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Book of the Archangels Book 1

Page 10

by L C Walker

SHERRY HAD a smile on her face that meant only one thing, she was pregnant. She decided she would not say anything to Dallas, she would just wait and see if he would notice any change in her. She thought about the joke he played on her when he and Professor Smith met inside the trailer last summer. When he left and walked to where she was digging, he looked as if he had lost his last friend. Sherry thought for sure they had lost their jobs. However, he was only playing a joke on her. Now it was her time to play a joke on him.

  Let me back up one whole day so you will know what did happen to Sherry. Every morning, Dallas was up early and out the door so he could be the first person on the dig site. This site was about three miles from the site the summer before. That site only reaped a few bones and as far as a major find, it never did happen.

  Sherry would get up later because Winston, their baby boy, was sleeping a little longer each and every day. At seven, Winston was usually awake and ready to get out of his crib. Sherry would get him dressed and feed him and then it was off to the babysitter. Once she left him with the baby sitter, she would head to the dig. This morning was going to be different. Sherry knew she was probably pregnant because she missed her last period. She also had that feeling that all human females have when they know something has changed. The first thing they do is to call the doctor for an appointment.

  The call to the doctor was a normal call; the nurse asked if there was a problem and Sherry stated that she thought she was pregnant. The nurse told Sherry that one of the appointments for the next morning had called in and had to change the day to the following week. The nurse asked if Sherry could come in the next day and she was thrilled she would not have to wait two or three weeks.

  When Sherry arrived at the dig site, she did not say anything to Dallas about the appointment the next day. The appointment was for eight in the morning and that time period worked out just fine. All day long, Dallas asked Sherry if she was okay and if she felt good. Each time he asked, Sherry replied with the same answer, "I feel just fine." After the fifth time, she asked, "Why do you keep asking how I feel?" He stated that she seemed different and she was acting different. "Different, like how?" was her question to Dallas.

  "I don’t know. You have a glow or a different look. It is the same way you looked when you were pregnant with Winston."

  It was as if a light turned on in the mind of Dallas. He looked at her and asked a very simple question, "Are you pregnant?"

  She smiled with that cat-like smile she would give him from time to time, which meant maybe or maybe not. Sherry then answered and said that the doctor had not said anything about being pregnant. She then turned and, with a little giggle, she resumed her digging. Dallas just stood there and was wondering what that little giggle was for.

  That night, Dallas and Sherry sat and talked about different subjects and then Dallas brought up the idea of going to the Middle East. Sherry did not want to act too excited about digging where the history of the world began. She was just like Dallas when it came to history and digging where the Bible told so much about the ancient of days. It was almost more than she could take. She gave Dallas that smile once again that meant the same thing earlier that morning, maybe or maybe not.

  The next morning was going to be totally different than any other morning, except for that day when she went to the doctor almost two years ago and he told her she was pregnant. At the doctor’s office, she watched as each patient went through the door so they could talk with the doctor. When it came time for Sherry to see the doctor, she was even more excited this time than last time. This time, she knew what to expect and what would happen when a new life decided to come into the world.

  She thought back to the excitement of having a baby and the unknown of what to expect each day the baby was inside of her. She knew what her mother had told her and what her friends had said about having a baby, but until a woman experiences it for herself, there is always the mystery of the unknown or the what ifs.

  There would be no mystery this time. She knew what was going to happen and she knew what to expect each day. She knew there would be pain, but that pain would go away and then there would be that first moment when you see a new life. That new life was what had Sherry so excited. She knew it was a gift from my God to a man and a woman that followed the leading of the Lord. Plus, it is one way that God can show His love for mankind. He can give them something that should make them think of God all the time. Each and every day, they awake and they look at their children, their first thoughts should be toward God.

  I know and God knows that most humans never look at their children that way, but that is the way God put things in motion when Adam and Eve had their first child, Cain. When I say most humans, what I mean is that the unsaved don’t think about the miracle God performed when it comes to a new life. However, some unsaved humans think about God and then they begin to search and when they search, God will give them a little light. With that little light, they search more and more and before long, God will put a person in their lives and that person will lead them to the Lord. They will accept Christ as their personal Savior and they will live for Christ for the rest of their lives. Just think; it all started out with a new born baby.

