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Page 4

by Casie L. Williams

  “Here you go. Sorry. I can only carry one at a time. Have a great day.” He turned and left.

  Holding both the vases, I used my foot to close the door. “Two bouquets in the same day? Who from?” I wondered aloud, walking to the kitchen bar top. I sat them down. I checked out the card of the daisy bouquet.

  We are all so happy for you and Colin. Here's to an amazing life full of adventure, batting cages and minigolf. Love Layla, Dale, and the rest of the Screaming Eagle family.

  Looking at the daisies, again, I just smiled as tears obscured my vision.

  My parents may be gone, but I still have my family.

  I smelled them one last time before turning my attention to the rose bouquet.

  I do.

  That was it. Those two little words opened the floodgates, tears flowed freely as my smile stretched ear to ear. I was going to spend the rest of my life with my true soulmate.

  I spent the morning with Layla getting our hair done. Nothing too fancy, just something special. Soft beach waves, loosely tied back and held by a purple rose. The crisp fall breeze graced my arms and legs, leaving small goosebumps as Layla and I walked the steps to the courthouse. No fancy wedding in a packed church, just a simple JP wedding in front of Layla and Colin’s roommate Isaac with dinner at The Screaming Eagle.

  At least, that’s what I thought. I stopped, surprised and curious, when I saw Dale at the top of the stairs, talking to Colin and Isaac. Evidently Colin had asked Dale for permission to ask for my hand and thought Dale should be there when we promised our lives together—him being my only family.

  I walked straight into Dale's arms and whispered, “Thank you.”

  Dale hugged me back. “You’re my family too.”

  Dale wasn't much of a talker, but I always understood what he was saying.

  Isaac cleared his throat. “Guys. We probably should go in before y'all miss your appointment. Pretty sure that judge doesn't take kindly to people missing their appointments.”

  “Right,” I said, releasing Dale from my bear hug grip.

  “Thank you guys for being here. I know it means the world to us.” I smiled as I looked at each one.

  “Now don't start cryin’. You'll ruin your makeup before even saying ‘I do.’” Layla was handing me a tissue to dab at the tear, which threatened to spill over. I had never been happier.

  There was nothing lavish or exotic about the ceremony. In fact, it was done in less than twenty minutes, but I didn't care. I was officially Joleene Dawson, and those that meant the world to me were there.

  “Pictures,” Layla trilled, handing me the small bouquet of purple roses she had gotten me.

  “No, it's okay. We don't need pictures.” I knew Colin wasn't a big fan of being in pictures.

  “Yes. Pictures. We need this and I know you'll want to show our kids.” Colin grabbed my hand, leading me outside to the steps. “I know the perfect spot for our very first picture as husband and wife.”

  Layla, Dale, and Isaac followed, I'm sure snickering under their breath as Colin pulled me with so much enthusiasm. One would have thought he was a kid going to the amusement park. I’m not sure who was more excited. I just followed behind, smiling and laughing at his playful nature.

  Outside the courthouse was a modest fountain. Colin led us all to that spot.

  “Sit right here, my love, and Layla, will you take the picture?” He sat next to me, grasped my hands and gazed into my eyes. The world stood still. Then he reached over and gave me a soft kiss on my cheek, reminiscent of our first date.

  “What a perfect picture!” Layla broke into my little world. I blushed as I remembered we were not alone.

  “Okay. Picture of the ladies.” Colin beamed at me. Several shots later of me and Layla, and of the guys and even a few with Dale and me, I felt one was missing.

  I ran over to another couple who were walking by. “Would you mind taking a couple pictures of all of us please?” I asked, pointing to everyone by the fountain.

  “Sure,” they agreed and followed me over. They took several silly pictures and one special one.

  “Thank you,” we said as the other couple gave me back my phone and went about their day.

  “Well, that was fun, but I'm starvin’. I'm so hungry, I could eat the north end of a south-bound goat.” Dale was always so eloquent.

