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Dacia Wolf & the Dragon Lord

Page 15

by Mandi Oyster

  “I know, but it also gives him a chance to come up with a plan.” I pulled my book out and sat it on the desk.

  “Maybe we should come up with a plan of our own.” Samantha tapped her pen against her lip. “Maybe there’s a way to get Draconian out on his own.”

  “I’m open to suggestions.” I didn’t see how we could lure him out without his dragons, but I was willing to give almost anything a try.

  “That is a good idea,” Aurelia said. “We should try to come up with something. If we can fight Draconian alone or even with just one or two dragons around, that would be much better than dealing with all of them.”

  “Yeah.” A fake laugh followed the word. “But how am I going to defeat even one dragon, let alone Draconian?” A shiver ran down my spine as I pictured myself surrounded by fifteen dragons. They crept toward me, bloodthirsty fangs yearning to sink into my skin. I would be lucky to survive five minutes in a fight with them. Draconian wouldn’t show himself until it was over. He would hide behind his dragons while they tore the flesh from my bones.

  “Remember, Dacia, you will not have to beat all of his dragons. You will only have to stop him.” Aurelia kept her voice quiet.

  Without meaning to, I rolled my eyes at her. “Sure, but the dragons won’t stand by and watch me battle Draconian. They’ll protect him.”

  “Guys, too many people.” Cody waved his arm at the classroom.

  Aurelia wasn’t ready to be done, though. She projected her thoughts to me, Do not give up, Dacia. There is always hope.

  I’m sorry, I thought to her, but I’m terrified of dragons. They’re evil, vicious, cruel monsters with only death and destruction on their minds.

  Aurelia’s face hardened, and her eyes flashed dangerously. It is not their fault. Those dragons are under Draconian’s control. They are not evil, vicious, or cruel. You know they are being tortured.

  Sorry, but all of them that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting have been just that … evil, vicious, cruel, horrible monsters! I slammed my fist down on the desk. Pain shot through my hand, but I kept my face hard.

  If your only experience with a dog was a bad one, would you assume all dogs were monsters? Dragons are the same. Some are evil, but not all. She stared at Professor Granite, watching him write calculations on the whiteboard. I could say people are evil, vicious, and cruel because Draconian is, but I would be wrong. Not all people are bad … you are not.

  You’re right. I looked down at my hands folded on my desk, feeling guilty for assuming the worst. I lifted my head, meeting her golden eyes, hoping she would understand. I’ve encountered several dragons, and they’ve all been under Draconian’s control. I guess I just thought it was their nature to be evil.

  Her face softened. You are forgiven. It seems a reasonable assumption. I have actually met a dragon or two, and they were benevolent.

  Maybe someday I can meet them. It would be nice to be proven wrong about this.

  I doubt the dragons that remain free will come out of hiding until Draconian is stopped. Throughout history, dragons have been hunted and feared but never controlled … until now.

  Samantha poked me in the leg with her pencil. I looked into her narrowed her eyes. “Are you two listening at all?”

  “No,” I answered, “we’re having a conversation.”

  “Do that later,” she whispered fiercely. “You’re going to fail all your classes!”

  “Maybe astronomy,” I agreed, “but I can do most math in my sleep.”

  “Ladies,” Professor Granite snapped, “if you think you can do a better job teaching this class than I can, please, by all means, come up and teach it. Otherwise, zip it!” I had never seen him angry before, even though he looked like the type that might have a temper. He was about 5’10” with an average build. He had a salt and pepper mullet and mustache, and at the moment, very angry gray eyes.

  “Sorry, sir,” I said.

  “Sorry,” Samantha mumbled.

  Well, Aurelia projected to me, it seems your telepathy is pretty good. Obviously, Samantha was not able to hear us.

  Yeah, but I need to pay attention now. If I don’t, Samantha will get in even more trouble.


  “We’re going to your room,” I said to Cody and Dan. Kalmia Hall was twice as far from the women’s dorm as the men’s.