  Sometimes it does not happen that way. It may not be a new born baby. It may be an accident or something that someone said that would stir the thoughts of an unsaved human. Many times a person will be in an accident and they will pray to God and say they will do anything, if God will save them. God hears that prayer and restores them to health. Some of the people that prayed that prayer do exactly what they said. They will start going to a church that believes the Bible and they will hear about Christ going to the cross just for them. Christ died for their sins and if they want eternal life, they must accept Him as their personal Savior.

  One thing all of those humans that accept Christ understand is that they are not sinless. They will still sin, but when God sees them, they are white as snow. Humans are not like us angels. We have never sinned and I do not know what a sin feels like. We are not like the angels that fell with the Devil. They fell because they were like their father the Devil. The Devil wants to be worshipped as God and he loves the idea of the power that he has. He is only a short time from going to that place where he will spend eternity.

  Also, sometimes a human may say something like, “Look at all of the stars in Heaven, I wonder how many are there?” Just a sentence or a statement may start a person thinking about the things that God has created. Once they think about it, they will then start to search for the answers and that is when God will give them an answer and then another answer and, before very long, they will see that they are a sinner. They will either accept or reject Christ. Those that reject will regret that decision for eternity.

  After the examination, the doctor told Sherry she was pregnant and that she could expect the baby sometime around the first of November. If the baby arrived about that time, it would mean the digs were over for the winter and she could spend most of her time with the new born. She also wanted to breast feed the baby the first three to six months; the same way she did Winston when he was born.

  The drive to the dig took forty five minutes and, all the way, Sherry was thinking how she would tell Dallas. She wanted it to be a big surprise, but she had to think of a way so she could play a joke on him. She had not told Dallas about the doctor’s appointment, but she knew as soon as he saw the bill from the doctor, he would start thinking about the reason. She could say it was just her normal time to see the doctor, but that would be a lie. She wanted to play a joke on him, but not with lies.

  Once she was at the dig, she looked for something that she could use to tell Dallas she was pregnant. Nothing she did would work or she thought it wouldn't work. With the warm wind from the south blowing, it made her think how she told Dallas the first time she was going to have a baby. After the dig, they went home and after eating supper, she sat dow
n on the couch and pulled her blouse up and stuck her stomach up so it looked bigger than it really was and then she patted it and said, “I am totally full!” When Dallas saw her expanded stomach, his eyes got as big as saucers, and he asked, "Are you pregnant?"

  With that glow in her eyes, that all women have when they are going to have a baby, Sherry said, "Yes, we are going to have a baby." She now knew how she would tell Dallas about their second child.

  Week after week went by until it was time for Sherry to go to the hospital so she could deliver her second child. This delivery was so smooth she thought it was a breeze. When asked about the name of the new baby boy, Sherry and Dallas told the nurse he would be called Shawn. Shawn would be fourteen months younger than his older brother Winston.

  After two days in the hospital, Sherry was at home with her new born. Things settled in very quickly for Shawn and for Sherry. One night while Sherry was holding Shawn, she asked Dallas about digging in the Middle East once again. He thought back to what they talked about before and then he thought about the Book of The Prophets. With all of the excitement, he had totally forgotten about that book and all of the clues and other things he could find in the book. He decided he would read one or two chapters every night before he went to bed.

  That night, Dallas read the first two chapters and to his own surprise, there was a reference that he had missed before about a clue that he would find on page one hundred and eighty eight. He immediately went to that page and read the highlighted parts. The highlighted part stated, “Can a leopard change his spots or a serpent change his bite? Can a murderer bring back the dead or an ant survive when he played the fool all summer long? Can A Vile Erratic morbid Individual Need what the unclean can give? The answer is No. The more a person will try the More Efforts Give Individual Deeds Done On an unrighteous path, that person will die.”

