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Whispers of Time

Page 41

by Gwendolyn Ilimaris


  She tried to look up at him but could not focus. Her vision was still too affected by the potion. “Wren?” She asked, her voice slurred.

  “She is fine,” Lyra said when Wren looked back up at her. “I will give her the additional herbs, but it shall take hours if not a day or two for it to be out of her system. She will be groggy, disoriented, and her vision will be affected. I would not recommend leaving her alone.”

  “K.. Kae…din?” Rin’s slurred voice interrupted.

  Wren stood up when Kaedin appeared beside the couch and he took his place. “I am here.” He took hold of her hand as soon as she tried to reach out to him. She became less agitated as soon as he touched her.

  “Do not allow her to sleep for several hours or you will have to use the potion again to wake her,” Lyra said, pulling Wren’s attention back to her. “She shall need plenty of fluids and…” She trailed off when Wren raised an eyebrow. “If you wish, I could remain and keep an eye on her.”

  “Yes, please do so,” Wren said, his voice grateful.

  Lyra nodded with a small smile before she moved over to where Rin and Kaedin were still on the couch. Wren watched her for a moment before he looked to his side and found Ronin was waiting on him.

  “The city has been sealed,” Ronin said once he had his attention. “Any remaining humans, other than your guests, are being removed.”

  “Is there somewhere we can stay where we are all together? I do not wish to split up until we are certain that the city is secured.”

  Ronin thought for a moment. “Yes, though it is rarely used and may need to be cleaned up. The floor above us has a large common area with several smaller rooms attached to it. There are no balconies so the only way onto the floor is one staircase.”

  “That will do,” Wren said with a heavy sigh. “I apologize for all the difficulties we are causing you.”

  Ronin could not help but chuckle. “I suppose I shall consider it payback for the years of trouble I caused for you.”

  “With my sister’s help of course,” Wren said with a half-smile and Ronin grinned in response. “I believe that we shall head up there now. The meeting shall have to wait until Rin is recovered.”

  “I figured as much,” Ronin said as the smile slipped off his face. “I shall send someone up to fetch anything that you need.”

  Wren nodded and held out his arm to Ronin. The two grasped forearms. “Thank you.”

  Ronin shook his head. “No thanks are necessary. You and Rin are family to Riku and I, so make this as much like home as you wish.”

  Wren released his arm with a small head bow before he looked over at Kaedin. He watched the grimace flash across his face when he picked Rin up off the couch. Wren started to ask him if he wished for someone else to carry Rin but stopped. He just shook his head and turned his attention to the others.

  “Follow me,” he said before he headed out of Ronin’s study. They all filed out of the room and followed him down the hallway.

  It was nearing midnight when Sara woke up. She laid awake for a while before it became apparent that she was not going to be able to fall back asleep. Sitting up with a heavy sigh, she decided to return to the common room and read by the fire. After putting on a pair of silver flats she pushed the door to her room open. She paused and looked around the room as she tried to remember where the bookcases were located.

  The large room she scanned had several large, thick black rugs that covered the floors while the walls were all bare stone. There were numerous chairs all around the edges of the room and a large table running down the center. Four smaller rooms were off the main hall and contained three single beds in each. On the wall space between the doors to the rooms, a large fireplace was on the far back wall and bookcases lined the other spaces.

  Sara crossed the room and headed for the bookcase closest to the fireplace. There was still a large fire burning and it gave off enough light that it illuminated the books. She was so focused on the bookcase that she did not notice the faint light coming from the room just on the other side of the fireplace. When she heard the sound of hushed voices, she jumped in surprise and could not help but peek into the room. Her eyes widened when she saw Wren sitting on the edge of a single bed with Lyra beside him. He held one of her hands in his. Sara bit her lip and tried to turn her attention to the books, so she could find one before they noticed her near the doorway.

  “Are you all right?” Lyra’s quiet voice could just be heard from where Sara was standing. “I have been so worried since I learned of your mother.”

