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My Dear Ellie (Love & Friendship Book 1)

Page 10

by Aisha Urooj

  I blush at her comment. "Ellie, I need to graduate first of all before I can do anything. I still have finals to deal with!"

  "How is your favorite Professor by the way? Does he still have the same sense of humor?"

  "Professor K? Yes! He would probably say that ''MacMaelien puts the Mack in alien"...or something similar."

  "Ha ha that is terrible! Almost as bad as MacMaelien though..."

  "How did you come up with the idea of such a character Ellie? He really seems out of this world."

  "Actually he was inspired by your blind date with Mr. Confident Entrepreneur.."

  "Ha ha...Oh God no wonder MacMaelien seemed so familiar to me!"

  "Yeah Cassie, you should go on more blind dates like that."

  "No way! Not for all the successful musicals in the world!!"

  Ellie laughs at my protest. The musical continues with its massive success and is translated and produced in several languages around the world.

  It seemed characters like MacMaelien (and Mr. Entrepreneur) are universally identifiable and universally comical in every corner of the world. I often wondered if my blind date had seen the musical and bragged about being the inspiration behind Ellie's genius work.

  At least this time, out of all his tall claims, this would be partially true.


  Chapter Thirty-Five: Ellie's Big Birthday Bash

  June have arrived and that means that Ellie's birthday will be here soon. Every year her parents throw a big birthday celebration in her honor, each time a more luxurious and fancier affair than the year before.

  Some years it has been in exotic locations like Hawaii or Cancun and in preparation, I would have to dive deep into my closet to bring out my only luggage case, still brand new as it has barely been used by me.

  I would miss Buddy alot during the days away and would have to tearfully leave him behind with my parents. This year, thankfully, the birthday bash is set at the most exclusive private club in town. I receive a phone call from Ellie and she doesn't sound very excited about the planned festivities.

  "Hi Cassie", she says missing her usual energy.

  "Ellie, is everything alright? You don't sound like your normal self."

  "No I am alright. Just wanted to confirm the location of the birthday bash with you."

  I am not convinced. "Aren't you excited Ellie?"

  "I don't know Cassie, we have a big celebration every year and my parents go over the top with everything. I was thinking, maybe it can be low key this time?"

  "Ellie, I am sure that they will understand if you don't want to do it big this year."

  "I am not sure they any case, I don't want to disappoint my parents as they have already paid for everything."

  "Is something wrong Ellie? I thought you liked all the commotion and chaos. Are you turning into me by any chance? I am not sure the world can handle two of my kind."

  Ellie laughs. "No is just sometimes it all feels a bit much. Do you know what I mean?"

  "You mean that instead of four chocolate fountains, three cakes and fireworks, you only want two chocolate fountains, one cake and firecrackers?"

  "No I didn't mean that...", she pauses to think. "The food is usually awesome..."

  "What about the hors-d'oeuvre?...they have calamari, your favorite."

  "Dammit Cassie, you are making me hungry!"

  "Ellie I am drooling myself over here. You know that your birthday is the one day that I am not on a diet!"

  " oppose to any other day of the year?", teases Ellie. She seems to be in a better mood now. "You know what Cassie, let it be a big one this year. It is not like I will turn twenty-four twice!"

  "Yes! That is more like it, let's celebrate your big day... woohoo for being twenty-four!"

  Ellie laughs. I am happy to hear her sounding like her normal self and to know that she cheered up. We spend the remaining conversation deciding on what we would wear for the party.


  The birthday venue looked like it was decorated for a wedding. There were beautiful white rose and white lilies bouquets at every table, along with champagne bottles and Swarovski crystal swan figurines placed as gifts on the table for each guest.

  The theme for the birthday party this year was an ice palace and Ellie was dressed fitted for an ice princess, in her high neck long sleeve white mermaid gown with intricate bodice. She got me a beautiful sheer silver crewneck gown with crystal embellishments to wear on her birthday, a favor from her designer friend.