  In the next paragraph there was another clue it read, “When you search for the book look to the sun over the Peak of the Bird’s Nest. Measure from the cross, one hundred cubits to the smooth rock formation. Go south fifty cubits from the smooth rock formation to the entrance. Inside the entrance you will find a stone wall. Two cubits high, three cubits from the right wall a hollow rock will be found. Remove the rock and you will find the book.”

  Dallas was so excited he could not think of anything else but the cave and the entrance. The very thought of finding a cave with the things he had read about was more exciting than finding the whole skeletal remains of a dinosaur. But, Dallas had to come down to earth. He had a wife and one child one year old and one new born. He was on his last stretch of his MA and then there would be his Doctorate. He decided the book and the clues would have to wait, but he could keep reading and write down clue after clue.

  Dallas was becoming quite an archaeologist in the field of Archaeology. The year that Shawn was born, Dallas unearthed one of the greatest finds in the Montana River Basin. He, along with Professor Smith, found a young Tyrannosaurus Rex. It was the first time a whole young T Rex had been unearthed. With his fame came an extension to the grant Professor Smith received the year before. The extension would be for an additional three years. With an extension, Dallas would be able to get his Doctorate before a move to the Middle East.

  One night while Dallas and Sherry talked, about a move in three or four years to the Middle East, the subject finally started about another baby. Dallas stated that he would like to have one more baby and then call it quits. Sherry did agree and she had been praying that the next child would be a girl. She had already picked out a name and she asked Dallas what he thought about the name Rebekah. Dallas liked the name and asked if she was pregnant once again and if she was going to play another joke on him. She stated there is no joking this time, she was not pregnant.

  Time rushed by for both Dallas and Sherry. It was also rushing by for their two boys. Winston was two years old and Shawn was ten months old. Sherry had missed her last two periods and she knew she was pregnant once again. At the doctor’s office, he told her she could give birth in six to seven months. This time he wasn’t sure of the time like he was the other two times.

  Dallas only had a few years remaining on his doctorates study and then people could call him Dr. Taylor. The Devil on the other hand was doing everything in his power to make Dallas fail at everything he was doing. He would have blatant errors appear on papers Dallas was working on. Each and every error I corrected before the paper went to the Professor that was working with Dallas. The Professor stated time and time again it was the best paper he had ever read on the subject Dallas had chosen.

  The Devil threw everything he could at Dallas and his family, including the kitchen sink, as you humans put it. If the Lord had not commanded me to protect Dallas and his family, he would have been defeated. The same way the Devil was working against Dallas is the way he works against Israel.

  The Archangel Michael has a bigger job than I have. He has to protect Israel at all times. Many times, Michael had to call for help the way I did a number of years ago, when the Devil thought I would be easy to defeat. I called and a legion of Archangels appeared and helped me with the Devil.

  When Israel first became a nation in 1948 after being in foreign lands for over two thousand years, Michael had to call for two legends of regular angels to come and help. The Devil thought for sure he would keep Israel from becoming a nation, because the Arab nations had Israel outnumbered a hundred to one. It was then that God performed one miracle after another. Those miracles made Israel into a nation for the Jews.

  There were two other wars when Michael had to call for help and each time, Israel won the war. One of those wars would have been a disaster for Israel, if they had not found out the plan. That war was called the Six Day War. Michael needed a little help in that war and that is when he called for it. In that war, Israel knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Arab countries were going to attack. Before they could launch their attack, Israel struck first. With the help of the angels and the expert training of the Israeli Army, they defeated the Arabs at every key position.

  Michael is an opponent I would not want to face. His power is great and, if he needs help, he can call for regular angels or he can call for the Archangels. God has a whole legend of Archangels He can call if He wants them. Michael had never had to call for help from the Archangels, he always used the regular angels. It makes me and the other angels feel good when Michael calls. I also believe that God has a smile when Michael calls for the regular angels.

