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Complete Works of Aldous Huxley

Page 148

by Aldous Huxley

  Bernard’s questions made a diversion. Who? How? When? From where? Keeping his eyes fixed on Bernard’s face (for so passionately did he long to see Lenina smiling that he simply dared not look at her), the young man tried to explain himself. Linda and he — Linda was his mother (the word made Lenina look uncomfortable) — were strangers in the Reservation. Linda had come from the Other Place long ago, before he was born, with a man who was his father. (Bernard pricked up his ears.) She had gone walking alone in those mountains over there to the North, had fallen down a steep place and hurt her head. (‘Go on, go on,’ said Bernard excitedly.) Some hunters from Malpais had found her and brought her to the pueblo. As for the man who was his father, Linda had never seen him again. His name was Tomakin. (Yes, ‘Thomas’ was the D.H.C.’s first name.) He must have flown away, back to the Other Place, away without her — a bad, unkind, unnatural man.

  ‘And so I was born in Malpais,’ he concluded. ‘In Malpais.’ And he shook his head.

  The squalor of that little house on the outskirts of the pueblo!

  A space of dust and rubbish separated it from the village. Two famine-stricken dogs were nosing obscenely in the garbage at its door. Inside, when they entered, the twilight stank and was loud with flies.

  ‘Linda!’ the young man called.

  From the inner room a rather hoarse female voice said, ‘Coming.’

  They waited. In bowls on the floor were the remains of a meal, perhaps of several meals.

  The door opened. A very stout blonde squaw stepped across the threshold and stood looking at the strangers, staring incredulously, her mouth open. Lenina noticed with disgust that two of the front teeth were missing. And the colour of the ones that remained . . . She shuddered. It was worse than the old man. So fat. And all the lines in her face, the flabbiness, the wrinkles. And the sagging cheeks, with those purplish blotches. And the red veins on her nose, the bloodshot eyes. And that neck — that neck; and the blanket she wore over her head — ragged and filthy. And under the brown sack-shaped tunic those enormous breasts, the bulge of the stomach, the hips. Oh, much worse than the old man, much worse! And suddenly the creature burst out in a torrent of speech, rushed at her with outstretched arms and — Ford! Ford! it was too revolting, in another moment she’d be sick — pressed her against the bulge, the bosom, and began to kiss her. Ford! to kiss, slobberingly, and smelt too horrible, obviously never had a bath, and simply reeked of that beastly stuff that was put into Delta and Epsilon bottles (no, it wasn’t true about Bernard), positively stank of alcohol. She broke away as quickly as she could.

  A blubbered and distorted face confronted her; the creature was crying.

