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Watch Over My Life: Emotional Love Story (What Will Be Book Series)

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by Laura Ashley Gallagher

  Her mouth was too dry to speak, so she just smiled and waved, suppressing the urge to scream, “no it is not a good morning, it’s horrible”. But those people did nothing to her. It wasn’t their fault she ended up naked this morning.

  She wanted to cry.

  His door was open. She could tell from the light filtering through into the corridor as she approached his office.

  Usually, her reason for coming here was to pick up a book, not her underwear.

  She was so stupid sometimes. How on earth did she forget her underwear? They kept her area warm. If her mother knew, she would probably get a lecture on how not wearing underwear gave her pneumonia.

  But she straightened up, looking more confident than she felt.

  She turned to see him; his broad shoulders, the way his lips turned up into a soft, amiable smile, and his muscular body looked like a god in a black button-down shirt. And God forgive her, she had to hold back a growl.

  He seemed to be in deep conversation with somebody on the phone, speaking loudly about some business meeting he had attended a week previously.

  She was deliberating whether to walk away. She had a legitimate excuse if he asked her why she never came to see him. She wouldn’t want to disturb a phone call. It could have been important.

  But she couldn’t face coming back. She had mustered up the courage once, and each second she stood there, frozen, her courage melted away. She needed to ‘grow a pair of balls’, as her brother would say.

  Concentrate Jessica, you are stalling. There was the voice again.

  Jessica tapped twice on the glass of his office door, his head immediately jerking up.

  “Sorry, I have to go, John. There is someone extremely important here to see me. I will call you later.”

  She couldn’t help but feel the heat under her cheeks as he stared at her, eyeing her up and down with that ridiculous grin on his face.

  “I could have come back,” she told him.

  “Don’t be stupid. Come in.” He gestured to the leather seat. “Close the door,” he added as she walked into the office, feeling her heels sink into the smooth, black carpet.

  That’s new, she noted.

  Dragging her legs to his desk seemed like a mile. It felt like her knees had turned to water. She needed to sit down before she collapsed right there in front of him.

  Feeling the blood rush through her like acid, she took a seat in the chair opposite him. She glanced around quickly, avoiding his heated stare as she waited for him to say something.

  But he said nothing. Instead, he gazed at her so intensely she had to look away again in fear she might get lost in his eyes.

  “Will you stop staring at me?” she barked, shifting in her seat. It made her uncomfortable when he looked at her like that.

  His lips curved up into a half-smile. “You’re too sexy for your own good, Jess.”

  She just rolled her eyes, turning her head away from him to look out the large window of his spacious office and up into the cloudless powder blue sky.

  Last year, Jake had become a partner in the Lynwood Agency. Jessica had been working there for two years when one day she walked in and was introduced to her new boss.

  She was almost hospitalized for shock, and Jake was almost hospitalized for severe brain damage.

  She wanted to kill him. And not just in a figure of speech way. She wanted to injure him; slowly.

  “My phone, do you have it?” she finally gave in and said something. The silence was crushing her.

  “Straight to the point, like always.” He smirked, and she felt glued to the chair. “Come on, Jessica, we have lots of time and a very big table. And your phone is all the way over here.”

  Her head tilted to the side, her eyes widened, and her lips parted, breathing cold, sharp air.

  Was he serious? Did he want to have fingers left to play around with his lady friends? If he didn’t give her the phone, she was going to break his hand.

  She looked straight at him for a long moment, and she knew by the look in his eyes, he was serious.

  This guy is an even bigger asshole than I thought.

  But sitting there, staring at him, Jessica thought it more appropriate to punish him in some other way. If that was the way he wanted to play, she was in the game. Why not indulge him a little?

  She wet her lips, sliding her tongue over them before biting down on the skin. She looked at him in the most seductive way she knew, allowing heavy breaths to sweep away the light strands of hair from her face.

  Immediately, she saw him straighten up and stiffen in his chair.

