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Whispers of Time

Page 21

by Gwendolyn Ilimaris

  Rin stumbled sideways and sat down on the ground causing Kaedin to look over at her. He moved to her side when he saw her on the ground. His gaze darkened when more bruises began to appear on her, and her face flushed with fever.

  “It is all right,” she said in response to his worry, that she could sense. “I am just going to need rest. It is a lot all at once.”

  He picked her up, “Then we shall go somewhere quiet.” Without saying anything to Jake, Paige, or Sara he headed into the forest and the two disappeared from view a few minutes later.

  Paige watched Kaedin walk away before she looked at her brother in exasperation. “What were you thinking?” she snapped. “Who says something like that? That was just rude!”

  Jake gave her a dirty look but did not say anything as he got back to his feet and rubbed his jaw. He had taken many punches in his martial arts training before but that one really hurt. Kaedin was much stronger than he expected. As they walked back into the cabin, he felt Sara touch his arm. He glanced down at her and saw the worry on her face.

  “I’m okay.”

  “Are you going to the living room?” She asked, and he nodded. “I’ll get you some ice.”

  Jake sighed as he watched her walk down the hall. Paige ignored him while she walked by him to go and find Raven. Jake glanced at her before he sighed again and headed to the living room. He sank onto the couch while waiting on Sara. She came up a couple of minutes later with a baggie of ice and a washcloth. Jake took it from her and winced when he put it on his jaw.

  “I guess I really screwed that one up,” he said, embarrassment creeping into his voice.

  Sara looked up at him, “Everyone makes mistakes.” She reached out to touch his hand but hesitated before she did, causing him to glance down.

  “You can touch me,” he said, his voice soft.

  Sara flushed and bit her lip as she reached over and interlaced her fingers with his. He watched her for a moment, and she peeked up at him.

  “I think the new hair and eye color look good,” he said.

  “Thank you,” she mumbled as she looked down at the couch. Jake set the ice pack down and turned toward her. He lifted her chin with his fingertips.

  “Don’t look down,” he said. “Look at me.”

  She bit her lip before she glanced back up at him and met his gaze. He held her gaze for a few moments before he leaned forward and kissed her.

  “Jake and Sara are joined?” Raven’s disbelieving voice broke the silence in the room when he and Paige walked up the steps.

  Sara was a brilliant shade of red and she tried to get up, but Jake tightened his grip on her hand and did not let go.

  “Please don’t leave,” he whispered to her. She had a conflicted look on her face before she made herself stay. Hiding her face on the arm of the couch, she tried to pretend they had not just seen Jake kiss her.

  “What?” Paige asked. “Why would they be married?”

  Raven looked over at Paige with a frown, “We do not kiss until we are joined.”

  Paige was shocked, but it was only a few moments before a look of realization crossed her face and she put her hands on her hips.

  “Is that why you won’t kiss me?” she asked.

  Jake glanced over at Raven and he shifted under his gaze.

  “Yes,” Raven replied. “It is our custom and I hold to the rules of propriety that are expected of my people.”

  “We’ll talk about this later,” Paige said with a frown before she spun around and headed over to sit with her brother and Sara.


  Kaedin walked for a while through the woods until he found an old pine tree. He climbed up several branches while holding Rin and stopped on a branch that was wide enough for two large adults to sit side by side. He sat with his back against the tree trunk and another branch that formed a V-shaped hollow. Once he was situated, he put his knee up and rested Rin back against his leg. They sat like that in silence for a while.

  “It is cold,” Rin whispered breaking the silence.

  Kaedin shrugged out of the jacket he was wearing and helped her put it on before he pulled her closer to him. She sighed and pulled the jacket tighter around her. He rested the backs of his fingers against her forehead.

  “You are burning,” he said, his voice filled with worry.

  “Sara had several bad fevers from the magic. They should pass soon. I am a bit stronger than her.” She gave him a half-hearted smile but Kaedin tilted his head when he could sense how much the fever was taking out of her. He did not say anything and the two fell silent again.