  Ellie's birthday cake is three tiered and in the shape of a giant snowflake. There are ice sculptures everywhere, crystal chandeliers and icicles hanging from the ceiling and a beautiful ice dragon fountain centrepiece that poured out drinks for the guests to enjoy. There is even a small orchestra playing Baroque music throughout the night, making the atmosphere feel more magical and wonderful.

  Her parents unveiled her birthday present in front of the guests, a brand new white Lamborghini tied with a huge silver and white bow on the top. They certainly didn't spare any expense on their daughter's birthday but Ellie was grateful for their presence and love, above all things.

  As always, the party ends with a spectacular display of fireworks and we all toast together for Ellie's good health and happiness.

  Chapter Thirty-Six: What Money Can't Buy

  What do you get a person who has everything? Each year for her birthday, I face the daunting task of buying Ellie a present that she doesn't already own.

  This year Ellie's parents bought her a Lamborghini for her twenty-fourth birthday, so me giving her a luxury car is out of the question. was a far stretch to begin with, looking at the paltry figure in my bank savings, but I still like to think that it could have been an option.

  Next, she already has haute couture designers clamoring for her attention and for her to try on their beautiful one-of-a-kind original creations customized to her body and fit, so I can't compete there and besides, I already found her a great vintage dress two years ago.

  Ellie is the spokesperson for a major cosmetic brand along with being the face of an illustrious French fashion house and now has her very own makeup team, so she hardly needs yet another cosmetic gift set. Not only her sponsors, but also her many fans send her countless presents through the mail and her more avid admirers and suitors, shower her with expensive jewellery.

  Although she always appreciate what I give her, like for instance the friendship bracelet I made her in high school and which Ellie wore for months til the threads wore out. She still has it and keeps it in her jewellery box! No, as her best friend, I consider it a sacred duty to get her a present truly worthy of our friendship. I try asking her for hints as to what she would like but it proves to be an fruitless endeavor and doesn't provide me any more clarification either.

  "Ellie, is there anything you would like for your birthday?"

  "We could have a girl's day out?"

  "We are already doing that. No, I meant as your present. What do you want?"

  "Whatever you had in mind."

  "A Gourmet Food of the Month Club membership?"

  "Wait...don't ruin the surprise Cassie. Don't tell me what you are getting me!"

  "Ellie, you always lavish me with great gifts...I am just looking for a clue to getting something you really want! Help me out here..."

  "I mean it Cassie...whatever you have in mind. You always put great thought into your gifts. Remember how you gave me one of the pearl strand from the Tahitian pearl necklace you got...the heirloom from your grandma? You said that she had two granddaughters and not just one. What could be more thoughtful than that?"

  "But it's true Cassie, she loved you too so that was the right thing to do."

  "I am sure I will love anything you give me."

  "Anything? What if I gave you the dancing hamster again?"

  "I would love that!! You were the one who got crazy when I played it so many times.."

God...How did I forget?! The annoying tune was stuck in my head for months...ok, maybe not the hamster again. I don't want to repeat a gift anyway. Come on Ellie, give me some hint.."

  "Ok if you insist, get me something that money can't buy."

  "Something that money can't buy?"

  "Yes! You have your hint now."

  Ellie's clue left me perplexed. What could I get her that money can't buy? Love, Health, Happiness all came to mind...but how to give them? One can't exactly bottle them and hand them out...or could I?

  I thought about Ellie's apartment and all the pictures that she had displayed throughout her walls. Those pictures made her very happy. She had pictures everywhere except the kitchen fridge. Maybe I can get her customized photo fridge magnets? It was a good idea except she already has all the pictures that I would have of us together, so I needed pictures that she won't have. I decide to give her a picture of me with Buddy, but this time Buddy will be wearing a bowtie, in homage to her childhood pet hamster Hammy.

