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Dacia Wolf & the Dragon Lord

Page 6

by Mandi Oyster

  Chapter 9

  Dreams Do Come True, So Do Nightmares

  The forecast called for a severe storm. Every time I closed my eyes, I pictured Draconian transforming from the college-aged student into the wizened wizard. You don’t know it’ll happen. It could just be a dream. But the fear bubbling up in my stomach led me to believe it was more.

  I turned off the TV, threw my backpack over my shoulder, grabbed my umbrella, and kissed Cody goodbye. As I plodded off to class, my heart beat loud enough to drown out the booming thunder.

  Lightning flashed across the sky, and fat raindrops pelted the ground. Most students dashed to their classes, but my steps were slow, held back by fear.

  I stood outside Quartz Building gathering my wits, terrified of what waited inside. I took a deep breath and eased the door open. Stepping into the hallway, I closed my umbrella and trudged toward the classroom.

  I peered in through the window, ready to flee. My classmates sat at their desks or stood in groups, chatting. With a relieved sigh, I reprimanded myself for being so stupid. How would Draconian’ve kept so many students from showing up for finals?

  I took my seat and pulled my story up on the computer to go over it one last time. A couple areas still needed tweaked. I stopped for a moment, trying to figure out the best way to say something.

  The hair on the nape of my neck stood on end, and a shiver ran across my skin. I looked around the room and found the kid from my dream staring at me. There was no doubt in my mind, he was Draconian.

  Fear clawed my chest. My thoughts jumbled. I need to get out of here. I pushed against my desk to stand. I can’t leave. I’ll fail. I sat back down and looked at my paper, devising a plan.

  When Professor Mantis asked for volunteers to read part of their story, my hand was the first to shoot up. If I could get mine over with, maybe I could sneak out and get a head start on Draconian.

  “Dacia,” Professor Mantis called to my relief.

  I walked to the front of the class and stood at the podium. The steady clacking of keyboards filled the room. Most of the students stared at their laptops or the inside of their eyelids, but Draconian never tore his gaze from me.

  I concentrated on reading my story to the class and not on Draconian. As soon as I finished, I walked over to Professor Mantis. “May I be excused? I’m not feeling right.”

  Her hazel eyes appraised me. “You are quite pale. Go ahead.” She waved me off, calling on the next student as I grabbed my stuff and strode to the door.

  As soon as I stepped outside, I turned invisible and sprinted. Draconian would be after me soon, and a dragon or two would probably be with him.

  Rain fell, and like in my dream, I became more visible than I was comfortable with. I kept running … hoping to go unnoticed. Something roared, like a train bearing down on me. I turned to look. A fireball shot straight at me. The flames sizzled as rain splashed against them. I stopped and erected a force field around myself. Heat engulfed the barrier, slowing the flames. My hands blistered.

  A colossal, blood-red dragon swooped down, landing in front of me. It folded its bat-like wings against its body and lowered its horned head.

  The dragon roared. Razor-sharp teeth lined its mouth. The beast raced forward, spouting flames as it barreled toward me. I concentrated on my dorm room, but before I could teleport my body became rigid, and I fell to the ground, unable to move. Draconian stepped past the dragon, patting it like it was a cute little puppy.

  “You recognized me? How? Don’t bother answering that.” He waved an arm in the air. “You’ll find you can’t talk.” He knelt down, studying me. His beard draped over my arm. “Obviously, there is more to you than meets the eye. One day, when we’re friends, you can tell me all about it, but for now, I want Nefarious.”

  He stood, raising his hands. I braced myself for what came next, but nothing could have prepared me for the agony. I screamed, but no sound escaped.

  “Well, I don’t think you’re ready to tell me yet. Are you?”

  A thousand knives stabbed me at once, piercing my skin, slicing through muscles, bones, and organs, ripping the breath from my lungs.

  My vision darkened.

  He lowered his hands. “Now … maybe. Where is Nefarious?”