  “What do you need to ask?” Rin asked as she looked up at him.

  “Are you certain that you are up for it?”

  “I do not wish to relive what happened, but I do not believe there shall ever be a time that I will. There does not seem to be a good reason to postpone just because it will be difficult.”

  He tightened his grip on her before he sighed, “Hikaru.”

  A second later Hikaru appeared on the branch beside them. He did not say anything as he stood there waiting for one of them to speak.

  “Please give us some time alone,” Kaedin said without looking up at him.

  Hikaru frowned and shook his head, “You are aware that I cannot do that. It is my duty to keep an eye on Lady Rin.”

  “Hikaru, go back to the cabin,” Rin said, her voice sharp. “We need some time. I understand your duty, but I am asking you to please leave us.”

  “But my lady, Jaeha and your brother would be most unple--.”

  “I take responsibility,” she said as she raised her hand.

  “As you wish, my lady,” Hikaru said with a resigned sigh before he disappeared from view a second later. Once he was gone Kaedin absentmindedly started running his fingers through the ends of Rin’s hair. He seemed to be having some trouble adjusting to the sudden change in her appearance.

  “It looks so different with no curls,” he said. Rin frowned and looked up at him. “I think it looks good as well. I believe it shall just take some time to adjust.”

  Rin relaxed with a relieved smile when he did not hate the change in her appearance. Kaedin let go of her hair before he glanced back down at her. He hesitated and took a deep breath.

  “I must know what you needed to tell me about your father,” he said. “Lord Ronin told me what you said, but your father denies there is any truth to the accusations.”

  A dark, sorrowful look crossed Rin’s face, “Kilvari is not my father. He killed him to keep my lineage a secret. I am the daughter of Lord Kanamae and my mother, the elven queen.” She glanced up when she heard Kaedin take a sharp breath.

  “Forgive me.”

  “For what?” she asked. His expression changed from one of guilt to one filled with pain.

  “For everything,” he whispered. “For not being able to find the truth myself, for losing you, for being too weak t--.”

  “Stop,” she said, her voice firm. “I have already told you there is nothing to forgive.” She reached up and put a hand on his cheek. He closed his eyes and leaned into her hand. After a few moments, Rin’s face became clouded with ill-concealed emotions as she brushed her fingertips across his cheek.

  “I must know,” she whispered as her voice cracked. “How did I not lose you?”

  Kaedin opened his eyes and appeared to collect his thoughts, “Lord Wren found me. He was on his way back from a battle when they noticed something strange going on in the mountain. Lord Wren and Jaeha entered the mountain cave and were just barely able to heal me in time.”

  Rin slid her fingers down his face and neck causing him to shiver. She stopped when her hand was resting on his chest where the large scar could be felt through his shirt.

  “I must thank my brother,” she said, her voice cracking. “I was certain that I had lost you.”

  “I promised I would never leave you,” he said as he put his hand on her cheek. “I meant it.”

  She lifted her hand off his
chest and place it over his, “I shall hold you to that promise.” Her hand quivered when she shivered from the cold. Kaedin took her hand and put it inside the jacket she was wearing before he wrapped both arms around her again. He pulled her all the way onto his lap to help keep her warmer. They sat quietly for a while until Kaedin seemed to remember something and reached into his pocket.

  “I have something for you if you will accept it,” he began with a nervous edge to his voice. “I had this made for you and was going to give it to you after your ceremony. You had consented to be my ayen before all of this happened. Do you still hold to that?” He held up a delicate braided silver ring. It was three small threads of silver braided together to make one.

  Rin looked up at him with a gentle smile, “Of course, I do.”

  Kaedin smiled, relief evident on his features. He slipped the ring on the middle finger of her right hand before he leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. The two rested their foreheads together and sat in silence, each relishing the presence of the other.