  “Yeah, me too, dude. What's for food?” Isaac asked no one in particular.

  “We ordered some pizza to be delivered to the bar. Let's go. They should be there soon.” Holding Colin's hand, we headed towards his Jeep.

  “Isaac, do you mind hitchin’ a ride with Layla or Dale? Kinda would like to be alone with my bride.” Colin grinned at me.

  “Sure. Figured I'd ride with someone. Layla, would you mind?”

  “Sure. So we'll meet you two there,” she said, winking at Colin and I, “but don't take all night please.”

  I just rolled my eyes and followed everyone to the parking lot. I gave Layla, Dale, and Isaac a hug before hopping into Colin’s Jeep.

  The Screaming Eagle wasn't too far from the courthouse, so we decided to stop at our favorite park to just walk. As we walked, our fingers entwined, I couldn't help smiling.

  “Why are you so happy, Mrs. Dawson?” he quipped with a twinkle in his eye, bringing my hand up to lightly kiss it.

  “I love these walks. I love being here with you. I love being called ‘Mrs. Dawson’. I love you.”

  He squeezed my hand and pulled me to him and held me in his arms. I could have stayed there forever.

  We continued walking, talking about this and that. And before long, Colin simply stated, “I guess we best be going. Isaac will probably eat Dale out of all of the pretzels.” It was clear in his voice it was the last thing he wanted.

  I knew how he felt because I felt the same, saying, “Yeah, we should get going, but we can always come back after food.” I was still smiling.

  We turned back to the Jeep and made our way to The Screaming Eagle. “I just realized I'm quite hungry myself. Hope those pizzas are ready.” Colin grinned as he pulled into the parking lot.

  He opened my door and grabbed hold of me for one final embrace without onlookers.

  “I love you, Joleene Dawson.”

  “I love you, Colin.”

  And with that, we walked into a surprise. Layla and Dale had decorated the inside of the bar, set up a buffet, and had eighties music playing on the jukebox. There was even a banner.

  Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Dawson

  There were some purple roses and carnations and faces on the tables and green balloons floating around.

  “What is all this?” The tears came without warning at the amazing gesture our friends had prepared.

  “We couldn't let you guys not have a reception. So we put one together. I know it's not much, but y'all didn't give us much planning time.” Layla and Dale winked.

  The bar was still open for regular business, so the few patrons clapped and raised their glasses. Some shouted congrats. Colin walked over to Dale to shake his hand and Dale gave him the ‘man hug’, clapping him on the back.

  Layla came over and hugged me tightly through muffled thank you’s which resulted in laughing with tears streaming down our faces.

  Behind her, though, I don’t think Colin and Dale realized I was paying attention or in hearing distance because Colin said, “Thank you. I know this means the world to her,”

  “’tis the least I can do. Oh, and here's something for you to open later.” I watched Dale trying to be covert as he handed Colin an envelope, which Colin slipped in his back pocket with a smile and a nod before turning and approaching me and Layla.

  “Mind if I hug the maid of honor?” Colin cleared his throat and handed us each a handkerchief.

  “Yes, of course. I should go say thank you to Dale anyways.” I let her go and gave Colin a quick kiss before heading over to Dale. I decided not to ask about the envelope. Surely, Colin would clue me in later.

e closer I got to him, the more tears that threatened to spill over and obscure my vision. “How can I thank you?” was all I could say. He stood up and wrapped me in a brotherly hug and the floodgates busted open.

  “Now, stop that blubberin’. I can't have my sister lookin’ all teary eyed and makeup ruined on her wedding day.” That only made the tears fall harder. It was the first time he called me his sister. I always knew I was like family to him, but today he voiced it. I couldn't have been happier.

  “Okay. Enough with hugs and mushy stuff. Let's eat.” Isaac broke through my tears with his boisterous levity.

  “Yes, let's eat and celebrate.” Colin walked over to Isaac, clapping him on the back.