  I couldn’t answer him, couldn’t move my mouth. Draconian stared into my eyes, and my mind went fuzzy.

  Don’t let him in. You’re strong enough to defeat a demon. You can keep this buffoon from controlling you. My mind cleared, and pain flowed through my body with my blood.

  “I will break you,” he said through clenched teeth. “Nefarious will be mine. Why make this so hard on yourself?”

  “Because you will not control me.” With the last of my strength, I imagined Sarah’s office. My chest constricted. Darkness surrounded me. Carpet replaced concrete.

  “Dacia?” Sarah said. “Where did you come from?”

  “Draconian attacked me,” I managed to say before collapsing.

  Sarah rushed over and knelt by my side, resting her hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  Nurse Heron sprung from the couch. She lifted my hand, feeling for my pulse.

  I sucked in a harsh breath, gasping.

  “What happened?” Nancy looked from my blistered hand to my face.

  “Just … give me a minute … please.” I closed my eyes. I had no idea how I broke Draconian’s control and got away. However I did it, I hoped I would be able to do it again. This wouldn’t be the last time he’d try to control me, and next time, he wouldn’t go so easy on me.

  I slitted my eyes. Sarah and Nancy stepped away and were whispering to each other.

  Exhaustion weighed on me. I fought its pull, I needed to know what Sarah was telling Nancy. I needed to figure out how to fix this. I never should have teleported here, but all I’d wanted was to escape. I hadn’t thought about the consequences.

  I tried to sit up, but my muscles protested. “Sarah?”

  She and Nancy walked over and sat on the couch nearest me. Nancy leaned forward, cupping her elbow with one hand and tapping her lips with the other.

  “Nancy knows the gist of it.” Sarah waved her hand. “Why don’t you tell me what happened?”

  I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head. This isn’t good. Too many people are finding out.

  “Draconian tortured me.” My voice sounded hoarse, like the screams had ripped through it even though no sound was made. “Somehow I teleported here.”

  “He tortured you?” She bent down, staring at me. “You don’t look hurt.”

  “Yeah.” I laughed humorlessly. “Somehow, he made every part of my body scream in pain.” I sucked in a breath, fighting the memory. “He does it in small doses. Otherwise, I think it would kill me.”

  Nancy glanced at Sarah, tilting her head to the side. Sarah nodded, and Nancy said, “Is that how you burnt your hands?”

  I bit my bottom lip. “Can you help me onto the couch?”

  Nancy and Sarah grabbed under my arms and hefted me to a standing position. My legs shook but held my weight. With measured steps, I moved to the couch. I sat, leaning my head against the back, staring at the ceiling, not wanting to see Nancy’s face. “No, a dragon did that.”

  “A … a dragon?”

  I heard movement on the other couch but didn’t look. “Yep.” The word came out with a popping sound at the end of it.

  “A dragon. Wow.”

  “Dacia,” Sarah said, “why don’t you rest?” She quietly explained my powers and my current situation to Nancy. Then she told her about my nightmares.

  Tears trickled out of my eyes, dripping into my ears. I didn’t wipe them away. I didn’t want to draw Nancy’s attention.

  Drowning out their voices, I fought the exhaustion, pain, and hopelessness
that threatened to overcome me.


  I jumped when Sarah’s hand came down on my shoulder, cringing as pain enveloped me.

  “Sorry,” she said. “Nancy was talking to you.”

  I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and looked at Nancy.

  “When you came to my office—” she drew her finger along her cheek “—how’d that happen?”

  I shook my head, looking down at my lap. “That was the first time I woke up injured. I didn’t know I’d heal.”

  “And, that’s why Cody came back from the hospital so quickly?” she asked with a little more enthusiasm.

  I looked up at Sarah, and she nodded. “It’s good that Nancy knows.”

  I reached my hand up to pull it through my hair, then dropped it, remembering the burns. “I had no idea I could do that. I was as surprised as anyone when his wounds healed.”