  Buddy makes it very hard for me to take this picture since he does not like wearing the bowtie, a déjà vu situation of Hammy hiding in the slippers also because of his bowtie.

  I hire a student photographer who lived in the same apartment building as me to help take the photos. I even had the bright idea of taking the picture outdoors in a park in order to get good lighting. At first the photo session goes well as Buddy is co-operating despite his obvious discomfort with the bowtie. The student photographer manages to get a few solo pictures of Buddy. Next, he wants Buddy and me to pose together...this is when it all turns to chaos.

  "Buddy come back here, stop chasing that squirrel!"

  "Buddy, don't chew the bowtie...we need it in the picture. It's for Ellie!"

  "Buddy that was just a car horn, no need to hide behind the tree!"

  "Buddy, where are you going?, that wasn't Ellie! Come back here!"

  "Oh for Heaven's sake! Why did that squirrel come back again?!"

  Twenty-seven attempts later, we finally manage to have three unblurry pictures in total, one of Buddy alone and two with me. It was by the last picture that Buddy finally comes sits next to me quietly.

  Perhaps that squirrel had finally gone away or perhaps Buddy had pity on my most pitiable and pathetic state, an aftermath of all of the sweating and huffing chasing after him. I thank the student photographer for his time and although I only have three usable pictures, I feel bad to bother him for more. I had to decide now, out of the three photos, which ones should I use?

  Buddy looks great in the solo picture with thankfully his bowtie still intact. One of his picture with me is good enough, but the third one is a total mess. In this picture, Buddy's bowtie is in his mouth, barely hanging on and I am sitting beside him sweaty and muddy, laughing like a mad woman, most likely experiencing a case of hysteria after the squirrel trauma.

  What do I do? I can't just give Ellie two pictures so I decide, reluctantly, to include all three.

  Ellie loved my gift! So much in fact that she had tears of joy and couldn't stop gushing over the photos. She immediately puts the photo magnets on the fridge.

  Her favorite picture out of all the three is the last one, which she calls 'perfect snapshot of real love (and squirrel chaos)'. She liked it so much in fact that she has a smaller version printed and carries it with her in her purse always.

  I smile as I managed to find her something that she had wanted. Hearing her laughter and seeing her happiness after she opened my present was her accidental yet priceless gift returned to me, it was a feeling that no money could have bought.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven: Life Exams

  I haven't heard from Ellie in a while but I have been too busy studying for my finals to call her back. It is the final stretch and I would finally earn my undergraduate degree in English Lit.

  I am trying to fulfill my promise to my parents as Ellie already did to hers by reaching her goals and becoming a superstar. I wonder about what I would do after getting my undergrad. I think hard but I don't have any epiphanies jump at me so, just like always, I push the thought aside for the future. I really do need to stop procrastinating about it. Perhaps what I really need is a divine intervention, a sign, a clue, a dream to point me in the right direction?

  My weeks are spend furiously cramming for my exams. I only occasionally get a text from Ellie. She knows my deadlines, perhaps she is giving me space to be studious Cassie?

  I walk around in a zombie state with my textbook atow, often forgetting to eat or drink. It is only when Buddy barks furiously for his breakfast, then lunch and then dinner that I remember to eat something at those times as well.

  All the missed sleep and lost hours with Ellie come to a climatic end on results day. I pass with honors! I am free! I have officially conquered one element of adulthood and can now spend time celebrating with the best people in the whole wide world: My best human friend and my best furry friend.

  I call Ellie with the good news. Her voice sounds muffled, like she has a cold.

  "Ellie, I did it! I passed! We should celebrate together!"

  "Cassie that is fantastic! You have an undergrad in English Lit now, that is amazing. We should definitely do a get-together!" She starts to cough.

  "Oh no Ellie, are you sick? I will come over. Don't worry about celebrating right now, we can do it later."

  "Yes Cassie, I might have something. I don't want you to catch it too and you still have to attend graduation. Let's meet up at graduation day? My cold would have cleared up by then."