  In turn we grabbed plates and food and sat at one of the larger tables clearly set up for us. We ate, laughed, and talked. Dale gave a little brotherly speech hinting that if Colin broke my heart, no one would find the body. Layla tried to give a speech, but for once was speechless.

  Colin stood up. “Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. You all mean so much to us. And I know I can speak for both of us, just this once”—he winked—“we are truly grateful and love you all.”

  Everyone held up glasses. “Here, here!”

  “Cheers,” and the clinking of glasses responded. The night continued with small talk, laughter, and celebration.

  Colin stole me away from some patrons who were talking my ear off and pulled me to an empty spot by the jukebox and chose “Bed Of Roses”.

  He pulled me close and began swaying as Jon Bon Jovi’s sultry voice could be heard over the bar noise.

  I'm not sure if someone put the song on repeat or if time just slowed in his arms. I laid my head on his chest. I so didn't care. I was happy.

  Chapter 12

  Life was bliss to say the least. Colin moved into my simple one-bedroom apartment and we began navigating the new terrain of living together as well as husband and wife.

  Then the dreaded day we tried to ignore came: November 10th. Deployment orders. We knew eventually they would come, but still, it was a jolt back to reality when they finally did.

  The knowing of when they’d head out didn't make it easier to accept. In fact, things got a bit frantic as holiday season was coming up. So certain places on posts would have limited hours until after the new year, then it would be a mad house trying to fit everyone in for the various logistical things all soldiers had to deal with prior to deployment: POA—power of attorney— forms, wills, bills, vehicles, and who knows what else.

  “This is why I love you.” Colin grinned as I listed everything we needed to get done before the February 10th deployment window.

  “This is the only, only reason you love me, cuz I need to organize things in order for me to not stress over what needs to be done. Really?” I was mockingly scolding.

  “Okay. Part of the reason I love you.” He winked at me.

  “What can I say? I like to feel in control as much as I can.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  Over the weeks leading up to Christmas, we tried to deal with as many of the items as possible so we wouldn't be rushed like everyone else.

  Thanksgiving was spent with Dale and Layla at the bar. We went to Colin’s company Christmas party, but left as soon as we could to go to our favorite park. Our walks were the best. No matter the frigid temps, those moments were warm and perfect.

  And before I realized it, December 21st was only a couple of days away and it dawned on me Colin's birthday was that day. Layla and I were planning on Christmas shopping later that afternoon. So I decided to go birthday shopping then too.

  But what do I get him?

  I had been trying to think of what to get him for Christmas for days as it was. But nothing came to mind. I didn't want to get him only things he needed for deployment. I wanted to get him something from the heart. I continued picking up around the apartment before heading to get Layla.

  Damn, I still have no clue. Maybe Layla can help, I thought as I closed and locked the door.

  “Girl. We have been all over this mall. What are you looking for?” Layla plopped herself on the chair in one of the seating areas at Opry Mills Mall. She was clearly exasperated by me dragging her through the mall. We hadn't really visited many stores, maybe three or four.

  We really had been walking the halls of the mall. She would point to one and say, “What about checking out this store? Or what about here? Or maybe here?” Most of the time, I barely glanced and shook my head. How could I not know what to get my husband? Not only for Christmas but his birthday too.

  “I don't know. Something that shows I put some thought into it. I don't want his first birthday with me or our first Christmas together to seem to have no real significance.” I sighed as I slumped into the chair next to her and dropped my head into my hands, mumbling the last few words. “I want this to be special.”

  “Well, I got nothing for ya. If I had an idea, maybe, but without some input I'm tapped, girl.”

  I just sat there with my head in my hands, hunched over my knees. What am I going to do? I've got like two days ‘til his birthday and then three more to be ready for Christmas.

  “Come on. We'll walk through again.” Layla had stood up and was kicking my foot while picking up her found treasures.

  “No, I know you're tired. Let's just go. Maybe I can get some hints from him tomorrow after he gets home.”