  Like I stated earlier, Dallas decided he would read one or two chapters out of the Book of The Prophets before he went to sleep every night. As he read, he would write things down in a ledger he was keeping. On page two hundred twenty five, the book told about a treasure that would make Israel the richest country in the world. The highlighted paragraph read, “The king of wisdom Shall Open Labyrinths Of Money On Never Seen caves before. When you enter watch your step, Go On Looking Down at each and every step you take. The wisdom is to know that the Mineral Is Naturally Erased when it is spent on foolishness.” What could this clue mean and what would he find once he made it to the Middle East?

  Four paragraphs further down, there was yet another clue. This clue began by saying, “Here is wisdom: the Care Taker will give the riches to Israel. The treasure along with the oil will make Israel into a cup of trembling in the Last Days. The oil can be found in A Simple Hedge Either Rotten or alive alongside the road. The oil is twelve furlongs west of the mouth of the Chilazon Creek at Neiel. Dig at the Hedge, you will find wealth.” Dallas now had a real mystery that he could figure out without going to the Middle East. All he had to do was to look in an encyclopedia at the library or on line and find Neiel or the Chilazon Creek.

  The next day, Dallas was hoping it would not snow; sometimes it did snow early in the year. Even though snow in mid September did occur, it did not this year. At the library, Dallas had a hard time findi
ng anything on a place called the Chilazon Creek. He assumed it was in Israel because the Book of The Prophets said it was in Israel. He then pulled out what he had written down on a piece of paper and it said the riches would be given to Israel. Nowhere did it say it was in Israel. He decided to keep looking for a place called the Chilazon Creek, in Israel.

  As you might know, I had to help Dallas find what he was looking for. I asked my God if I could put a thought in his mind and I was given permission. Before I go any further, I must state that angels cannot go beyond a certain point with a human. We cannot appear on earth in front of a human unless we are given permission from God. We cannot intervene when humans are on the verge of killing one another. We cannot change history that has already been written. This is a mystery to us angels as it is to humans.

  God knows what is going to happen in the future with each and every human that has ever been born on earth. He knows the history, but we angels do not. That is why we have to ask permission. Let me say one last thing before I continue. We angels are just like you humans. We have a will, just like you have a will. We can do whatever we want, just like you can do whatever you want. As you humans put it, we are not robots. Many thousands of years ago, one third of the angels decided to have their will and they rebelled against God. That was a very bad mistake. They could have chosen, just like I chose, not to rebel. They did not know their own future, but God did.

  After I received permission from God to help Dallas, I made sure the encyclopedia that had the information Dallas needed was pulled out of the shelf just a little. Dallas walked back to the isle he had taken the book from and he notice the other encyclopedia was sticking out about two inches. He thought that maybe that book would have what he needed. He reached for it and looked inside. He then walked back to the place he was sitting and began to read.

  Dallas found what he was looking for; he found that the name Chilazon Creek was first known as the Hilazon Creek and it was on the north side of the lower Galilee. It also told him of the town by the name of Neiel. Neiel was a town that was destroyed about twenty seven hundred years ago and it was never rebuilt. The ancient ruins still exist to this day. It is a tourist site when humans visit Israel.

  What Dallas had to do now was to find a detailed map of that area where the Hilazon Creek first started. It had to be at the town of Neiel. This search would take a little longer than what Dallas had figured on. As a matter of fact, it would take ten years. I know you may be wondering why it would take so long, so I will explain.

  First, Dallas still had to finish his work for his doctorate. Plus, there were a number of things God wanted to do in order to prepare Dallas and his family for the move to the Middle East.

  The second thing that had to happen was that Dallas had to find the Book of The Archangels. That book had many clues that would help Dallas find the things that God wanted to be found.

  Third, God did not want the cave that contained the treasures to be found or the place where men would have to dig to find oil. Those things would be found just before the rapture. Those are the things that would make Israel the richest country in the world. Those are also the things that would make Israel a cup of trembling in the Last Days. If all of those things were to happen five or ten years before the rapture, it would change the way the countries of the world would look at Israel.

  Fourth is probably the most important clue of all. Dallas had to know, beyond of a shadow of a doubt, that he was the Care Taker. By knowing that, he would have to realize that he is the one the Book of The Prophets calls the last prophet before the rapture.


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