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My Dear Ellie (Love & Friendship Book 1)

Page 8

by Aisha Urooj

  Ellie finds another comment that makes her miserable and I decide that I had had enough of this.

  "Ellie it is time that you step away from your phone. You are spending too much time reading about negative comments from people that don't know you and it is making you lose sight of yourself. You are very talented and you never need to apologize to anyone about your work. You are just experiencing a gap in finding the right role for you and believe me when I say this, when you find it and you will, you will be unstoppable and these same people will be clamoring for your attention!"

  Ellie seems to hear me this time and puts her phone away. She spends much less time reading comments on social media and her mood slowly gets better. In her sad state, she had made herself isolated from the world and had stopped doing the things that she enjoyed.

  She goes back to making time for her hobbies, begins to focus on fitness and other social activities again. Buddy also helps her feel better by going with her on her long walks.

  Weeks later, she gets a phone call about a potential movie role. She goes to the audition and is selected for the lead. It is the most challenging role in her entire career! She has a serious character, like she had wanted, and it is of a recovering alcoholic, an orphan, who is trying to get rid of her addiction in order to gain custody of the only person she has in the world, her 11-year old sibling. The story shows the struggles of a determined older sister that wants to protect her younger sister while battling her own inner demons.

  Her newest movie is a sleeper hit, earning rave reviews worldwide and she receives an oscar nomination for her moving performance.

  When I first see the movie I am terrified to look at Ellie's character as she looks gaunt. She lost a lot of weight for the role and looks frail and dejected. I have never cried so much as I did during that movie. I am astonished at the depth that Ellie portrays. She is unrecognizable as the different sides of her character and I was truly frightened when she smashes bottles of alcohol in rage, having never see her be angry before. After the movie ends, I rush towards Ellie and give her a huge hug.

  "Cassie, are you crying?"

  "Ellie I don't know what to say. I never want to see you like that again!"

  "It was only a movie Cassie and I was playing a character."

  "Yeah you frightened me a little. I never knew that you could be angry!"

  "Yeah this role pushed my boundaries. I had to go to a dark place and explore this character's motivations, fears, weaknesses and then strengths. It really took a toll on me but I am happy with the performance....but an oscar? I wasn't expecting that!"

  "I am so happy for you Ellie, you deserve it. You were truly amazing!"

  "Thanks Cassie. Thanks for helping me see the big picture when I was feeling down."

  "Any time for you Ellie and if you ever feel like smashing your phone, I will do it for you!"

  Ellie laughs at this. "Oh my God Cassie, I have been nominated for an oscar...AN OSCAR!"

  "Yeah! But what are you going to wear?!"

  We both look at each other and laugh. Buddy barks excitedly as well. Ellie's fame goes into superstardom after this role and she never has to worry about finding work again.

  Her critics can't find one single bad thing to say about her movie portrayal. As for the critic who wanted her money back, she sends a letter of apology to Ellie and asks her to come give an interview for her column. Ellie, being the sweet person that she is, accepts her apology without any hesitation and obliges her critic-turned-fan with an in-person interview.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven: Reach Beyond the Stratosphere

  Ellie has been doing great in her career. She is getting requests for appearances at all the major talk shows, but out of all of them, Ellie truly shines at her appearance on the Ellen show.

  For the show, she wears a cute black and white polka-dot dress with white sneakers and her hair is made into a ponytail. It is my favourite interview of her as she is affable, charming and comes across as lovely as her real self and offscreen persona.

  "Eleanor James, thank you for joining the show today."

  "Wow Ellen, thank you for having me. Please call me Ellie, all my friends do and the honor is all mine Ellen. I am a great fan of your show."

  "That is nice of you to say Ellie. I must say that you are even more beautiful in person and that the pictures don't do you justice."

  "Thank you Ellen, I agree."

  "Wow, you agree? that is a first...most guests would instead choose to be modest about it."

  "I am nothing if honest", says Ellie laughing. "Don't get me wrong, I am truly flattered by your compliment Ellen even though I don't always feel beautiful without the fancy gowns, my makeup team and sparkling accessories....and often I wish that I wasn't so skinny and had some curves! What I meant to say is that I agree that the pictures don't do me justice, more specifically don't do my freckles justice."

  "Your freckles?"

  "Yes! I take great pride in my freckles, especially the ones on the corner of my right cheek that forms the pattern of a small heart. Most photographers dont capture them in all their glory or edit them out, focusing on my eyes instead."

  "You know they say that the eyes are the windows to the soul?"

  "That is a beautiful expression Ellen. I wish they made one for freckles as well, they seem to be neglected by the poets!"

  "Perhaps I could try, something like Ellie's freckles are windows to the heart?"

  Ellen, Ellie and the audience all laugh.

  "Let's talk a little bit more about you, something that we won't learn from pictures, what would you say is your best quality?"

  "I would say that my best quality is that I can be stubborn."

  "How is that your best quality?"

  "I don't give up easily and usually get what I set my mind on to achieve."

  "That's great, good on you. Setting your mind on something and then achieving it is a great quality to have. Let's talk about what you feel is your worst quality and why do you think that is?"