  “Where is he tonight?”

  “Twenty-four-hour duty. So he'll be home sometime mid-morning. I can ask him then.”

  We started on our way back through the craziness of other mall patrons, weaving this way and that trying to avoid getting bumped into by those not paying attention. I twisted to avoid someone who was simply plowing through with little care of others and something caught my eye: black dog tags from Things Remembered.

  I grabbed Layla's arm. “We're going in here.” I made a beeline for the display. “This is perfect. I’ll get this. And by post there's a little kiosk that can scan a picture onto a silver one. This is perfect!” I was so excited. I found one of Collin's presents. We found a clerk who ordered the dog tags.

  “Hey, I know which picture you should use. The one I took at the fountain. That's a great one.”

  “Yeah. Perfect. I'll order it tomorrow while Colin is sleeping. Now to find his birthday gift.”

  We continued walking through the throng of shoppers. I was reenergized. I had ordered his Christmas present, plus a few extras for fun, but now I needed something for his birthday. Nothing else caught my eye before we left the mall. We stopped to grab some dinner before heading back. What had begun as a near panic trip had turned around. I had a plan for the next day. I hoped I would figure out something tomorrow. I dropped Layla off and called Colin to let him know I was home.

  “Hey, love. How's the night been?”

  “Fairly quiet. Most of the guys are getting ready for leave or have already left. It's nice, but it makes me miss you more.”

  I smiled as if he could see me. “I love you and miss you too.”

  “Hey babe, can you add some notebooks to my packing list?”

  “Sure. Why?”

  “I use them for journals, and I finished my last one just before the wedding.”

  “You kept a journal?”

  “Yep. I know. Kind of corny or girly, but sometimes I like to go back and remember events. So could you add that to my packing list? I need a new one before I leave.”

  “Sure. I’m writing it down right now.” Secretly my mind was turning.

  Journal. Perfect. I know of a place that has a black, soft leather journal. Maybe I could get it personalized or something,

  “Babe. Did you hear me?”

  “What? Oh, sorry. Something caught my attention out at the window. What'd you say?”

  “Just I love you. I gotta go make my rounds.”

  “I love you too, night. See you in the morning.”

  “Sweet dreams, my love.”


  I had my
plan. After Colin got home and went to bed, I would head out to get the second dog tag and the journal.


  December 21st finally came. I had planned for us to go to O'Charley's for dinner. Of course, it being December, we couldn't sit out on the patio, but we still loved the place. I had his journal wrapped and safely hidden in my purse. I was so excited.

  I had missed wishing him a happy birthday before he left that morning. So I was surprised when he came home expecting us to stay in.

  “Why are we going out? It's not a special date I forgot, is it?” He seemed not quite panicky, but definitely on the nervous side.

  “Well, of course it's a special day, silly. It's your birthday!” I was grinning at him as I walked up to him and gave him a big hug.

  “Oh, that's okay, hun. We don't have to do anything special. I usually don't celebrate my birthday because it's so close to Christmas.” He kissed me on my forehead.

  “That’s absurd. This is your special day and deserves some celebration! Go change. Unless you'd prefer to go in your fatigues.” I raised an eyebrow to show he could not change my mind.

  “Okay! Okay. I'll change. Give me 10 minutes.”

  “Deal,” I said, bouncing on my tiptoes, giving him a peck and grinning.

  A while later, Colin sat back in his side of the booth with a smile that stretched ear to ear. He was happy.

  “I honestly can't remember the last time I did anything for my birthday. Thank you.”

  “Well, that's a shame, but I'm glad I'm the one to show you how special you are and worth celebrating.” I gave him a wink.

  His head dropped as his signature crooked grin poked through. He shook his head. “You remembered.”

  “Of course! ‘The first person to show me how a lady should be treated.’ How could I forget?!”

  Right then, I reached into my purse and pulled out a metallic blue package and handed it to him. The look of surprise really drove home to me how little he expected of his birthday.


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