  ‘Oh, my dear, my dear.’ The torrent of words flowed sobbingly. ‘If you knew how glad — after all these years! A civilized face. Yes, and civilized clothes. Because I thought I should never see a piece of real acetate silk again.’ She fingered the sleeve of Lenina’s shirt. The nails were black. ‘And those adorable viscose velveteen shorts! Do you know, dear, I’ve still got my old clothes, the ones I came in, put away in a box. I’ll show them you afterwards. Though, of course, the acetate has all gone into holes. But such a lovely white bandolier — though I must say your green morocco is even lovelier. Not that it did me much good, that bandolier.’ Her tears began to flow again. ‘I suppose John told you. What I had to suffer — and not a gramme of soma to be had. Only a drink of mescal every now and then, when Popé used to bring it. Popé is a boy I used to know. But it makes you feel so bad afterwards, the mescal does, and you’re sick with the peyotl; besides, it always made that awful feeling of being ashamed much worse the next day. And I was so ashamed. Just think of it: me, a Beta — having a baby, put yourself in my place.’ (The mere suggestion made Lenina shudder.) ‘Though it wasn’t my fault, I swear; because I still don’t know how it happened, seeing that I did all the Malthusian drill — you know, by numbers, One, two, three, four, always, I swear it; but all the same it happened; and of course there wasn’t anything like an Abortion Centre here. Is it still down in Chelsea, by the way?’ she asked. Lenina nodded. ‘And still flood-lighted on Tuesdays and Fridays?’ Lenina nodded again. ‘That lovely pink glass tower!’ Poor Linda lifted her face and with closed eyes ecstatically contemplated the bright remembered image. ‘And the river at night,’ she whispered. Great tears oozed slowly out from between her tight-shut eyelids. ‘And flying back in the evening from Stoke Poges. And then a hot bath and vibro-vacuum massage . . . But there.’ She drew a deep breath, shook her head, opened her eyes again, sniffed once or twice, then blew her nose on her fingers and wiped them on the skirt of her tunic. ‘Oh, I’m so sorry,’ she said in response to Lenina’s involuntary grimace of disgust. ‘I oughtn’t to have done that. I’m sorry. But what are you to do when there aren’t any handkerchiefs? I remember how it used to upset me, all that dirt, and nothing being aseptic. I had an awful cut on my head when they first brought me here. You can’t imagine what they used to put on it. Filth, just filth. “Civilization is Sterilization,” I used to say to them. And “Streptocock-Gee to Banbury-T, to see a fine bathroom and W.C.” as though they were children. But of course they didn’t understand. How should they? And in the end I suppose I got used to it. And anyhow, how can you keep things clean when there isn’t hot water laid on? And look at these clothes. This beastly wool isn’t like acetate. It lasts and lasts. And you’re supposed to mend it if it gets torn. But I’m a Beta; I worked in the Fertilizing Room; nobody ever taught me to do anything like that. It wasn’t my business. Besides, it never used to be right to mend clothes. Throw them away when they’ve got holes in them and buy new. “The more stitches, the less riches.” Isn’t that right? Mending’s anti-social. But it’s all different here. It’s like living with lunatics. Everything they do is mad.’ She looked round; saw John and Bernard had left them and were walking up and down in the dust and garbage outside the house; but, none the less confidentially lowering her voice, and leaning, while Lenina stiffened and shrank, so close that the blown reek of embryo-poison stirred the hair on her cheek. ‘For instance,’ she hoarsely whispered, ‘take the way they have one another here. Mad, I tell you, absolutely mad. Everybody belongs to every one else — don’t they? don’t they?’ she insisted, tugging at Lenina’s sleeve. Lenina nodded her averted head, let out the breath she had been holding and managed to draw another one, relatively untainted. ‘Well, here,’ the other went on, ‘nobody’s supposed to belong to more than one person. And if you have people in the ordinary way, the others think you’re wicked and anti-social. They hate and despise you. Once a lot of women came and made a scene because their men came to see me. Well, why not? And then they rushed at me . . . No, it was too awful. I can’t tell you about it.’ Linda covered her face with her hands and shuddered. ‘They’re so hateful, the women here. Mad, mad and cruel. And of course they don’t know anything about Malthusian drill, or bottles, or decanting, or anything of that sort. So they’re having children all the time — like dogs. It’s too revolting. And to think that I . . . Oh, Ford, Ford, Ford! And yet John was a great comfort to me. I don’t know what I should have done without him. Even though he did get so upset whenever a man . . . Quite as a tiny boy, even. Once (but that was when he was bigger) he tried to kill poor Waihusiwa — or was it Popé? — just because I used to have them sometimes. Because I never could make him understand that that was what civilized people ought to do. Being mad’s infectious, I believe. Anyhow, John seems to have caught it from the Indians. Because, of course, he was with them a lot. Even though they always were so beastly to him and wouldn’t let him do all the things the other boys did. Which was a good thing in a way, because it made it easier for me to condition him a little. Though you’ve no idea how difficult that is. There’s so much one doesn’t know; it wasn’t my business to know. I mean, when a child asks you how a helicopter works or who made the world — well, what are you to answer if you’re a Beta and have always worked in the Fertilizing Room? What are you to answer?�

  Chapter VIII

  OUTSIDE, IN THE dust and among the garbage (there were four dogs now), Bernard and John were walking slowly up and down.

  ‘So hard for me to realize,’ Bernard was saying, ‘to reconstruct. As though we were living on different planets, in different centuries. A mother, and all this dirt, and gods, and old age, and disease . . .’ He shook his head. ‘It’s almost inconceivable. I shall never understand unless you explain.’