  She tipped her head back and laughed. “That is quite a power that you have.” She rubbed her hands together. “Have you considered going into medicine?”

  “Really … I just want to survive freshman year.” I stared at my shoes.

  “Think of all the good you could do, all the people you could help.” Her hands were in constant motion, emphasizing every word she said.

  I shifted on the couch. “How would any of it be explained? No one would understand.”

  Her shoulders slumped. “But, you could do so much—”

  “I know, but I also know what it’s like to have these powers—” I swallowed “—and how people treat me because of them.”

  She sat on the end of the couch and rested her hand on my shoulder. “People fear what they don’t understand, but some people would accept it. And, that’s a gift.”

  I snorted. “It’s a rare gift.”

  Sarah cleared her throat. “Dacia needs to rest. She’ll heal faster.”

  Nancy pursed her lips, but I wanted to jump up and hug Sarah.

  After Nancy left, Sarah sat across from me. “I know you’re concerned, but I think this is a good thing.”

  I shrugged. “Probably. It’s just too much right now.”

  “Are you okay?” She leaned toward me.

  “I’m scared.” I stared down at my hands. White blisters stood out against bright red skin. “I think Draconian will be worse than Nefarious.” I looked into her eyes. “Maybe we should let Nancy know that if something happens to you, Samantha or Cody, she should call me to help before she calls 9-1-1.”

  Her mouth opened, then closed, then opened again. “Why do you think Draconian will be worse?”

  “I have faced so many dragons in my dreams, not just one, and Draconian said he controls fifteen of them. He attacked me on campus during the middle of the day. He can get into my head whether I’m conscious or unconscious. He’s trying to figure out how to control me. If he does, you’ll all be in danger—from me. If he’s controlling me, you won’t be able to stop me from handing Nefarious over to him.”

  She got up and paced. She seemed to think better on her feet. “I never considered that. Maybe I should move the vase.”

  “Somewhere I don’t know about.”

  “I’ll move it today.” She looked at the clock. “I need to get going.”

  “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to stay for a little bit while I regain some strength. Then I might try to teleport to my room. I don’t want to face Draconian or his dragons anytime soon.”

  “Be sure to let Cody and Samantha know what happened. You need to keep them informed.”

  “Yeah, and sometime after finals—” I yawned “—I’m going to tell Dan about me. He deserves to know what he’s getting into.”

  She patted my shoulder. “I think that’s a good idea.” She went into her office and came out with her purse. “Be careful.”

  I stayed in Sarah’s office listening to the rumbling thunder and pelting rain. After some of my strength returned, I called my room. Nobody answered. I hung up the phone and closed my eyes. When I opened them again, I stood alone next to Cookie Monster.

  Chapter 10

  Coming Clean

  Butterflies dive-bombed my stomach, and my feet tapped relentlessly, keeping time with my heart. Finals were over, and I was as free as a bird.

  I should’ve spent the day enjoying myself. Instead, I paced from the door to the wall, ten steps, from the wall back to the door, eleven steps that time. I was more stressed about telling Dan than Samantha was about failing all of her finals. She’d gotten out of bed this morning mumbling about being a failure, but she’d gone to class. Deep down, she knew she’d get an A on her test. But, all I could think about was Dan’s reaction. No matter how I pictured myself telling him, I saw fear dull his eyes and hatred harden his heart. Too many people had reacted that way for me to believe Dan would be any different. As I crossed the floor for the thousandth time, ten steps again, I sensed Cody at the door and realized it was time.

  Cody came in and held my face in his hands, rubbing his thumbs along my temples. “You ready? They’ll be here any minute.”

  Without meaning to, I siphoned some of his energy. It flowed into me, strong, reassuring. “I’m really nervous, but I can’t let him stay here without knowing what he’s getting into. It wouldn’t be fair.” I leaned into Cody for a hug and some of my tension disappeared.