  Aurelia nodded, and the five of us left together. We strode to Dracaena Hall, glancing over our shoulders, fearing what might be hiding behind every tree, jumping at every sound.

  We strode through the hallways to Dan and Cody’s room. The blinds were down and the curtains drawn.

  “You need to let some air in here,” Samantha said.

  Dan shrugged. “I never know if I’ll be coming back, so I leave the window closed.”

  “I’m sorry, Dan.” I sucked in a deep breath. “I never meant to put you in danger.”

  He shook his head. “That’s not what I meant.” He brushed his auburn hair back. His hair was longer than I’d seen it since meeting him. “One of these nights, I’ll be too scared to be on my own.”

  Aurelia took Dan’s and Samantha’s hands in hers. “This room is also warded as long as you or I are in it.” She nodded at me before teleporting away.

  “Guess she thinks we need some time alone,” Cody said.

  I pulled my hand through my hair. “I think she realizes I feel like a caged animal.” With Elmo in our room, the furnishings here were pretty sparse. I sat on the floor under the window, pulling my knees up to my chest. “We had a pretty intense argument in class.”

  Cody sat down beside me. His arm and leg brushed against mine. Warmth seeped into me.

  “I don’t know if I’ll live through this, Cody. How am I gonna fight them all?”

  He tucked one arm under my knees and wrapped the other around my shoulders, then lifted me onto his lap.

  “You felt the same with Nefarious. Still here.” He rubbed his hand along my arm. “Have faith.”

  I laid my head on his shoulder. “I’m trying.”

  He pressed his lips to my forehead. “You’ll get through this.”

  I tilted my face up, brushing my lips along his neck. A low moan escaped from him. His hand slid under my shirt, clasping my waist.

  My fingers wove through his hair, pulling his mouth to mine. I turned, wrapping my legs around his waist.

  His hands explored my back, drawing me closer. His fingers slid into my sleeves, and he looked at me, asking permission.

  I shook my head. “Not yet.”

  He slid his hands down, kneading my tense muscles, trailing kisses from my mouth to my ear. “When you’re ready.” His teeth scraped against my earlobe. “I love you.”

  Cupping his face in my hands, I said, “I love you, too.” My voice was throaty.

  I knew Cody wanted more, but besides not being ready, I didn’t know how the battle with Draconian would end. The thought that I might never die also pressed down on me.

  “Dacia?” Cody clenched my waist. His eyes were tender. “I’ll wait forever if that’s what you want.”

  I brushed my thumbs over his cheeks. “Not forever … just not yet.” Standing, I reached my hand down to him. He took it, letting me pull him to his feet.

  Grasping my shoulders, he said, “Don’t shut me out.”

  I stepped closer, wrapping my arms around his waist. He clutched me against him. I didn’t know what to say, so I just nodded. “Ready?”


  Closing my eyes, I pictured my room. My body felt like it was being sucked into one tiny spot in my chest. Darkness surrounded me. Then Cody and I reappeared near the sink, still holding each other.

  Cody stepped back, pulling out of my embrace. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dan and Samantha separating from ea
ch other, sitting up on the couch, and finger-combing their hair.

  “Where’s Aurelia?” I asked, turning to face them.

  “Her room.” Dan nodded toward the door.

  “It seems she just needs to be in the building to keep the wards up.” Samantha furtively untwisted her shirt.

  We’re back, I thought to Aurelia.

  Thank you for letting me know.

  “If anybody is up for that pizza and movie, I’ll buy.” I tossed my backpack against the wall.

  “Yeah, that’d be good,” Dan said.

  “We’ll all chip in.” Samantha shrugged. “We need it as much as you do.”


  “Dan, catch.” Cody tossed him a ruler. Without skipping a beat, Dan was on his feet in a frantic sword fight with Cody. They danced through the room banging ruler against ruler. Then Dan struck Cody.

