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Dacia Wolf & the Dragon Lord

Page 20

by Mandi Oyster

  Eventually, my eyelids became so heavy I couldn’t force them to reopen. I had no choice but to sleep.

  Draconian waits with his dragons. I’m alone. I won’t have to fight for anybody but myself. While Draconian saunters toward me, I check out my surroundings. We stand in a clearing in the middle of a forest.

  Draconian stops a few feet from me, his hands lifted in front of him. “Can we talk, please?”

  “Why?” I close my eyes and rub my face. “I already know what you have to say. You know my answer. Neither of us will give in.”

  “Violence doesn’t seem to be working, so I thought we could try to solve this problem diplomatically.” He waves his hand. “I would like to have Nefarious for my collection. I won’t free him. I just want him. I would also like to train you, Dacia. You could be the greatest sorceress of all time if you would let me help you hone your skills.”

  “Nefarious is safely hidden away from all of us … where he should be. Hopefully, he will stay there for eternity,” I say. “And, as far as being the greatest sorceress of all time, I would rather be a normal college kid right now. I’d love to have a normal life with normal worries and struggles.”

  “But … you could be magnificent.”

  Stifling a humorless laugh, I say, “I don’t wanna be.”

  “How can you not want to live up to your potential?” He slams the back of one hand against the palm of his other. “Why do you want to be average … when you could be extraordinary?”

  “I don’t want to control everything and everyone. I want to live and let live. I want a normal, wonderful life.” It is like explaining something to a brick wall. He can’t comprehend what I’m saying.

  “I’ll have to keep you captive until you see the light. You will be my protégée!”

  Before he has a chance to paralyze me, I teleport away. Is that really what he wants? Why?

  Chapter 28



  “What?” My eyes jerked open. “Is something wrong?”

  “No, it’s morning.” Cody’s voice was soft, timid. “How’re you?”

  “Don’t know.” I tried to sit up but couldn’t. My breath accelerated. I felt like a bug trapped in a spider web. Why? Did Draconian do something to me, or were my powers diminishing? I tried to keep my expression neutral, to hide my fear. “C-could you …” I cleared my throat. “Can you get Aurelia?” I could’ve tried speaking to her mind, but I was afraid my thoughts were too scattered.

  “Guys … no talking.” Samantha yawned. “It’s too early.”

  “Sorry, Sam,” I said, not wanting to worry her yet.

  “Dacia can’t move,” Cody practically yelled at her. “Sorry I woke you.”

  “Cody, calm down.” I stared at the ceiling, unable to do anything else. “Losing your temper doesn’t help anyone.”

  “Is there something I can do?” Dan asked.

  “No, Cody’s going to get Aurelia.” I could’ve sent Dan to get her, but Cody needed something to do.

  “Be right back. Don’t worry. You’ll be okay.” He ran out the door.

  As much as I wanted to, I didn’t share his opinion. If I was going to heal, it should’ve happened by now. Something was wrong. I couldn’t help but wonder if I’d ever be able to move again.

  “I’m sorry, Dacia,” Samantha climbed out of her loft. “I assumed you’d be fine by morning. You’re always fine by morning.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” I tried to sound confident, but I just wanted to cry. “I know you didn’t mean anything.”

  Dacia, Draconian said. Are you ready to face me?

  Not this morning. I have class. I couldn’t let him find out I was paralyzed. If he knew, there’d be no end to the havoc he’d wreak on my friends.

  Maybe later this week … maybe you won’t be scared stiff by then.

  “That was weird.” The urge to pull my hand through my hair was overwhelming. The action helped me center myself.

  “What was weird?” Aurelia asked.

  Her voice startled me. I hadn’t heard her and Cody come back. “Draconian wanted to know if I was ready to face him.”

  “It seems a little odd that he contacted you.” Her voice was closer, but I still couldn’t see her. “Did he say anything out of the ordinary?”

