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Whispers of Time

Page 36

by Gwendolyn Ilimaris

  “Do you have any questions?” Wren asked bringing his attention back to him. Jake slipped the coins into his pants pocket before he shook his head. “Very well. Be cautious and use the signal when you are ready.”

  Jake and Sara got up and headed toward the port town. He took hold of her hand when they got closer to the torches lighting the walls. She peeked up at him and he squeezed her hand when he could feel her trembling.

  “We’ll be fine,” he whispered before they approached the gates. The two guards watched them walk inside the city before they exchanged glances. One of them slipped into the city behind them. Jake glanced back over his shoulder when the guard moved. His brows furrowed with concern but he forced his attention back to the buildings lining the main road. He had to make sure they went into the correct one or they would appear even more suspicious. They passed several merchant shops before he paused. The inn was further down the street in a quieter section of the town and the tavern was right beside them. He glanced up at it and decided the noisy, crowded tavern was the best place to try first. If things got out of hand hopefully, they could disappear in the confusion.

  Jake tightened his grip on Sara’s hand before he pulled her up the front steps and into the tavern. They both stopped just inside the door to allow their eyes to adjust to the bright light. Swallowing hard, Jake regretted his choice almost immediately when silence fell over the entire place. He scanned the room and noticed it was filled with races he was not familiar with. There were dwarves, large and burly humans, silver dragons, elves, and what he assumed were elves, but their skin was a light grey and they had brilliant pink eyes. After a couple of tense moments, the conversation started again, and Jake sighed, but did not lower his guard. The large humans and several of the elves were still watching them. He tried to keep from glancing at them as he crossed the large open room and approached the bar.

  “What ye be wantin’?”

  Jake looked over when an elven woman with the light grey skin spoke to him. She had a tray in her hands and was dressed in a revealing dress. Her pink eyes filled with irritation when he did not respond right away. “Ye humans all be the same. I needin’ to be speakin’ slower?”

  Jake fought to keep his annoyance off his face. “We need room.” He almost grimaced when he tried to make himself sound unintelligent.

  “Aye, we be havin’ a couple,” she replied. “Ye be speakin’ with the owner. He be tendin’ the other end of the bar.” She pointed at an elven man who was serving drinks to a couple of city guards. They appeared as if they had just come off duty. Jake bobbed his head in understanding before he did his best to lumber toward the man. The owner looked up when he noticed them, and his eyes narrowed. He seemed to be appraising them and Sara tightened her grip on Jake. Something about the way the owner and the city guards looked at them made her more nervous. It felt like they recognized them. She peeked over her shoulder and her face grew more fearful when she noticed the city guard from the gate had followed them inside.

  “Jake,” she whispered as she tugged on his arm and brought them to a stop. He kept his eyes on the owner and city guard, but he leaned closer to her. “I think they know us. That guard from the gate followed us in here.” Her voice was quiet and panicked when she whispered into his ear. Jake lifted his head and looked back toward the door and watched as several more guards walked into the tavern. He scanned the room, searching for another exit.

  “Can I help you with something?” Jake’s eyes flew back to the owner when he asked them a question. He shook his head no and eased away from the bar toward the large double doors that led into the kitchen. The elven woman who spoke to him earlier emerged carrying a tray with food and drinks.

  “Wait just a moment, I wish to have a word with you,” the owner said, his voice suspicious as he walked around the end of the bar.

  “What is the trouble, Thoridan?” One of the city guards sitting at the bar asked before he stood up from his bar stool. Thoridan did not reply to the guard as he continued to move closer to Jake and Sara.

  “Where do you hail from? You do not seem to be from around here,” Thoridan continued and Jake only shook his head no.

  “Want room,” Jake said while he pushed Sara backwards and stepped back. Thoridan tilted his head before his gaze turned to Sara and he stopped moving. He stared at her for a moment before realization flashed in his eyes.

  “It is 30 pliqini for a night,” he said looking back at Jake.

  Jake regarded him for a few moments before he shrugged his shoulders, “Too much. We leave.” He knew if he pulled out the elven currency it would seal their fate. The city guards were moving closer the longer they talked.

  “Surely you have that much,” the owner said as he glanced at a guard and nodded. “If you are with our lord and lady, I am certain you have plenty.”

  The entire room froze for a split second before Jake dove for the kitchen doors. He rammed them open with his shoulder and they slammed into the barmaid. The new tray of food she was carrying flew from her hands when the doors knocked her backwards. Jake sprinted through the kitchen while he pulled Sara with him. He did not bother to look back when he heard the loud commotion behind them and ran straight for the backdoor. After he threw it open, they dashed back out into the rain and turned to run when more city guards appeared from around the end of the building. Jake weighed their options in a few seconds, and he jumped at the guard not in the bunch. He caught him by surprise and knocked him out of the way. Jake shoved Sara through the opening, “Run!” He spun to face the other guards moving in and managed to incapacitate two before the others got hold of him. One of them hit him hard in the back of the head causing him to crumple to the ground unconscious.

  “Jake,” Sara cried while she tried to get free of the guard holding onto her. She had not been able to get away when Jake told her to run.