  Cody slipped away with Dan’s ruler stuck between his arm and ribcage. He stumbled backward and fell to the ground. “Dacia.” Cody gasped as he clutched his chest. “I’m fading fast. Grant a dying man his last wish?”

  “What is it, Cody?” I joined in, acting like I was about to lose him forever.

  “A kiss … from your beautiful lips … is all … I need … please.” He wheezed as if taking his last breaths.

  I leaned over and kissed him. With that, his head fell to the side, and he died with a smile on his face.

  Dan and Samantha stood up and clapped. “A death scene like that deserves a standing ovation,” Samantha said.

  Cody jumped to his feet and took a bow. “Thank you … thank you. Where’d I be without my fans?”

  “So, are you going to start taking acting classes?” I asked.

  “You never know,” he said with a twinkle in his eye. “If it’d get you to kiss me, I might.”

  “Cody.” I rolled my eyes.

  After the movie, Samantha and Dan stretched out on the couch. The red fabric clashed with the lavender carpet, but Cody appreciated being able to lie down to sleep.

  It didn’t take Samantha long to fall asleep wrapped in Dan’s arms.

  I grabbed my pajamas and started for the door.

  “Can I stay here tonight?” Dan asked. “Seeing Draconian today has me a little freaked out.”

  “Yeah, no problem.” I stepped into the hall and slumped against the door. Hopefully, I could make it through the night without a nightmare.

  Chapter 22

  A Witness To Madness

  Without the moon to interfere, stars brighten the night sky. Cody and I walk hand in hand from the student center. The cool breeze blows the scent of grilling hamburgers across campus.

  I point to a bench. “Let’s sit over there.”

  “Sure.” He sits, spreading his arm across the back.

  I lie down with my head on his lap, looking up at the stars. “They’re so much brighter here than at home. I love looking at them and watching the moonrise.”

  Cody’s fingers trail through my hair. “Uh, don’t think that’s the moon.”

  “Over there.” I jab my finger toward the sky.

  “That’s not east.”

  I sit up and stare in disbelief. Flames stretch toward the heavens. “You’re right. We need to get outta here.”

  I stand, reaching for Cody’s hand, but he doesn’t take it. His gaze is glued on the sky behind me. Dread clutches my heart as I turn to see what Cody’s looking at.

  An amethyst dragon soars toward us on bat-like wings. Flames spew from its beak-like jaws, illuminating the two twisted horns protruding from its angular head.

  The ground ignites below the beast. It narrows its eyes and darts at us.

  “Cody, we need to leave now!”

  I grab his hand and tug. We sprint for the dorm. Lights line the winding sidewalk, but we cut through the trees, jumping over roots and ducking beneath low branches.

  The creatures of the night go silent, and my heart plummets.

  A rumbling growl sends a chill down my spine. An ebony dragon stalks forward. Its body clings to the ground. Its demon-like wings are tucked into its muscled sides.

  Cody and I inch backward. The dragon strikes, grabbing Cody around the waist, lifting him into the air.

  I clutch Cody’s hand. My feet lift off the ground.

  The purple dragon pierces my shoulders and yanks me away. Pain clouds my thoughts. The dragons beat their wings, rising above the rooftops.

  Let us go, I think to the dragons. In return, I might be able to help you.

  Help? The dragon carrying me snorts and smoke puffs out of its nostrils.

  The black dragon’s eyes narrow, and its talons clench.

  Cody screams. Blood runs from his side, dripping off the dragon’s knuckles. It roars back to me in an earsplitting baritone voice. Why would I need the help of a puny human? Look at me. I am on top of the food chain.

  But Draconian controls you.

  Nobody controls me! I have no master!

  Then why are you taking us to him?

  He knows I am powerful. He fears and respects me. He asked me to do it for him because he cannot.

  “Dacia, if you can’t save us both …” Cody’s voice is laced with pain. “Promise you’ll escape.”

  “I can’t do that, Cody.” My heart drums in my ears. “I know what Draconian’s capable of. His torture is ruthless. You wouldn’t survive.”