  “He asked if I was ready to face him.” I shrugged my shoulders, but they didn’t move. “He must be as anxious to get this over with as I am.”

  “Maybe.” Aurelia didn’t sound convinced. “Try to sit up.”

  I tried to force myself into a sitting position, but my body didn’t respond. My heart pounded in my ears, drowning out everything else. Sweat beaded at my temples.

  Aurelia placed her hands on my stomach and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she said, “Maybe something was still trying to heal. Now, try again.”

  As I tried to sit up, I realized what Draconian had said earlier. “He said something about being scared stiff. Do you think he has something to do with me not being able to move?” The words raced off my tongue.

  “What do you do when he tries to control you?” Cody asked.

  “Yeah, try that,” Samantha said.

  Aurelia pulled her hands back. “If that does not work, try to teleport.”

  “It’s worth a shot,” Dan added his two cents worth.

  I closed my eyes and concentrated on clearing my thoughts. “It’s not working.” Tears welled up behind my eyelids, and a feeling of despair threatened to overwhelm me.

  “I am going to hold your hand,” Aurelia said. “Teleport somewhere safe.”

  “Where?” I asked.

  “Try Dan and Cody’s room.” Samantha sounded wide awake now. “Nobody is staying there. It should be empty.”

  I concentrated on Cody’s room. I moved through space and fell to the ground with a thud. The room was dark and smelled stuffy. I needed to remember to tell him to open his window and air it out.

  “Are you okay?” Aurelia asked.

  “Still can’t move.” I grew more disheartened.

  “We are going to teleport further away to see what happens,” Aurelia said. “I will lead the way.”

  We teleported to a cave heaped with treasure. I staggered back. “Where are we?” Gold, jewels, and art filled the enormous cavern.

  “You can move again.”

  Spinning in a circle, I stared in amazement at the wealth contained in the room. “Yeah, but where are we?”

  “Sometimes Arion is here.” Her eyes twinkled, reflecting the treasure. “I figured it would be safe. Apparently, Draconian had you under a spell.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” I pulled my hand through my hair, then held it in front of my face, watching my fingers wiggle. “Why couldn’t I free myself?”

  “If he combined his magic with one of the dragon’s, it would be far superior to yours,” she said. “I hoped that bit of information had eluded him, but judging from this, he may have figured it out.”

  “Great, so what can I expect now?”

  “I do not know, Dacia. Maybe this is just his magic. Maybe it has nothing to do with dragons.”

  “Let’s hope,” I said, even though I didn’t believe there was any reason to. “We should get back. The others probably wonder what’s going on.”

  When we got back to the room, Samantha and Dan sat huddled together. Cody paced, rubbing his neck. His hand fell to his side. He strode across the room, pulling me into his arms and rested his forehead against mine.

  Samantha let out a relieved sigh. “You’re okay.”

  “Yeah.” I ran my fingers along Cody’s jaw and stepped back. “We had to teleport farther away to break the spell, but it was Draconian.”

  “I don’t know how you do this d
ay after day,” Dan said.

  “I don’t have a choice.” I laughed humorlessly. “If I did, I think I’d choose a normal life.”

  “Would you?” Aurelia raised a golden eyebrow. “Could you really sit back and see evil happen around you and not try to stop it? Unlike most, you have the power to make things better.”

  “Probably not”—I shook my head—“but … ignorance is bliss. If I wasn’t directly involved, I might not know any of this was going on.”

  “I imagine anyone who’s ever been in a situation like this wished it wasn’t them.” Samantha fiddled with her bracelet. “But, you rose to the challenge, and that makes you a hero.”

  “I wouldn’t say that.”

  “I would,” Aurelia, Dan and Cody echoed the sentiment.

  I looked down to keep them from noticing my blush. “Thanks.”

  “We’re going to be late for class if we don’t get moving.” Dan stood, reaching his hand down to Samantha.