  "I would say that my worst quality is that I am stubborn and that I usually get what I want because of it", says Ellie coyly.

  Ellen and the audience laughs.

  "It's complicated then? Your best, and worst, qualities it seems have led you to amazing successes so far. An oscar nomination, every other awards that you can think of BAFTA, SAG, Emmy and even a Grammy, even though indirectly. You were the inspiration behind an grammy winning song as well?"

  "Yes I have heard about that. I can't take all the credit though...I owe it all to my graceful ability to walk in high heels on slippery rainy days and to my luck in finding the right person to stumble onto accidentally", says Ellie laughing.

  "Perfect way to become the year's most viral meme as well. So what future projects do you have planned? Where have you have set your sights and heels for next?"

  "I have worked in so many beautiful and dreamy locations: France, Thailand, Spain, Japan...I want to do one movie on the next new horizon for mankind, on the red planet of Mars."

  "Mars? You know that would only be a one-way ticket. I would miss you if you left, I think that we all will", says Ellen looking at the audience. The audience agrees.

  "Yes, that would be a grand adventure! Who knows? I might convince some aliens to give me a ride back to Earth", jokes Ellie.

  "Well, you certainly are stubborn enough and beautiful enough to convince them. You have me convinced and become your fan Ellie. I look forward to seeing your next movies and the one at Mars! Do come back to the show again, I would love to continue our conversation", says Ellen. The audience are in agreement and applause well for Ellie.

  Ellie laughs wholeheartedly and thanks Ellen. After the show, Ellie tells me that her appearance on the show was a dream come true for her. I felt so happy for Ellie, she deserves this recognition and so much more. I feel proud to be her friend and my heart wishes for her to achieve everything that she desires.


  Chapter Twenty-Eigh
t: Oscar Night

  Ellie's mom invites me to watch the Oscars together with her at her home, as Mr. James is away on a seminar and all her friends are busy hosting their own soirees.

  Ellie's parents live in a gorgeous French Normandy-style mansion, just on the outskirts of the city, nestled at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac As we sit in the two-story living room, I observe the various antiques and figurines displayed on the marble fireplace but note that they aren't any family pictures on display. I would have liked to see childhood pictures of Ellie and her with her parents but perhaps, I muse, the designer didn't think that it would fit in with the interior design?

  I feel that the magnificent house and its exquisite interior decor does display the elegance and glamor fitting for movie star Eleanor James.

  "You have a beautiful home, Mrs. James. Ellie must love it here, it is so much like her style"

  "Thanks dear, it is sweet of you to say. Eleanor used to love it here too, but now she thinks that it is too opulent and that it doesn't feel homey enough."

  I am a little surprised to hear that Ellie had said that, she loves staying at her parent's house whenever she has time to do so, perhaps she hadn't been in a good mood when she said it? Not knowing what to say, I reach for a glass of water.

  "Eleanor is finally at the Oscars, my little darling is so deserving! She has worked hard to be where she is, many just see her privileged upbringing and think that it is all handed down to her! Most people don't understand the sacrifices she has made for her career, that is why I only wanted to have you here with me today dear as I know you understand, being her close friend. She is always working, doesn't even spend time on anything else. She says that she doesn't want to date right now, that it becomes a distraction. Can you believe her? You are her best friend, can you talk to her and convince her to date someone?"

  I nearly choke on my sparkling water. Apparently Mrs. James thinks that I can help Ellie with her love life and doesn't know that my own dating endeavors are much like a slow-moving trainwreck. I can see that she is concerned for her daughter and means well, I also don't want to hurt her feelings or dash her hopes and trust in me, so I do the only thing that I could in such a situation and I lie.

  "I will convince Ellie to slow things down and to give dating a chance, I am her best friend so she will listen to me. I am great at meeting new people and match-making, I will do what I can to help Mrs. James. Don't worry!"

  She seems satisfied with my reply and I am relieved that she doesn't ask me any more questions about my imaginary matchmaking successes. The Oscars are being televised live from the red carpet and we see Ellie come onscreen.

  She is dazzling in her plunging black gown with a dramatic train that highlights her tall, svelte body. She has sultry smokey cat eye and her hair is made into an elegant chignon, which displays off her very beautiful sapphire and diamond earrings as well. She has on diamond rings and diamond cuff bracelets as well but none are as striking as her earrings. The dark blue Burmese sapphires in the diamond pendant earrings are the same colour as Ellie's eyes and almost as radiant.

  Ellie had mentioned that the sapphires are one-of-kind due to their large size and that she was borrowing all her diamond accessories from a famous jewellery designer. The beautiful sapphires in the earrings alone were worth in the several millions!

  We see many more stars arrive at the red carpet, they spend a few minutes interviewing with the entertainment reporters and correspondents, and then quickly move inside the theatre where the award ceremony is being held.

  When it comes time for the Best Actress in a movie category, both Mrs. James and I hold our breaths. It is a tough category to compete in this year as there are many terrific talents nominated for the leading lady roles. My heart pounds faster and faster when the hosts bring out the envelope to announce the winner, "And the winner for Best Actress is..." not Ellie, I realize severely disappointed. Mrs. James and I both have our jaws drop in disbelief, but unlike the two of us, Ellie's demeanor stays the same and she graciously claps for the winner without any hint of disappointment.