  It was nearing evening when Rin and Kaedin returned to the cabin. She was still a little flushed with fever but did not appear to be bothered by any of the bruises or other injuries. They walked into the cabin without a sound and when they reached the stairs Rin paused.

  “I must go speak with them,” she said. “Please wait for me.” Kaedin raised an eyebrow with a look of disapproval and she chuckled. “It shall be fine.” She let go of his hand and headed up the stairs. When she entered the living room, she found Raven and Paige sitting together on the floor and Jake and Sara on the couch. Paige was talking about something until she saw Rin. She quit talking and looked over at her brother. Jake lowered the ice pack from his face when he noticed Rin.

  “My lady,” Raven said when he looked up and noticed Rin. He jumped up and hurried over to her. Without stopping to think, he grabbed her in a tight hug. “Please do not ever disappear on us again.”

  Rin patted his back before she shrugged out of the hug. She noticed that Paige was on her feet, glaring at Raven.

  “My lady?” She snapped at him. Raven tilted his head and did not appear as if he understood what was wrong.

  “Paige, it is a title only,” Rin said. “Raven and Hikaru are my personal guards and close friends.”

  Paige pursed her lips together but did not say anything to Rin. Raven walked back over to her, but he appeared wary as they sat back down, and Paige started whispering at him as soon as they were seated. Rin turned to face Jake and Sara with a sigh and noticed Sara fidgeting with her sleeve.

  “Sara, I apologize for my actions earlier,” Rin began. “I did not mean to frighten you. Seeing that book was quite a shock for me, I believe you may understand. You have seen some of that memory.”

  Sara nodded and tried to keep from looking at Jake when she could feel his gaze on her, “I understand.”

  “Thank you,” Rin said with a relieved smile. “And Jake, I--.”

  “I’m the one who should be apologizing,” Jake said with a deep frown. “What I said was completely out of line and I’m sorry.”

  “You are forgiven. I understand that much has been thrown at all you quite suddenly. It must be difficult to handle.” Jake nodded as he glanced at Sara. “If you will allow me, I can heal your face. I am sure that must be painful. I am certain that Kaedin was not gentle with you.”

  Jake hesitated for a minute and looked at Sara again. He seemed to be checking to see if she would be okay with Rin healing him. Rin smiled at the obvious young love between the two.

  “Sara can help me heal you,” Rin said when Jake still did not respond to her. Jake and Sara both looked up at her in surprise.

  “How?” Sara asked.

  Rin walked over and sat down beside her. She put a gentle hand on her shoulder.

  “Close your eyes, “she instructed. “Can you feel the small spark of magic?” Sara shook her head no. “I shall nudge it with my magic.” Rin closed her eyes and focused on pushing a tiny amount of magic into Sara. “Did you feel that?”

  “Yes,” Sara gasped in surprise.

  Jake was not pleased as he watched the two of them, “Won’t the magic hurt her?”

  “This magic is hers,” Rin said. “I am only acting as a catalyst to push it out, so she can learn how to use it. Now allow her to concentrate.”

  Sara gave Jake a tentative smile. He tilted his head before he sighed and nodded. She closed her eyes again and concentrated on the tiny spark of magic hidden deep inside of her. Her entire focus was on it until Rin picked up her hand and placed it on Jake’s cheek. She lost her focus as her face flushed and she bit her lip.

  “Concentrate,” Rin chided.

  She clamped her eyes closed tighter and forced her attention back on the magic. Once Rin was certain that she was again focused, she pushed her magic into Sara until her hand started to glow. When Rin noticed it was glowing, she stopped the flow of magic and Sara’s hand continued to glow with her own magic.

  “You must first visualize the wound healing in your mind,” Rin instructed. “Once you have it you will use the word Rujhāe, it allows the healing magic to flow.”

  Sara struggled to maintain her magic and picture the wound healing in her mind. It took her several moments to juggle it all.

