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Page 8

by Brenda Trim

  A loud rap to the door was followed by a gruff voice. “Liv, open up,” Lawson barked.

  Liv released the breath trapped in her throat. She rushed to the door, unlocking it. Lawson opened the door and stepped inside before Liv slammed and locked the door behind him.

  “What the hell’s going on? Why did you lock me out, and why are you holding that poker?” he asked and Liv tossed the metal stick aside then threw her arms around his neck, squeezing him tight. “Babe, you’re trembling. What happened?”

  Liv grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the fireplace, telling Lawson about their run-in with the wolf. As soon as she finished her long-winded story, she sputtered, “So, you think it was Ryan?”

  Lawson scrubbed his jaw. He was in desperate need of a shave, but she found his rough look incredibly appealing. “From your description, I’d say yes, but unless I see it firsthand, it’s hard to be certain,” he replied and met Liv’s gaze. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine now,” she replied with a tilted smile.

  Truthfully, she was shaken to her core, but she didn’t want him to know that bit of information. He was a shifter, and the last thing she wanted Lawson to think was that she feared his kind.

  “Hey, what about me over here? I’m the one who was mangled by your brother, the man I’ve been bumping pink parts with for the past few months,” Cassie interjected as she pulled the cover from her leg to show Lawson her wound.

  “Trust me, Cassie. That’s just a scratch. If it was Ryan, he held back so as not to hurt you. He could’ve ripped your leg from your body if he wanted,” he explained.

  “So, I take it you didn’t see him when you went to the lake,” Liv assumed and pursed her lips. This wasn’t as easy as she hoped it would be.

  Lawson shook his head and replied, “No, which makes me think it was him tonight at the cabin. I’m going to go outside, and look around to see if I can find anything. Will you be okay?”

  “Are you kidding?” Cassie blurted. “Liv is a total badass. You should’ve seen her wielding that knife,” she recounted and hacked the air like it was her enemy.

  Lawson cocked a brow at Liv. “Is that so?”

  “Don’t listen to her. She’s drunk,” Liv said with a laugh as she watched Cassie take another long drink straight from the bottle.

  “I see that. Decided glasses were a waste of time?” Lawson teased and reached for Liv’s hand. “I don’t think you give yourself enough credit, Sunshine. I saw how you reacted against Ryan at the lake. Your instincts are spot on. You’re braver than you realize,” he declared, and she smiled wide at hearing his praise. She had no idea he saw her as brave, and it felt good. She wanted him to be proud of her.

  “Okay, you do your thing, and I’ll get Tipsy to her bedroom,” Liv announced and got to her feet.

  Lawson tugged her to his chest and leaned down, placing his lips to her ear. “Keep the bed warm,” he whispered.

  “Mmm, deal,” she replied then offered a helping hand to Cassie. “Come on, Wine-o, let’s get you to bed.”

  “Thank God I’ve been drinking,” she said and grabbed the near-empty bottle of wine and guzzled what was left. “I hope I pass out because my room is right beside yours, and I really don’t want to hear you two jerkin’ and twerkin’ all night,” Cassie muttered as she stumbled down the hall.

  Liv locked eyes with Lawson, and he smirked. Yeah, she hoped Cassie passed out soon, too. Her nerves were frayed after the altercation with the wolf, and now her need was at an all-time high.

  “All night sounds good to me,” she muttered then kissed him like she meant it.

  Chapter Nine

  Lawson groaned and rolled over, reaching for his ringing cell phone. He squinted at the screen, still half asleep. It was his source, Jeff Joyner. Lawson hit the accept button, curious why the male was calling so early.

  “Hey, bro. What’s up?” Lawson croaked. His raspy voice woke Liv and she scooched toward him, snuggling closer.

  “Yo, sorry to bother you at this hour but I’m about to hop on a plane to California. My mom isn’t doing well, so I figured I better visit while I can,” Jeff relayed.

  It was difficult to determine the male’s emotions over the phone, but if he was as close as Lawson was to his mom, the male must be going through hell right now.