  “You’re right,” she agreed, her voice smoky and almost a whisper. “It’s a big table. We could do a lot on this table, don’t you think?”

  He just nodded like a robot; his eyes wide.

  “And I do need my phone. And it is all the way over there.” She pointed while picking up her hair, letting it fall to one side, down her neck, and over her shoulder. She played with her silver necklace while rubbing her fingers along her collarbone.

  She watched him swallow hard in anticipation.

  He was wondering what she was going to do next. Maybe slip under the table? She assumed he enjoyed viewing the sight of women on their knees.

  She knew she was his prey, and he was just sitting there, enjoying the view and building the energy to prance.

  She leaned forward, resting her elbows on the wooden table so he could have a cheeky peek at her cleavage.

  Standing, she let her fingers trace along the grains of wood as she began to walk towards him.

  “Things could get very interesting on this table, don’t you think?” she commented, moistening her lips with her tongue.

  “Definitely.” He gave her that stupid smirk again, pushing his chair out slightly as she stood in front of him.

  She pressed her palms against the table and propped herself on top of it, resting her legs on the arm of his chair. She bent over and moved in closer to him so she could whisper in his ear. Involuntarily, her breathing became heavier the closer she got. She could feel his cool breath sweep across her neck, and once again the goosebumps prickling her body threatened to shatter her to pieces if he came any closer.

  She had forgotten what she was going to say to him.

  Then he stood up so he fitted perfectly between her legs. The heat from his body swept against hers. And if he didn’t stop, his idea of office fun on the table would no longer be a joke.

  “The thing is,” she began, trying to keep her cool while running her finger down the black material covering his toned torso. How she wanted to just rip the material away and uncover the beauty of what was beneath. She could feel his breathing become more frantic against her skin and it took every ounce of courage not to just tell him to take her; that she was completely his. “This place has rules, and it’s against the rules to sleep with your boss.” She couldn’t help the soft cry when he pressed his wet lips to her neck.

  “Come on, Jess. I have known you way too long to be just your boss.” His voice strained with an urge.

  She closed her eyes, letting the chills take over her body as he ran his fingers up along her arm and down her back.

  “Jake,” she gasped as his fingers glided over the bare flesh of her thigh until suddenly, he gripped it and held it high against his waist. She hadn’t even noticed him heightening her skirt.

  “Me and you,” he blew a breathless whisper past her ear, “we don’t need rules.”

  She took a deep breath then and tried not to concentrate on how close she was to being naked. She gently slid her tongue along his neck, but just once, before pressing her lips to his ear.

  “Well, sorry,” she murmured, finally feeling some courage filter through her. In a way, she wished she didn’t have the courage, but it was for the best. “I like the rules. Now give me the goddamn phone,” she hissed, sitting up to face him, pushing his hand away from her thigh.

  Reluctantly, he handed her the phone, disappointment w
ritten all over his face.

  “Christ, you are hot,” he groaned, eyeing her up and down, another hot blush creeping onto her cheeks. “Oh, wait...”

  She tried to remove herself from the table; maybe it was more like a peel. Her legs still wrapped around his waist. He opened the drawer to reveal some black lacy panties. He took them, swinging them around with his finger.

  “Aren’t you forgetting something?” He raised his eyes.

  Jessica sat back slightly, scrutinizing him, a smile playing on her full lips.

  “Sweetheart,” she began, “those aren’t mine.”

  Then she sat up straight so she could see the expression on his face.

  “But.... but.... Yes, they are,” he stuttered. “You were wearing these last night?” It was half a statement, half a question. “Yes, you were. I can remember them,” he said, fully convinced.

  “Jake, I’m disappointed.” She tutted. “I can’t believe you brought me some other girls’ underwear. I have standards.”

  He looked lost and utterly confused.

  “But... But,” he stammered once again. “Jess, I’m so...”

  “Gotcha,” she teased, nudging him playfully. “They’re mine. Don’t look so worried.” She almost cackled, grabbing them from his hand and placing them in her bag. “Now, get out of my way. No hanky panky from me today.”

