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Fallen Gods II

Page 4

by Nick S. Thomas

“That’s just the problem. I’m just as much in the dark as you are.”

  “Some how I doubt that,” he replied angrily, “You knew Vulcan was in trouble. That’s why you went to Thanatos, and that’s why you came to me! You don’t need help unless whatever you’re facing is…is…”

  “Bat shit crazy,” added Carter.

  “You brought me here knowing the danger you were putting us in, and you didn’t think to warn me? To bring back up?”

  “I thought something had happened to Vulcan. I told you that, but I never could have imagined this was it.”

  “Really? Then why all the drama?”

  “Because he didn’t want to be found, okay? Vulcan didn’t want any more of this. He didn’t want to fight. He’d had enough of it all.”

  Aaron sighed, as it had the ring of truth to it.

  “Yeah, well maybe he had the right idea,” he snapped.

  “Don’t you think I want to see peace as well? Kick my feet up like Thanatos and just enjoy whatever this life has for us?”

  “I don’t know, do you? Because you don’t seem to like us all that much.”

  “I’m sorry, okay? To me, mortals were nothing more than the help. I never thought I would…”

  “What? Have to live with us?”

  “No…call one of them a friend.”

  She was close to weeping, and Aaron was silenced. It was the last thing he expected to hear.

  “I went to Thanatos first because he is strong, you know this. But if you could have done what he could do, I would have come to you first.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Because he only thinks of himself, and you’re the opposite of that. Thanatos saved me because he thought he should. He fought with us because he believed he should, not because he really wanted to.”

  “And we did?”

  “Yes, I never had to ask you. You were fighting for us before you even knew who we were?”

  “You sure about that?”

  “Yes, because you could see Hades and his allies for what they were from the very beginning. Nobody had to tell you they were as bad as they are. You just knew. You’ve got good instincts for this, and sometimes that’s more important than having the strength Thanatos does. You’re a good man, Aaron.”

  Aaron looked appreciative, but was too focused on their situation to give it any more thought.

  “Carter, you can’t stay here.”

  He groaned in agreement.

  “We need to gather all the weapons we can, load up my truck and yours, and get on out of here. If a war is coming, we’re going to need all the firepower we can get.”

  “Where will we go?”

  “To our facility, you’ll be safe there,” replied Theo.

  Carter looked to Aaron for confirmation.

  “It’s for the best.”

  Chapter 3

  Theodosia was standing opposite the club where she’d found Thanatos before. But it had changed now. The face had been revamped. Neon lights lit up the front, and its new name, Elysium. She shook her head, knowing this had to be his doing. She stormed toward the club entrance, finding the same doorman outside as on her previous visit.

  “Come to whoop some more ass?” He beamed at her as he let her pass.

  She didn’t reply, too focused and angry to even consider his words. She stormed on through, attracting a lot of attention from men as she did so. Many passed comment, but she didn’t hear them as she sought out Thanatos. She rushed into the exclusive room she’d found him in the last time, but a different group of people was sitting there. She rushed on down to the bar, knocking on it with her fist to draw the attention of a barman. He had his back to her as he prepared drinks.

  “Hey, I’m looking for Thanatos. Where is he?”

  As the barman turned around, she realized it was Thanatos himself, mixing a cocktail. He had a huge smile on his face and poured out the drink into two glasses, handing one to her.

  “You work here now?” She sounded angry and disgusted in equal measure.

  “God no, I own this fantastic place. Wasn’t that obvious?”

  She shrugged, as it was true. “Elysium? Really?”

  “What?” Thanatos smiled.

  “Not exactly subtle, is it? Do you want to advertise to the world who you are?”

  “Why should I care? Hades is gone, and nobody would believe me if I told them who I really am anyway.” He threw back the drink and slid the other closer to her, trying to coax her to join him.

  “Hades is not gone, not forever, and you know it,” she replied angrily.

  “Maybe not. But until he comes back, there’s nothing to worry about. Maybe he never will, Theo.”

  “But we need to be ready when he does, and that might have already happened.”

  “What? What are you talking about?’”

  “We went looking for Vulcan.”


  “I took Aaron Miller with me.”

  “That fool, is he still doing everything you tell him?”

  “He’s a good man. He just wants what is best for all of us.”

  “Sure, he’s a hero,” laughed Thanatos as he began to assemble another cocktail, ”So how is he?”

  She looked confused.


  “Yes, you must have found him with the cop’s help.”

  “No, we found out where he was, and found a world of trouble instead.”

  “Well, that’s what happens when you go looking for people that don’t want to be found, isn’t it?”

  She couldn’t believe what he was saying.

  “What the hell is your problem? You came to help us, and undo the mess you had a hand in. Now you want nothing to do with us?”

  “Not this side of you, no. We fought, and we won. It’s time to sit back and enjoy our time here. That goes for all of us. If Vulcan wants to go off and do his own thing, let him.”

  “Vulcan may have been looking for something else, someone else, but he’s in very real trouble.”