  “I hate to hear that. I hope she gets better. Go and do what you need to do. Family comes first. Let me know if there’s anything you need,” Lawson muttered as he played with Liv’s long, silky strands.

  “I appreciate that. By the way, there’s something else you should know. I went to PRL yesterday and, there’s a lot of activity going on out there. That facility, and the one in Jackson have also added more security. I’m certain something’s going down,” the male informed him.

  PRL was the laboratory Lawson was held captive for three years, and the mention of the hellhole had his gut twisting.

  “Alright, thanks. I truly appreciate all your hard work. We’ll talk when you get back,” Lawson replied then ended the call.

  He immediately did a double-take when he saw the time flash across his screen. It was already nine a.m. He hoped to be at the lake by this time, searching for Ryan. He glanced out the window and noted the rain. No wonder he overslept. He could lay in bed all day and listen to the pitter-patter on the roof. Not to mention, the female cuddled by his side. She wore his ass out with an all-night fuck-a-thon. He wasn’t complaining. In fact, between the soothing sound of rain and Liv’s naked body pressed against his, the stiff rod between his legs was ready to go again.

  He leaned down and kissed Liv’s forehead, and she moaned. “Everything okay?” she asked without opening her eyes.

  She was incredibly beautiful first thing in the morning. Messy hair, no makeup, and completely nude. Lawson could stare at her for hours, and his body was ready for a whole lot more.

  “That was J. He said PRL was busy when he stopped by. He suspects there are shifters there, and in Jackson. I think I might check it out since it’s not far from here,” Lawson admitted as he caressed her back, relishing the feel of her supple skin.

  Liv’s eyes popped open, and she blurted, “No, Lawson. Don’t go back there. The place is filled with horrible memories for you. Can’t someone else do it?” she implored.

  “Sunshine, I have to go, but I won’t do it alone. I’ll call Knox and have him send backup. It’s so close to here…hell, Slate and Blade might be there. I owe it to Henry and Annette, if nothing else,” he shared as he gazed into concerned green eyes.

  “What about Ryan?” she asked as she propped her elbow and rested her chin on her hand.

  “Oh, I haven’t given up. I’ll hit the lake again as soon as I’m done at PRL,” he replied and reached to stroke her cheek and jaw. When his hand dipped lower and brushed across her neck, Liv moaned. Unable to resist, his fingers traveled further, skimming the outer edge of her breast.

  “That tickles,” she giggled as she pushed his hand away with her arm. “Would you like me to come with you?”

  “No, I thought I could drop you and Cassie off at your mom’s. I’ll get in and out much quicker without you slowpoke humans,” he teased then dug his fingers in her ribs, tickling her side.

  “Ahh, you know I hate that,” she sputtered as she laughed aloud, beating her fist against his chest. The sight of her breasts bouncing obliterated his last ounce of restraint.

  “Ouch, you’re hurting me,” he mocked then pushed Liv with his body weight and laid on top of her, forcing her legs apart. “You’re gonna get it now,” he warned.

  His cock sprung to life the moment it touched her heated core. He grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head. Lawson held her in place as he scooted to his knees, and Liv wrapped her legs around his waist. It gave him direct access to her firm ass.

  “Have you ever been spanked, Sunshine?” he husked as his free hand roamed her curvy backside.

  Her eyes widened. “Umm,
no. I’m not into kinky shit,” she confessed on a pant as Lawson lifted his hand and smacked her butt. Not hard, just enough to sting.

  Liv yelped, but he could tell it wasn’t from pain. Her eyes flared, and Lawson rocked his hips, teasing her entrance with the tip of his cock.

  “Oh, my,” she gasped. “Remind me to be bad more often. Now, stop playing around and give me what I need,” she demanded and ground against his shaft.

  Lawson popped her ass again, a little harder. “Naughty girl. How about I give you what you deserve instead,” he declared as he thrust inside the place he could only describe as u-fucking-topia.

