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Page 11

by Brenda Trim

  “We’ll be fine. We’re in this together, right?” Lawson asked and leaned over, placing a tender kiss to her lips.

  Liv sighed and gave herself to the kiss. Lawson had a way of soothing her anxiety and making everything right.

  A throat clearing made Liv jump. She jerked her head to see Bart standing in the open doorway, holding two glasses of iced tea. She quickly sat back and wiped her mouth as she felt her cheeks redden. It would’ve been embarrassing for Patricia to walk in, but it was downright mortifying to see the disdain on Bart’s face.

  “Hi, Bart. How are you?” she asked and stood to greet him.

  “I’m doing well. And you?” Bart inquired as he walked over and set the crystal goblets in front of her and Lawson before giving her a brief hug.

  The strain in their relationship seemed to be growing instead of lessening, and she hated it. She missed her friend.

  “Oh, can’t complain, I guess. I’ve made lots of progress at S&K. You should come by so I can update you,” she offered with a smile, hoping their partnership would bridge some of the gap.

  “I’ll see what I can do. Lawson,” Bart said with a nod as he glared at Lawson. Yeah, no love lost between those two.

  “Hello, Bart. So, why exactly did you ask us here? It looks like you’ve got a lot going on, given the crowd on your front lawn,” Lawson suggested as he took a drink of tea.

  “I’m about to hold a press conference and felt someone should be here to represent shifters. Who better to do that than you?” Bart commented with a snarl.

  Liv couldn’t believe the malevolence coming off the guy. She never expected that from Bart. Maybe he was better suited to politics than she realized.

  “Great. Is there anything I should know beforehand?” Lawson replied and sat back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest.

  Liv couldn’t help but smile. Lawson was cool and collect, despite the way Bart was treating him.

  “No. I think you’ll be pleased with what I have to say. Of course, there might be some questions for you. Are you prepared to answer whatever is asked?” Bart presented with a sneer.

  “Absolutely. I’ve been waiting for this moment. Lay it all out for the world to hear,” Lawson replied, allowing his animosity to be heard.

  Liv’s gut churned as the tension mounted between the two men. She had such different hopes for this meeting but felt it going south, and fast.

  “Okay then. We’re on the same page. Let’s do this,” Bart said and straightened his tie before walking to the door.

  He was too confident for Liv. She knew him well, and Bart had a game plan. Always. This wasn’t in their best interest, and she had the urge to grab Lawson and run for the exit.

  Liv took a deep breath as she and Lawson followed Bart down the wide hallway. Liv tried to calm her nerves but was unsuccessful. She wasn’t quite sure why she felt anxious, but she did. Her palms were wet with sweat, and her heart was pounding so hard she could feel it in her throat.

  Bart stopped at a set of double doors and grabbed the handle then paused, turning toward them. “Don’t be nervous,” he assured and met her gaze. “I’ll do the talking, and hopefully it will end with that. If anyone wishes to ask questions, I’ll direct them to Lawson. Your role here is as a microbiologist, nothing else. Are we clear? This isn’t about your personal crusade to save shifters,” he instructed and gave her one of his stern looks.

  His expression was cold and detached, and it sent a chill through her veins. Did he hate her that much because she fell in love with a shifter? Liv stood tall and held her head high, staring into Bart’s brown eyes.

  “So long as you understand I won’t keep quiet if reporters turn questions into an interrogation,” Liv snapped.

  “Understood,” Bart countered then opened the door.

  “Damn, you’re sexy when you’re pissed,” Lawson whispered in her ear as he held the door for her.

  As they stepped into the massive open space, cameras went berserk, trying to capture an image of the most eligible bachelor in Chattanooga, perhaps even Tennessee. Admittedly, Bart was handsome. His shaggy, blond hair and tanned skin reminded Liv of a California surfer, not a politician.

  Bart motioned for Liv and Lawson to have a seat in the chairs provided as he stepped to the podium. “Thank you for coming. I’ll keep this brief and to the point. As you know, we have a vast shifter community in the state of Tennessee,” Bart began, and Liv watched all eyes turn to Lawson.