  “I’m skipping.” I held my shirt out in front of me. “I’m covered in blood, my pajamas are ripped to shreds, and I need a shower.”

  “I’ll stay,” Cody said.

  “That sounds like a good idea to me.” Dan patted Samantha’s shoulder.

  “Hmph … fine.” Samantha sounded frustrated. “I don’t want to be taken hostage any more than either of you, but I hate skipping class.”

  “It sounds like a wonderful idea to me,” Aurelia said. “I think you will all be safer this way. Too much has happened over the last couple of days.”

  I took a long shower. It was meant to be relaxing, but my mind kept wandering. I wanted to know where Draconian’s newfound power came from and how to stop him. Was there a way? Could I put an end to this?

  I dressed in jean shorts and a black graphic tee and was lacing up my sneakers when Draconian’s voice echoed in my head. How’s my future apprentice?

  I wanted to come up with a witty response, but the best that I could think of was, I’ll let you know if I meet her.

  You, Dacia. Anger inhabited his voice.

  Unmoved by your desire to control me.

  What a pity. Sarcasm dripped from his words. I noticed you skipped class this morning. Is something wrong?

  Nothing I can’t handle.

  You have two weeks. If I don’t have Nefarious in two weeks, I will kill your friends. Do you understand?

  I will face you in two weeks if you swear to leave all of us alone until then. If these are to be my last two weeks, I want to live them peacefully.

  Have you figured out what your friend is yet?

  Which one? Aurelia’s face danced behind my eyes, and I wondered why she wouldn’t tell me. Unlike you, I have many.

  It doesn’t matter. I know what she is. He laughed, and it was laced with madness. You’ll find out soon enough. You have two weeks. After that, you will become my protégée, or you will die!

  I will never belong to you!

  The choice is yours. For now, you are free to go.

  Did he think he’d released me from his spell? Could I trust Draconian to leave us alone for the next two weeks? Was it a trick, or would he stay true to his word? No matter what, I had a lot to learn in the next two weeks.

  Closing the door to my room, I leaned against it. Samantha and Dan were snuggled together on the couch. Aurelia perched on Big Bird, and Cody sat in Cookie Monster. Except for Aurelia, sleepless nights were evident on their faces. Dark circles crouched under their eyes.

  Pushing away from the door, I stood beside Cody. “I have good news and bad news. Which do you want first?”

  “How about you give us the good news and never tell us the bad?” Samantha said.

  “Don’t think so.” Cody grabbed my hand. “Give ‘em to us.”

  “In two weeks, I have to face Draconian, but until then, he will leave us alone.”

  “Two weeks.” Dan leaned back and a smile spread across his face, dimples made him look younger than he had since Draconian became part of his life. “Two weeks without worrying about being kidnapped, without being attacked by dragons, but … then what will you do?”

  “He said my choice is to be his protégée or die.” I studied my fingernails, trying to look unconcerned. “I’m not fond of either choice, so I’ll have to come up with a third option. Two weeks of freedom sounds good, though.”

  “Will he keep his word?” Cody asked. “Can we trust him?”

  “I don’t know.” I sat down on Cody’s lap.

  Samantha leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. “We’ll have to keep our guard up.”

  “He knows Dacia is strong.” Aurelia nodded at me. “I think he will be true to his word. He wants to put an end to this. He wants to get his hands on Nefarious, and his way has only proven how resourceful Dacia can be. I imagine he believes that if he keeps his word, Dacia will keep hers.”

  Cody held me tighter. “I don’t like having a deadline.”

  “I don’t know how much I like it either”—I rubbed my hands along Cody’s arms, trying to relieve some of his tension—“but the end is in sight. And, more importantly, as long as I face him, you guys will be safe.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Samantha sat back and tugged on her lip.

  “There are always consequences.” I stood up and walked to the window. “If I don’t confront him within two weeks, he’ll come after you guys.”

  “Oh.” Dan’s face fell.

