met a southern gentleman and holy cow, he swept me off my feet. It was real. That actually happens in this world. I felt like screaming with joy and dancing right there in the middle of the street. I felt like there should have been flashing neon signs in the shapes of arrows all pointing at him, at us, saying, “Here it is folks, the real thing! This is it! He’s here! He’s here!”

  Regardless of the excitement going on in my head, through much restraint, I took a deep breath and simply said in a soft tone while exhaling, “Clark, it is really, really nice to meet you.” His presence instantly healed every hurt I had.

  Clark offered me his left arm and asked if I’d like to walk with him for just a short while. He needed to be back on campus soon, but his friends said they would meet him at their car in twenty minutes. I told my friends I’d meet them at The Venue after our walk.

  “I only have twenty minutes to get to know as much about you as possible,” he said.

  I just smiled at him and responded, “You better start asking questions then and you better choose them wisely. If we are only ever going to have this twenty minutes together, I hope you make it count. I think I’ll work on getting to know you by the questions you ask me. That way, you can do most of the talking.” I just wanted to hear his voice. It was comforting.

  “Is there a possibility that you would someday give me another twenty minutes then?” he asked sweetly.

  “Let’s see how this first one goes before we start making wedding plans if that’s okay with you.” I replied in a flirtatious voice, rolling my eyes and regaining eye contact.

  That retort, caught him off guard. He was speechless for a split second. Then, he gave me a big, sweet smile and said, “Okay Everclear, you’re in charge of letting me know if we’re heading to the altar after this twenty minutes is up.”

  I laughed out loud and squeezed his arm.

  We walked and talked, but mostly watched the time. He was escorting me to meet my friends, but he still had to have time to get to the car for his ride back to campus. We talked about our families, where we grew up, and things we did back in our hometowns, like sports and church.

  I kept my hand hooked through his arm the entire time, and every now and again, I’d realize that I was holding onto him with both hands. We were never afraid to look directly at each other. I wasn’t scared. I wanted more time with him. He was the air I needed to breathe. My heart continued pounding with excitement.

  As we arrived at The Venue, Clark put my phone number in his phone, and I put his number in mine. He explained briefly the rules of making personal phone calls, but it all went in one ear and out the other… so many rules.

  I told him, “How ‘bout you call me whenever you want to hear my voice, and I promise to always answer when it’s you if I am able. If I don’t answer, leave me a message and tell me exactly when I can call you back and I will.”

  Gosh I was feeling bold. I thought to myself, I don’t even know this guy. What is wrong with me? Perhaps I should back off a little. I just met him twenty minutes ago.

  “Thanks for delivering me here safely,” I said to him. “Before you leave though, I want you to meet Byron. He’s my friend.” I opened the door and introduced Clark to Byron.

  “Byron, this is my new friend Clark. He’s going to make sure I’m safe.”

  “And happy,” Clark added looking me in the eyes.

  I’m sure I must have grinned ridiculously at him.

  “Nice to meet you Byron,” Clark said returning his eyes to me.

  Byron knew Clark wasn’t interested in going into the bar. He was in uniform, and besides that, he was clearly underage.

  Before he left, Clark turned to Byron and asked, “Byron, would you mind taking a picture of us?”

  “Sure man, be glad to.”

  Clark stood behind me and put his arm around my neck grasping my shoulder. I held onto his arm with both of my hands. He put his other arm around my waist. I leaned my head towards him and he slightly rested his cheek on my hair.

  “Got it,” Byron said.

  I squeezed Clark’s arm and gently hugged it just before he released me.

  “Thanks Evi. I need this.”

  Flattered, I asked, “Why do you need it?”

  “It gives me reason.”

  “Reason for what?”

  “Just reason… a reason to smile, work, get up, run faster, pray. Just reason.”

  “Then make sure you send it to me Clark. If our picture serves so many purposes, I may need it too.”

  “I will. See you soon Everclear. I’ll call you,” he said in a loving tone.

  Then, he left.

  I stood at the door watching Clark walk away. I was waiting to see if he would turn around, and of course he did. I smiled and waved.