  “You just can’t accept he doesn’t want to be part of your plan, can you?” He finished mixing his drink and began to pour it. But her hand grabbed one of his on the counter and held it tight.

  “You’re not hearing me. Vulcan had been at Carter’s place, that cabin of his. They were attacked. Not some thieves in the night. They were strong and organized.”

  “All right, you got me, I’ll bite. Who did it?”

  “I don’t know. That’s the problem. But we were attacked while we were there, too. Men bearing swords I’ve never seen before, and they were strong.”

  Thanatos sighed.


  “You’d say anything, Theo, to get me back in to the fold, wouldn’t you? How many times do I have to tell you? I fought against Hades. We won, and it’s time to drop this, have some fun with our lives.”

  “I am not making this up!”

  “Come on, if Hades was back, he’d come after a lot more than just Vulcan, and you wouldn’t still be here. You said just you and Miller fought these guys off?”


  “Yeah, well, if it were Hades, you wouldn’t be here to tell the tale. Carter has all kinds of things a thief would want to steal.”

  “Yeah, and that’s true, but all they took were the blades forged by Vulcan. They left everything else. You still think this is nothing?”

  He thought on it for a moment, but soon found a way to ignore what she was saying.

  “So someone knows about the blades. They’re probably worth a fortune to the right buyer. So what? We have our blades, and Vulcan can always make more.”

  “Did you not hear anything I just said? Vulcan is missing, likely taken by whoever stole those weapons!”

  He didn’t show any concern at all and came out from behind the bar brandishing his newly filled glass.

  “I think you are overthinking this. Vulcan didn’t want to be found, so leave him be.”

  “And if he’s in tr

  “Trouble from who? He may not be the brightest, but he’s an ox. Nobody besides Hades and his allies could take Vulcan down. Maybe not even us.”

  “And if Hades is back?”

  “Don’t you think we’d know about it by now?”


  “Relax, Theo. We won. Enjoy life. This place…well the potential is endless. For all Zeus’ bullshit about the paradise we had, this place is incredible.”

  “Incredible? It’s disgusting, ugly, dishonest, and all the things we were taught to avoid.”

  “Exactly. Every vice you can imagine. No voice telling you what to do. Getting cast down here was the best thing that ever happened to us.”

  ‘”How can you say that?”

  “How can you not? I was wrong to fight against Zeus, and I know that now. But I was right to despise the way he treated us. I wish it hadn’t led to his death, but now we are free, like we never have been before.”

  “Free? We have been cast out of paradise. A paradise that may no longer even exist!”

  But nobody else could hear her over the sound of the music.

  “Paradise? Maybe that’s what you were told to believe, but it was no paradise of mine. That was of Father’s making.”

  She sighed, realizing it would do no good. Arguing was getting them nowhere.

  “I’m telling you, something is happening here, something involving powers that are not of this world. Will you not help?” It was her last ditch plea for help.

  He sipped from his drink and finally rested back to give his answer in a calm and cool fashion.

  “I won’t play these games that Father would have us play anymore. If Hades ever resurfaces, then he knows where to find me, and I’ll be waiting. Until that time, I’m going to enjoy this place, and I’ll be damned if anyone is going to stop me.”

  “That’s it? You refuse to help?”

  “You don’t need my help. You’re quite capable of doing whatever it is you need to do. Besides, you have the cop to help you now.”

  “I really thought you’d changed. I was a fool to ever think that was possible,” she said as she stormed out.

  “Give my love to Vulcan when you find him!” Thanatos yelled, holding up his glass to salute her triumphantly. But he soon turned back to a group of women awaiting him.

  “Never mind her, some people just can’t take no for an answer,” he smiled, “Now, who is ready to get this party started?”

  * * *

  Aaron sighed with exhaustion and sat down at his kitchen counter. He placed his holstered pistol down on the top and poured a glass of whiskey. It had been a long day, and there were so many thoughts going through his head. He looked across to an open chair opposite him, fondly remembering the times with Luca. He’d give anything to have his partner with him again, as it was lonely work without him. The battle against Hades had affected them all in different ways. Despite the fact he’d gained new friends, he’d never felt so lonely since Luca had gone out of touch. He was through his first glass in no time, pondering about whatever this new threat was.

  Halfway through pouring his second glass, his door buzzer rang out. He snatched the pistol anxiously from the table, drawing it as he shot to his feet. He looked at the clock to see it was 10.30pm. He could barely remember anything he had done that day, as his mind was dwelling on the events of the night before.

  He drew the weapon from its holster and rushed quickly, but quietly to the door. He waited to one side for a moment, as if expecting it to be blown from its hinges, but the buzzer once again rang out. He moved to the door and peered out, breathing a sigh of relief when he recognized the face beyond the door. He unlocked it and swung it open. The doctor was standing there.

  “I know it’s late, but I figured you’d be awake. I brought wine,” she said with a smile.

  She looked down to see the gun in his hand, but it didn’t bother her. She knew the sort of life and dangers he lived with, more so now than ever.

  “Are you okay, Aaron?”

