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Reign of Pride

Page 15

by A. G. Kirkham

  “I will contact the school where Sabrina is studying,” Father said.

  Sabrina is my fourteen-year-old cousin. Silvia had had her shipped off to school “for her own good.” The truth was, she didn’t want to be a mother nor have a young girl turning into a beautiful woman take attention from her. Father will see that Sabrina is brought home and Mom will treat her as her own.

  “Today, we lost members of our family,” Luciano says.

  “This is family. What we lost were traitors!” Father states. “Take me home. I need to see to my wife and my daughter. Go home men and be with your families.

  Chapter Twenty

  She’s Faking

  Moreno (a.k.a. Reno)

  A week after the incident

  Since I let Felicia loose, safely returned to her husband, Nero, I can see he did his best to hide his feelings for his wife. In our situation, being the men and leaders of our families, there are more responsibilities thrust upon us so there is little room for emotion. Nero was cool for the most part. If not for the white knuckling of his fists when I spoke of the plan to eliminate her, I would have thought that their marriage was one of convenience as many are in our world.

  I’d once married for love. That is a mistake I will not repeat.

  I study the pictures Marco sent me. Anna is her name. Plain, they called her. At first glance, that is exactly what she appears. Pretty, but definitely not an attention-grabber. Yet, her eyes hold a secret. I notice that her eyes are downcast for most of the photos and she is peering through her lashes as if she is always on alert.

  Her eyes are a brilliant blue, like the color of the sky on a clear day. Her hair is a deep rich chestnut and there is loads of hair. She always wears it down, like a shield. In a picture beside her brother, she reaches his shoulder. Plain, yes, but is that all there is to her? Oh, I do not think so.

  I have been waiting for my man to make an appearance to inform me of any new information on Anna. Nero had arranged for my man to come into his territory as promised and had made his job seamless in gathering my own data on Anna Fieri and the Fieri family.

  I hear that Giorgio is a devoted Famiglia member like his father. He is set to take on his father’s underboss role when he retires. He married recently and has a new baby, as well. He is, apparently, very close to his sister, and she seems to be very comfortable around him and his wife, at least, by the look of these photos.

  I was naïve once before; I will not be fooled again. Alberto walks toward me and hands me a file. Notes and photos of his finding.

  “Don Viale,” he says.

  “Alberto, I see you have been busy.” I flip through the documentation. It seems Anna tends to have a pattern, repeating her daily activities. “This is fairly repetitious.”

  “Sir, I have never seen anyone so regimented. She leaves the house, goes to the school, works, goes to the gym, then returns home,” Alberto says, shaking his head.

  There’s a picture of her in her car. She has a broad smile as she waves, looking completely caught up in the moment. It is the only picture I have seen of her being unguarded. There is a ray of sunshine emerging from her eyes, a lightness. I think this woman is hiding herself. My little fake.

  “Tell me about this photo,” I inquire.

  “Nothing much to tell. She was leaving the parking lot and waving to a student with his mother. This child was waving frantically to catch her attention and she reciprocated,” Alberto shrugs.

  I make the call to Marco. “I would like to move forward to meet her father.”

  Chapter Twenty-One



  * * *

  “You’re being silly, Nero. I am fine to visit with your sister and Olivia at a restaurant without an entire entourage of your men at the table next to ours,” I announce loudly while walking into Nero’s home office.

  He raises an eyebrow. “What makes you think they were there to watch over you three trouble-makers? Perhaps they decided to have lunch together and it was a coincidence that they chose the same restaurant.” Sarcasm riddles his voice.

  I walk to the desk and Nero swivels his chair around as I climb onto his lap. “Honey, I know that the events of last week were scary and I’ll be the first to admit that I was afraid I’d never see you again, but, here I am. Safe in your arms in our house. We can’t live in fear,” I remind him of the words he’s said to me in the past. I caress his cheek, placing my forehead against his.

  “I can’t go through that again, dolce mio. I cannot relive that agony of not knowing where you were or what they were doing to you,” he growls.

  “You’re letting Dario and Livio live with the idea that you don’t trust them with me. They did everything they could. Dario almost died for me. I don’t want them feeling this way. They look defeated and don’t even look at me anymore. They barely talk to me. They are strung so tight I think they are going to snap,” I confess my concerns.

  “I can’t help how I feel, baby.” He stares at me with sad eyes.

  “Then let’s do something about it. Teach me to defend myself. Or, even better, work with Livio, Dario, and me to make us a stronger team. Teach me to shoot a gun. Please, honey, we need to find some normal. We need to move forward,” I plead.

  “Okay, I will talk to them. However, you will have three guards until I feel that you know how to adequately shoot and get away,” he barters.

  “Thank you.” I kiss his lips.

  He allows the kiss, but still he pulls back from me. Ever since that horrific event, Nero will only kiss me and hold me. He holds me at night but has not instigated sex. I am beginning to think he’s losing interest. I want to say something, but this is not something I am comfortable in discussing with all that has happened in the last few weeks. Essentially, we are still newlyweds, but in our world with the chaos that occurs, the simplicity of getting to know one another isn’t an option.