  “Be still,” the guard snapped at her. He dragged her with him while two of the others picked Jake up off the ground. They took them to the small two cell prison in the center of the city. After tossing them inside and locking the door all the guards but one left. He stood watching as Sara rushed to Jake and tried to wake him. Her eyes were panicked when she felt the large knot on the back of his head.

  “Why’d you hurt him? We didn’t do anything wrong.” Tears of anger and fear gathered in her eyes while she grabbed a handful of Jake’s shirt.

  The guard tilted his head as curiosity crossed his face, “You are more intelligent than the normal humans. That is quite intriguing. Where are you from?” He paused before he frowned when Sara would not answer him. “A pity. You shall be taken back to Nuenthras since his majesty has an interest in you.” The guard paused again. “Where are Lord Wren and Lady Rin? You were both with them.”

  Sara’s gaze flew back to the ground in front of her. She refused to say anything further and eventually the guard moved away from the door.

  “Be prepared,” he said before he was out of earshot. “His majesty will not be so kind if you fail to answer his questions. You shall leave in the morning.” He walked through the door of the prison and slammed it closed behind him.

  Sara started to tremble at the mention of Kilvari. She knew he was not going to be kind to them if they were taken back to Nuenthras. After a few minutes, she shook her head and turned her attention back to Jake. He was still unconscious. She ran her fingers over the knot on his head before a look of determination crossed her face. Clamping her eyes closed, she held her hand over the injury. “Rujhāe.” The hand over Jake’s wound started to glow a faint blue. Her brows furrowed as she fought to use her magic. Several long minutes later she gasped and lost control of the spell, but the knot on his head was half the size. She was taking slow deep breaths so that she could try to heal Jake again when he groaned. He reached for his head when his eyes opened a little bit.


  He glanced around until he saw her sitting beside him. His head was resting on her legs.

  “What h
appen...?” He trailed off with a grimace when his head started pounding from trying to talk. Sara’s face filled with more worry when she could see the pain on his face. Once the pain started to subside, he looked back up at her. His expression darkened when he saw the look on her face, and he grabbed her hand.

  “I’m okay,” he whispered. “Tell me what happened.” He fought to keep from grimacing again so that Sara would talk to him. She hesitated before she told him what happened. Once she was done Jake, with a slight shake of his head, sighed. He should have been more careful and left as soon as he thought they were in trouble.

  “I’m sorry,” he mumbled.

  “It’s not your fault.” He only squeezed her hand in response. The more fully awake he became the more pain was beginning to register. He flinched when he touched the spot on the back of his head.

  ‘Sara!’ Sara jumped when she heard Rin’s voice in her head and Jake gasped from the sudden movement. She looked down at him and saw his eyes were clamped closed against the pain throbbing in his head.

  ‘What is going on?’ Rin’s thought almost made her jump again before her eyes filled with hope.

  ‘We need help,’ Sara thought in a panic. ‘They recognized us, and Jake is hurt. I healed it a little bit but he ne--.’

  ‘Slow down! Tell me everything.’

  Sara took several deep breaths to calm back down before she told Rin everything that happened since they left for the city. When she was finished, she waited in nervous silence for a response.


  Wren was pacing through the grass now that the sun had set, and they were hidden from view by the darkness. The thick storm clouds kept the moon’s light from breaking through them.

  “It has been too long,” he said turning to face Raven and Hikaru. “One of you must slip into the city and find out what is amiss.” He paused, and his head dropped. “I should never have sent them in there. If they are harmed it is my doing.”

  “I shall try and speak to Sara,” Rin said as she moved to stand beside her brother. She rested her hand on his arm. His face darkened further when he noticed that she was still shivering. He closed his eyes with a frustrated sigh before he nodded. Rin looked away from him and focused on allowing Sara to hear her thoughts. It was several minutes before she glanced back up at her brother and he could tell something was wrong.

  “They were recognized,” she said, her voice barely audible over the rains. “The city guard put them in the prison and Jacob has been injured.”

  Wren whipped around so that he could see the small town. His face was calm and collected even if he was not. “Tell her we are coming.” He looked over at Jaeha and the dragon tilted his head. “Get them out and meet us on the other side of the town.”

  “Are you certain? They will pursue us,” Jaeha said, unable to conceal his surprise.

  “I am not worried about pursuit,” Wren said, his voice sharp. “If they wish to challenge me then I welcome it. I have been chased from my home and while I do not wish to harm my people, I will not tolerate being hunted.”

  Jaeha bowed his head, “I shall free them and meet you. Do I have full permission to act?”

  “Yes.” Once Wren gave his permission, Jaeha moved away from the group. He glanced back before he allowed himself to glow and in seconds he was back in true form and rising into the sky. He streaked toward the city and roared so loud that it shook the buildings when he descended on the prison. City guards poured into the streets but only a handful raised any kind of weapon to him. They recognized him at once.