  She pushed him so she could get down from the table. She pulled her bag onto her shoulder and fixed her skirt in her best attempts to maintain any dignity she may have left. Jake sat back down, still looking at her with a mystified expression. Probably confused as to what he was going to do with the sudden stiffness in his pants.

  “That was cruel,” he spoke as she turned around. “But unbelievably sexy.”

  “Two can play that game, Jake.” She winked, tilting her head to the side.

  “Yeah, yeah, now get that fine ass of yours out of my office before I carry you to this table.”

  “And by the way.”

  “Yes, gorgeous?”

  “I will have the book on your table first thing tomorrow morning,” Jessica confirmed professionally, turning to leave.

  After all, their relationship was strictly business. Anything beyond that was not acceptable.

  Chapter Three

  “Ice-cream,” Sharon squealed, waving two tubs of vanilla ice-cream in the air as Jessica greeted her at the door.

  “Good. Come in.” Jessica sighed, giving her friend a lazy smile; she was feeling even more depressed than she was this morning. Now, on top of last night, she had this morning playing games on her mind. She was so tempted to give in to him; let his body control her until she couldn’t take it anymore. And some part of her regretted she didn’t.

  It seemed everywhere she looked, there was sex. She was walking down the street and a group of girls were talking about it. Every billboard of an advertisement was drenched in the forbidden lust that was swarming around her. Sex, sex, and more sex. That was all she could hear, and frankly, she was getting sick of it.

  She stood there, wrapped up warmly in her sweatpants and a large jumper. Even the curves of her body were completely lost in the bulky sweater.

  Her apartment wasn’t huge, but it was perfect for what she needed.

  Her sister was an interior designer. She came to help her pick out the latest trends and colour schemes for the apartment. They had decided on warm colours for the living area. Rich cream walls with a chocolate brown sofa; the gold and brown cushions thrown loosely onto it. Her curtains were gold, draped over the large window which gave her the wonderful view of the city lights. A large rug covered the space on the wooden floor in front of the television.

  “You look depressed. As in eating lots of chocolates depressed. That’s not good. Sit. I will get the spoons.” Sharon rushed, already removing her coat as Jessica snuggled up on the large sofa. She knew her friend wanted to hear all the gossip as soon as possible.

  “So, how the hell did this mess happen? I mean, it’s Jake,” Sharon reminded her, handing Jessica the ice-cream, removing her shoes, and practically jumping on the sofa.

  “Hate is a very strong word,” Jessica suggested, surprised at how uncomfortable she felt when Sharon said it.

  “You know as well as I do, you have never gotten on with that man. It’s like you two repel each other. You both walk in opposite directions if you see one another getting too close. Don’t get me wrong, I always said you two suited each other. You are hot, and he is so ridiculously hot. It’s a lot of hotness right there in one couple.”

  “Are you coming onto me?” Jessica joked, taking a spoon of the ice-cream before letting it melt down her throat.

  “I am just stating the obvious.” Sharon shrugged, licking her spoon. “Now stop changing the subject. How on earth did all of this happen?”

  “Well, I had a book due in for yesterday, but when I went to give it to him at his office, he wasn’t there. His secretary strolled into my office with her six-inch heels stomping all over my lovely wooden floor. She handed me a note. There wasn’t anything unusual. He often sends me notes to tell me things when he is too busy to come and see me personally.”

  “I am sure he comes to see you personally all the time,” Sharon interrupted, giggling like a schoolchild.

  “Seriously, do you want to hear this story, or not?” Jessica eyed her up and down.

  “Sorry.” She pouted, raising her hands in surrender.

  Jessica went on, “It said to drop by his place later that night to give him the book and sorry he couldn’t be there to take it from me earlier. That wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. I have been to his house many times. Surprising as it may seem, we work well together.”

  “Uh-huh,” Sharon agreed, edging for more.