  “Yeah, it’s just been a long few days, you know?”

  “I really did bring wine.” She held up a bottle.

  He didn’t like the stuff, but he was glad of the sentiment, and swung the door wide to let her in. He grabbed a wine glass from the cupboard only to find it covered in dust from lack of use, and had to rinse it out. Finally, he was able to sit down as he slid the glass over to her.

  “I guessed you wouldn’t have a cork screw,” she said, unscrewing the cap.

  He shrugged, as it was true.

  “So, you don’t buy screw caps often?”

  “Not if I can help it.”

  “So, you made this sacrifice for me?”

  “Between that and not getting a drink, I’ll live with it,” she said, pouring a glass, “Tough day?”

  “A few, yeah.”

  “Doing what?”

  He looked surprised she even had to ask.

  “Come on, you aren’t at work, so what have you been up to?”

  He smiled, as he should have known. She was inquisitive enough to have checked.

  “Theo came to me and asked for my help.”

  “And you gave it, I suppose.”

  “Last time she needed help, it was to save the world, so yeah, I did.”


  “And I don’t really know, we…”

  He stopped himself, wondering if he should say anymore, but that made her more concerned and want to pry further.

  “Is Hades back? Surely not!”

  “No, no, or, I don’t think so.”

  “Don’t think so? What in heavens is that supposed to mean?”

  “I don’t know. I just don’t know. We were attacked out at Carter’s place.”

  “Attacked? By who?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know, but they were strong, and they knew what they wanted.”

  “What did they want?”

  “The blades. The blades forged by Vulcan.”

  “What? Who would know about those things besides Hades?”

  He threw back his drink as he thought about it.

  “Anyone that fought with us, or against us.”

  She reached for the wine and pulled a large glass, taking that information in and trying to digest it.

  “Is Carter okay, did anyone get hurt?”

  “He’ll be fine, but whoever came for him, they knew just what they wanted. But there’s more. Vulcan was with him.”


  “And now he’s missing.”


  “Maybe. We just don’t know. We don’t even know where to look. Theo is pulling her hair out trying to find answers. Thanatos doesn’t want to know.”

  “Be honest with me, is this Hades? Is there a major threat here?”

  “I don’t know, really, I just don’t know.”

  She shook her head as she kept drinking.

  “What do your prophecies say?”

  She almost choked on her wine. She struggled to keep it down and coughed.

  “So, you believe in them now?”

  “Luca was able to lead us to Hades because of the prophecies you showed us. I’m a believer in what I can see and touch. So, yeah, I used to think it was all bullshit. But now, you’d be surprised what I’m willing to entertain. Come on, gods are real, the old gods. Doesn’t that make you question everything you’ve ever known?”

  “Not really. This history is my life. I’ve lived it since I was a little girl. To me it was always real. I used to delve into the history books and imagine I was there, living everything that was on the page, whether it was fiction or not. I’m not saying I truly believed it was real, but it felt like it to me.”

  “So, none of this is a surprise to you?”

  “Of course it is. Maybe just not so much as it is to the rest of the world. These characters and stories are so familiar to me, I feel like I’ve lived with them all my life.”

  “Well, did they li
ve up to expectation?”

  “Well, I never wanted to see anyone get hurt, but to know it’s real, how can it not?”

  “Even if they’re trying to kill us?”

  “We try and kill each other, that’s nothing new.”

  “Mmm,” he groaned and threw back another glass.

  “What will you do now?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “If Vulcan really has been taken, and there’s some new threat to us all, what will you do next?”

  “Until we know who is involved and why, I’m not sure there’s much we can do. We need answers. I just don’t know where to look. Can you dig deep and try and find some? You were right about Hades and the crown, see what else you can find. Maybe you can find some clues to lead the way?”

  “I’ll do what I can, of course.”

  * * *

  Thanatos sprung to his feet as he lifted his glass high. The room was half full now, and it was late into the night. Many looked exhausted and ready to collapse where they were standing.

  “Time’s up! Here’s to another great evening!” He threw back his drink with a smile.

  Many around him groaned and complained.

  “Come on, we don’t have to stop yet,” one young woman protested.

  “We sure do! It’s 5am,” yelled another.

  Thanatos looked eager to go on as well, but he was also ragged from night after night of the same excesses.

  “Do we really have to go?”

  “Sorry, Ladies…and Gentlemen. But all good things must come to an end.”

  They soon began to depart as the music faded away, along with Thanatos’ enthusiasm. The joy of the party lifestyle was wearing thin already, for he’d lived it day after day. His eyes were bloodshot and his skin pale, as if he’d not seen the light of day for weeks.

  “Bye, Thano!”

  He waved to two girls who were leaving and grabbed a bottle from behind the bar. He poured another glass and took a seat, exhausted from the hard partying, yet still having fun. He smiled, thinking back on all he’d done since finding the bar, and looked up at the name in front of him. He couldn’t help but smile. He finished his drink and slapped the glass down on the bar. As he did so, he noticed the reflection of a man in the mirror behind the bottles of the bar.


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