  “I am as well as can be expected,” he said, his voice cracking. “I never could have imagined that he would do something like this.”

  Lyra slipped her hand out of his and wrapped both arms around him. He stiffened for a moment before he leaned enough that his head rested against her.

  “I apologize that I could not come to you sooner,” she whispered. “I knew this would be difficult.”

  Wren sighed before he sat back, and her arms slipped off. “Lyra I--.”

  “I know,” she said. “However, that does not change the fact that I am your match and I shall support you as I see fit.”

  “You should find someone who can make you happy. I fear that I never wil,” he whispered.

  Lyra folded her arms across her chest. “I already have. I shall follow my heart and that has always been you. Have your feelings changed?”

  “No, my heart is still and always will be yours,” he said, his voice soft. “I… I just cannot make you a promise. I spend far too much time on the front lines. I cannot join with you only to leave you alone. I do not wish for you to suffer over me.”

  Lyra reached up and took his face in both of her hands. “Do you not realize that I shall suffer the same whether we are joined or not? If I were to lose you the pain will not lessen because I am not your ayen.”

  He reached up and pulled her hands off his face. “I am sorry.”

  “I know,” she said as pain filled her eyes. “I shall wait for you as always.”

  “Forgive me,” he whispered. When she did not say anything else, Wren pulled her toward him and wrapped both arms around her. She rested her head against his chest and closed her eyes with a sigh. The steady beating of his heart soothed the pain coursing through her. He just did not understand, and she did not know how long it would be before he did.

  Guilt appeared on Wren’s face when he heard her sigh and he tightened his grip. He rested his cheek on her head before a slight movement caused him to glance out the door. When he caught sight of Sara holding a couple books his head snapped up. His eyes narrowed, and she spun and bolted. She did not stop running until she was back inside her room. Sara scrambled back into bed and covered her entire body with the blankets. She held her breath in the silence and it was several minutes before she relaxed a little bit. Tears started to rim her eyes when she realized she had heard something she was not supposed to and felt terrible about it. Those feelings soon started to turn to panic and she prayed that Wren would not be angry with her.

  Early the next morning, Rin woke with a pained groan. Her head was pounding, and the room was trying to spin. She opened her eyes and glanced around. She found that if she did not try to turn her head too fast the dizziness was tolerable until she tried to sit up. When she attempted to sit, her head spun causing her stomach to lurch. She snatched the bucket, sitting beside her bed, off the floor and started vomiting into it. Once she was finished, she noticed a soft hand on her shoulder pushing her back down.

  “Be still,” Lyra said as she took the bucket from her. “You are not ready to be up yet. I am surprised that you are awake already, though, I suppose that is because you are accustomed to pushing yourself far too hard.” She paused and set the bucket on the floor. “You must remain in this bed for a few more hours and rest.”

  Rin swallowed hard a few times trying to keep from vomiting. “What happened?” She asked when she could safely speak.

  “There shall be plenty of time for explanations later. For now, just rest.” When Rin tried to give her a dirty look she could not manage and Lyra’s eyes filled with concern. “Do you have a headache?”

  Rin did not answer the question. “Where is Kaedin?”

  Lyra pressed her lips together in irritation as she looked down at her. “He is fine and sleeping. Do you have a headache?” When Rin still did not answer Lyra folded her arms across her chest. “As stubborn as your brother. Lady Rilaeya, do you have a headache?”

  Rin’s eyes widened in surprise. No one other than her mother ever used her given name. While it was proper for Lyra to use it since she was almost as old as her brother, it caused a pang of pain to run through her chest. “Yes,” she mumbled after a few moments.

  “How bad?”

  “It is pounding and makes me sick,” Rin said with a frown.

  “Remain in that bed and I shall return in a moment,” Lyra said, her voice firm, as she stood up and hurried to the door. Her concern was no longer concealed once she was outside the room and searched for Wren. She needed that cloth again.