  Lawson sat behind the wheel of the Jeep, watching the entrance to PRL. He was parked at the far corner of the lot but had a clear view of any comings or goings. He glanced at his cell phone again. Devin should arrive any minute, he thought. They could scope out the place together. He sighed at the thought. It should be Ryan by his side doing this. They were a great team when it came to breaking and entering. Another reason Lawson needed to find his brother.

  He scanned the parking lot again but didn’t see any vehicles that caught his attention. Not that he was looking for anything in particular, but he presumed whoever was in charge drove an expensive car. From his experience, humans with power loved to flaunt their wealth, and owning an over-priced vehicle did just that.

  He thought about Jim Jensen and all the shit he put Lawson through for three pain filled years. He prayed they didn’t discover shifters inside because, if there were any, he knew what was being done to them. To say he was treated like an animal while in captivity was an understatement, and he wouldn’t wish that on his worst enemy.

  Lawson pushed aside those thoughts when a familiar van pulled into the parking lot and drove his way. He could see Devin behind the wheel of what was dubbed their company vehicle. They gutted the interior of the van to make it easier to transport shifters they rescued. More times than not, they found them battered and abused, and laying them in the open space was more comfortable for the long ride back to the hotel.

  Devin parked and jumped out of the van. He opened the passenger door of the Jeep and crawled inside. “What up, A?” he said and smiled.

  Lawson smiled at the term. A stood for Alpha, and Devin used the term with high regard. He liked the male a lot. He was honest, hard-working, and trustworthy. Couldn’t ask for more when it came to pack members.

  “Not much. Thank you for coming,” Lawson responded.

  “Don’t mention it. Were you able to take care of the family matter in Dunlap?” the shifter asked.

  Lawson hadn’t given anyone but his sisters the details regarding Ryan, and he felt it best to keep that between his family. “Still working on it, but I got a call about this place and figured it took precedence. Are all the supplies in the van?”

  “Yep, it’s locked and loaded. So, you won’t be coming back to Safe Haven when we’re done here?” Devin inquired.

  “Probably not. Why?” Lawson asked and met his gaze.

  “It’s probably nothing to be concerned about,” Devin replied, but Lawson could see the male was holding back.

  “What’s going on? Is everything okay at the hotel? Is it my sisters?” he demanded.

  “No, nothing like that. Your sisters are fine. It’s Tyler,” he divulged, and Lawson immediately understood. Tyler was pissed Lawson left Knox in charge, and he could imagine the male acting out about it.

  “Is he giving Knox a hard time?” Lawson asked.

  “No, not exactly. It’s more than that. Tyler’s up to something. He’s on his phone a lot which makes no sense. He claims he has no family, so who the hell is he talking to all the time? I asked him about it, but he blew me off. Told me it wasn’t any of my business. Look, I’m not trying to stir the pot. Just wanted you to know,” Devin explained

  “I know you’re not starting shit. Truth is, I’ve got my doubts regarding Tyler. I have a feeling he may be looking for another pack. Maybe that’s why he’s been on his phone. And, it won’t hurt my feelings if he…” Lawson trailed off as a Mercedes Benz pulled into the lot, drawing his attention.

  The vehicle parked in the middle of the lot which was odd, given there were several available spots near the front of the building. He grabbed his cell phone and typed the number of the license plate in his notes app. He’d have Jeff run it through his system and see what it revealed. He glanced back to the car and spotted a male sitting inside, and Lawson wondered why he wasn’t getting out of the vehicle.

  Then, another car pulled into the lot. It was a red Jag, and Lawson could see a female was driving. She pulled beside the Mercedes and parked.

  The male hopped out of his vehicle and rushed to the driver side of the Jag, opening the door for the female. He offered his hand, and she stepped out then wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him.

  It was a heated exchange. The male grabbed her ass and the female hooked a leg around the male’s hip. When the male pushed her against the side of her sports car, Lawson thought he might fuck her right there in broad daylight.

  “Damn. Wonder if she’s got a friend,” Devin muttered, and Lawson chuckled.

  He switched his phone to camera mode and snapped a few pictures when the couple disentangled. He then typed a quick text and attached the photos.

