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Book of the Archangels Book 1

Page 6

by L C Walker

Dallas Nehemiah Taylor was born in Butt, Montana on a cold and snowy day in March. The winter had been extremely harsh that year and one rancher after another lost livestock to the cold temperatures. Silas was not a rancher, but most of the people in his flock were and the loss of one cow or bull was a big loss. People were praying for warmer weather and those prayers were going to be answered.

  Not far from Butt is the place where archaeologists come each summer and look for dinosaur bones. Many bones have been found there and some archaeologists have found the complete skeletal remains of dinosaurs. This is the place I believe I will start my story about Dallas. By starting here, you will be able to see why he loves the outdoors and why he became an archaeologist.

  Dallas was not the oldest child born to Silas and Kim Taylor; they had three other children. Dallas had two older brothers and an older sister. Dallas was the baby in the family. Being the baby means that the other children have to watch and take care of the youngest from time to time.

  Sometimes it seems as if time just flies by for humans. We angels do not have the concept of time the way humans do. One day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day to us. Each and every day, I watched over the Taylors and kept them out of grave danger. My enemy, which is also the enemy of God, was looking all over the earth for the person the Lord had chosen to find the Book of the Archangels.

  The Devil knew, once the Book of the Archangels was found, it would only be a matter of time before all of the other items would be found. Clues to finding the Staff of Moses, a Key to unlock the hiding place of the Books of Understanding, and the most important clue about where to find the Tree of Life were waiting in the Book of the Archangels.

  If a person was to find the clue to where the tree was and he was to eat of the fruit, he could become immortal. Clues to the discovery of a map to King Solomon’s gold mines would be found. These are only a few of the things that the Book of The Archangels tells about.

  The Devil had clues from the different books, known only to the Archangels, about a person that would become God’s chosen vessel and he would unlock the clues and find what the Devil had been looking for during almost thirty five hundred years. The Devil wanted to find the Book of the Archangels. The Devil had read, many thousands of years ago, in the Book of the Archangels, that a trumpet would sound in heaven and a special angel would be given the task of protecting the child that was just born. This child would be called the Care Taker in heaven, and he would be called Dallas Taylor on earth.

  The moment Dallas was born, the Devil had his demons record the exact second the trumpet sounded. Even though the Devil is not all knowing like my God, he is very smart. He knew if he knew the exact second of the birth of the Care Taker, he could kill all the babies in the world that were born within thirty seconds of that exact time. By killing all of the babies, he would prevent the Care Taker from finding the Book of the Archangels and the other things that were needed for the true worship in the Tribulation Temple.

  This time was similar to the time when Herod killed all the children from two years and younger in Bethlehem, which is recorded in Matthew 2:16. The reason, the Devil killed all the children in Bethlehem, was to prevent the Savior from coming on the world scene and saving people from their sins. The Devil failed then and he will fail this time, because the End Time Prophet must be born and he must grow up to fulfill what has been written about him and what he must do.

  When Dallas was born, the Devil had his demons start killing all of the children in the world that were born within thirty seconds of the exact second the trumpet sounded in heaven. The nurse, who entered the time of Dallas' birth on the record book, had to find another black ink pen because the pen she had just ran out of ink. There was one obstacle after another that the nurse ran into while trying to find a pen. When she returned, instead of entering the exact time he was born, she entered the time when she returned. The time difference was ninety seconds. The demons missed killing Dallas by almost sixty seconds.

  Two days in the hospital was all the time that Kim needed before she would leave with her new born son. At home, Silas and Kim were excited about a new arrival just like the other children were excited about a new brother. The excitement would last for about thirty days and then came the diapers and the feedings and the constant watching and caring for an infant. All of that is what a human parent will do for their children. That is the exact thing that we angels do for humans, also. Even though we don’t change diapers or feed humans, we protect them from the fiery darts of the Devil and his demons. Watching over the Taylor family would take all of my time.

  As days and weeks came and went, Silas was fast at work. He had to have a new sermon ready every Sunday morning and on Sunday night, if anyone showed up, he would have a word study ready or a study on one of the great themes or doctrines of the Bible.

  When the winter months were over and the warm winds out of the south started to blow, it meant one thing and that was that the diggers would show up in Montana. The archaeologists were what the local residents called diggers, who would dig all summer for dinosaur bones. At least once or twice a month, on Mondays or Tuesdays, Silas would take the kids out to the diggings and watch with excitement as the diggers uncovered ancient bones. Kim always prepared a lunch and now, with a new baby, her job was a little more difficult.

  Some people enjoy taking their kids out to a park and play ball or badminton or a number of other things that humans think is fun. Silas and Kim enjoyed the ride in the country and the lunch while they watched young and old people dig for bones. The children really did like the drive and how meticulous each and every digger was when they would remove the dirt from what they thought was a bone.

  I remember that first year in the life of Dallas. It did not take long for the Devil to realize that he had been fooled by God once again. He was so mad he could have killed everyone in the world if he had that kind of power. He did not have that kind of power, but he did start two more wars among smaller countries in the world, which resulted in the deaths of two hundred and thirty thousand people.