  It was no secret that shifters stood out from humans. They were taller, with broader shoulders and larger hands and feet. Lawson was easily seven feet tall, so there was no question who the shifter was in the room. Liv reached over and squeezed his hand, offering support. She wasn’t ashamed or embarrassed by him and wanted him to know that. He smiled and twined their hands, showing the world they were a couple.

  “It has recently been brought to my attention that shifters are being kidnapped and held prisoner against their will,” Bart continued, and Liv heard several gasps from the crowded room. “Furthermore, they are being experimented on and beaten, often tortured to the point of death,” he added, and the room fell silent. Liv watched as cameramen recorded Bart’s every word.

  “Yes, you heard correctly. Shifters are being murdered. This is unacceptable, and I refuse to allow this treatment to any being. I am in the process of putting together a task force that will find these perpetrators and bring them to justice,” Bart announced and looked straight into a camera lens. “This stops now.”

  “Can you give us any names?” shouted a reporter from the front row.

  “Not at this time, Mary. Hopefully, the malevolence ends with this broadcast. If not, those responsible will be punished to the full extent of the law. That is all for now, but again, I thank you for coming today,” Bart concluded.

  “What about you, sir?” one woman asked as she looked at Lawson. “Are you a victim?”

  Lawson released Liv’s hand and sat straight. “Yes, that is correct,” he replied, and suddenly all microphones and cameras pointed his way.

  The woman tilted her head and smiled. “Can you tell us your name?”

  Was she seriously flirting with him? Did she not see Lawson holding Liv’s hand? The woman was shameless, and asking for an ass-whooping, Liv surmised.

  “My name is Lawson Scott,” he answered.

  “And, can you tell us your experience?” she hedged.

  Liv watched Lawson swallow and wipe his hands on his jeans. “I don’t want to go into detail, but I will tell you I was held captive for three years,” he explained. Another round of gasps filled the air.

  “Did you say three years?” she asked incredulously.


  “Who did this to you?” she questioned. The silence in the room was deafening. Liv could hear her heart thumping in her eardrums.

  Lawson glanced at Liv, and she panicked. Was he going to tell them Jim’s name? If he did, they would put out a search for him, And, that would lead to the discovery that the man was missing. Wouldn’t be hard to put two and two together.

  “I have given that information to the governor. You will have to ask Mr. Smith,” Lawson replied, and Liv looked at Bart. It was in his hands now.

  Bart leaned down, speaking into the microphone on the podium. “Like I said before, I will not release every detail as it is currently under investigation. That is all for now,” Bart announced and motioned for Lawson and Liv to exit the room.

  Liv and Lawson followed Bart back to the conference room, and he closed the door behind them. He went to the head of the table and sat down, crossing his arms on the large wooden table. He stared at Liv then Lawson.

  “I hope this is what you wanted because they will be relentless, searching for answers to who, when, and where. I cannot protect you from this point on, and you might not like the consequences,” Bart divulged.

  “I will protect what’s mine,” Lawson countered. “You took a stand today for shifters, and I appre
ciate it. I hope you meant what you said and that you intend on shutting down these facilities,” he added.

  “I meant every word,” Bart admitted and reached in his suit pocket and retrieved his cell phone.

  “Good. Then we’re on the same team. I’d like to think we’re allies,” Lawson suggested.

  Bart glanced at his screen. “Well, looks like the fun has started. I better get to work. I’ll be in touch,” he relayed and shook Lawson’s hand then turned to Liv. “Always a pleasure to see you. You look happy, and that’s all I ever wanted for you,” Bart said before he gave her a hug.

  “Thank you for everything. Please come and visit soon,” she muttered as she hugged him close. She wanted the business crap put aside so they could focus on the personal.

  He pulled away and smiled. “Patricia will see you out. Take care of her,” he ordered Lawson. So much for her offer. He wasn’t going to visit. In fact, he didn’t care about her at all.

  “You can count on it,” Lawson assured and grabbed Liv’s hand.

  Patricia walked them out, and they slipped out the back without being seen by reporters. Liv saw her cell phone flashing and checked her notifications. Three missed calls from Cassie within the past hour. That couldn’t be good.