  “Rujhāe,” she said. As soon as the word was out of her mouth the bruise on Jake’s face started to fade. She managed to hold the flow of healing magic for a few minutes before she exhaled hard and lost control of the magic. Her hand quit glowing. She frowned when she opened her eyes and saw she had not healed him all the way. Most of the bruise on his face faded but it was not completely gone.

  “That is quite good for a first attempt,” Rin said when she saw the look on her face. “You shall become better at it if you practice.” She paused and looked at Jake. “Would you like me to finish the healing?”

  “No,” Jake said without taking his eyes off Sara. “She did more than enough for me.” He could tell without looking at his face that most of the bruise was gone, and a little of the pain vanished.

  “Very well,” Rin said as she stood up. “I shall take my leave but when you have a moment, I would like to speak to you in private. I need your assistance with a military matter. Come and find me when you are prepared.”

  “All right,” Jake said, his voice confused. “I’ll find you later.” He had no idea what she could possibly need from him.

  Rin nodded and left the room.

  An hour later, Jake made his way down to the room where Rin and Kaedin were staying. He found her sitting in a chair staring at the black book they found in Sara’s bag. She seemed to be deep in thought and did not notice him right away. He stood in the doorway and looked around the room. His eyes widened in surprise when he found no one with her. A frown crossed his face when he realized Kaedin would be somewhere close by even if he did not see him. After waiting a couple moments for her to see him, he cleared his throat and Rin looked up immediately.

  “Please come in,” she said as she motioned for him to sit in the chair next to her. Jake was wary when he crossed the room and sat down beside her. “I need to speak with your father before I must return home to attempt to obtain help for your world.” She paused and observed him for a moment. Jake’s eyes narrowed when it felt like she was appraising him. “I would like for you to represent your people and I believe that you must have permission from your commander, am I correct?”

  Jake just stared at her before collecting himself, “Yes, I would have to have permission, but why me?”

  “I trust you. I believe that you would keep your people’s best interest at heart and would not be moved by personal gain.”

  He appeared dumbfounded for a moment and struggled to believe what she just said. It was difficult for him to process that she had seen him through Sara and did not just meet him yesterday. The thought was still almost unbelievable.

  “It won’t be easy to meet with the general,” Jake frowned and refused to say the
word father. “You won’t be able to just walk into the base.”

  “I have no intention of walking into the base,” Rin said with a chuckle. “I shall teleport the two of us directly to your father’s office. I believe that would be the best course to prove to him I am not from your world.”

  Jake paled when his stomach churned at the unpleasant memory of teleporting. He had felt sick for several hours after they got back last time.

  “When do you want to do it?”

  “I am prepared to go now,” she said standing up. “If I am going to get away without anyone else then I must go at once.”

  Jake could not help but grimace as he unconsciously rubbed his face. He had made Kaedin angry and did not want to get into another altercation with him. Taking Rin somewhere without him was not going to make him happy.

  “I shall not allow them to put blame on you,” Rin said. “This is my choice, so it is my responsibility if anything goes wrong.”

  He shrugged but his expression did not change. He was certain that Kaedin was not likely to stop long enough to find out who was to blame if something happened to her.

  “All right, let’s go,” he said, his voice reluctant.

  Rin held out her hand as soon as he agreed. He swallowed hard in preparation of the nausea he knew was about to follow before he took hold of her hand. She closed her eyes in concentration as soon as he was touching her. It took her a few moments to visualize the general’s office from Jake’s description.

  “Ēlipor ntāera,” she said. A second later they appeared near the door of General Riverwood’s office. The general startled at their sudden appearance in his office and his hand reached for the firearm at his side.

  “Jake?” He asked, his voice uncertain.

  Jake let go of Rin’s hand and his face went blank as he crossed his arms over his chest, “Yes, it’s me. She wants to speak with you.” He gestured to Rin standing next to him.

  “General Riverwood,” she said as she extended her hand. “I am General Rilavaenu.”


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