  “Who you sending those to?” Devin inquired as they watched the couple head toward the building. Lawson didn’t miss that the public display of affection stopped when they reached the entrance.

  His phone beeped, and he looked at the text. “I sent them to Liv. Wanted to see if she recognized them. She worked here for several years and might know them,” he explained as he read her reply. “She says she doesn’t know the guy, but that the woman is Jim Jensen’s wife,” he added.

  Interesting. She was awful cozy for a married female. Not that Lawson gave a fuck if she had been cheating on Jensen. He was a slimeball that probably strayed every chance he got when he was alive. And, it didn’t if the female was willing or not, Lawson thought, as he recalled Jensen forcing himself on a struggling Liv. Thank fuck he got there before the piece of shit raped her.

  Lawson shook off the horrid memories before his wolf got pissed and wanted blood. He needed to focus. What was the female’s connection to PRL, and who was the male with her? He’d never seen either one of them the entire time he was held prisoner.

  “So, what’s the plan, boss?” Devin inquired when the two disappeared inside the building.

  “Let’s wait just a few minutes and see if they come back out. We might follow them to see where they go. I have a suspicion he is running the show now,” Lawson replied as he documented the female’s license plate just in case.

  Suddenly, the glass door to the building swung wide and the couple exited, along with, three guards right behind them. Lawson recognized two of the males and gripped the steering wheel as rage filled his system. He recalled how they enjoyed their sick version of a shower, hosing him down while he stood naked against a concrete wall. What he wouldn’t give to snap their scrawny necks.

  The small group of males climbed inside an SUV, and the couple hopped into the male’s Mercedes then the two vehicles drove off the lot.

  “Want to follow them?” Devin asked and looked to Lawson.

  “Nope. We’re going in. They’re probably going to lunch. We won’t get a better opportunity than this,” Lawson informed Devin as he opened the driver door of the Jeep.

  They walked to the side of the van and opened the door. “Get as many weapons as you can carry. This isn’t a sneak in and be super quiet mission. We’re going in guns blazing. Our goal isn’t to kill unless we have no choice. I use gunfire to scare the staff, and it usually works. I know the layout of this place so it shouldn’t be too difficult. Just follow my lead and watch my back,” Lawson instructed as he secured his weaponry then grabbed two ski masks, handing one of them to Devin.

  “Got it, A. Let’s do this,” Devin replied and pulled the mask over his head. La
wson nodded and they stalked toward the building.

  Lawson took several deep breaths as he approached the entrance. He hadn’t been back to Primary Research Laboratory since he found his father, in wolf form, strapped to a table. Every drop of blood was drained into a container by the table. The image was forever branded on his brain. He swore he’d never step foot in the building again, but he couldn’t turn his back on his kind. If the Packard’s sons were inside, he would stop at nothing to rescue them. Even if he had to kill every last human that got in his fucking way.

  Chapter Ten

  Lawson barged through the front door of PRL and walked straight to the security desk and pulled out his gun, pointing it at the male’s face.

  “Get down on the floor, face first, and put your hands behind your head,” he barked.

  The security guard eyed him warily but didn’t move. Lawson didn’t recognize the male, but he admitted he had some balls.

  “Now!” Lawson shouted then punched the male in the face.

  His fist connected and blood spurt from the male’s lip when it split open. The human didn’t waste any time after that. He dropped to his knees and laid down, clasping his hands behind his neck. Lawson grabbed several pieces of rope from his jacket and proceeded to tie the male’s hands and ankles. Stuffing a rag in the male’s mouth, Lawson searched his body until he located the access card he needed for the holding cells. Next, he grabbed the key ring attached to the male’s belt loop then lifted him onto the chair behind the desk and used more rope to secure him.

  “Let’s get all the staff members together,” Lawson ordered, and he and Devin rushed to the main hallway.

  They checked each lab and Lawson was surprised so many of the rooms were empty. It seemed Primary Research Lab had downsized and he wondered the reason. Was this because Jim was no longer in charge? Had word leaked about what was happening in these facilities and those other scientists, like Liv, left because of what was being done to shifters in this organization?


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