  “I have a few more calls to make before dinner. Let me see to them and then we can make plans for your training.” Nero kisses my nose.

  I sigh. “I’ll let you finish. Six o’clock for dinner?” I ask.

  “Perfect.” He squeezes my waist before letting me up.


  I watch her walk out my door and I fight the urge to call her back. I have been watching her closely since she was taken.

  They would have succeeded in creating a personal torture for my soul, but I would have fought them to the end. It was luck and Reno’s honor that brought Felicia back to me virtually unharmed. I am still shocked that Reno wants peace between the two families. His father was a ruthless bastard and it took years of persuasion to convince him of the truce the first time. With one fell swoop, that truce disappeared when my father accused him of deceit, and he’d never wanted to rectify the situation.

  I did a lot of digging into Moreno Viale. Every man said the same; he is fair yet ruthless when provoked. He is nothing like his father and is dedicated to his brothers, mother, and his Casa (his mafia Famiglia). Traditions run deep within our roots. Marriage between two rival families has been one way of creating a trust and peace. When he asked for a wife from our side of the family, I was stunned. This woman would become the wife of a Don, a very prestige role. I was more shocked when he called today to arrange a meeting with Anna’s father to discuss the union.

  I was glad to hear that Onofrio was agreeable to the match. In all honesty, I believe it is more than he expected for his daughter. Anna is a lovely girl, but she is over the age for marriage by our culture. She is sweet and kind and very docile however lacks the elegance of a Don’s wife or even that of an underboss. I’m happy that I did not have to push the importance of his commitment to our family with Onofrio to entice him to make the right decision. After my conversation with Giorgio, her brother, is more concerned for Anna’s safety and well-being. I reassured him that I have thoroughly investigated Reno and have found that his past lovers and his wife never once suffered at his hand. This placated him
and I think the meeting we have scheduled in a few days will seal this deal.

  Felicia hasn’t shown any signs of repercussions after the kidnapping, thank God. I still think that their death was too swift and not anywhere close to being painful enough. Knowing that my Aunt Silvia was the leader of this scheme is playing with my father’s heart. I can see that he is suffering greatly from the betrayal. Father has started going through the company of men who work for us, taking special measures to investigate each one and their associations. He is talking more adamantly that I prepare myself to take over the as Don. I think he will wait until Grazia is married before stepping down because he will want to have final say in her union.

  The bruise and stitches have disappeared, yet, I worry that one day the impact of what could have happened will hit my wife. Healing the mind is a much more difficult process than healing the body. I lay awake at night watching her for signs of nightmares. Watching her sleep beside me makes we want to wake her slowly with sensuous kisses until she is panting for me. Lately, everything she does makes me hard for her. The way she smiles; the way she struts into my office to argue; the way she slides into my lap to snuggle. Everything has been sheer torture. I want to give her time to have our life settle back to normal, but she is making it very difficult.

  So much has changed. Father’s push for me to take on a larger role along side of him, Reno’s pact with our family, an impending marriage, and the task of separating the rats from the family. It seems that the truer words were never said: “The only constant is change.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  I Sleep


  * * *

  After speaking with Olivia earlier, she gave me a new perspective on the reason why Nero has not wanted to have sex since the kidnapping. She explained how responsible he must feel for not protecting me in our own home. Nero admitted to having had a bad feeling about his uncle but had wanted proof before he moved on it. He feels guilty for not following his gut and is concerned about my worry of having this happen again. Hence the army of men today for a simple lunch with Grazia and Olivia.

  “So, what do I do?” I ask her on the phone. I miss Nero’s lips on mine. His body on mine. The way he makes me feel cherished and naughty at the same time. He makes my body ache with need. Each day since the madness occurred, I see him in his suit and want to tear it off and demand he make love to me.

  At first, I’d believed it was the stitches and swelling that turned him off, having to face the event over and over each time he looked at me. Then the sutures had been removed, and he still wouldn’t touch me that way. He kisses me softly and holds me as we sleep, but I want my man back. All of him. I want the sexy Nero and the naughty, badass Nero.

  “Seduce him,” was Olivia’s reply.

  That’s what I intend to do. I am going to seduce my husband!

  His favorite dish, fettucine in rose sauce… check. His favorite wine… check. Dessert in the fridge… check. Candles… check. Little black dress—and I do mean little—check.

  I set the table, and call out to him, “Honey, Dinner is ready”.

  I wait by my chair, wanting him to get a good view of this dress. The thin straps are made of pearls and the front and back dip quite low, exposing my back down to the top of my ass and the front forms a deep V between my breasts, and the skirt hits me mid-thigh, and clings in all the right places. I’ve left my hair down in wild curls and have added a deep red lipstick.

  Nero comes to a dead stop in the doorway, staring at me from head to heels, then he slowly saunters over to the table. He notices the candles and dimmed lights, then turns back to me and gives me a seductive smile.

  My insides do a little somersault.

  He holds out my chair and watches me as I sit—the hem of my dress raises to mid-thigh—then he takes a seat next to me. Through dinner, we chat about our day. I drop subtle hints by touching his hands whenever I have an opportunity.