  “Clark!” I suddenly yelled out. He stopped and turned toward me. I ran and jumped into his arms. He hugged me back so tightly.

  “Sorry ‘bout that. I don’t know what came over me,” I said as he put me down.

  With a sigh of relief and a laugh, he replied, “Don’t be sorry. I’m just glad you did it first!”

  I waved again and watched him until he went around a corner, not wanting him to leave.

  “Clark!” Once more I yelled.

  He came to me this time. “Evi, this isn’t going to be easy for us is it?”

  I shook my head. He hugged me. We smiled. He kissed my hand, but before I let him go, I said, “Maybe.” He knew what I was talking about. He winked at me and left.

  I went back to the door of The Venue and Byron immediately asked, “How long have you been seeing this guy? I didn’t know you were dating someone. I’ve never even seen you with a guy!”

  “Um, I guess we’ve been dating for oh… about twenty minutes.”

  “What! Not months? That guy looks at you like you are the only one in this world for him. You just met him twenty minutes ago?”

  I kissed Byron on the cheek and said, “I’m going to dance!” I took a few steps when Byron’s words “the only one” hit me right in the gut. I was motionless with my hand pressed to my abdomen.

  Piper was working her way over to me. “What’s wrong with you?” she asked.

  I had a quick flash of telling Ethan I deserved to be the only one for someone. I suddenly missed Ethan for the first time in months, or did I?

  “Evi, what’s up?” she asked again concerned.

  “I think, I really, really like Clark,” I stuttered.

  “Well I certainly hope so!” She screamed and laughed. “He’s perfect! He clearly wants you, and you haven’t dated anyone since last summer. It’s not like you’re unavailable Evi.” Our favorite song suddenly blared through the speakers. “Come on Evi, let’s go dance!”

  My friends and I danced and danced. We stayed at the bar until closing at two a.m. We went home, and I hoped to sleep at least until noon on Saturday.

  Clark went back to campus Friday evening and immediately put in a formal request for leave for all day Saturday. I’m guessing it nearly killed him to wait until nine in the morning to call me, certainly he was up long before that.

  Right at nine, my phone buzzed under my pillow. I knew it wasn’t family because they are all two time zones away and probably still asleep too. I was trying to figure out which friend it could be since we all were out together. They should have all still been asleep too. Slowly coming to my senses, yet very groggy, I checked the screen. It was Clark calling. I had promised him I would answer when he called if I was able, and I wasn’t going to break that promise. I didn’t want to break that promise. I was actually happy it was him.

  “Good morning!” I sang into the phone in a raspy voice. “You sure do sleep late on Saturdays,” I teased him.

  “Well I would have called much earlier, but I figured you’d still be sleeping after a long night of working out on the dance floor.” Clark joked back.

  “Noooo… Clark, not me. I’ve already gone on a five mile run and been to the gym. I’m not as lazy as you must think. What have you done today?”

  He was laughing because clearly I was lying. He replied,“Well I have already gone on a five mile run and been to the gym. I’m not sure if I should believe you or be worried that you may be lying to me already.”

  “I think you’d be safest to believe me then,” I told him snickering quietly since Piper was asleep, and I really didn’t want to wake her.

  “So I am guessing you are calling me this early because you have made big plans for us today. Am I right?”

  “Yes. How soon can you be ready?” he asked excitedly.

  “Please tell me you’re still at school Clark and not sitting downstairs at my dorm. If you’re still at school, I have at least thirty minutes before you can even get here to me.”

  “I’m at school. You never told me where you live.”

  “Whew! Thank heavens I had at least one moment of clarity after meeting you yesterday. I was smart enough not to lead a perfect stranger to my doorstep.”

  “Yes Evi, you followed your Kindergarten stranger danger lessons very well, except the phone number part.”

  I laughed at him.

  He suggested, “How about I pick you up at ten?”

  “Sounds perfect. Should I look like normal me or a slightly better version of me? I guess what I am asking is: are we going to be working out, or are we going to go on an actual date where I will be seen in public.”

  “You should be ready to be seen in public. No more workouts today since it seems that we both have already run five miles and been to the gym, right?”