  She pressed the call return, and on the second ring, Cassie answered. “Where the hell are you?” she blurted.

  “We’re leaving Bart’s. He held a press conference about the kidnappings. I’m sure it will be on the news tonight. Why? What’s going on?” Liv asked as Lawson pulled onto the highway.

  “Get to my house ASAP. Ryan was here!” she shouted.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It took fifteen minutes to drive to Cassie’s, and Liv was thankful they were in Chattanooga because her friend sounded hysterical when they talked on the phone. As soon as Lawson pulled into Cassie’s driveway, Liv jumped out of the Jeep and ran to the house. Her fist was pounding the front door before he parked the vehicle.

  “Cassie, it’s Liv,” she yelled.

  Seconds later, the door opened, and Liv’s mouth dropped. Cassie was holding an ice pack over her eye, and her t-shirt was ripped.

  “What the fuck happened to you?” Liv demanded. She rarely dropped the f-bomb, but the sight of her battered friend sent her through the roof. “Did Ryan do this to you?”

  “Calm down, potty-mouth,” Cassie replied as Lawson approached the door. “Come inside where we can talk.”

  “Are you okay?” Liv asked as she lifted Cassie’s hand so she could get a better look at her eye. It was black and blue, and swollen shut.

  “I’ve been better. Want a beer because that’s all I’ve got? I should’ve had you stop for something stronger,” Cassie admitted as she walked to her kitchen.

  Liv glanced around the living room. She barely recognized the place. The furniture was overturned, and her wood coffee table was smashed to pieces. She couldn’t believe Ryan did this.

  “Um, sure, make it two,” Liv replied as she followed Cassie into the small kitchen.

  “Cassie, you said Ryan was here. Where is he now?” Lawson asked as he leaned against the doorway.

  “He took off into the woods behind my house right after––” she trailed off and shook her head. “I still can’t believe he did this.”

  “I don’t understand. Start from the beginning,” Liv suggested as she handed one of the beers to Lawson and popped the tab on her beer can, taking a swig. The cold brew was smooth and refreshing. It didn’t matter if it was cheap so long as it was ice cold.

  “Well, I was here working and heard a knock at the door. You can imagine how shocked I was to open the door and see Ryan. And it was him, not that creature from the woods,” she explained then took a deep drink of beer. “Anyway, he seemed like his old self, and I didn’t see any reason not to let him in. I asked him why he left and, come to think of it, he never really answered me,” she said and tilted her head as if pondering her revelation.

  “And then what?” Lawson blurted, clearly agitated by Cassie’s silence.

  “Slow your roll, Foot-long,” she countered. “Anyway, he said he missed me. That he needed me. I told him I missed him, too, and that I wanted him. What can I say? He looked sexy as hell, and I’m a horny little devil,” she confessed and took another drink.

  “What happened next?” Liv hedged. She couldn’t help but wonder what caused Ryan to attack Cassie if he seemed fine. Did the Ravin do this? Was he that far gone?

  “We were kissing and fooling around. It was nice, and I was feeling great until he took off my panties and flipped the fuck out. He fucking lost it, ripped my shirt,” Cassie shared, and looked at her top, “then fur sprouted along his hands and face. Then the claws came out. I could tell he was distressed and tried to calm him. I told him we didn’t have to do anything except talk, but he started accusing me of betraying him. Said I was fucking the Packard boys. I’m positive that was him at the cabin, by the way,” she added and walked to her freezer, replenishing the ice in her pack.

  “What? That’s insane,” Liv blurted.

  “Yeah, tell me about it. I told Ryan I hadn’t even met the guys, and that they had been missing for months. I explained that we were only at the cabin because we were searching for him. He said I was a liar and then called me a cunt. You know I hate that fucking word,” Cassie confessed, and Liv nodded. Every woman loathed that term. It was vulgar and vile.

  “Oh, no. What did you do then?” Liv asked.

  “I slapped him as hard as I could. Nobody says that shit to me. Well, that’s when he went apeshit. Started tossing my furniture like it was Styrofoam. I told him to get the fuck out, and that’s when he hit me,” she said and flinched as she pressed the ice pack to her eye.