  “You don’t have to worry.” I squared my shoulders and held his gaze. “I’ll face him. I won’t let any of you be hurt because of me.”

  “We know that, Dacia,” Samantha said. “It just sounds worse when you throw in his threat.”

  “What else did he say?” Aurelia rarely ever showed emotion, but her eyes took in everything.

  Turning away from them, I stared out the window. Fat clouds floated lazily across the sky. Pine trees stretched, reaching for the sun. Students scurried about, hustling to classes. I turned back and looked Aurelia in the eyes. “He asked if I know what you are yet.” I twirled a crimson strand around my finger. “I told him he’d have to clarify because I have many friends. Then I told him I was unmoved by his concern, hoping he’d think I was still paralyzed.”

  Aurelia’s smile was dazzling. “The less he knows about your skills, the better off you are.”

  “If he really is going to leave us alone for two weeks, do you guys want to spend the day in Althea?” I asked.

  “Lunch at The Avalanche.” A grin spread across Samantha’s face.

  “Sounds good.” Dan rubbed his hands together. “Oh, and maybe I can sleep in my own bed tonight?”

  “I don’t see why not.” Cody laughed. “I’ll be here. Draconian can promise the moon, but Dacia may still have nightmares.”

  “You guys can do whatever you want,” I said. “Just be back here between ten-thirty and eleven, so we can leave.”

  “Do I have to go, too?” Cody asked in his best poor-me voice.

  “None of you have to.” I shook my head at him. “I just assumed you were all ready to.”

  “I am chomping at the bit to get out of here,” Dan said. “I feel claustrophobic, and I’ve only been here a while. I can’t imagine how all of you feel.”

  “I felt the same way when I dealt with Nefarious. If I hadn’t been so worried about the three of you this time, I’m sure I’d feel that way now.”

  “She kept wandering off while we were sleeping.” Samantha’s lips pressed together, and she shook her head. “It was bad.”

  While they talked about me, I focused my attention on Aurelia and projected my thoughts to her, I’m sure Dan and Samantha will stay together. Can you have Arion keep an eye on them?

  I am one step ahead of you. He said he would be
honored to help you, and he will be discreet.

  I smiled at her as a little weight lifted off my shoulders.

  “Luckily, Dacia’s been well behaved this time.” Cody laughed.

  “With Nefarious, I was hunted, and you were smothering me,” I reminded them. “This time I’m more of a guardian … or a protector … or something. Draconian wants something from me. If he didn’t, he would’ve killed me already. Right now, I’m fairly safe.”

  A relieved grin spread across Samantha’s face. “Well, as it turns out, none of us have to worry right now. We’re all off the hook for two weeks.”

  “Don’t be so sure.” Cody rubbed the back of his neck. “Be cautious. We can’t trust Draconian.”

  “I know I’m being optimistic, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be careful. I was actually thinking about maybe having Arion keep an eye on us. What do you think, Dan?” Samantha asked.

  “I would feel more comfortable with that.” He nodded. “That way, if something happens, you’ll know right away.”

  “It has already been arranged,” Aurelia said.

  “Thanks. Let’s get out of here.” Samantha grabbed Dan’s hand. “We’ll see you for lunch.”

  Aurelia followed them out the door. When she was in the hallway, she turned back. “Be careful.”

  “I need to go to my room. Do you wanna tag along?” Cody asked.

  “Yeah,” I told him.

  A thick fog rolled across the ground, making its way toward campus. Only the tops of the mountains were left exposed. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end as fear took hold of me. My initial response was to turn around and run back to safety, but I resisted the urge. Any other day, I would have been worried about Draconian attacking. However, today, I was free. Today, I didn’t have to worry about what was hiding around the next corner. Today, I could be the college kid I longed to be. Today, I could relax.

  “Today is a great day.” I pulled Cody’s arm around my shoulder. “If only they could all be like this.” Fog swallowed the campus, but even its gloom couldn’t dampen my spirits.


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