  “You’re funny Clark. I like that you can keep up with my sense of humor. I’ll see you in an hour. I’ll try to make myself beautiful for you.” I droned dramatically.

  “You shouldn’t have to try too hard.”

  I gave him my address and room number since we can have boys in our dorm after nine a.m. I didn’t bother giving him directions because he knows the city better than I do. I got up quietly and went to the coffee shop in our lobby. I didn’t plan on eating, but I was going to have my coffee.

  I had an entire hour to get ready. That seemed like days. Being a tomboy, I could wrap my hair in a bun and throw on most anything and feel successful. So, having a whole hour to get ready was a breeze. I showered, then dried my hair. I figured I’d assess how frizzy it was after drying. Turns out it was pretty bad, so I had to straighten it. I decided to wear my hair down and parted in the middle like a hippy. Doing my hair took quite a chunk of my time, so I was only left with a few minutes to choose something to wear and put on makeup.

  It was late January, so we were in the few cold weeks of winter. I heard they usually only last until mid-February. Of course, South Carolina’s coldest weather wasn’t near what I was used to coming from the Northern Rockies. Back home, it was nothing for us to have ten or more inches of snow on the ground for months at a time. Not to mention all the times I had been skiing in below zero temperatures for hours on end.

  I decided to wear something warm but comfortable and still appropriate if we were to go out to lunch or dinner. I put on a pair of jeans with no holes in them, a pink, thick, fuzzy, off the shoulder sweater so I would look feminine and not boyish, and my comfy, furry boots.

  Clark texted me when he arrived outside my door. He was so polite and thoughtful. I was glad he didn’t knock. I had managed to not wake up Piper, and I didn’t feel like explaining where I was going and who I was going to be with at that time. I left her a note saying I’d be back later and I had my phone with me if she needed anything.

  I stepped out the door and closed it quietly behind me. As soon as I stepped out, I looked at him and probably had a surprised look on my face. He was in his uniform again.

  “Why are you in your uniform Clark?” I whispered.

  “I have to wear it if I am within ten miles of campus. I can’t change into civilian clothes downtown since I am a first year cadet. I can change into civilian clothes if I cross the bridge to Folly or the Isle of Palms bridge. I wasn’t s
ure how far we were going today, so I packed a bag just in case though.”

  “Ah, makes sense,” I nodded.

  We took the stairs to the first floor. He didn’t offer me his arm, we simply walked side by side. I was expecting a hug from him probably because that has become such a standard greeting for anyone these days, but I wasn’t going to instigate one. I didn’t mind any of this, it was like we had been together for years, and I think I loved him the way he was right then and there. My next, and most logical thought was there may be uniform rules that I don’t know about, so I’d let him do the leading on any types of affection. Well, with my one exception of course. Perhaps seeing someone who has uniform rules is the perfect way to start a friendship that has potential. I didn’t have to insult him by being myself and following my beliefs. Somehow though, I knew from the moment we met, that I could completely trust him. I wasn’t concerned about how he’d feel about my standards in relationships.

  Clark opened the door for me to get in his car. I stepped back before getting in. I couldn’t believe how nice his car was. If his family had enough money to buy him a brand new Lexus convertible coupe, why did he need to go to college at all, and why would he choose a military school. Why not enjoy a relaxed college experience? Anyway… I got in and anxiously awaited news of where we would be going.

  Clark didn’t drive towards downtown. He drove over the Cooper River Bridge to Mount Pleasant. There was a little diner there where we had a huge breakfast. Although I don’t normally eat breakfast, if I’ve been taken out, or one of our moms cooked, I ate!

  After brunch, we came back over the bridge into downtown. He drove us to the Battery and parked his car. Clark offered me his arm as we walked along the waterfront, and through the park for at least an hour. I held onto him with both hands as we talked about high school sports and our families. I talked about snow skiing and how I hate swimming in Idaho’s cold water. He’s a middle child and does plan on working for his dad when he graduates. The Citadel was his choice for college because he grew up always wanting to go to there. I had learned that that mindset was very common in the south. The big picture statement was, I loved being with him.


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