  He held my head against his chest. “Sam and I are here for you.”

  When Dan and Samantha showed up, we made small talk for a while. Samantha swore she failed all her finals, but the rest of us agreed she aced them.

  When we hit a lull in the conversation, I hid my trembling hands behind my back. “Dan, I have something I need to show you.” My voice belied the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

  “It’s really cool.” Samantha squeezed his arm.

  He looked from me to her. “What is it?”

  “Remember to keep an open mind,” Samantha added.

  I took a deep breath. “This is going to shock you. Ready?”

  “And waiting.” He sounded … like the only one left out of an inside joke.

  I willed a ball of fire to life in the palm of my hand. Dan’s eyes widened, and his mouth hung open. Blue flames grew to the size of a softball.

  “Wha—what’s going on?” Dan turned from me to Samantha to Cody. “This … this can’t be happening. It’s impossible!”

  “It’s okay, Dan.” Samantha’s voice was low and soothing.

  “No, it isn’t!” Dan threw the chair backward almost tipping it over in his rush to get out. “How can you do that?” He backed away from me, staring at me like I’d grown a second head. He gripped the back of the desk chair, his knuckles white from the force. “How can you just stand there and watch her?”

  The fireball shrank in my hand as my concentration diminished. “Dan—” I swallowed the lump in my throat “—I didn’t mean to scare you. I …”

  “You didn’t mean to scare me?” The color had drained from his face. “Maybe this is normal for you, but it’s not to most people.”

  “Calm down, Dan.” Cody thrust his finger forward, pointing at Dan, then at me. “Dacia, finish.”

  Cody moved in front of the door. His feet spread wide apart, his arms crossed over his chest. “Dacia,” he said in a calmer tone. “Please finish.”

  Samantha sat on the arm of the chair, her eyes full of tears. The ball of flames in my hand was only the size of a quarter. I concentrated on it, watching it grow, trying not to think about the fear on Dan’s face. As ice flowed from my fingertips, I heard Dan gasp. When the last flame was extinguished, I sent the ice sphere flying through the air to Cody.

  “You gotta admit that was cool.” Cody sounded like my own personal cheerleader. He grabbed the globe and tossed it to Dan.

Dan jumped back from it. As the orb crashed to the ground, shattering, I jerked back like I’d been slapped. Tiny shards of ice slid across the floor in all directions.

  Dan’s hands clenched at his sides. Veins popped out along his arm muscles. “Let me out, Cody.”

  Cody reminded me of a bouncer with his face closed off and emotionless. “Calm down first.”

  Dan shoved his finger into Cody’s chest. “I’m not going to calm down as long as I’m trapped in here with her.”

  Walking up behind him, Samantha raised her hand and held it out, hesitating before placing it on Dan’s arm. He jerked away. Her forehead crumpled, and her eyes glistened. “Dan, please …”

  “I’m sorry, Samantha. I really am.” He ran his hand through his hair. “This is too much.”

  Samantha’s voice stayed steady. “Dacia was afraid you’d react like this, but I told her she could trust you.” She turned toward me. “Can you guys give us ten or fifteen minutes?”

  “Sure.” I forced the word out.

  “We’ll be in the hall.” Cody reached his hand out to me. I walked to his side, avoiding looking at Samantha and Dan.

  “Thanks.” Samantha dragged Dan by the hand to Big Bird.

  Cody and I stepped out, and he pulled me into his arms. “Give him time. He’ll come around.”

  “What if he doesn’t?”

  “He will.” He brushed my hair back. “He’s in shock.”

  I wrapped my arms around Cody’s waist and leaned into him, needing his strength and support. Time slowed. I wondered if Samantha would ever let us back in. A few people walked down the hall, casting curious glances in our direction.

  Finally, Samantha opened the door. “Come back in.”

  Dan glanced up at me then looked back at his hands. He cleared his throat. “Sammi explained some things.”


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