  ‘Explain what?’

  ‘This.’ He indicated the pueblo. ‘That.’ And it was the little house outside the village. ‘Everything. All your life.’

  ‘But what is there to say?’

  ‘From the beginning. As far back as you can remember.’

  ‘As far back as I can remember.’ John frowned. There was a long silence.

  It was very hot. They had eaten a lot of tortillas and sweet corn. Linda said, ‘Come and lie down, Baby.’ They lay down together in the big bed. ‘Sing,’ and Linda sang. Sang ‘Streptocock-Gee to Banbury-T’ and ‘Bye, Baby Banting, soon you’ll need decanting.’ Her voice got fainter and fainter . . .

  There was a loud noise, and he woke with a start. A man was standing by the bed, enormous, frightening. He was saying something to Linda, and Linda was laughing. She had pulled the blanket up to her chin, but the man pulled it down again. His hair was like two black ropes, and round his arm was a lovely silver bracelet with blue stones in it. He liked the bracelet; but all the same, he was frightened; he hid his face against Linda’s body. Linda put her hand on him and he felt safer. In those other words he did not understand so well, she said to the man, ‘Not with John here.’ The man looked at him, then again at Linda, and said a few words in a soft voice. Linda said, ‘No.’ But the man bent over the bed towards him and his face was huge, terrible; the black ropes of hair touched the blanket. ‘No,’ Linda said again, and he felt her hand squeezing him more tightly. ‘No, no!’ But the man took hold of one of his arms, and it hurt. He screamed. The man put out his other hand and lifted him up. Linda was still holding him, still saying ‘No, no.’ The man said something short and angry, and suddenly her hands were gone. ‘Linda, Linda.’ He kicked and wriggled; but the man carried him across to the door, opened it, put him down on the floor in the middle of the other room, and went away, shutting the door behind him. He got up, he ran to the door. Standing on tiptoe he could just reach the big wooden latch. He lifted it and pushed; but the door wouldn’t open. ‘Linda,’ he shouted. She didn’t answer.

  He remembered a huge room, rather dark; and there were big wooden things with strings fastened to them, and lots of women standing round them — making blankets, Linda said. Linda told him to sit in the corner with the other children, while she went and helped the women. He played with the little boys for a long time. Suddenly people started talking very loud, and there were the women pushing Linda away, and Linda was crying. She went to the door and he ran after her. He asked her why they were angry. ‘Because I broke something,’ she said. And then she got angry too. ‘How should I know how to do their beastly weaving?’ she said. ‘Beastly savages.’ He asked her what savages were. When they got back to their house, Popé was waiting at the door, and he came in with them. He had a big gourd full of stuff that looked like water; only it wasn’t water, but something with a bad smell that burnt your mouth and made you cough. Linda drank some and Popé drank some, and then Linda laughed a lot and talked very loud; and then she and Popé went into the other room. When Popé went away, he went into the room. Linda was in bed and so fast asleep that he couldn’t wake her.

  Popé used to come often. He said the stuff in the gourd was called mescal; but Linda said it ought to be called soma; only it made you feel ill afterwards. He hated Popé. He hated them all — all the men who came to see Linda. One afternoon, when he had been playing with the other children — it was cold, he remembered, and there was snow on the mountains — he came back to the house and heard angry voices in the bedroom. They were women’s voices, and they said words he didn’t understand; but he knew they were dreadful words. Then suddenly, crash! something was upset; he heard people moving about quickly, and there was another crash and then a noise like hitting a mule, only not so bony; then Linda screamed. ‘Oh, don’t, don’t, don’t!’ she said. He ran in. There were three women in dark blankets. Linda was on the bed. One of the women was holding her wrists. Another was lying across her legs, so that she couldn’t kick. The third was hitting her with a whip. Once, twice, three times; and each time Linda screamed. Crying, he tugged at the fringe of the woman’s blanket. ‘Please, please.’ With her free hand she held him away. The whip came down again, and again Linda screamed. He caught hold of the woman’s enormous brown hand between his own and bit it with all his might. She cried out, wrenched her hand free, and gave him such a push that he fell down. While he was lying on the ground she hit him three times with the whip. It hurt more than anything he had ever felt — like fire. The whip whistled again, fell. But this time it was Linda who screamed.