  “Promise or I’ll make this dragon kill me.”

  “Fine! I promise.”

  Cody’s head sags. His blood still drips from the dragon’s talon.

  “Hang in there, Cody.” I turn my thoughts to the black dragon. Let me help. He’ll die.

  The beast whips his head toward me. His ebony horns slice through the air.

  He is insignificant. You are the one Draconian wants.

  Fire consumes my thoughts. I hold it in until I’m engulfed in flames. Slipping out of the dragon’s claws, I hover between them. If you want to take me to Draconian, you’ll let me heal Cody now!

  The black one roars, and the stench of rotten flesh hits with the force of a gale. You are testing my patience, little one. The dragons descend.

  I asked you nicely. You could have cooperated.

  As he alights, he relaxes his grip on Cody. “You have one minute.”

  Just before landing between the dragons, I extinguish my flames. My stomach rolls. I want to dart away, but I kneel and place my hands over Cody’s wounds. “If you’d let go of him, this’d be much easier.”

  “You will not leave without the boy, and I will not give you the chance to leave with him.” The dragon’s voice rumbles low and deep.

  If I teleport while the dragon holds Cody will it come along? It’s too great of a risk.

  I close my eyes and think about life. Cody’s injuries slowly begin to mend. His skin draws together, and he gasps.

  “Thanks.” He squeezes my hand. “Wondered if I’d see you again.”

  “I need you to stay with me.”

  He tries to sit, but the dragon forces him down. “Shall we continue?” the beast asks. “Or must I listen to you drone on?”

  I stand and stare into the dragon’s bronze eyes. “Carry him carefully. I’ll fly alongside you until we’re almost there. Then I’ll let that one”—I jerk my thumb over my shoulder at the other dragon—“carry me in. If you hurt him, I’ll disappear.”

  The purple dragon growls and steps closer to me. I stiffen but don’t turn. Sweat beads along my hair and upper lip.

  The black dragon lifts Cody, not allowing its claws to dig in, and they both launch into the air. I fly along beside them, watching Cody, hoping for a chance to free him.

  “It’s time,” the dragon snarls.

you sure about this, uh … what is your name?” I ask.

  The dragon hisses. “You are an insolent pest.”

  “I’m sorry.” I’m not sure why he’s angry. “I just wanted to ask if we could come to some other arrangement. I don’t want to go to Draconian, but I can’t let you take Cody without me.”

  “It is too late.” The amethyst dragon reaches up as quick as lightning and grabs me out of the sky. I scream in pain as its talons pierce my body.

  “Dacia, you okay?”

  “I’ve been better.” I bite back the pain.

  The dragon takes me to Draconian and drops me at his feet.

  “Let the boy go,” Draconian says.

  There’s a long pause, and I know the dragons are communicating with Draconian. “So, you can free yourself, yet you stayed for him.” Draconian strokes his beard, looking up at the ceiling. “Maybe he is not insignificant. Maybe I can use him. My friend here will hold onto him until you give me what I want.”

  “Dacia, save yourself,” Cody says as he’s dragged off.

  “Shut up, boy.” Draconian yells before turning his gaze on me.

  My body goes limp. I fall to the ground at Draconian’s feet. The first thing that comes to mind is that I need to have Aurelia teach me how to get out of this. I’m completely powerless. My thoughts are interrupted when fire sears through my body.

  “Your boyfriend here can’t hear how much pain you’re in.” Draconian shakes his head like it’s a tragedy. “That will never do.” Once again, pain envelopes me. This time when I scream, instead of silence, an agonized cry echoes in the cavernous room.

  “Dacia!” Cody yells. “Don’t do this for me.”

  “You have a choice, Dacia. You can either give me Nefarious, or we can continue. Which will it be?” Draconian’s voice is fierce.

  “I … I will n-nev … never give him … to you,” I say through my sobs.

  Electricity buzzes through my body, burning my muscles. The stone floor cools my skin, easing some of the pain.


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