  "She has been robbed!", cries Mrs. James.

  "I agree! Poor Ellie, I hope that she is not too disappointment about not winning."

  Both Mrs. James and I call Ellie on her phone to commiserate with her about her loss but she seems to be handling the situation much better than we were.

  "Don't worry you too, I am ok. I didn't think I would win it this year, the competition was just too amazing. I am amazed that I was even considered with the other nominees. I will just have to try harder next time...but I am happy with the recognition that I got from this nomination, it gives me even more incentive to keep trying. I will win a Oscar, you will just wasn't meant to be this time."

  Both her mom and I want to give Ellie a hug over the phone for putting on such a brave face. We want to talk to Ellie some more but she says that she has to leave soon and head towards a post-oscar party. Mrs. James and I continue to talk to each other about what happened and what we thought about the show, but as I had Buddy waiting for me, I made to leave as well. I reach home sadly, feeling letdown from the night.

  I wake up at 3am in the morning when I hear my phone ringing by my bedside. Half-asleep I wonder who it could be and see that Ellie has been calling me.

  "Cassie I lost it! I don't know what to do!"

  Poor Ellie, I think, she has finally realized that she lost and is taking it hard.

  "It is ok sweetie, you can win next year. Don't be sad."

  "Cassie but I lost it! I can't find it anywhere!"

  I am a little puzzled at her conversation. She sounds like she was panicking about something. I quickly realize that Ellie had been talking about losing one of her earrings. Her very expensive borrowed earrings!

  "When did you notice that your earring was missing? Have you traced back your steps?"

  "No I haven't traced back my steps. I was panicking so much that I didn't know what to do so I called you. That is a good idea Cassie, I will go back the way I came."

  Ellie continues her search, telling me the locations as she went.

  "Cassie, I can't find the earring anywhere, it might be lost or stolen by now. I...."

  She pauses for such a long time that I think that the phone has been disconnected. I keep calling her name but she doesn't say anything. She finally comes back on the phone and she sounds delighted, "Cassie I got the earring back and you won't believe how!"

  I am relieved to hear that she is safe and sound and that she has found the earring, "Ellie, you scared me when you went quiet. I am glad that you found them! Where did you find it?"

  "Cassie, I didn't find them, someone else did. You won't believe who was James...James 'hottie' Evans. It gets better too, he asked me out on a date!"

  James Evans? The James Evans that Ellie has had the biggest crush on? I couldn't believe my ears! Ellie sounds ecstatic about meeting her dream crush and I am so happy that her night turned out better than how it had started.

  Ellie's changed luck continues the next morning, when she is voted best dressed by all the fashion experts. I am amused when the experts rave about her choice of earrings.

  Her date with James Evans would also make front-page news in the entertainment magazines. James Evans and Eleanor James make the hottest couple in the entire planet. The "James-es" as their shippers or fans call them are all that anyone is talking about. All of the fans are hyperventilating and the world goes mad over the news of their pairing.

  I receive a phone call from Ellie's mom thanking me for thinking about Ellie and for setting up her date with James Evans. Apparently, Mrs. James thinks that I was the matchmaker behind the date!

  Despite my protests to the contrary, she continues to thank me for being such a good matchmaker and I give up trying to convince her otherwise, remembering that I was the one who had initiated the white lie.

  Mrs. James remains convinced to this day that I was the one who introduced Ellie to
her dream date and praises my matchmaking expertise to anyone that she meets.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Reporter's Favor

  After Ellie is seen with James Evans, on her now famous date, the paparazzi have made day-to-day living a nightmare for Ellie.

  She can't leave her apartment without being mobbed by a throng of tabloid reporters flashing their cameras and taking her pictures. As soon as she is spotted, the paparazzi gather round her and ask her a stream of questions regarding her date and yell very personal questions about her love life.

  At first Ellie was amused by their attention but more and more she started to get frustrated when it would interfere with her daily chores. She misses going for a afternoon run and can't even leave her apartment to come see me. She is starting to feel like a prisoner in her own building. I decide that I should save her some agony and go visit her til the paparazzi fervour dies down.

  I am on the phone when I reach her apartment lobby and about to enter pass security.

  "Yes Ellie, don't worry, I am just getting in."

  "Excuse me", I hear someone say loudly and I turn to see it is a man with a photographer's camera.


  "I couldn't help but overhear that you were talking to someone named Ellie. You weren't talking to Eleanor James by any chance?"

  By the sound of her name being said, countless other photographers start to gather around me and they quickly start to ask questions.

  "What is Eleanor doing now?" "How serious is she about James Evans?" "Is she in love?" "Is she going to marry James?" "Has she already married James?" "Why is she hiding, is she pregnant?" "Are you her friend?" "What do you think about them dating, do you think it will last?" "Have they broken up?" "Is she dating someone else?"

  On and on the questions went and I stood there dazed, frozen on the spot and unsure of what to do. The man who had first addressed me and asked me about Ellie quickly grabs my hand and takes me inside the lobby while the building security guards handle the growing paparazzi outside.


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