  Jaeha ignored the handful of arrows coming his direction as he tore the roof off the prison with a swipe of his front claw. He roared again as he plucked a shocked and terrified Sara off the ground with one claw before grabbing Jake with another. Snapping his tail in irritation, he caught a couple of guards and sent them flying across the main street. A low angry growl caused the remaining guards to back away from him. He rose higher into the sky before he streaked for the far side of the town. As soon as he was no longer over the city Wren appeared on his back and Hikaru and Kaedin flew up next to him. Without a word, the three dragons flew hard through the pouring rains.

  Wren glanced back and watched as some of the city guards were mobilizing to attempt to follow them. He stood up on Jaeha’s back and moved up to his shoulder before he slid down his leg. Catching hold of his claw, he put a foot on one of his toes so that he could see Jake and Sara. His eyes filled with concern when he saw Jake laying against Jaeha’s claw with his hand on his head. Without a word, Wren put his hand on Jake’s arm causing him to start in surprise. He watched the grimace flash across his face before Wren closed his eyes, “Rujhāe.” It took Wren a couple minutes to finish healing the wound before he opened his eyes.

  “Thanks,” Jake mumbled as his eyes started to close on their own. Now that the throbbing had lessened, the pain was not keeping him awake. Wren observed him for a moment more before he climbed back up to Jaeha’s back. He got seated again before he looked behind them. In the distance, he spotted the light of multiple torches and his eyes narrowed.

  “Are you all right carrying both of them?”

  “We shall get farther if I keep them, rather than burdening the young ones,” Jaeha replied with a low growl.

  “Then get us as far as possible before we must take a rest.”

  Jaeha did not respond other than to pick up the pace as they headed straight for the large mountain range, that was just visible in the distance.

  The dragons flew hard for almost a full twenty-four hours before Jaeha finally slowed and descended toward the base of the Naraeshiki Mountains. He laid Jake and Sara down before he dropped to the ground over them. Wren leapt off his back and hurried over to them while Jaeha changed back.

  “Are you both all right?” He asked as he reached out and assisted Jake to his feet.

  “Yeah, we’re okay,” Jake said with a frown. “I should’ve been more careful. I didn’t think they’d be able to recognize us.”

  Wren shook his head, “It is not your fault. I should have anticipated the complication.” He paused and glanced over at the others. His eyes narrowed when he noticed that Rin was still shivering. “We shall take a rest here and get everyone warm. Find a secure place where we can build a fire.”

  Jake started to move away to help gather wood for a fire when Wren grabbed his arm. He glanced back at him.

  “Remain here with Jaeha,” Wren said. “Sara is cold as well and you need to rest.” Jake frowned before he sighed and nodded. He moved over to Sara and the two of them sat down with their backs against the rocky cliffs behind them.

  In a short time, the group managed to find a small cave a few hundred feet above the forest floor. It was just large enough that they could all lay down and still have a small area for a fire pit. Raven made quick work of building a roaring fire in the small pit he created out of the stones. Once the fire was going, they covered most of the entrance with thick pine branches to conceal the glow given off by the fire. It was not long before the entire cave was quite warm, and they were all comfortable for the first time in days.

  “Everyone get some sleep,” Wren said when he noticed that Rin was no longer shaking. “We have traveled quite far and should reach the city in another day, but the road is not easy.” No one argued with him and they all laid down on the warmed stones. It was not long before they were all asleep.

  Early the next morning, Rin crouched by the entrance and peered through the tree branches as she listened to the conversation below them.

  “Have you found anything?” An elf asked as he looked over at his companion.

  “No, it is as if they vanished. All roads to Caradthrad are being watched, there is no way that they can slip through.”

  “Do not underestimate our lord and lady,” the first one said. “They shall not be easy to capture and take back to his majesty.”

  The second elf cleared his throat, “I do not wish to detain either of them. Something does
not seem right about all of this.”

  “Shhh,” the first one hissed. “Do not allow the captain to hear you say such things. He shall have you flogged.”

  The second elf shuddered at the thought of being flogged before they both fell silent and disappeared into the trees. Rin eased back once they were gone. This was the third patrol she had seen pass by the cave since sunrise. A look of concern crossed her face before she slipped across the cave and shook her brother awake by the shoulder. He was groggy for a few moments as he rubbed his eyes.

  “What is it?” He asked when he saw it was Rin who woke him. She glanced at the others, who were still asleep, before looking back at her brother and telling him what she had seen. When she was finished, he just shook his head.

  “This certainly complicates matters,” he said. “Can you still get us to the hidden entrance?”

  “Yes, but we shall have to climb up from here,” she replied. “I fear if we make for the easier climbing spot we shall be seen.” She paused and looked over at Sara. “Though, I am uncertain that they can all make the climb.”

  Wren followed her gaze before he sighed. “How far is it?”

  “The narrow ledge that we must traverse to reach the path is hundreds of feet above us. I worry that even Jacob will be unsuccessful in this instance.”

  “I can carry Miss Sara if required.” Both Wren and Rin looked at Jaeha when he spoke. Neither had realized that he was awake. “I believe Hikaru would be more than capable of doing the same for Paige.”

  Wren seemed to consider the idea for a moment before he nodded, “That sounds plausible. Do we have anything that we can use to create a harness or strap, so they do not have to hold on during the climb?”


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