  “This is delicious, dolce mio,” he says as he finishes the last of his pasta.

  “Save room for dessert,” I tease.

  I rise from the table and take his empty plate, dipping to kiss the side of his mouth, before heading into the kitchen. I grab the two chocolate parfaits with whipped cream from the refrigerator, then set one down before him, casually brushing my breast against his shoulder.

  A strong arm encircles my waist as I try to move back.

  “You’re playing with fire, Felicia,” he growls.

  “I certainly hope so,” I lick my lips and say without missing a beat.

  “I only have so much self-control, baby, and I’m tempted to toss you onto this table and have you for dessert,” he tells me.

  I dip a finger into the chocolate and hover it over his lips. He sucks my finger clean and pushes back the dessert dishes to the end of the table, perching me on the edge. He rises from his chair, knocking it back, eyes blazing with fire.

  “I believe you’re trying to seduce me, my young wife,” he states with a husky voice. He places his palms on either side of my head and kisses me passionately, holding my head in place so that I feel the full intensity of his kiss. It engulfs me whole. My heart beats wildly. I feel his passion as his hands grip the hem of my dress and slide it upward. He nudges my thighs apart with his, all the while nibbling my lips.

  Then he kisses me and it’s as if it’s the first time. My body screams into being and it’s as if I’ve touched a spark.

  That spark is Nero and I can’t get enough of him. Will never get enough of him.

  He lowers me to the table and pulls me to the edge while lodging his thighs securely between mine. I can feel his massive cock through his pants as he rubs against my thong. He runs his hand up my leg, skimming my ankle, shin, back of my thigh, to my ass.

  He raises his lips from mine. “I can see that I have tested your patience as well as mine. I guess I’ve been remiss in taking care of all your needs. Let me make that right,” he whispers with his lips hovering over mine.

  “Yes,” I murmur as his hand caresses my ass cheek, then curves lower. I can’t hold back a moan.

  He takes his hand away and I’m about to protest when his zipper comes undone. His belt jangles when it hits the floor.

  He palms my core

  “My baby’s wet and ready for me,” he growls.

  “Oh please, Nero, it’s been so long,” I plead as I take his lower lip between my teeth and tug.

  He continues to finger me. “Be careful what you ask for, dolce. I do not have much softness in me tonight. I want to take you hard and deep.”

  “Don’t wait, come inside me. I need you.” I raise my hips against his fingers and bite more firmly on his lip.

  A roar escapes him as he plunges his cock hard inside me, forcing me to raise my hips even more. My wild man gives me all I need and all I want, driving us both to the edge of ecstasy.

  “Yes!” I cry wildly. “Don’t stop!”

  Oh… Yes. Nero. It’s—” I arch my back to take him deeper. “That’s… yes. More, Nero. More!” I groan as my orgasm splinters through me. I hear Nero’s moan of release, panting and moaning against my neck as I hold him close to me.

  When his breathing subsides to normal, he places his forehead on mine. “You are a wonderful seductress, dolce,” he teases. “Wrap your legs around my waist.” He places my legs in position.

  I do as I am told, and he proceeds to carry me to our bedroom, laying me down and settling in beside me.

  “I’m very happy the ban from sex has been lifted,” I goad, rubbing my hand over his cheek.

  He looks away from me, blinking rapidly.

  I’ve never seen Nero like this. Like he’s… vulnerable.

  “Honey?” I turn his face to mine.

  He blinks again, then grabs my hand and kisses my fingers. “I failed you, Felicia, and I lay here every night next to you, worrying how this is affecting you, waiting for you to have nightmares. What happened should never have happened.”

nbsp; “I sleep fine,” I relate happily.

  “How? After everything, how?” he asks with anguish. His voice harsh.

  “I knew you were coming for me. I knew I would be with you in the end,” I tell him.

  “It could have gone very wrong and Reno, Sal or Amate could have done a lot of damage before I found you,” he croaks in misery.

  “It didn’t happen. And would you have loved me less if they had defiled me or disfigured me?” I already know the answer; he needs to understand it as well.

  “No!” he roars. “I will always love you.”

  I kiss his lips softly. “So that is why I sleep so easily; because you are with me and will always be with me. Now, I need you to sleep so that you can see to business and take care of our family,” I say calmly. “Honey, you are the only man I trust with my life and I know this shook you, but I am begging you to put this behind us. You have taken measures to ensure this never happens again and I believe enough in you to know it never will.”

  He looks at me. “You humble me with your trust. You are my everything. I promise you that I will love you forever. I will protect our children and make it my mission to know you are loved everyday.”

  He slips out of bed, still looking at me. “Dole mio, when I come back upstairs, I want to find you naked.”

  “Where are you going?” I’m confused. Where is he going?

  “I’m not going to let a perfectly good dessert go to waste. I’ll be back with the chocolate to have my wicked way with you.”

  Hours later, after chocolate and amazing sex, I lay next to my husband who is a gift I’d never wanted but am so grateful to have received.


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