  ‘But why did they want to hurt you, Linda?’ he asked that night. He was crying, because the red marks of the whip on his back still hurt so terribly. But he was also crying because people were so beastly and unfair, and because he was only a little boy and couldn’t do anything against them. Linda was crying too. She was grown up, but she wasn’t big enough to fight against three of them. It wasn’t fair for her either. ‘Why did they want to hurt you, Linda?’

  ‘I don’t know. How should I know?’ It was difficult to hear what she said, because she was lying on her stomach and her face was in the pillow. ‘They say those men are their men,’ she went on; and she did not seem to be talking to him at all; she seemed to be talking with some one inside herself. A long talk which he didn’t understand; and in the end she started crying louder than ever.

  ‘Oh, don’t cry, Linda. Don’t cry.’

  He pressed himself against her. He put his arm round her neck. Linda cried out. ‘Oh, be careful. My shoulder! Oh!’ and she pushed him away, hard. His head banged against the wall. ‘Little idiot!’ she shouted; and then, suddenly, she began to slap him. Slap, slap . . .

  ‘Linda,’ he cried out. ‘Oh, mother, don’t!’

  ‘I’m not your mother. I won’t be your mother.’

  ‘But, Linda . . . Oh!’ She slapped him on the cheek.

  ‘Turned into a savage,’ she shouted. ‘Having young ones like an animal. . . . If it hadn’t been for you, I might have gone to the Inspector, I might have got away. But not with a baby. That would have been too shameful.’

  He saw that she was going to hit him again, and lifted his arm to guard his face. ‘Oh don’t, Linda, please don’t.’

  ‘Little beast!’ She pulled down his arm; his face was uncovered.

  ‘Don’t, Linda.’ He shut his eyes, expecting the blow.

  But she didn’t hit him. After a little time, he opened his eyes again and saw that she was looking at him. He tried to smile at her. Suddenly she put her arms round him and kissed him again and again.

  Sometimes, for several days, Linda didn’t get up at all. She lay in bed and was sad. Or else she drank the stuff that Popé brought and laughed a great deal and went to sleep. Sometimes she was sick. Often she forgot to wash him, and there was nothing to eat except cold tortillas. He remembered the first time she found those little animals in his hair, how she screamed and screamed.

  The happiest times were when she told him about the Other Place. ‘And you really can go flying, whenever you like?’

  ‘Whenever you like.’ And she would tell him about the lovely music that came out of a box, and all the nice games you could play, and the delicious things to eat and drink, and the light that came when you pressed a little thing in the wall, and the pictures that you could hear and feel and smell, as well as see, and another box for making nice smells, and the pink and green and blue and silver houses as high as mountains, and everybody happy and no one ever sad or angry, and every one be
longing to every one else, and the boxes where you could see and hear what was happening at the other side of the world, and babies in lovely clean bottles — everything so clean, and no nasty smells, no dirt at all — and people never lonely, but living together and being so jolly and happy, like the summer dances here in Malpais, but much happier, and the happiness being there every day, every day. . . . He listened by the hour. And sometimes, when he and the other children were tired with too much playing, one of the old men of the pueblo would talk to them, in those other words, of the great Transformer of the World, and of the long fight between Right Hand and Left Hand, between Wet and Dry; of Awonawilona, who made a great fog by thinking in the night, and then made the whole world out of the fog; of Earth Mother and Sky Father; of Ahaiyuta and Marsailema, the twins of War and Chance; of Jesus and Pookong; of Mary and Etsanatlehi, the woman who makes herself young again; of the Black Stone at Laguna and the Great Eagle and Our Lady of Acoma. Strange stories, all the more wonderful to him for being told in the other words and so not fully understood. Lying in bed, he would think of Heaven and London and Our Lady of Acoma and the rows and rows of babies in clean bottles and Jesus flying up and Linda flying up and the great Director of World Hatcheries and Awonawilona.


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