  One thing that Silas wanted for his children was that they would receive Christ at a young age and that the boys would want to become preachers. He thought if he raised his boys the way they were supposed to be raised, they would love to become preachers. Silas had a good idea, but God and Dallas had other ideas and you know when God makes up His mind there is no power on earth or in heaven that can change His mind. Dallas had been chosen to be the Care Taker and that was that.

  The second year in the life of Dallas was the most terrible year in all the years I protected Dallas and his family. The Devil discovered, through careful study and through the process of elimination, that Dallas was the one the trumpet was sounded for and that he was going to be the Care Taker. He also knew that an angel would be assigned to protect Dallas. With the Devil being a fallen Archangel, he knew that the angel that was assigned to protect Dallas did not possess the same kind of power that he did. He assumed that I would be easy to defeat.

  One thing all angels in heaven know is that, if you need help, all you have to do is to ask and a legion of Archangels will come to your aid immediately. When the Devil came at me, I called, and to my surprise, the greatest Archangels in heaven appeared and were ready for battle, if the Devil wanted it that way. The Archangels that appeared on the scene were Azael, Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel, and the great protector of Israel, the Archangel Michael.

  The battle that took place lasted off and on for a year and at the end of that year, God informed the Devil He was going to place his protective seal on Dallas and his immediate family. God also informed the Devil that when Dallas started his own family when he got older, that family will have the seal of protection on them, also. By having the protective seal, it meant that the Devil could not kill Dallas or anyone in his family. The Devil did not care if he lost this battle, because he had lost many battles before. He was mor
e interested in winning the war; the war between good and evil.

  Since the Devil could not prevent the Care Taker from finding the Book of the Archangels and the other things the Care Taker had to find, he decided to have his demons follow the Care Taker and destroy any and all of the things the Care Taker would find in caves or in locked chambers. He thought: God may be able to protect people with the seal, but He cannot protect the material things. The material things that Dallas would find would have to be protected by Dallas and his family. The material things were the things that would be needed for the End Times as the Devil saw it. So, those things were the essentials.

  It was during Dallas’s tenth year of life that things made a complete turnaround. The summer was very hot that year. Silas took the children out to the diggings and, to the surprise of everyone, the professor in charge asked Dallas if he would like to help with a dig. Dallas jumped at the chance to help dig up bones. When the day was over, Dallas knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life. He wanted to be an archaeologist. At night, he would dream of digging up bones and he would dream about the adventures and the excitement he would have at finding things people have wondered about for thousands of years. By the way, all of those realities came true when Dallas graduated from college.

  Being ten years old and having the time of your life is exciting to any kid, but to Dallas it was more than exciting, it was as if he was on a ship that was sailing around the world. Each port the ship would stop at would be full of things to do and places to see. There would also be the unknown. What would it be like to find a whole dinosaur? What was happening at the time of the death of the dinosaur? How long had it been dead? Question after question was asked by Dallas. Each question became an adventure and a mystery.

  The first year that Dallas helped with the digs was not what most people would call real work. When Dallas and his family would take a picnic lunch out to the digs, the Professor would allow Dallas to help one of the diggers. Dallas never really found anything of importance; it was just the way the Professor did things. The Professor knew that most people fall in love with archaeology at a young age. He always said the younger the better.

  The Professor had no way of knowing that Dallas would love archaeology and become one of the world’s greatest Paleontologists. Not only would the world know about Dallas, but his family never thought for a minute that he would become the man that he became.

  If Dallas’s family and the world would have known that he was the prophet of the End Times, they would have known the end was very close. Most people, when you say the end is very close, they believe you are speaking about the end of the world. The end is speaking about the end of this age or era. This age or era is the time which is called the Age of Grace by preachers. That age will be over when the rapture occurs.

  Before the rapture occurs, the Care Taker has so many things he must do and so many things he must find that it would boggle most minds. He also has to figure out what the clues mean. He will find, when he grows up into a man, not only will he discover clues, but his entire family, his wife and three children, will be involved in archaeology, also. His family will be with him when he makes some of the most exciting discoveries mankind has ever seen.

  However, you know there will be difficult times ahead for Dallas and his family. The Devil will have his demons watching every move Dallas and his family make. He knows Dallas will make a mistake and when that time comes, he will make his move. The way the Devil has everything planned out, things must go exactly right. If they do go exactly the way he planned, he will be in total control of the world, once the next trumpet is sounded.

  The Devil is also preparing the other two thirds of his unholy trinity for the time called the Tribulation. They both are in the wings and they are waiting for the trumpet to blast that will call all the Christians home to Heaven. Once the trumpet is sounded, that will be the call for the Antichrist and the False Prophet to make their appearance on planet Earth. When they appear, people all over the world will be amazed at their intelligence and their brilliance. The Antichrist will be more of a superman type of person, while the False Prophet will be more of a super J. Vernon McGee.

  The world will want answers about the people who have disappeared and the only person that can answer all of those questions will be the Antichrist. But, I must stop right there, because Dallas and his family are not on earth during the Tribulation; they have been raptured. I get so excited about the things I am supposed to tell you that I forgot I cannot tell you about the Tribulation.


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