  “What is it?” Wren asked warily when he saw her approach, he knew something was amiss by the look on her face. She stopped walking when she stood beside him, but she did not say anything right away. Her gaze turned to the others around the table. “They have my trust.”

  “I need that cloth again,” She said once she received his approval. “I am afraid that I may have missed something.”

  “Why? What is wrong?”

  “She is still having vision issues and has a bad headache. A night lily potion does not cause a headache and her vision should have returned to normal by now.”

  Wren’s face clouded with worry, “I do not have the cloth. Ronin and I did not think it would be needed and it was destroyed.” He paused with a frown. “Could it just be that it is due to it being so strong?”

  “That is possible,” Lyra said with a sigh. “I suppose I shall have to treat the symptoms and I pray that will be enough.” She started to drift toward the stairs. “I must return to the healing ward and collect some supplies. Please see to it that she remains in bed. She has already attempted to sit up and caused herself to be sick.”

  “I shall see to it,” Wren said as he stood up from his chair. Once Lyra disappeared down the stairs he headed toward his sister’s room.

  Sara sighed out loud with relief when Wren left the table. She was so uncomfortable around him.

  “What is wrong?” Jake asked. She glanced up at him but did not say anything. “Did something happen?” His voice grew wary when he watched her start wringing her hands with nervous energy. She opened her mouth several times to say something, but nothing came out. She knew Wren would not want her to say anything, but she did not want to keep secrets from Jake.

  “I… I saw something I shouldn’t have,” she blurted after several moments.

  Jake tilted his head and narrowed his eyes, but before he could reply someone clearing his throat caught their attention. They both looked up and found Wren standing beside the table again. He had forgotten the book he was reading before heading to Rin’s room.

  Sara turned bright red and her gaze dropped to the table. Wren tilted his head with a raised eyebrow before he sighed.

  “Miss Sara, come with me,” he said.

  She cringed and started to fidget with her sleeve as she stood up. Jake opened his mouth to protest.

  “Jacob, this does not concern you. It shall only take a moment,” Wren said. He looked back at Sara and gestured toward her and Paige’s room. She dropped her head and shuffled her feet as she followed him. Once inside, he closed the door.

  “I’m so sorry,” Sara mumbled. “I didn’t mean to see anything. I couldn’t sleep and was just trying to find a book.”

  “Stop,” Wren said, and she fell silent. “I am not angry with you.” Her eyes were filled with disbelief when she peeked up at him and he sighed. “Sara, I am a very private person and I do not wish for my private life to be known by everyone. If you must tell Jacob then so be it, but you must stop being so nervous around me. I could tell the moment I saw you this morning.” He paused with a frown. “Everyone is going to notice something is amiss.” She looked back at the floor to hide her embarrassment. “Is this agreeable to you?” He kept his voice as soft as possible. Knowing she was painfully shy, he did not wish to press her too hard.

  “Yes,” she whispered, but still did not look back up at him.

  “Good,” he replied, his voice relieved. “Now, I believe that you should rejoin Jacob. I am certain that he is most unpleased with me.” His amused smile when he mentioned Jake caused Sara to relax. A small smile crossed her face when she knew he was right about Jake. Wren opened the door for her, and she headed back over to the table. She sat back down beside Jake just as Wren disappeared back into his sister’s room. Jake watched her sit back down and waited for her to say something. She leaned closer to him.

  “He just wanted to say he wasn’t mad at me,” she whispered. “I accidentally saw him with Lyra when I was trying to find a book.” She paused and peeked up at him. “He said I could tell you, but I have to stop being so nervous when he is around.” She shrugged when she was finished and started to fidget with the sleeve on her gown. Jake took hold of her hand to get her to stop.

  “The healer, huh?” He whispered, and her eyes grew wide with concern. “I won’t say anything, I promise.” When he felt her relax, he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. Her cheeks flushed as soon as he touched her, and he could not help but smile.