  “I’m sorry this happened,” Liv muttered and wrapped her arm around Cassie’s shoulder, offering comfort. “You know that wasn’t Ryan, right? The Ravin did this to you,” Liv reassured her friend.

  She couldn’t help thinking about Lawson’s episode and looked his way. She could tell by his expression he was concerned about more than just his brother. Liv needed to get him to her lab and begin treating him before it was too late.

  “I know you’re right, but fuck that, Liv. I was so excited to see him. I thought we were going to have mind-blowing sex, and then I could tell him how much he means to me. So much for that, huh? I’m such an idiot,” she mumbled then wormed her way from Liv’s hold and walked out of the kitchen.

  “Look, I need to go search for him. You okay to stay here with Cassie for a bit?” Lawson asked and grabbed her hand.

  Liv went willingly to his side and placed her hand on his chest. “Absolutely. Go find Ryan. Just promise you won’t do anything stupid. I don’t know what I would do if anything happened to you,” she confessed and stared into steel-gray eyes.

  “I promise. I’ll be back before you can miss me,” Lawson murmured then gave her the Lawson smirk, which caused butterflies to take flight in her stomach.

  Liv went on tiptoes and placed her lips to his. “I already do,” she whispered.

  Lawson walked to the Jeep and grabbed the tranquilizer gun and his jacket before heading into the woods behind Cassie’s house. He couldn’t believe Ryan punched Cassie in the face. Lawson would never forgive himself if he ever injured Liv. He knew the Ravin was controlling Ryan, and it was imperative Lawson find him before he injured someone else.

  The sun dropped below the horizon, and the temperature dropped as soon as the sunlight faded. He lifted his nose to the air and inhaled deeply, trying to pick up the scent of a shifter. Shifters had a unique smell that only their kind recognized. It reminded Lawson of grass and wood. It was clean, fresh, and called to his inner wolf.

  He didn’t detect anything nearby and scurried to the tree line. On light feet, Lawson maneuvered through the wooded area, looking for signs of Ryan. He wondered if this was a waste of time given it wasn’t an ideal place for a shifter to roam. Too many humans lived nearby. Shifters preferred remote areas whe
re their large animals wouldn’t be seen or hunted.

  His vision adjusted to the darkness and Lawson scanned the densely wooded forest. A family of raccoons scurried into a hollowed tree as leaves crunched under his boots, and the hoot of an owl echoed in his sensitive ears. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, and he contemplated returning to Cassie’s house. He and Liv could drive back to the Packard’s cabin since Ryan had gone there. Given his brother’s irrational thoughts, Ryan might go looking for Blade and Slate.

  A twig snapped, and Lawson’s head jerked toward the sound. A figure stepped from behind a large tree. It was his brother, but the Ravin was the one in control. Ryan was unrecognizable, with long hair covering his arms and face. His elongated snout twisted as he growled, exposing large canines. Lawson tightened his grip on the tranquilizer gun, and the creature growled again.

  “Ryan, I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to help. Bro, you hit Cassie. Her eye is fucking swollen shut. I know you’d never intentionally hurt her. Let me take you back to Liv’s lab so she can give you an infusion,” Lawson suggested and took a step forward, closing the distance between them.

  Without warning, the Ravin lunged and pounced on Lawson, knocking him to the ground. The gun slipped out of his hand as they wrestled to the ground. Lawson tried to shove the creature off his body, but it was too powerful. He punched the Ravin in the side, but it didn’t faze the beast.

  Large fangs clamped down on Lawson’s thigh, and he screamed out as sharp pain exploded in his leg. He turned, trying to locate the tranquilizer, and spotted it about twenty feet away. He kicked at the Ravin with his other foot, trying to get free of its grasp. The Ravin’s sharp teeth sunk further into his flesh, and Lawson felt muscle and tendon tear.

  He needed to break loose so he could grab the gun. Lawson wasn’t a match against the powerful creature, but his wolf was. Unfortunately, his wolf couldn’t fire a weapon. Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind. If he could shift only his lower half, his strong hind legs could kick the Ravin so he could get to the gun and shoot before the Ravin had a chance to run away.


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