  "But you never get sick. I hope that you are not overworking yourself. You should give yourself time to rest. Ok we can meet on graduation day....Eeee! I can't believe I am going to graduate!"

  "Ok awesome Cassie, we will have fun on your big day!"

  Although I am bummed that I don't get to see Ellie til graduation day, she really did sound like she had a bad cold. I want to visit her but she made me promised that I wouldn't til she was better.

  My big day arrives and I don't see Ellie anywhere in the convocation hall. My parents see me onstage and they wave at me from the audience. I smile and happily wave back to them. My eyes continue to search for Ellie.

  Where was she? Perhaps she got delayed at a film shooting? I wait nervously in line with the other graduates-to-be. As it is a small private university, a big star like Ellie wouldn't have to worry about security here. I do worry however that Ellie might miss my big moment. I can't look for her anymore as I hear my name being called!

  "Cassandra Leonora Grace. English Literature with Honors."

  As I receive my scroll, I hear the audience clap politely but one voice rises out of the crowd. "Yay Cassie! Way to go!"

  It is Ellie! I see her in the audience with a bouquet of flowers and the biggest teddy bear that I have ever seen in my life! Ellie is almost hidden behind its monstrous size! I laugh in glee as it is so good to see Ellie here. She didn't miss my big day! She later would say that she wouldn't have missed it for the world. As I couldn't carry the enormous teddy around, I leave it at home with Buddy, telling him that it was a gift from Ellie and warned him that he shouldn't even think about destroying it unless he wanted her to be angry at him.

  After the ceremony, Ellie, my parents and I would spend some time together at a chinese restuarant talking and it feels like we are transported back to high school days again.

  Ellie says that she had missed quiet moments like these. When we both arrive at my apartment after the dinner, we find that Buddy is missing and nowhere to be seen. After searching throughout the apartment, we finally locate Buddy in a corner along with the missing graduation present. Both Ellie and I would laugh at the sight of Buddy snoring on top of the giant teddy.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight: Of Beast and Sleeping Beauty

  The weather around here has been all thunderstorms lately and the city hasn't seen the sun shine in many days. I don't like it when the weather gets gloomy like this as it gives me an ominous and uneasy feeling
. I miss seeing the clear blue sky outside my window.

  I try to push away my discomfort and Buddy comes snuggling next to me, trying to make me feel better. I stroke his fur and doing so seems to calm me down. Buddy drops something by my feet and I pick it up to see that it is a small figurine of the Beast. 'Where did Buddy find this?', I wonder looking at Beast's figure. I reminisce back to when John took me to see Beauty and the Beast together.

  When John had asked me if I wanted to see a movie with him on our first date, I had panicked. He felt like a stranger to me and I had been nervous of the idea of being with him in the dark. I could barely even speak to him because of my shyness.

  By the time he asked me to a movie again, I agreed to go with him. After our other dates and time spend together, I felt more safe with him than with any other person I knew. John said that he really wanted to watch one movie out of all the other movies that were playing. He wanted to see Beauty and the Beast together because, according to him, Belle reminded him of me and so he thought that he would like the movie. I remember that I had blushed at his compliment and as always had been touched by his openness and candor.

  After the film ends, I ask him what he thought was the best part of the movie and he says,"It was when Belle falls in love with the Beast and lifts his curse. I liked seeing the transformation of Beast into a man after Belle accepts his love."

  He then asks me the same question, about what I thought was the best part and I say, "It was when the Beast promises that he would wait for Belle forever, even when he didn't know if she would come back for him."

  I look closer at the little figurine in my hand and Beast's expression looks sad, had Belle left him at this point and he had vowed to wait for her forever?

  'Of course Beast would wait for Belle', I say wistfully, 'She meant everything to him'.

  I think about Beast and his cursed love and I identify with his character more than I ever did before, I understand his sorrow and his longing for Belle and why he would wait for her. I sigh and my heart feels heavy.


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