  “Where is Lord Wren?” A sudden stern, angry voice filled the room, causing Jake and Sara to look up. They found a regal looking woman standing at the top of the stairs. Her arms were folded across the beautiful, bluish silver gown she wore. The lining inside the sleeves was white as well as the knotwork along the hemline. Her long silver and light brown hair was braided in an ornate fashion and tied with a white ribbon. Her light blue eyes were ice cold as she regarded them.

  “I shall fetch him, my lady,” Hikaru said as he jumped up from the table and headed toward Rin’s room, but he only made it part way across the room when the door opened. Wren stepped out and looked over at the woman.

  “Lady Shiokae,” he said with a slight bow. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” The words he spoke were polite, but those who knew him well could hear the undertone of displeasure. Hikaru and Raven exchanged concerned glances.

  “I have heard vicious rumors that you brought that child here,” Shiokae snapped. “If that is the truth, I want her out of this city. She is not welcome here.”

  Wren jerked the door closed with a loud thud. “Forgive me, my lady, I do not believe that you have that authority. Only his majesty can make that sort of decision.”

  “Do not dare disrespect me in my own city,” she said, her voice rising. “I have authority enough to banish one that is not welcome in my home.”

  Wren glanced back at the door behind him. He did not wish for Rin to hear any of this. She had far too much to deal with right now. “I mean no disrespect; however, I shall honor no such requests unless I hear them directly from his majesty.”

  As if on cue, Ronin hurried into the room. He took a moment to catch his breath when he stopped beside Wren.

  “Mother, what are you doing?” He asked, his voice unhappy. Shiokae turned to face her son.

  “I wish for that bastard child to be removed from this city at once,” she said, her voice ice cold. “She is not welcome here.”

  “Absolutely not,” Ronin said, his voice taking on a sharp tone. “She is my sister and shall be treated as such.”

  His mother was so furious that she balled her hands into tight fists. “I shall hear none of this nonsense about you having a sister. You do not have a sister. I would know.”

  Ronin narrowed his eyes, “Mother, if you do not wish to or cannot acknowledge the truth then I can do nothing for you. Riku and I have a sister, and it wo
uld be well that you make your peace with it and accept it.” He paused with a frown. “I do not wish to be at odds.” He stood up fully and gave no ground when his mother took a step toward him.

  “My, that boy has quite a good head on his shoulder.” Everyone looked toward the stairs and watched Myrabelle walk into the room. “What is all this nonsense I heard on my way up here?”

  “This does not concern you,” Shiokae snapped, with a look of disdain.

  “Shiokae, if you intend to try and banish that child then you better believe that it involves me. I care for that child like a daughter and she does not deserve your ire. She had nothing to do with the choices of the adults who brought her into this world and has only suffered because of them. Now, act like an adult and not a spoiled child.”

  Ronin balked at Myrabelle’s words as his gaze returned to his mother and he found her frozen in shock. Her mouth hung open for a few moments before she snapped it closed and her eyes narrowed.

  “I do not believe anyone has ever dared to speak to me in such a disrespectable manner and it would be wise for you never to do so again.”

  Myrabelle crossed her arms over her chest and chuckled. “I shall speak to you however I see fit, especially if you are being a fool.” She chuckled again when Shiokae’s expression turned murderous. “Do not think that you can intimidate me. I have been around just as long as you have.”

  Shiokae’s hands clenched into fists before she spun and stormed out of the room without another word. Ronin watched her leave before he sighed and glanced over at Wren.

  “I apologize, I did not make it in time to stop her,” he said.

  “I did not believe that your mother was such a fool,” Myrabelle said as she grabbed Ronin in a hug. “How are you boy?” She looked up at him and was unfazed by the look of surprise on his face. After a few seconds, he shook his head with a light chuckle and returned her hug. No one just grabbed him for a hug anymore.


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