  “When I went by, he invited me in. I couldn’t say no. It was pouring outside. I went in and gave him the book. We talked about a few things at work and then... Then, he just.... He just...,” she stuttered. This part still confused her. She just didn’t get it.

  “Spit it out!”

  “He just kissed me,” she whispered, rubbing her fingers over her mouth, feeling the sensation of his lips moving with hers.

  “You mean, just like that? He just kissed you?”

  “Yes,” she said softly, mesmerized by the scene replaying in her head. “It wasn’t exactly what I was expecting.”

  “That is so sweet,” Sharon cooed over her ice-cream. “That is so romantic. Then what happened?”

  “I think we both know what came next.” She rolled her eyes.

  “You went from kissing to being naked on his bed? I like your style, Connors.” Jessica couldn’t help but laugh a little. “Sleeping with the boss like that. I never knew you even had it in you. More importantly, not only did you sleep with the boss, but you slept with Jake. I know, the same person, but it’s Jake.” Her laughter eased off and her face relaxed into a somber expression. “I think he likes you,” she finally said, smiling gently while taking another mouth full of ice-cream.

  “He doesn’t like me, Sharon. He used me for the sex and that was it.”

  “So how was it?” she asked eagerly. Her eyes widened in anticipation.

  “I will not answer that.”

  “Is love/hate sex the best? You know, they say it is? Bet you christened the entire house with your hotness?”

  “Sharon! You are not all there upstairs, are you?” Jessica complained.

  “No, but how is he downstairs?” Sharon erupted into a fit of giggles. “I’m your best friend. I am supposed to know these things. Was he good?” she pressed as a cruel smirk infected her lips.

  Jessica could feel the blood rush to her cheeks and her face flushed with heat.

  “Oh. My. God. He was!” Sharon screamed, almost jumping from her seat. “I can’t believe it. No wait, I can. Jake Williams. Sex God.”

  “Please stop,” Jessica begged, lowering her head.

  “Was I right about the whole house thing, too? Bet you made use of
the shower, huh?” Sharon persisted. “I saw the shower when he first moved in; water comes at you from all angles.”

  “You are disgusting.”

  “I’m right, though, aren’t I?” Sharon smiled smugly.

  Jessica closed her eyes, trying her best to hide her embarrassment and to stop the truth from shining through.

  “You are a filthy bitch.” Sharon threw a pillow at her, hitting her arm with a thud. “Easily known you are a Scorpio. Your sex drive lasts forever.” Sharon relaxed then. “I can’t believe it. This is too much information for me to take in. I just can’t handle it. You had sex with Jake,” Sharon repeated, as if she were trying to let it sink in. “You have no idea how jealous I am right now.”

  “Yeah, right,” Jessica grunted. “Pull the other one.”

  “I’m sorry, but have you seen that man? Well, obviously you have seen him. You have seen a lot of him. Those big brown eyes, those lips.” She went off in a daydream. “What I wouldn’t do to that body. Not that I will have a chance now. I’m sure you showed him every trick in the book.”

  “What do you think I am? You make me sound like I sleep around a lot,” Jessica droned.

  “Sorry, sweetie, I know you don’t. But it’s the quiet ones you must watch out for,” Sharon teased, poking her friend playfully. “So, what now?”

  “We go on as normal,” she answered casually.

  “Normal? Do you honestly expect things to go back to normal? Jessica, you had the best sex of your life with your boss. Sweetheart, none of it even sounds normal. You are living in a fantasy world.”

  “No, I’m not. We can work together as we always have.”

  “Let me ask you two questions because we both know how I got my job, which I am extremely thankful for. What I am also thankful for is that my old boss is dead,” she said coldly.

  “Sharon!” Jessica gasped.

  “Sorry, but it’s the truth. Now, let me ask you two questions. Number one: was there anything about today remotely normal to you?”

  That was an obvious answer.

  “And number two: what have you been thinking about all day long and even now as I sit here with you?”


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